Member Reviews

Lovely 3rd book in the series. Cosy book about friendship, love and communities coming together. Loved the 1st two and can't wait for the next.

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Cute! That is the best way I can describe this book. It was delightful and adorable and a very fun read. Highly recommend.

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I can't believe it's a year since I first visited the Board Game Cafe! It was lovely being back there once more, with plenty of familiar faces, a love story between two perfect characters and so much more enveloping community, board games (scrabble anyone?), train spotting and sewing! This is a real holiday between the covers away from the drudge of daily life and certainly, one that will be in many a holiday bag this year I think! Bravo Jennifer Page, a gorgeous book!

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Second Chances at the Board Game Café is a perfectly cozy little summer read. It definitely broke the dull and exhausting routine of exam season for me!
We're returning to the magical and warm Yorkshire of Little Board Game Café fame (hi, Emily and Ludek!), now focusing on Taylor, a single mom whose biggest dream was to become a fashion designer.
We follow her path on the way of accomplishing herself in that area while navigating single-parenthood, and so many changes and obstacles. We're also lulled into the warmth of community and the kindness of people willing to band together and help.
We also meet Harry, a railway enthusiast and a frequent guest of our beloved board game cafe. Taylor and Harry cross paths, and their first encounter - and the measurements mishap - kick off a story of love, changes, misunderstandings, assumptions, insecurities, and self-doubting - and do we get a successful second-chance story?
This heartwarming read isn't just a romance. It's love altogether. It's the love of a mother, the love of community, the passion for dreams and chasing them, and the love for oneself in one's most authentic state.
It's safely predictable, where it won't keep you on the edge of your seat, but rather carefreely tucked under a blanket or, for it is summer, resting under a parasol with a cold drink, enjoying another story full of joy, trying, doubting, and still holding out for hope.
The rating (3.5 stars) on this one is entirely subjective, as I found some things that don't work for me as a reader. I'm gravitating toward some other themes and writing styles more, and though I did enjoy reading this book, I feel like I'm not the targeted audience. That's why the rating is lower, but I wouldn't miss out on this book if you like heartwarming and cute stories set in a small town with lots of joy and good spirits.

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Another book in the series about the Board games cafe, this time centring mostly on 2 of the customers. Taylor is a single mum, as such has her worries about her son and making a living. Harry is single, an accountant and trainspotter. They start to get to know one another. Some of the characters from the first book make a reappearance here, though in more minor roles
The plot is predictable, though kept me interested. A great feelgood holiday read . Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC

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This is the latest book in The Little Board Game series, having enjoyed the previous books in the series I knew this would also be a wonderful page turner, just like it's predecessors that I had devoured in an afternoon. Once again, great characters and a heart warming story, thoroughly enjoyed it.

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I'm reviewing this via NetGalley, as part of a tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

This contemporary romance is the third book in the Little Board Game Cafe series, set in the fictional Yorkshire village of Hebbleswick.

The protagonist is Taylor, an aspiring fashion designer and single mum to her son Max. I really liked Taylor, and some of her values resonated with me. I liked the way she used clothes to express herself, as I think that clothes and outfit choices are a great way to express personality. I found Harry quite endearing, and gentlemanly. I also thought Max was a wonderful character, and I enjoyed what he brought to the story.

The concept of a board game cafe is something that I find appealing, as board games are a fun way to interact with others, and I wonder if, in a day and age when technology is so present in our everyday lives, they may sometimes be overlooked.

This was a sweet, romantic read that made me smile, and I found it quite comforting. The Yorkshire village setting gave it a lovely cosy vibe, and I think it would be a good choice if you're looking for a light read, or a book that will help you relax and unwind.

Thank you to NetGalley, Rachel's Random Resources, and to the author and publisher, for the opportunity to read and review this.

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Remember the Scrabble pinafore dress in the first book – and the one with the weebles in the second? They were the only dresses that seamstress/sewist Taylor has ever been commissioned to make from scratch – she dreams of seeing her designs on a catwalk, but all the work that comes her way is mending, shortening and broken zips that need replacing. She’s also trying to be the best mother she can be to young Max – finding life difficult at times, unhappy at school but fearful of change, struggling when he comes across anything new and different.

And then there’s Harry – he finds life a challenge at times too. He’s an accountant, dresses very conventionally in muted colours, and loves trains and board games. And he really wishes he could get to know Taylor rather better – but doubts she’d ever be interested in someone boring like him. But he has a heart of gold, and is only too happy to help her out – despite her reluctance to accept it – when her new home starts falling apart around her (he’s really such a lovely man!). Goodness, he’ll even try his hand at some clothes upcycling if it means the chance to send more time with her. The attraction is mutual, but her son might be an obstacle to any possibility of them growing closer – but Harry and Max have more in common than they realise at first, and the barriers might just not be as difficult to overcome as they expect.

The author writes so beautifully – a lovely touch with the emotional content, and two very real individuals who entirely win your heart as the story unfolds from both their perspectives. And then there’s the wider community – with wonderful characters who’ll already be friends if you read and enjoyed the first two books, but who you’ll enjoy sending time with just as much if this is your first visit to Hebbleswick and Essendale. There’s a major project at the book’s heart, drama at times, a villain who casts a shadow, and plenty of setbacks and challenges along the way – but the whole book is filled with warmth and love and kindness, with friendship and support found in unexpected places, and more than a sprinkling of sheer joy. Just gorgeous – this book should be on everyone’s summer reading list.

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I would firstly just like to say a big thank you to Rachel’s Random Resources who very kindly forwarded me an arc copy of this book, for my kindle, in return for my honest review…

This is the next warm and uplifting instalment from The Little Board Game Café series. It is a second chance romance trope and is such a wonderful, warm and cosy read…

I absolutely love this series of books and i read this one really quickly as i just couldn’t stop turning the pages to find out what was going to happen!!

I really warmed to all the characters and found them to be very real and down-to-earth and just like a group of old friends…

This book was such a good read, it was heartwarming, romantic, with a great sense of community and i thoroughly enjoyed it…..

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This is an absolutely gorgeous book with such a sweet storyline and characters. Taylor lives with her son, Max and is struggling a bit to live as a single parent. Harry has been hurt by love in the past. A clothing upcycling program helps them both to realise that they have more friends and support than they realised and that help is always there when you ask for it. The ending was perfect and I will definitely be looking for more books by this author. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I received my copy as part of the blog tour for review

I was so thrilled to be accepted onto this tour as i am a huge fan of this series as you can see from my review here & here so to be returning to Hebbleswick was a joy to me and let me tell you this was like greeting old friends.

There is something about Jennifers writing that is comforting and warm to me, its just peaceful and lovely and if she could write more asap that would be great. This time we meet Taylor who dreams of been a fashion designer but life got in the way so she has settled for fixing zips and minor alterations. After all her far flung dreams dont pay the bills and with her young son Max to worry about thats all that really matters.

We also get to learn abit more about Harry this time who is a railway enthusiast who visits the boardgame cafe so when the pairs paths cross although they seem like an unlikely pair there is certainly some chemistry building. When Taylors day job seems at risk with the help of her new friends it looks like there might be a possibility of some of her dreams coming true as she starts a new trend within the community.

Once again - this was a joy to read, the small village feels, reuniting with old friends and making new along with some lovely coffee visits. This is one to sit down and enjoy. I was so sad i finished it because i am so invested in all these characters as they go about their day to day lives.

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Single mum Taylor is trying to make a living altering clothes while dreaming of being a fashion designer. Accountant Harry, who is an enthusiastic trainspotter, is trying to recover from his broken heart. The classic will they-won’t they get together forms the heart of this book.

Second Chances at the Board Game Café by Jennifer Page is the third in the series, where the eponymous café serves as the central meeting point for a whole cast of characters in the fictional Yorkshire town of Hebbleswick. This time, the café plays host to a sewing and upcycling club run by Taylor.

Readers of the previous two novels will be rewarded for the loyalty, with returning characters, locations and even fashions (welcome back, Scrabble dress) . In a full-circle moment, the Scrabble dress mentioned in previous books was made by Taylor.

Taylor’s son Max is a trainspotter like Harry, and they soon bond over their love of trains. With a nod to the Railway Children, the eight-year-old then tries to match his mum to Harry. Meanwhile Taylor has started a Monday night sewing and upcycling club at the café, which proves to be very popular.

Page writes engaging characters who you can’t help but root for in this cheery novel. The good people of Hebbleswick never fail to band together to help someone in need. You will finish the novel with a smile.

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Taylor, a single mum, has dreamed of being a fashion designer but spends her time making alterations instead. She moves to Hebbleswick with her son, Max, and tries to build her business. Harry is a train enthusiast who has a routine that includes going to the board game café, where he bumps into Taylor. The two keep meeting and the connection is clear between them. Can they overcome their obstacles and low self-confidence and explore their budding relationship?

I found the characters in this book really endearing, especially Harry and Max. I was cheering for Taylor, hoping she could make the steps towards the career she had dreamt about before becoming a young mum. It was lovely seeing hers and Harry’s confidences grow throughout the book.

I like the way that Harry and Max’s difficulties are portrayed and the connection that they have too with these in common.

As the third book in The Little Board Game Café series it was nice to catch up with what felt like old friends. Despite it being part of a series, you could read this as a standalone book.

I love the cover for this book too, it's so cute and a beautiful representation of the story
This is a lovely wholesome book with friendship, romance and community at the centre.

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Second Chances at the Board Game Cafe by Jennifer Page

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


In the cosy Yorkshire village of Hebbleswick, single mum Taylor dreams of a fashion design career, but she spends her days fixing zips, hemming skirts and worrying about her son, Max.

At the local board game cafe, railway enthusiast Harry, still recovering from a painful breakup, dreams of fatherhood. When Taylor and Harry cross paths, sparks fly, but Harry's confidence issues and Taylor's concerns for Max threaten their budding romance.

Can they find a second chance at love where they least expect it?

My Opinion

The Little Board Game Cafe series is one that I can definitely say that so far I have read all of the books in the correct order. I honestly cannot wait to return so when I see that there is going to be a new release I instantly add it to my want to read list. The way that the community comes together is just so uplifting and just makes the community feel so welcoming.

This was such a delightful book. I tried to read it slowly but I still ended up reading over 50% in one sitting. Please also take a moment to notice the absolutely stunning cover - this is definitely a book to judge by the cover.

Rating 5/5

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Second Chances at the Board Game Café marks the newest addition to the Board Game Café series and my first encounter with Jennifer Page's novels.

The story introduces us to Taylor, a single mother who works as a seamstress while dreaming of becoming a fashion designer. Then, we meet Harry, a railway nerd recovering from a difficult breakup. There is an attraction between them, but their insecurities and Taylor's concerns for her son, Max, create obstacles.

One critique I have is that Max's character seems to exhibit traits of autism, although it is not explicitly mentioned. While his neurodiverse symptoms are highlighted, the specific condition is not addressed. Perhaps this aspect will be explored in future installments.

The narrative beautifully portrays a sense of community. Despite being the third book in the series, I didn't feel lost in the story. I am eager to read the previous two books and immerse myself in them just as I did with this one!

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So here we are, book three in The Little Board Game Café series. I jumped at the chance to revisit Rosegarth and catch up with some old friends over a cuppa and a game of Scrabble or two.

Everything about the book screams gorgeous; the pretty cover, the story between those covers and of course the characters.

It's a heartwarming story of second chances - finding love, rediscovering yourself and sewing classes.

I really enjoyed it and can't wait to return for another catch up soon.

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Taylor is a single mum, strong and independent, working as a seamstress to keep the roof over her son Max's head. Max is challenging, with problems at school, a love of trains and a strong aversion to change. Harry is an accountant - the embodiment of the colour grey - and fond of board games, trains and routines.

A chance meeting in the board game cafe leaves Harry utterly smitten, but does Taylor feel the same way? Meanwhile Taylor has an opportunity of a lifetime to take her career to new heights. She has Max to think of, and doesn't have time for romance. Or does she?

I thoroughly enjoyed this. It's a happy, wholesome book that includes neurodivergent representation - both Max and Harry are on the same wavelength -, a strong community supporting one another and a delightful slow-burn, relationship building, romance. It has board games, it has sewing, a sleazy villain, and made-for-tv style happy ever after.

For those wanting spicy scenes, this is a complete fade-to-black closed door, kissing only book.

I loved this book. This is book 3 in the Board Game Cafe series, but it works well as a standalone story. I hadn't read the previous two books in the series, so I'm going to add them to my TBR .

~Many thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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I love the books about the board game cafe - it’s such a great concept. Great to catch up with past characters and meet new ones. Another bubbling romance - this time a slow burner!

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Single mum Taylor is struggling to make ends meet, looking after her bullied son and running her own sewing business. She finds the board game café and meets Harry, will things start to improve? Another feel good instalment in the series displaying a caring community .

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Taylor Sweet dreams of being a fashion designer, but her reality is fixing zips and doing alterations to make ends meet as a single mum to Max. When she meets quiet loner Harry, their lives change dramatically. Can they both handle the changes, and finally find happiness?

An enjoyable story, I loved the upcoming element and the sense of community. This is the third book in the series, and although it works perfectly as a standalone, I would suggest reading the others as it was good to revisit characters and locations. A lovely gentle summer read.

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