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The Love Algorithm

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requests her presence, she did not expect it to be for him to tell her that the business graduate son of his, Thomas Mercer, will be the future CEO of Mercer Robotics and she should train him with the necessary knowledge to be suitable for the position.
Thomas Mercer is a charming and smart head of corporate communications at Mercer Industries. When his father declares he will be the next CEO of Mercer Robotics, he is surprised, since he has zero knowledge about Robotics. When he meets Reese in a pretty unconventional situation, along with her quirky droid, he is fascinated by her personality. Even though the spark between them is promising, the company policy clearly prohibits romantic or sexual relationships between executives and their subordinates. Can they deny the attraction between them and ignore the feelings igniting in their hearts for each other?

This was such a unique concept, with robotics, droids, and stuff. I won't pretend I understood any of the technical explanations and narrations given in the novel, but I was amazed by how it glued me to the story.

The novel oscillated between Reese and Thomas' point of view, providing two varieties of insights on the technical settings of the plot. It clearly distinguished their personalities - brilliant, awkward, but passionate Reese, and social, confident, and humble Thomas.

I enjoyed the constant banter between Reese, Thomas, and K2P, and the secret notes between the love birds.

It was a slow-burn romance with a typical romcom structure, though with a unique concept.

Though it is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone, which is what I did. If you like office/work romance, with a cute and hilarious sidekick (who is also a droid), and a reverse grumpy sunshine trope, then this book is worth a try.

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This book was about adorable. I like the story, although I felt like the build-up was extensive and then end was rushed. The characters were lovely, I especially loved the sassy droid K-2P. Overall I would recommend this book to romance lovers and science lovers alike!

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Such a cute and fun read! Different genre from the books I typically read, but I really enjoyed the dynamics between the two MCs. I look forward to going back and reading the first two in this series.

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This is a STEM romance featuring the genius Reese, head of research and development in the robotics lab at Mercer Robotics, and the CEO’s son Thomas, who gives new meaning to the phrase tall, dark and handsome. You get Star Wars references, jokes, steamy slow burn and some science talk I understood about as well as Thomas did. Reese is a fiercely independent woman who puts her career first, and Thomas has fallen into line with the family business as soon as he graduated making them very much opposites when they’re forced into close proximity. The chemistry is hot!

As a closed door romance, there’s no spice beyond some seriously delicious kisses and an accidental strip tease. The side characters are amazing, especially K-2P, Reese’s AI robot with his own personality. I devoured it as quickly as my favourite chocolate bar and was left wanting a second. Luckily for me I learned that this is a series and there are more already out there, but this absolutely stands up as a standalone and I didn’t feel like I was missing anything, just curious when I met some of the other characters.

It is such a fun read, and if you love women in STEM, hot respectful men, and bad Star Wars jokes then I think you will love this just as much as I did. I’m still not sure where the title fits in though, a robot pun would’ve been more fitting in my opinion.

What is R2D2 short for? Because he has little legs!

This was a digital copy from NetGalley, and my thoughts are all my own.

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I love how the author wrote the whole boss-employee dynamic that it made sense. It was such a good slow burn, and I love my overall reading experience.

I did not know that it's part of a series, but it can be read as stand-alone as what I did.

We have the future CEO of the robotics department, working along side the director. They are instantly attracted to one another but drew a boundaries since they work together, and with the power dynamic and the whole company rules, it was handled well enough.

I did had one issue with how they got together, in a way that it doesn't made sense for how they both exerted effort and control over their attraction and they were suddenly overcame with lust and they did it in the company office? It was so out of character between them, it just confused me. I wished that did not happen or it was at least handled differently instead of that one scene that basically crumbled the whole relationship.

It did worked out in the end, and I do love that they both communicated and respected each others' boundaries.

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I’m not a big fan of the work place romance trope. I also did not like all the Star Wars references in this one. I did like that the female main character was smart and knew what she wanted. But overall didn’t really like this one. I also felt like this book wasn’t very original.

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Roses: Camilla’s stories have been becoming some of my favorites to read recently. The story was super cute, and really enjoyable. Reese was a fun ambitious character, who you could still connect to really easily. I love that she was in stem and was the head of her department and was extremely intelligent but likable. She didn’t come across doll or stuffy at all like some characters do when the females in charge I really liked the friend group that she had at the lab I thought they were really Helpful characters for the story definitely Maria but more importantly, her sidekick K2P. Thomas was a golden retriever boyfriend material from the start. He was so invested in making this work with Reese. Understood that she needed time and took the time to figure out a way to be with her and show her that she’s deserving of being with someone and having someone love her after all of the hardships that she’s been through I thought it was really a great connection with him and K2P. I think that was really fun to see the conversations between those two and how funny K2P was, and just being a really strong supporting character. I also really enjoyed that. This was an interconnected story. I didn’t read Blake and Gabriel story, but I did read John and Marissa story and that was so fun to see them be connected now in this story.

Thorns: Garrett had some crazy jealousy things going on, He came across really aggressive and I feel like he didn’t get a well-deserved consequence for his behavior towards Reese. There was at times where Reese was super set in her ways and was unwilling to bend when the choice was going to make her happy too. It actually made her seem like she loved her job more than she was in love with Thomas. I wish we also learned more about both main characters more. I would have love if they had conversations where they actually dived into get to know each other and that we as the readers could’ve experience with them. I felt like we learned a lot about them through other characters rather from themselves and also when they were trying to get to know each other, they were learning information from other sources, instead of talking to each other, and learning each other through their one on one conversations. This also connects to me feeling like this book went really fast. There were times where I felt like there could’ve been more put into a section of the plot to expand our involvement of the journey for them to fall in love. I think that they both fell in love really fast, which is fine, but I would’ve really enjoyed the process of them getting there.

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Highly recommend for a feel good easy read!

The Love Algorithm had me smiling from beginning to end, this is a very sweet romance, both of the characters are equally as sweet and easy to like. The relationship between Reece and Thomas was witty and cute, the build up of their relationship was good throughout the book and I enjoyed seeing their relationship blossom.

I loved how this book was centred around robotics, as I have never read a book like this. It was nice to see the main role being played by a female character and not a male character which I can imagine the robotic industry is mainly male focused.

Would love to read the other books in this series!!

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The Love Algorithm is a cute opposites attract love story with a quirky genius protagonist and a billionaire CEO. Camilla Isley always writes stories with really fun settings and this was no exception. The side characters always made me laugh and both Reese and Thomas are stubborn and likable. I love a slow burn, but I think I would’ve liked a bit more flirting from these two. This was overall a really fun read and I’ll always continue to pick up Camilla Isley stories!

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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This book focuses on Thomas and Reeses finding each other. Thomas is happy in his current position at his father's company, acting as nothing more than a figure head. His dad decides it's time for Thomas to get a promotion, which will lead to him running the company. Thomas is uneducated in most aspects of the business so he has to spend time in each area learning the ropes. First area is the robotics lab run by Reese. She is not excited at the prospect, to say the least, but keep getting distracted by how handsome Thomas is. They share an office and can't ignore each other.
Overall it's a cute little office romance book and I do love the representation of women in STEM, that seems to be the current trend in romance stories! The book itself is good, an enjoyable read, but some unbelievable situations and character changes.

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I loved the chemistry between Reese and Thomas! They were adorable together and watching their relatives grow was a fun, sweet ride.
The addition of the playful, funny droid in the middle of it all was also a delight!
Overall, a sweet, fun story to follow!

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alright. this book was real good. i super enjoyed it. the characters are chef's kiss. the plot is mr. darcy level fantastic. the writing is tortured poets department wonderful. all the things and more for this book. read it!!!

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This was such a fun and witty closed-door romance. It felt lighthearted and nerdy (in the best way) and I just couldn’t put it down. The chemistry between the MCs was so electric that sparks were flying. And that droid - so witty! Technology needs to catch up because I need my own now. Overall, this was an excellent RomCom!

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Boldwood books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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If you’re a fan of Ali Hazelwood, check this one out. Great romance featuring steminist lead Reese, who heads up a robotics lab. She gets tasked with overseeing Thomas, the heir apparent to the company as he prepares to take over the division. This is slow burn, instalove, dual pov, closed door romance. Even though it is closed door, the tension build up is better than most open door romances I read.

Thank you Boldwood Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This has been my first book from this author, but it won’t be my last. I really enjoyed it. Thank you to NetGalley for access to this early read.

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Great! Loved it! I have enjoyed many of Camilla Isley's books. And I have read the 2 previous books in this series. All are great. This one I was able to finish in one day. I loved that Thomas feel first, he loved Reese right from the start. He was so charming and sweet. Reese was a strong independent woman and was able to hold off for a while. But eventually Thomas wore her down. Even though he was the one holding back then. He was probably one of my favorites but K-2P was hilarious. I think we all want a K-2P!
A great story that I know I will read again someday!

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I've enjoyed all the books so far in this series, and this one did not disappoint!

We follow Reese, the Head of Research and Development at Mercer Robotics who loves her work, until she's tasked with babysitting the bosses son, Thomas Mercer. This is where some slight problems of attraction start - the rule of the company is to have zero internal relationships, and given the fact that Thomas will end up being her boss.. they can't go there. But the heart wants, what the heart wants...

As with all of Camilla's books, I flew through this one. I loved the instant connection and tension between Reese and Thomas - knowing they couldn't have what they both wanted due to the rules, but following their hearts nonetheless.

I have to give a special shout out to K-2P, that little robot was adorable and sassy, I really need one for myself!

I also loved seeing the reappearances of the couples from the previous books, it's so nice to check in on them and see how they're doing.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this copy. This review is voluntary.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC!

As a woman in STEM, I was drawn to this title and had high hopes! Unfortunately I had a hard time getting into it, and I decided to DNF. I was struggling with the writing style, and I wasn't a big fan of the insta-love or the objectification of and disrespect between love interests. This just wasn't for me, but I'm sure fans of billionaire and workplace romance will enjoy it.

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Thanks for the ARC of the love algorithm. I don't think I've ever read a book with such a smart and successful FMC before. I very much enjoyed Reese's character although I was overwhelmed more than once by all the technology talk. I hate the idea of AI and robots but enjoyed her droid a lot, he added a lot to the story. Well Thomas what can I say, he definitely was a great MMC.
What I loved
Closed door sex scenes
No bad language

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I always enjoy reading Camilla's books and this was the same. Its a light hearted office romance with a billionaire hier and smart gorgeous heroine who works in his company's robotics department.
They are totally opposites but have chemistry that is undeniable. It was a quick read for me especially because I didn't understand most of the things about robotics so all went above my head.
My only concern was that I felt book was dragged at some points. So many thoughts were repeated again and again like how they can't be together. And also there was some back and forth on girl's end so it put me off but still a good read which is why I'm giving it a 4 star.

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