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The Love Algorithm

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Billionaire romance
Forced proximity
He falls first and hard
CEOs son
Meet cute

Reese is the director of R&D at Mercer Robotics. Thomas is the CEO's son. Reese is tasked with babysitting Thomas as he learns the robotics ropes. One night in Rome changes the game for them. Overall quick cute read. Loved the AI and robotic presence and how Thomas was willing to give it all up for Reese.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher but the ARC

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The love algorithm was a cute read! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc. If you like a women in stem meets billionaire romance, you’ll like this! The best character by far was the robot, though. Loved him!

It was a little insta-lovey, and I do think there could’ve been more depth/pining/character development, but if you want an easy and cute read, you’ll enjoy it!

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The Love Algorithm by Camilla Isley is the third in her True Love series. This book is about Thomas Mercer, younger brother to Gabriel Mercer (the male MC from the first book in the series), and his journey to becoming to the new CEO of Mercer Robotics. Thomas doesn’t know anything about robotics so he’s prompted to shadow the director of a department, Dr. Reese Campbell. Reese is a fairly stereotypical “hot nerd”, complete with a droid friend (yep, she built a droid, people). Thomas and Reese instantly hit it off but with Thomas soon set to become Reese’s boss, this complicates their chances at a relationship. This book is coworkers to friends to lovers with more of the billionaire boyfriend trope we saw in the first book.

In each book throughout the series, we’re given insights about other characters and snippets from their stories (which overlap a LOT in timeline) which is why I don’t think these are true standalones. While I don’t think skipping around *really* makes much of a difference, the experience as a whole is much better when read in sequential order.

I’m a new Camilla Isley fan and recently reviewed her February release, It’s Complicated. I really really liked that book because of the way the characters talk to one another. The conversations sound REAL. I get a little bit of that from these books as well and still think that Isley’s strengths lie in her character dialogue but it’s not as strong here. The other thing I’ll say is that I’m not sure where Camilla Isley is from or where she grew up, but this series takes place in New York and all the characters are American and there are a few minor prose things that are decidedly NOT American. Things like saying “waters broke” instead of “water broke” or writing the day as “1 November” instead of “November 1” or "November 1st". The last one that caught my eye was referring to “blush” as “blusher”. Like it’s really NOT a big deal but it does take you out of the story a bit when your born-and-raised in Queens CEO uses phrases that seem more European.

I must be a big sucker for a cheesy albeit sweet rom com because I'm giving this book 4 stars. Reese is so not a believable character and I don’t care because her relationship with Thomas is adorable.

But IMO, don't read this one first! Go back and read Not in a Billion Years (4 stars) and then Baby, One More Time (3 stars).

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Thank you so much to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the arc! I WISH K-2P WAS MY OWN DROID PLSS reading his interactions with both Reese and Thomas had me cackling so much, he's an absolute gem. Thomas, oh Thomas I wish he was real too, my new book boyfriend. I have read a few other books from this author but this book is definitely my new favourite. Everyone pls do read this once it comes out, you won't be disappointed!

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The science nerd teaching the billionaire heir the ropes of the company, what could go wrong? Fun read with a lot of Star Wars references. Thomas was great to watch evolve from a playboy billionaire to taking Reese’s love of technology seriously and wanting to learn the ropes of a job he was forced into. He knew what he wanted and went after it. K-2P had a lot to do with helping this couple along. Giving hints to how one was feeling about the other. I’ve enjoyed this series. Thank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy in exchange for my volunteered review

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The Love Algorithm by Camilla Isley is the third book in the "True Love" series, following Not in a Billion Years and Baby, One More Time. I don't think it would be strictly necessary to have read the previous two books but it would more enjoyable, as there is a degree of overlap between all the stories.
This book features Thomas Mercer, a genuinely likeable guy (who just happens to be a billionaire) and Dr. Reese Campbell, Head of R&D at Mercer Robotics. When the CEO tasks Reese with babysitting Thomas as he learns the ropes at Mercer Robotics, Reese is not impressed! They get off to an unusual start thanks to some meddling by Reese's droid K-2P, who has a quirky personality and is not above a bit of matchmaking...
This is a really enjoyable fun read with plenty of humour, an easy five stars.
Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the review copy.

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Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this!
I am a huge fan of Isley's books and this is no exception. This is the third book in the "True Love" series and follows Thomas and Reese (Thomas is Gabriel's brother from book 1 and 2). First note: while Thomas/Gabriel and a few of the other supporting characters do show up throughout the TL universe, you absolutely don't have to read either of the other two to thoroughly enjoy this one.
I'm a bit biased. I'm a PhD chemist, so I love almost any setting in the world of STEM academics, particularly when they deal with how women survive in a male dominated workplace. I also think Isley does such a great job of really highlighting workplace culture, business dealings, and career aspirations in her B story lines. I also had already loved Thomas as a character, so I was predisposed to love this coworkers/boss to lovers trope. The dual POV voices are both really strong. ALSO: there is a droid. I don't care how far-fetched a droid might seem: it made it SO fun.
I think this is just really cute. Their attraction and chemistry is really palpable and believable. This is mostly closed door but still felt really intense at times. It was just a ton of fun and grounded in a world I really enjoyed!

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Well this book is all kinds of fabulous. A cast of great characters with quirks, and worries and sarcasm that brings them totally to life. There is a bit of tech speak which flavours the book and doesn’t confuse. Reese is adorable and her approach to life, her concerns and her care for her droid is central to this book being a hit. The romance is just lovely, and the addition of nights in Rome, a bribable and very funny droid, a sex tape watched by accident with a parent all add to the charm of this book. I had a ball reading it.

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Third book in the series and it’s Thomas (Gabriel from book #1s brother) story! I love how it connected well into the first two stories, even going “back in time” in Gabriel/Blake and Marissa/John stories briefly. Thomas is to be the next CEO of Mercer Robotics and Reese is a department lead - they hit it off immediately and resist what they feel. This book had me laughing and not wanting to put it down! It’s a light quick read and it wrapped up all stories so well!

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I absolutely loved this book. The main characters were so funny and it was a very entertaining read. The romance was perfectly done.

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Instant love
Work romance
Forced proximity 
Only one bed!!! 
Closed door 😒☹️
The Star Wars jokes 😆
Third and final book in a series.

As a fan of Ali Hazelwood, I came across Camilla’s work in NetGalley. Throw in Sarah Ready, I truly appreciate these women carving out an entire STEM romance empire. I’m consistently drawn to these works, as reading lets me escape into my own little world and altered reality. Math and science were never my strong suit (hi, history major). But I enjoy these steminists, and I am not trying to fact check any of their work when they get into the nitty gritty. 

In the final book of her True Love Series, Thomas finally gets his HEA. (You do not need to read the 2 other books in the series, but I recommend it!). Camilla reintroduces us to Mercer Industries and their Robotics Division Research and Development, overseen by Reese. When the CEO is set to retire, Thomas, the great-grandson of the founder who has head up the Comms Division, is in no position to takeover, severely lacking the engineering degrees he feels he needs to be taken seriously in a new role. His dad (President of MI) forces Thomas to shadow Reese… and well. 

Side character Maria is a pervert. Her objectification of Thomas is beyond inappropriate. If this was a male colleague making those remarks about a female, he’d be fired on the spot. Reese does a poor job of correcting her, so Maria continues the behavior. 
How does Garrett get to keep his job?! Truly. How did Camilla overlook that and just let it go?!!

Thomas leaving notes in Reese’s purse is adorable. I looked forward to them just as much as she did. 

“You’re describing freedom to a man in prison. Please stop.” 🥵 okay Thomas.

Smoldering is Camilla’s favorite word in this book for Thomas. It’s used 17x to describe our favorite billionaire. 

What kept this from being a 5 star read for me:
- Maria’s objectification of Thomas
- Garrett’s blatant disrespect of Reese 
- The unresolved win if they beat BTS on the robotic arm
- Characters are a bit 2D, we don’t get much development on page

Thank you Boldwood Books for another opportunity to read ARCs of Camilla’s work.

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I think Thomas and Reese might be the cutest, most adorable couple ever. Their story is so so sweet and yet had me laughing so many times. I absolutely loved their story.

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Cute, cozy romance that is the perfect mood booster. To be honest, at the beginning there were some things that made me really question the ethics of an office romance (I mean, guy who can't stop winking? kinda screams sexual harassment. But then the girls chatting about said guy's personal attributes at the workplace? Pot meet kettle.) But despite it's murky beginnings, the romance took off and the banter between the characters had me smiling almost the entire time. The notes passing? Love it. Waiting to kiss? HERE FOR IT. Tiny angry emotional robot...err, I mean Droid? Gimme that. I loved the slightly slow burn and my only nitpick is this was a fade to black romance, but ah well. Didn't realize this was third book in the world so now I'm going to have to go get the other two, brb.

Special thanks to Boldwood books and Netgalley for providing me an advance copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I won't lie I'm a sucker for a good Billionaire Romcom and this one was such a fun read. Reese is the Smart and grumpy Director of Robotics R&D for Mercer Industries who is given the unwanted job of having the CEO's happy go lucky son, Thomas, shadow her in preparation becoming her new boss.. Reese is cautious to avoid get involved with a man who makes her heart flutter because of the implications that could have on her career. Thomas is treading lightly not wanted to abuse his position of power and scare her away. K-2p, an AI driven robot created by Reese, plays the part of the main characters best friend. K-2P is a fun and unique take on the "best friend" character you commonly find in Romcoms.
I thoroughly enjoyed this slow burn, closed door, opposites attract, office romance. It is the third book in the True love series but you don't need to read the first two ignorer to read this one. This was my first Camilla Isley book and I will be defiantly be reading more.

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first book from Camilla Isley, but I was quite intrigued by the title and women in academia, even though in this one the MFC is no longer a student.

Being an office romance I was prepared for most of the events, and obviously that our girl Reese would not be the exception to swoon over our billionaire, Thomas.

It was a fun read, but not really realistic and with an ending where everything was sort out really peacefully.

Honestly, was expecting a bit more drama in the end (as we do as fans of rom-coms), and none of main characters actually got any repercussion from the "situation", but I guess it makes it a feel good read and an easy one to relax.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

This was such a cute, fun and nerdy read. I must admit that I found myself disconnected for the first 15-20%ish percent of the book. I feel the attraction between them happened out of the blue, but then… that’s just the way it works sometimes so…

I like Thomas, he’s just so cute and kind and every time he came up with a nerdy Star Wars joke I liked him even more. Reese is such a smart woman and was fun sometimes, but I think she needs more personality (Thomas too) I don’t care he’s rich and handsome blah blah blah, I need content. About K2P… I love you.

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I would love to have a friend like K-2P too if he is as hilarious, smart, witty, loyal, and quipped. I loved how the friendship between Reese and K-2P was written very deep but not overbearing. I also liked how Thomas' image and persona changed over time. I also loved Gabrielle's resignation email. Overall it was a feel-good, fairytale style happily ever after but was written really well. In some places I felt that Thomas' contribution to his company wasn't discussed very well as though he was nothing but a pretty face whose only job is to show up and look pretty. I wish the author had explored a little bit more on how he evolved and worked to learn the business. Going with a 3.5 star.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3.75-4/5
🌶️ 0.5/5

🧪 Enemies to lovers
🧪 He falls first
🧪 Forced Proximity
🧪STEM Romance

Reese Campbell is a scientist working for Mercer robotics and shes that good she even made her very own droid sidekick. When Dr. Campbell is tasked with showing Thomas Mercer, the CEOs son around, things start to heat up.

This book has very solid main characters, but I really enjoyed the side/supporting characters (except Garrett but that’s reasonable) and they really made the story stand out. K-2P is an icon and provided all the comedy and remarks I would expect from a sassy robot (would buy). This is a closed-door romance but there is a few scenes where it heats up.

Overall, I enjoyed ‘The Love Algorithm’ it was a nice quick romantic comedy with all the tension i was hoping for and I really enjoyed all of the science aspects included.

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This is the 3rd book in Camilla Isley’s True Love series, and although they don’t need to be read in order, you do get mild spoilers about characters from the previous 2 books. This one is a STEM romance featuring Reese, a brilliant robotics engineer who happens to have a droid inspired by Star Wars, and Thomas, son of the big boss of Mercer Industries. When Thomas is sent to the robotics department to learn about that arm of the company before he becomes the CEO, Reese is upset that she’ll be babysitting a man-child. But Thomas is not the spoiled brat she was expecting and it’s not long before their attraction starts to grow.

I enjoyed the geeky references to Star Wars, the fact that the main man is not a typical alpha and the interactions with her droid were amusing and helped the plot along in an unusual way. Yes, they jump from will they/wont they to love very quickly, but it’s done in a sweet way. A lovely stem romance and a great addition to the series. Thanks to NetGalley for a free ARC in return for an honest review.

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Camilla Isley consistently delivers binge worthy, fast paced, big fun novels and The Love Algorithm is no exception. The third book in her True Love series can be read as a stand-alone, but does bring back characters from the first two books and it was fun to revisit those stories.

Ms. Isley gives us another strong, intelligent female main character. Reese is a genius in the world of robotics and established in her career. She has a delightful droid who adds his distinct voice to the story. Thomas is the billionaire boss’s son who brings the romance along with his business acumen.

This is a slow burn, lighthearted rom-com that benefits from Ms. Isley’s signature style. It’s fun and doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s perfect for tossing into the beach bag for a light summertime read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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