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The Last Leviathan

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First and foremost thank you NetGalley and Hot Tree Publishing for allowing me to arc read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

5/5 ⭐️
4/5 🌶️
I was drawn in from the first chapter. This was my first pirate read and I loved it. With a heroin FMC who starts off frail and blossoms into a baddie, and a fierce MMC with a secret, this story held my attention from start to finish. From strangers to lovers with lots of steam and banter throughout. With the secret of the leviathans, elves, the secret of Maeve, and the brink of war along with The cliffhanger at the end has me very eager for the next book!

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Well hoist the sails and call me Lassie, I'm officially in my pirate era.

The Last Leviathan is a story that follows Mae, a princess who is betrothed to a cruel man who she desperately wants to escape from. When she spots her chance, she runs from him and becomes a stowaway on a ship.

This faced paced, action packed book had her sailing with a crew of ruthless pirates who aren't sure what to do with a noblewoman on their ship. Here, she meets Levi, the captain of the ship, who isn't too keen on her family (understatement of the year).

The characters in this book were fantastic! Reading about the stories of all of the crew members had me ready to hand in my corporate access card and immediately become a pirate.

The banter between Levi and Mae was *chefs kiss* and Levi can captain my ship any day, if you catch my drift. I loved the side characters and I hope we learn more about them in the second book. I also loved the sapphic representation and am keen to see this explored further in the series as well.

The Last Leviathan is packed full of magical beings such as elves, sea dragons and sirens. While they weren't a major part of the story (the romance was a huge part of book 1), I can see how the background was set up for this to be delved into further.

Overall this was a fantastic start to the series and I will definitely be reading the next book.

🩷 Banter
🩷 Sirens, elves, sea dragons, merrow, fae
🩷 Found family
🩷 Enemies to lovers

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Well, what all can I say about this book? I loved it. I thought the writing was really good, well phrased and good pacing. I thought the world building was really intriguing. The plot is intricate, but not too complicated. The bad guys are absolutely the worst and are easy to hate.

I really loved the found family that usually comes with a good pirate story and this one didn't disappoint. The FMC was not a delicate flower even though she is labeled as a princess. The MMC is appropriately tough when he needs to be but also able to be vulnerable when it counts. He's definitely a smexy shifter. I liked all of the characters evolution. Others mention the banter, I agree it was really good.

The only reason I didn't give this 5 stars is because I didn't find it believable that Maeve could do everything she did so well and so quickly, I have to say Mary Sue but it came across that way at times and it took me out of the fantasy a bit.

Overall I think this book has a really bright future, I predict it being super successful and seeing a lot of hype on the Romantasy socials..

Looking forward to the next installment!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free e-arc of this book.

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First off, shout out to Anacostia Miller, Hot Tree Publishing and NetGalley for giving me the chance to check out the Last Leviathan! I really enjoyed this book and I’m excited to see where this series goes.

Things I liked about it:
The cast of characters were enjoyable and fresh. Big fan of Mae’s character development, plus I mean, you can’t go wrong with Levi. Overall, story was intriguing and kept me interested and I enjoyed the concept of the book.

Things that fell flat for me:
The flow of the books was a bit stop and go and the beginning seemed a bit rushed. I hope in the next books we get some more back story for our main characters.

Overall my rating for this is a 3.75 out of 5 stars. Great first start and so much potential here!

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The Last Leviathan (The Guardians of Farlight Isles Book) by Anacostia Miller is an enemies to lovers, fantasy AND slow burn romance. Ahoy matey. Okay I couldn’t help it, this is a thrilling book about pirates. The characters are very well developed and you feel like you personally know them. You find yourself especially cheering for the FMC. The plot is exciting and full of adventure. I absolutely love the world Anacostia Miller created in this book.

Maeve is escaping her home and the plans laid out for her when she ends up on a pirate ship. The captain is Leviathon. Of course the chemistry between them is hot BUT so are the tempers until secrets are revealed.

This is such a great book full of action, love, fantasy and even spiciness. I am so glad I read it and I can not wait for book 2. Great job and I highly recommend this book!

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4.5 ⭐️

⭐️ Enemies to lovers
⭐️ Found family
⭐️ Pirates & magical creatures
⭐️ Banter
⭐️ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Oh boy 🫠

This book is so good, so good it might even lead me to entering my pirate fantasy era, as apparently they’re my thing now 🏴‍☠️

The FMC at first, I thought was going to be naive and annoying, however she’s written so brilliantly that even though she’s been sheltered her whole life her apathy for others and drive to just be ‘free’ makes her such a good character.

The found family is and always will be one of my favourite things and this just makes me so happy in this book, I loved them, the banter, the relationships, all of it 🥰

The slow burn enemies to lovers between Maeve and Levi was superb, with their banter and suitably being so so good. Also the spice in this top tier 😍

I can’t wait for the next instalment of this series, I loved every moment of reading this!

*ARC given for my honest review*

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i’ve never left a review of a book before so this may be a little rambling and disjointed.

to be honest, i was surprised by how much i enjoyed this book since i’m not usually a fan of pirates.
i read it in about a day because i couldn’t put it down.

the grammar was good and the writing flowed a lot better than i expected from an arc book which is a big thing for me.

there were a few frustrating parts - like i just wanted maeve to be fully honest with levi instead of being so vague.
and i felt like the spicy scenes were almost too short? they were 🌶️🌶️🌶️ don’t get me wrong but i wanted them to last a little longer.

in any case, i would definitely recommend this and can’t wait for the next one!

thank you to the author, hot tree publishing and netgalley for the arc copy!

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I really enjoyed this book! The all the characters in it are complex and well written including the side characters - everyone has their own personality.

It pulled me in right from the start and the pacing was good, I'll definitely be looking for the sequel when it comes out!

Overall, an absolutely great book!

(This is a review of an Advance Reader Copy, thank you to Netgalley and the publisher)

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this is definitely filling up that fantasy kick I'm on! I loved the vibes between Captain Leviathan and Maeve! It was so fun and I loved the drama

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Imagine a story with a runaway princess, a pirate captain with secrets, and a mysterious princess. Now add in some enemies-to-lovers tension, a crew of diverse characters, and plenty of witty banter. The result is a fun adventure on the high seas.

Our main character is a brave woman with a fearless spirit, ready to conquer the waves. Then there's Levi, the charming male lead with a voice as irresistible as a siren's.

But what makes this story stand out is how the characters grow and change throughout the book. From the main characters to the quirky sidekicks, everyone has a journey of growth and discovery. By the end of the book, you'll feel like you've grown along with them.

As you finish the last chapter, you'll feel excited about what comes next for these compelling characters. This author has earned a place on my must-read list. Bravo for crafting a story that left me wanting more.

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This gave me “If Will Turner captained a boat named the Ollipheist and could also turn into a sea dragon that had been hunted to extinction” vibes 🏴‍☠️

I hadn’t stepped foot into the land of romantasy pirates up until this book, and I’m so glad I did. I am here for the swashbuckling, hoisting the Jolly Roger, and shivering me timbers. Don’t forget the sea shanties of course.

It took me a minute to get into this book. The FMC was slightly insufferable for the first few chapters. But she grew on me, became less insufferable, and actually started to have charm to her besides the “spoiled stubborn brat” act she had for too long. It gets better I promise, stick with it.
And then before I realized it I was heavily invested in the lives of all the pirates on the ship and loving all the characters. Especially the ship cat Lieutenant Colonel Lazlo. Tbh he needed more page time.
Captain Leviathan is a hottie pirate that I literally pictured as Will Turner/Orlando Bloom and nothing will change my mind. His mom used to captain the ship and he keeps her on his crew - how freaking wholesome is that?

I enjoyed the elements of fantasy - the sea dragons, sirens, elves, and fae. The world building was more surface level than I would have liked but I’m hoping it dives deeper in the sequel.

Overall a very fun, quick read that surprised me by how much I enjoyed it!
If you like pirates with hearts of gold, Orlando Bloom lookin’ sea dragons, and want to fall in love with a ship cat named Lieutenant Commander Lazlo then you’ll probably enjoy this book.

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The Last Leviathan is the first book in a new Fantasy Romance series and the debut book from Anacostia Miller and OMG I did not expect it to be so freaking good, I’m obsessed with Mae and Levi’s story!

When princess Maeve is forced to marry a cruel man she hates, she stows away on a ship in hopes to escape and get the freedom she always wanted. But it quickly turns out that the ship she chose is actually full of pirates and her future lies in the hands of the handsome but aggravating Captain Leviathan. Despite their scorching chemistry, Mae and Levi bicker like no other, but when secrets and hidden identities come to light, they will need to quickly make difficult decisions regarding their lives… and their hearts.

The Last Leviathan is everything I love in fantasy romance books, we have pirates, mythological creatures, morally grey MMC, strong FMC not afraid to fight for her future and enemies to lovers romance with amazing banter and spicy scenes that had me blushing, I couldn’t put this book down and already can’t wait for the next one. Mae and Levi were amazing MCs, both individually and as a couple and I loved every scenes with these two, they both went through a lot and grew in this book and I adored their slow burn romance and loved seeing them together when they finally gave in to their feelings. All the characters were well fleshed out and I loved all the crew, especially Howler, Gunny, Boats and Wraith and can’t wait to see them again. The author created a truly fascinating world filled with some interesting creatures and there was so much action and some plot twists in this book it was a true page-turner.

The Last Leviathan is a truly incredible fantasy romance book that I definitely recommend to everyone who enjoys this genre, book 2 can’t come soon enough!

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This had all the makings and tropes of a great read but unfortunately it fell flat for me. I didn’t connect to the characters and everything felt a bit rushed.
This also reads as an insta lust/love which isn’t my thing so that was probably the beginning of the book’s downfall for me.

The author’s writing is good, I just wished that things were less rushy and that the characters were a bit more developed and had a better connection between them, if that makes sense. If the ennemis part had lasted a bit longer I might have enjoyed it more.

If you love pirates, ennemis (ish) to lovers, insta lust/love, touch her and die, you might enjoy this one

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2 Chili Pepper
New Adult

Looking for pirates, sea dragons and a good tale? This book is for you! Watch as Princess Maeve proves herself to Captain Leviathan.

I loved this story! I read it slower because I didn't want it to end! Can't wait for book 2!

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Fantasy world. Enemies-to-lovers. Spice. Oh, and swashbuckling pirates. There’s a lot to love in this Romantasy series starter. The world-building is fantastic. Great imagery and a decent pace. Good tension and wonderful love scenes. I enjoyed this novel and will read the sequel.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

I enjoyed this book so much! I was immediately drawn into this world of pirates and Mae’s attempts to reclaim her life after living under her father and being sold as a bride. It is a story of her claiming her identity and strength after she stows away on a pirate ship. I loved the depiction of life on the pirate ship as she works and learns what she is capable of. And the found family that is brought on.

The banter and the romance are so fun. I love a good banter and sassy back and forth and this book has plenty of it. The way he protects her while trying to avoid his feelings for her. It was such an enjoyable read and I can’t wait to see where this world takes us!

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Thank you, NetGalley, Hot Tree Publishing, and Anacostia Miller, for providing me with this ARC in exchange for honest review.

In case you don't know, I love romantasy about pirates and sirens. And this is exactly giving you pirates, sirens, Elfs, sea dragon, mermaids, and more.

We follow Maeve Cross, who's a princess and forced to be married with a rich, awful, and abusive guy with an exchange of armies for the king. Then, Mae decided to run away and eventually meet the Captain Leviathan.

So, basically the premises are everything I love, and yet I feel so disappointed with this book. It feels underwhelming. It feels raw and like a written draft that needs to be written more. I know it's all fantasy and fiction, but I want some realistic details like how Maeve didn't feel nauseous or sick even a bit meanwhile she has never been in a ship before
I think the world building and magical system, need more work, it confused me quite much.

Plot feels rushed, romance feels like an instant-love, and I'm a fan of slow born, so 😬 I just couldn't care more about romance between main characters. The political plot actually interests me more, but unfortunately, it wasn't explored well.
When you heard of "pirates" you expect some action stuff going on, tension, and all that, but no. I didn't get that from this book, which MAKES ME CRAZY, I WANT TO LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. Maybe it's not for me 😔 and the "kind of mystery twist" at the end, very underwhelming, I didn't really care what's going to happen in the next book.

As it's an adult fiction, apparently there's a lot of smut scenes going on. I have no beef with smut lovers, and I don't really mind if as long as it's not over the top, dominating the book, and not making me cringe. This one, I cringed a lot. You'll expect the horniest two being and smuts everywhere.

But if you think, a pirates, sirens, elfs, magic, smuts, 'no one can touch you' kind of guy, very fast paced, intrigue you enough, you might wanna give it a try.

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5 stars from me always indicates that the vibes of the book are immaculate- and this is no exception!

An isolated princess fleeing an arranged marriage to a total brute, a pirate captain with an important secret, a close-knit pirate family with hidden names, and the open sea- a combination for the ages!!!

This was such a fun adventure following Princess Maeve as she escapes as a stowaway on a pirate ship, works hard and discovers her inner (and outer strength), wins over the irritable Captain Leviathan, and begins a quest to uncover her own past. The story kicked off in action from minute one, and never wavered in its strength. We stick with Maeve for the most part (with some Cap POVs thrown in) and watch her find her strength and her voice, as she forges friendships with Howler, Wraith, and Boats and pushes Captain Levi in all the wrong (but also so right) buttons. We know there's more to Maeve and all her companions than we initially are told, but how it all comes about is so intriguing as a reader!

I love a fantasy book that sets up a series- and as much as I love a well-earned cliffhanger ending, I appreciate it when a story can wrap up nicely with what feels like a perfect pause point in the story, giving the reader time to live in this moment of peace before the action picks back up in book 2. Speaking of book 2- need that as soon as possible, thank you!!!

Thank you so much to Anacostia Miller and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review!

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- Dual POV's
- Open door romance

Loved it! I was completely hooked from the first chapter to the last. The character development was fantastic. The plot was engaging, and the pacing kept me turning the pages. The world-building and descriptions were amazing. This author is definitely going on my must-read list!

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"The Last Leviathan" by Anacostia Miller is a captivating tale of adventure, romance, and self-discovery that will sweep readers away on a thrilling journey from the first page to the last.

Maeve Cross is a heroine like no other—brave, independent, and determined to forge her own path in a world that seeks to confine her. From the moment she stows away on a pirate ship to escape her oppressive fate, she captures readers' hearts with her resilience and spirit.

Captain Leviathan is equally compelling—a rugged and enigmatic figure whose past is shrouded in mystery. As Maeve and Leviathan's paths intertwine, sparks fly and tensions rise, creating a captivating dynamic that keeps readers eagerly turning pages.

Miller's prose is richly detailed and immersive, painting a vivid picture of the high seas and the colorful characters that inhabit them. From the bustling ports to the treacherous waters of the Farlight Isles, the world-building is expertly crafted, drawing readers into a world of adventure and intrigue.

But what truly sets "The Last Leviathan" apart is its exploration of themes of identity, freedom, and destiny. As Maeve and Leviathan navigate the challenges they face, they are forced to confront their own beliefs and question the roles they've been assigned in life. It's a journey of self-discovery that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling.

Overall, "The Last Leviathan" is a masterpiece of storytelling—a swashbuckling adventure filled with romance, danger, and unexpected twists. Anacostia Miller has crafted a tale that will linger in readers' minds long after they've turned the final page. Whether you're a fan of historical fiction, romance, or adventure, this book is sure to captivate and enthrall.

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