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The Every Body Book of Consent

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Comprehensive but still light | I'm impressed by the way the author managed to cover so much ground in such a slim volume, showing the full spectrum of ways that consent touches our lives. Overall, I would recommend this for pre-teens, as there is a general "kiddo" vibe to the language that I think many teens would scorn. That said, I think that a teenager who had read this with their adult caregivers when they were younger, and knew that it was still on the shelf for them to go back to as needed, would continue to find value even at older stages. The first chapter ends with suggestions for practice, in a format that indicates that every chapter will end similarly. They don't, that's the only time in the book, which was weird and felt like an editing mistake. Illustrations show bodies of varying sizes, ethnicities, abilities, and gender pairings, in a way that feels realistic, not ticking a box. This can't be the sole consent discussion a child has, as it doesn't dig in deeply anywhere. I think this is a very good introduction to a complex subject, and families will be well served to share it with their pre-teens and then shelve it where the kid can access it later if they feel uncertain about something and want a refresher.

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While I wasn’t able to make it through the whole book before it expired, what I did read was helpful in thinking about conversations to be had with my own children.

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An absolute must for every child and caregiver!
There is intention in every word, carefully placed so that everyone can understand the importance on consent and consideration towards others.

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Loved this book about consent. Even though I think it was written for children, anyone can learn from this book. It’s a very inclusive and diverse read thats an important book that I think everyone should read.

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this book seems geared towards kids (phrasing, illustrations) but i think people of any age could learn things from it. it seeks to educate readers about how to practice & value consent in a society that largely does not value consent.

the book discusses verbal vs nonverbal consent, sexual consent, consent with private information (as opposed to with bodily autonomy, and consent with unequal power dynamics. it defines many key words (such as consent, agency, grooming) within the text and also includes a glossary of terms
at the back of the book.

lastly, there is diverse representation of scenarios and people in the book, and it discusses topics such as non-medical and nonconsensual surgeries on intersex babies and unequal power dynamics in relationships due to racism/classism/queerphobia/ableism/etc.

i would recommend this book to anyone of any age looking for an accessible, in-depth, quick read about consent.

thank you to netgalley and hachette uk for allowing me to read an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you SO much for this ARC opportunity. This book is an incredibly inclusive and diverse book regarding consent and bodily autonomy. I will be reading with this with my children for sure

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This is a really beautiful book on consent and the way it impacts so many areas of our lives. I'm deeply grateful that it exists in the world for kids (and everyone) to read.

There is definitely a lot of information contained within these pages, and I think pausing after each section would be crucial in processing it all. If a parent and their kid were going through it together, pausing to take things in could hopefully also lead to supportive discussions.

I was surprised but so glad to see how many concepts were covered (recognizing grooming, being an upstander, nonverbal cues, among others) and the diversity of races, sexualities, genders, abilities, and bodies that were included (those who are intersex, autistic, in a wheelchair, among others).

It is so clearly a book written with intention and care for all who might come across it.

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This is book is very easy to understand and accessible for children, but also for people of all ages.

I loved the idea that consent is not restricted to sex, but is in our every day small decisions and interactions, too. Also, big applause for saying that sometimes people may feel obligated to say yes, but that isn't real consent. This book is so necessary.

I think it could potentially be great to include some extra pages with questions for the readers (especially young people) to write down boundaries and other practical exercises to help them reflect on their bodies and preferences.

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. This is such a great book for teaching bodily autonomy to kids. It would have been great to have this as a kid, being a girl in one of the generations raised to put others needs first. It was great to see how to handle disappointment and rejection and different forms of no or nonconsent. The section explaining the difference between private information, surprises and secrets and when secrets should be told to a trusted adult to help protect against grooming, and also explaining in a child friendly way what exactly grooming is for them to be more aware themselves. I personally loved the bit about disabled people and consent regarding their medical aids since as a disabled person myself this is something I’ve seen adults struggle with. The illustrations are also great and diverse which can help different kids feel identified with and pay more attention to.

Favourite Quote:
"Even if we’re not in a culture that values consent and body autonomy, we can create that culture by saying loudly and clearly what our bodies want and need."

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This book is the perfect resource for preteens/teens in understanding consent and how it relates to them. The use of ungendered/inclusive language was a lovely change to the usual resources already out there. the different chapters of the book are succinct and full of the essential information that all young people should have the opportunity to know about. I will definitely be getting this for my 11 year old niece when it’s published in physical form!

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This is a must read book for honestly all early teens and is also a great guide for parents on knowing how to approach sensitive topics such as sex and sexual safety and the wider connotations of consent with their kids.
This includes everything from:
-consent (not just sexually but say for doctors, basic physical content and touching disabled peoples aids)
-difference between consent and agency
-setting boundaries
-trusted networks
-how to recognise grooming
-impacts of power dynamics, porn and unsafe situations
-how isms and phobias can impact consent
-affirmative consent
-code words
-boundaries about when and where is appropriate to talk about bodies

Filled with resources for all diverse individuals and diverse rep throughout including gender (including intersex), disability (including neurodivergent), race and more this was a truly inclusive book and a vital modern resource that more people should have access to.

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I really wanted to rate this book higher, but despite how important the topic is and how much I appreciate the care in showcasing diversity and intersectionality, there were aspects of the execution that threw me. It felt like it was trying to appeal to young kids through the illustrations as they're mostly of elementary school children, not pre-teens or teenagers. But even when it was defining words, the definitions used a higher level of vocabulary than I think would make much sense to an eight year old. I know many people may have concerns about the content itself being too mature, but I definitely err on the knowledge is power and safety side, so I appreciated that it tried to break those concepts down. I unfortunately think the writing itself was at a higher level than the age group it appears to be marketed for.

I also found some assertions to be a bit one-sided and limiting. One example was the concept of "negative" in asserting no one has the right to speak negatively about another person. There was no description as to what negative entails, or acknowledgement of the nuance between actively saying hurtful things to/about someone in a way that harms them or other's opinions of them, versus possibly holding someone accountable for their own behaviors or simply being allowed to not like someone else.

There was a ton of necessary and impactful information shared in this book, the illustrations conveyed their messages clearly and were well done.

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This is the kind of book probably everyone should read. It discusses consent in kid friendly ways, but is short and interesting enough that even an adult can get something out of it. I especially like the discussion of how consent is an everyday occurrence, and applies to everyone. This includes kids who might not want a hug or a person who might not like a joke.

Overall very good and important book.

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This book is INCREDIBLE! I have nieces, nephews, cousins, and a little sister that are all in this age range and I am ecstatic that this book exists. So many good points! So many good topics! I even cried during parts of it thinking about impact this book could have if every young child and preteen had an adult who was willing to have these conversations with them.

- Age appropriate
- Impactful content
- Well written and engaging
- Good illustrations / impactful illustrations
- Important and relatable topics
- Real and usable tips for kids / preteens

Suggestions for improvement:
- It would be nice to have a discussion guide / FAQ section for parents. Maybe a section with tips on how to approach these topics for the first time.

Overall, it's an absolute A+ and I've already pre-ordered it.

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"The Every Body Book of Consent" is an exceptional resource for children, skillfully navigating the complex topic of consent with clarity and sensitivity. Through its inclusive and descriptive language, this book provides valuable insights into boundaries and respect, making it particularly beneficial for neurodiverse children, including those who are autistic.

With its engaging narrative and vibrant illustrations, "The Every Body Book of Consent" captures the attention of young readers while effectively conveying the importance of understanding and honoring personal boundaries. By utilizing concrete examples and relatable scenarios, the book empowers children to recognize and communicate their own boundaries while also fostering empathy and respect for the boundaries of others.

What sets this book apart is its thoughtful approach to inclusivity, ensuring that all children, regardless of their neurodiversity or background, feel seen and understood. By acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges that autistic children may face in understanding consent, the book creates a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every child can thrive.

Overall, "The Every Body Book of Consent" is a valuable resource that not only educates children about the principles of consent but also promotes empathy, understanding, and respect. It is a testament to the power of inclusive storytelling in fostering a culture of consent and mutual respect from an early age.

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This was a great primer on introducing the concept of consent to kids! It would be appropriate for late elementary (probably with an adult) and middle school ages. It gives some great practical examples and suggests some practice activities. The illustrations were great as well!

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Really useful for a child I’m working with who struggles to understand personal space and consent.
The language is very helpful and, while it will need some adaptation for our specific situation and the age of my pupils, this will be an invaluable resource for us to help explain consent to them.
Thank you!

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This book covers several aspects of consent, is inclusive, up-to-date and relevant.
It is a great guide for adults and has practical information to guide conversations about consent and bodies with your family.
The illustrations are informative and have a non-offensive look, which can be used to talk about consent with children.
The information and tips offer guidance for all ages, though some parts of the book mention sex, hence the caution with younger children while reading this book. Yet, the language about sex is entirely appropriate and to-the-point. For older kids, this is a wonderful book. With younger ones, it is best to discuss the age-suitable parts of the book with them.
I am glad this book exists. It helps you start, facilitate and improve discussions about consent.

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A really important book that I will be using with the children I teach. I think that this book will be good with children across primary school because it could be adapted to teach children of different ages.

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An unwanted hug, a forced kiss at the end of a date, and a secret shared by a close friend are all examples of nonconsensual acts that a person might experience in their life. Rachel E. Simon writes for adolescents learning about body autonomy and the power of their 'yes' and their 'no' in this powerful book.

Intended to be read alongside a trusted adult, this book covers a variety of situations where an individual gives consent and what that can look like. This book includes a range of body types and abilities, diverse gender and sexuality representation, and definitions of topics including 'neurodivergent' and 'transphobia'. This book includes examples of what to say in situations where boundaries have been crossed, these examples can be particularly valuable to those on the spectrum and others who 'script' what they say in different situations.

This book explains how consent does not only apply in sexual situations, though it can. The author writes about the different ways consent can be given, that it can be revoked at any time, and that a 'maybe' doesn't always mean yes. This book encourages readers to understand that 'no' is a complete sentence and that their words have power. It touches on topics such as grooming and pornography in a tasteful way that encourages readers to talk to a trusted adult if they or a friend are in an unsafe situation.

This book has beautiful, diverse illustrations that show an array of individuals in situations where consent can be given. The illustrations are appropriate and show a variety of ages. The illustrations fit in well to break up the text and show examples.

This is a lovely book and I will be recommending it to parents who are asking for books about consent, body autonomy, and adolescence. 5/5 stars!

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