Cover Image: Somewhere Beyond the Sea Excerpt

Somewhere Beyond the Sea Excerpt

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It is equally obvious that I need to read The Cerulean Sea again because I remember NOTHING.
Strong start, and I cannot wait to read the rest!

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I was thrilled to be able to read an excerpt of Somewhere Beyond the Sea. Instantly I was immersed in the perspective of Arthur and Linus as they travel into the city to speak to government officials and the unknown of what's to come with magic beings and being included into larger society. I was so excited to meet the children again and see how they have grown and matured from the last book to this one. Wholesome, witty, and extremely descriptive, TJ Klune has done it again and created space our imagination be present and emotions to be high. This will be a much anticipated read in the fall, I cannot wait to finish out and see where the new adventure goes with Lucy, Chauncey, Talia, Phee, Theodore, Sal, and the newest arrival of David. Thank you to NetGalley, Tor Publishing, and TJ Klune for allowing me to read just a bit of Somewhere Beyond the Sea. I can't wait for publishing day!

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Though this was a short excerpt, I enjoyed it immensely. Somewhere Beyond the Sea picks up right where House in the Cerulean Sea left off, just from the perspective of Arthur instead of Linus. When I read Cerulean Sea, I did not except there to be a sequel. When I heard there was going to be a sequel, I was hesitant as I have seen bad sequels to incredible first books. This excerpt makes me believe that this sequel will be just as magical as the first book. I liked Arthur's perspective and hearing his inner monologue about the children and Linus was really heartwarming. We get a quick update on the children and how they are doing before Arthur and Linus leave for the city to appear before a committee regarding the current laws for magical children. The excerpt leaves off right before the hearing is started and left me wanting more. I cannot wait to read the entire book in the fall.

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Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC of this excerpt and for the opportunity to get a small glimpse into this book. The House in the Cerulean Sea has been my favorite read this year out of 52 books. It will forever hold a special place in my heart and I already know Somewhere Beyond the Sea will, too. These characters grab a hold of your heart and don't let go. It was so great to get a small taste of the book but it makes me all the impatient for the full release. TJ Klune, you can never do any wrong. Thank you for blessing us with another incredible novel!

So, in a few words: How in the world am I supposed to wait until September for this book?!?!

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The sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea opens with Arthur Parnassus, head of the Marsyas Island orphanage, as the narrator. I’m excited to hear more from the perspective of Arthur, who has been summoned to testify about his own experiences as a child in the Marsyas Island orphanage.

The opening chapters of Somewhere Beyond the Sea establish that the gang of magical children are flourishing under the tutelage of Arthur Parnassus and Linus Baker, and Arthur and Linus’s relationship has grown. The children eagerly await the arrival of a new child to the orphanage: a yeti!

I found the first chapters of this excerpt slow and heavy with an almost lecturing tone about prejudice and bias. The humor didn’t connect for me, and the dialogue was stilted. It wasn’t until Arthur and Linus left the island for Arthur’s testimony that the humorous dialogue that I liked in The House in the Cerulean Sea started to shine again. I hope the book continues in that vein because that was part of what made The House in the Cerulean Sea so charming.

When Arthur and Linus reach the mainland, it’s clear someone plans to undermine Arthur, setting up a potentially exciting plot for Somewhere Beyond the Sea. I’ve never read an excerpt before, and I find it hard to review such a short segment of a book! I’m hoping for another lovely fantasy with some conflict, but I’m hoping Klune doesn’t go over the top with certain elements. Showing, not telling, always works better for me.

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I did not read the first book in this series, but this excerpt has the depth of the entire Harry Potter series in just 4 chapters. The characters are brilliant. Can't wait to read the rest of it!

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TJ Klune can do no wrong! This was just a tease of what I know is going to be an amazing book that lives up to the first. It's preordered, and I can't wait to devour the entire thing!

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I didn't realize this was only an excerpt when I requested, so I have to take a star off for that. But I LOVED the first book in this series and know this one will be just as good! Can't wait for the whole book!

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I am obsessed with TJ Klune. The House in the Cerulean sea is my favorite book of all time. I was so excited to get a glimpse of this next book! My only complaint is that it was just an excerpt instead of the whole book!

I love Arthur and Linus and I am so excited to read about their next adventure!

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It's hard to give feedback on an excerpt, but I enjoyed the brief revisit to these characters and the island. I'm intrigued to find out the rest.

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The House in the Cerulean Sea singlehandedly reignited my love for reading post a many-years-long dry spell and if the rest of Somewhere Beyond the Sea is half as good as this excerpt then that magic hasn't just continued, it's increased tenfold. TJ Klune I love your work.

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I need to read more of this!! I was so surprised when they announced that it would be a sequel and of course, I wanted to read more of these characters. I wasn't disappointed at all. I missed the children, Arthur, Linus, and Zoe. I'll be waiting for the book to come out so I can continue reading this new story.

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This excerpt does a good job at bringing me back into this story. It did take me a few pages to get situated in the timeline, but that is to be expected. There's not much more to say that I am excited to read this book when it comes out. The writing style and character building is fantastic, as we have come to expect from this author.

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After reading and loving "The House in the Cerulean Sea," I was thrilled to see this excerpt available via Netgalley for "Somewhere Beyond the Sea."

In the second book of what I didn't realize would be a series but I'm very glad is, author TJ Klune gives readers another look at the remarkable children of Marsyas Island and their caretakers, the now-committed couple of Linus Baker and Arthur Parnassus, along with the sprite Zoe Chapelwhite (who, in a movie adaptation of these stories, I would love to see portrayed by Ayo Edebiri).

It was wonderful to see how our favorite characters have progressed since the first book, especially in the development of the children and their continuing entry into the society of Marsyas. While readers through the excerpt are only given a glimpse of where this book plans to go, it's enough to inspire confidence that this will be a worthy follow-up to "The House in the Cerulean Sea."

It's also enlightening to view the world primarily through the lens of Arthur's experience, where the first novel focused on providing Linus' perspective.

An additional note: I love that the title hearkens back to the first novel and the many references to the music Linus loved - "Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin - while also looking ahead to our first glimpse of Arthur and his experiences before coming to and after stepping foot off of the island.

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I didn't realize this was just an excerpt so when I realized I was only able to read a few chapters, I was so disappointed it wasn't the whole book. I'm anxiously awaiting the full release!

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This book was a little slower than I anticipated, But it was really nice to be back in this world! The author really makes you see everything, and the visualization is just fantastic. I wasn’t a huge fan of the plot and ending, but I adore the characters!

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I should have read more carefully, This is an excerpt. Now I'm invested and really can't wait to read the whole book. So far so very good.

Thanks to the good folk at NetGalley for the chance to read some chapters from this as an ARC. The book publishes in the fall?

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Thank you to NetGalley and TOR books for an e-arc to read, rate, and review.

Even though this was the first four chapters, I AM CAPTIVATED! I loved Cerulean Sea so much and this feels like coming home to a big gay hug! I adore TJ Klune's work and what he stands for!

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Being a big fan of "The House in the Cerulean Sea," I was thrilled to learn about the sequel. Getting to read an excerpt was like a comforting embrace. The magical characters are a joy, especially the heartwarming interactions between the children, Arthur, and Linus.

It's clear that this book will tackle significant themes of trauma and healing, along with Arthur's courageous stand against the government and his past on the island of Marsyas. I believe this sequel will have a powerful impact.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Got an advance copy of the first few chapters and I am so deeply excited!!!! I don’t know how I’m supposed to wait for the pub date in September! Arthur & Linus are the cutest dads, Theodore is my baby fire breathing boy, and I can’t wait to meet our new favorite son David the yeti. Let’s take down the government babyyyyy!

Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for the ARC!

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