Member Reviews

A great debut novel! This engaging, fast passed novel had Beauty and the Beast as well as Rumpelstiltskin vibes involving Fae. I would characterize this as a romantasy, slow-burn enemies to lovers. I thought both of the main characters, Eleanor and Ruskin, were likeable and I was entertained by the supporting characters, I am looking forward to more interactions with them in future books, I believe this is intended to be written as a trilogy. There are a few moderately spicy scenes that felt appropriate to the story and not just thrown in to add them. Without giving anything away I will say that this does end on a bit of a cliffhanger so I am eagerly awaiting the sequel!

*I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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‘The Court that Bleeds Gold’ is a promising debut that offers a thrilling dark romance with plenty of surprises along the way.

Embark on a mesmerizing journey alongside Eleanor in ‘The Court that Bleeds Gold’. Despite her initial naivety, Eleanor proves to be an intriguing character, offering readers a captivating perspective to follow. While her innocence may be a point of contention for some, it adds depth to her character arc, setting the stage for compelling development as the story unfolds.

Ruskin, the brooding fae prince, is a standout character who adds depth and complexity to the narrative. Fans of enigmatic protagonists will find themselves drawn to his mysterious allure, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the story. Despite his typical archetype, Ruskin brings a freshness to the tale, offering readers a character worth rooting for.

In addition to the main characters, Destan and Halima add a delightful depth to the story. Their presence brings a sense of fun and companionship, and I immediately fell in love with them as characters.

‘The Court that Bleeds Gold’ explores alchemy instead of traditional magic, which sets it apart in the fantasy genre. However, I wanted more exploration of this unique aspect, as it takes a backseat in this novel. Nonetheless, the infusion of alchemy adds an intriguing layer to the world-building, promising an immersive experience for those willing to delve deeper.

The plot of ‘The Court that Bleeds Gold’ is both interesting and well-thought-out. Eleanor’s journey to help Ruskin and unravel the mysteries of Seelie kept me hooked from start to finish.

Pacing issues occasionally rear their head in the early stages of the book, with events unfolding rapidly and potentially hindering readers’ ability to fully sympathize with Eleanor. However, as the story progresses, Eleanor’s character development shines through, endearing her to readers and highlighting her strength and resilience amidst adversity.

While the novel does occasionally have some typos in it, they are minor in nature and do not detract significantly from the overall reading experience. Additionally, while some plot twists may be predictable, they still manage to deliver a satisfying punch, keeping readers engaged and eager to uncover the next twist and turn. I, for one, did see the huge plot twist coming but not as quickly as I should’ve. Which made for a pleasant surprise.

Would I recommend it?

Yes! ‘The Court that Bleeds Gold’ is a promising debut that delivers an enthralling dark romance experience. With its compelling characters, refreshing twist on magic, and engaging writing style, it is sure to captivate fans of the genre and leave them eagerly anticipating future installments.

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I had an absolute blast diving into this debut novel, which takes inspiration from Rumpelstiltskin and Beauty and the Beast.

If you’re a fan of The Cruel Prince and A Court of Thorns and Roses, then trust me, you’re in for a treat with this one!

I loved the portrayal of the Fae as cunning and tricky beings, alongside the fantastic world-building that truly swept me away. The cast of characters felt both fun and relatable which made me feel more for each of them. Well, maybe except for her dad, but hey, nobody’s perfect.

The way the relationships are developed throughout the story adds so much depth and emotion to the narrative. You’ll find yourself rooting for each character.

Overall, I have to say, this book is a winner! I’m itching to discover what unfolds next for Ella and Rus after that cliffhanger. Hopefully we’ll discover the mysteries of the unseelie court - I’m ready for the adventure!

I received this book from NetGalley

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wow what a fantastic debut novel! I have read my fair share of romatasy so i feel like I know what to expect when going into them. I always feel like more often than not they don’t get the plot and romance to equal out and it usually ends up that one or the other is sacrificed. Thankfully this isn’t what happens in this book and we get a brilliant plot that keeps you on edge along with a flawed fmc and mmc that end up being pulled towards each other.

The world building in this book is also beautiful. It’s obvious that the author has taken time to explore the world she wants to build and add a uniqueness to it that pulls in the reader.

this book is definitely for my acotar/beauty and the beast girlies but also offers a unique story and elements that are completely it’s own. I can’t wait for the second book!

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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The Court That Bleeds Gold by Zara Storm

This book is my first venture into dark fantasy romance. I was a little apprehensive to start this, but I was quite surprised how this book managed to grab my attention straight away. I read this book in a day! I found the style of writing very easy and simple to read, which helped. Some parts of this story I did feel like I was reading a Ya book.

The enemies to lovers side was a slow burn. It wasn't the main focus of the book, which I do prefer. Zara Storm's description of the Fae world she has created is beautifully detailed, I was able to immerse myself into it.
This story is told from the pov of Eleanor. She is strong, smart, and confident, but she has a naivety about her and can be too trusting.
The other main characters are just as likeable, and I loved the way they developed throughout the story. Overall, the story had places where it was fast-paced. The ending felt a little rushed, and I did work out the plot twists quite early on.

For my first time delving into a Fae world, I did enjoy it, but I didn't love it. It was a good book to start off my journey into this genre.

Thank you, netgalley and Relay Publishing.
My opinions are my own.

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I had such a fun time consuming this Rumplstiltskin/Beauty and the Beast Retelling in a faerie world. While you come into this world with a bit of an idea how these classic tales will manifest, you are constantly surprised by this retelling in a completely new way. I was always on my toes from page to page and did not feel the same level of comfort in the narrative that you can feel with some retellings.

The alchemy and metallurgy aspects of this tale were immersive and entertaining as Ella discovered more about the properties of gold and her ability to harness the element in scientific and magical means. Right from the first scene, I was shocked by the cruelty of the fae in this world. Navigating this world from Ella’s perspective as she transitioned from a human other to a human inside of the Far realm was enthralling and frustrating. I enjoyed having a FMC whose power was held in her intellect and passion for science rather than her powers/strength off the bat. Of course, our MMC was a total heartthrob and misunderstood grump whose heart was golden when our FMC came into the picture. I can’t wait to see how these two come together in the next chapter of their stories.

What an incredible debut novel by Zara Storm and I can’t wait to read the rest of these characters stories.

I received this book from Net Galley/publisher in exchange for an honest review of my opinion.

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The Court That Bleeds Gold by Zara Storm deserves a glowing 4 star review for its imaginative world-building, captivating character dynamics, and emotionally satisfying romantic arc. The author crafts a vivid portrayal of the mystical fae realm, bringing its enchanting forests and ethereal inhabitants to life through rich sensory details and magical elements. The complex relationship between the mortal female protagonist and brooding fae prince unfolds slowly. Surely pulled together by an undeniable attraction yet tested by their differences. While the plot pacing falters at times, the depth of characters and their bittersweet but beautiful romantic journey ultimately play out. With just the right blend of fantasy, adventure and passionate romance, this book weaves an alluring escape into a magical realm that romance readers will adore losing themselves in.Overall though,I found it an enjoyable escapist fantasy with lush descriptions and creative twists on well-known folklore about the fickle, cunning fae.
Thanks to Net Galley for allowing me to be an ARC reader in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and net galley for this ARC**

This was a GREAT debut novel that left me excited for the next book in the series. Ella is a gold weaver, she can turn regular metals into gold, and this makes the king want her as his wife. In order to save herself she makes a deal with the Fae king Ruskin. Ruskin needs her to learn how to turn gold into other metals but he won't reveal why. Ella was a great FMC and I felt like the story was fast paced but the love story was a slow burn. So much happening but it all makes sense at the end.

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Loved the story and the themes from Rumpelstiltskin and Beauty and the Beast! It made for a very unique twist to both stories in the world of the Fae!

Never thought I'd laugh when a character would throw the FMC under the bus, but Thatch roping Eleanor into his crime was hilarious.
I enjoyed reading the banter and relationship development between Eleanor and Ruskin.

The story was fast paced, especially the last 15-10%.

There is so much potential here for an incredible series! The elements, characters and story is all there! I think that the fast paced/ rushed ending was the only issue I had. I feel like some things in the past few chapters were just thrown in, for example the the river Nixie.

Overall I will definitely be reading the second book to see where this story goes! Hopefully I'm right in my gut and this series will be addicting and amazing!

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This was a good debut novel. It gave me How Does it Feel by Jeneane O'Riley vibes. It is a dark fantasy trilogy with humans and seelie/unseelie fae. The pacing was fast, but the writing is simple and the world building was still easy to comprehend.

I do think it focused a lot more on the characters than the plot, but I also don't feel like there were a ton of plot holes. Leading into my biggest negative, I think the ending wrapped up nicely, but was also sort of predictable and a tad bit rushed. It went from the resolution of the main conflict straight into a new conflict without much buildup... which had me like "okay?". The first 25% of the book had me hooked, but the last 25% didn't.

However, the characters did keep me interested and I would be interested in reading the second one when it is released.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this eARC!

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THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD DEBUT NOVEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! ugh i loved every single moment of this book and was so so so freaking sad/worried/traumatized/scared when it ended, the cliffhanger had me REELING!
This book was deliciously written yet super easy to follow and understand, not to mention just how quick paced it was which really helped with getting into the plot and understanding what was happening and why characters were behaving the way they were and making certain choices too. Honestly i cannot stress enough just how much of a good time i had while reading this one, it was phenomenal! Would be perfect for people who are fans of fairy tale re-imaginings (very heavy on the beauty and the beast/sleeping beauty/Rumpelstiltskin vibes) enemies to lovers and a fantasy fairy realm.

Each of the characters in this seemed like they had something unique to offer to the plot, and they were also fleshed out really well. None of them seemed two dimensional, flat, or annoying. This was especially the case for the fmc Ella who is a 'regular' girl, not over powered/ambitious/annoying or weak like most fmcs are, but she is still strong willed and independent, and extremely curious about the fae realm. She seemed to develop really well throughout the book without changing fundamentally because she fell in love with some guy... again, a thing that usually happens to the fmc in fantasy romance books.
The romance between Ella and Ruskin BLEW ME AWAY!! Honestly, it seemed like it appeared out of nowhere because of how good the slow burn between them was, as well as the banter and teasing, and being slightly mean to each other. It was still freaking amazing, and i was screaming when they first kissed and started to give in to their feelings more and more! I hope that they get a happily ever after (especially with how this book ended) because they just seem like such a good fit for each other, even if Ruskin had been hiding things from her...

I really enjoyed the plot too and was as invested in it as i was the budding relationship between the main characters. In short Ella makes a deal with Ruskin to get away from the human king who wants to wed her because she has found a way of transforming regular metals into gold (earning her the title of Gold Weaver). She follows him to the fae realm and he gives her the task of trying to find a way of reversing this process (making gold turn into regular metal/what it was before) but he wont tell her the reason why. This seemed very straight forward until Ruskin started opening up more about his past and his reasons, and who he actually is, and we realise VERY QUICKLY that this task is a lot more dangerous than he first let on. IT WAS JUST SO FREAKING GOOD!!!
The amount of times i thought i knew what was going to happen/what a plot twist would be and i was wrong was insane! I couldn't guess at all what was going to happen next which was so exciting and made the entire ending of the book that much more intense and devastating. Again, the cliffhanger that it ended on was just so so sad.

I seriously cannot wait for book 2 and to see what direction the author is going to take this in, because i honestly feel like anything could happen at this point because so many things have been left unanswered (in the best way possible). Again, i just HOPE WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING THAT ELLA AND RUSKIN GET TO HAVE A HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!

I would also like to say a massive thank you to Netgalley and the publisher/author for giving me the chance to read this as an e-arc, because as you can tell i had the time of my life reading it and enjoyed it so much! <3

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What a debut novel!
The world building is easy and it is a fast paced book. It has a mixture of different fairytales in it like Beauty and the Beast and Rumpelstiltskin. Both the FMC and the MMC have great character development throughout the book.

In Eleanor we have a strong FMC that always calculates her next moves even though she is young. She’s very compassionate and takes no shit.
Even in the Fae world she stands up for herself and the other humans there.

The MMC comes of as evil in the beginning but let me tell you, you will get to see a different side of him that makes you fall in love.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes Acotar and The Goldfinch series!

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Thank you Netgalley, publisher, and author for the ARC!

A retelling that keeps you entranced by the drama and mysticism. An enemies to lovers to possible enemies again. Ella is an alchemist who strikes a deal with Ruskin for her freedom. Only to be roped into helping Ruskin lift his life-long curse. There is tension, angst, and betrayal. You don’t want to miss out on this one!

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The Court that Bleeds Gold by Zara Storm

This is a fantasy story with some beauty and the beast and other fairy tale inspirations (I think at least). I enjoyed the writing and how easy it was to follow. The story is about Eleanor, a strong persistent woman who is working on metal alchemy - in order to try and make gold, to save her poor village and father. When things finally look promising - she is sold out and left with only one option to buy her freedom - make a deal with Ruskin. The famed fae who makes twisted deals with a usual vicious end. The deal she makes sets her off on a path she would have never imagined. I enjoyed the characters and the world building. Simple - humans, seelie, unseelie. I thought that some of the fae looking like they came from nature is a cool concept - like “bark” skin. Good read, good author. I’ll be honest and say I dont like the MMC name - Ruskin - just makes me think of Rumpelstiltskin
- which might be intentional!

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You get a bit thrown into the story in the beginning. As in the first few pages you don’t know yet who’s pov you are reading.

Then the story takes on a faster pace where the surroundings change and it’s get a lot clearer who the main characters are.

The writing is simple but enjoyable. although the banter is sometimes a bit on the nose. And the you are keeping secrets from me so out of frustration I will kiss you happened multiple times.

The first 75% focused more on building relationships then anything other, the last 25% there is a lot happening but felt a bit rushed because of it.

It was an enjoyable fast read for romantasy lovers that like beauty and the beast retellings.

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"But what if his version of love is a dangerous one?"

♡ Rumpelstiltskin x Beauty and the Beast Vibes ♡
♡ A Touch of Darkness Vibes ♡

The Court that Bleeds Gold is book one of The Gold Weaver trilogy. This action-packed dark fantasy romance follows our main character, Eleanor Thorn, who makes a deal with the mysterious and dangerous Fae Prince, Ruskin Dawnsong, to escape her marriage with a horrible king.

I love a good enemies to lovers dark romance. This story was magical, and I absolutely adored it. I can't wait to follow along on Ella and Rus' journey once the rest of the trilogy is released.

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A fun and action-packed loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast with sprinkles of Rumpelstiltskin in the world of fae. The Court that Bleeds Gold follows Eleanor's story of escaping a corrupted king in the human realm by making a deal with the notorious Ruskin Blackcoat.

The story was fast-paced and had fun banter along with well written intimate scenes that weren't filled with awkward words like "nectar, roaring, pole." All the action scenes were great to read and makes you feel like you're experiencing it with the characters.

With all that being said, the plot does get a little predictable and the ending felt a little rushed at its climax, but it does have a good (cliffhanger) ending for the first book of the series. The worldbuilding is a little light with just enough details for the reader to get a visual and the characters feel a little one dimensional since most characters don't have enough background or personality to really hook the reader in.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read and I'm definitely awaiting the next book of the series.

I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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So I just finished read A Court that Bleeds Gold. First of all I want to say that I got this as an advanced review copy for free through Net Galley.

If you want a book that combines Beauty and the Beast and Rumpelstiltskin with a strong-willed, female character and dark fae Prince, then this is the book for you.

Eleanor is an alchemist who almost marries a cruel king due to her gold weaving abilities. But, Eleanor decides to escape the castle in which she is being kept and ends up making a deal a terrifying fae prince. Eleanor is then given an almost impossible task by the prince. But her wits and thirst for knowledge aid her in her task.

Although at first I felt like it was a little slow, it then picked up pace. I also feel like there were certain spots where an extra paragraph or two would help with transition from one setting to another.
But other than that I truly enjoyed the book.

Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Forced Proximity, and Morally Grey Male Character
Spice Level: 🌶🌶 (I feel like the spicy scenes are less than in acotar 2. This would be a good beginner book when it comes to smutt.)

Overall: 4 out 5 stars.

Again thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to the opportunity to read this book. This is my own honest review.

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Holy moly, how in the world is this a debut novel?! This will be a part of a dark romance fantasy trilogy and I will definitely be reading the next two. This book was exceptional.

Imagine a world with aspects of Rumpelstiltskin, Beauty and the Beast with an adult Cruel Prince vibe and add some spice, metallurgy and magic. Ahh I loved it so much and couldn’t put it down. I think my favorite thing about this book was the FMC, Eleanor, and her witty, poignant, question-everything attitude and she wasn’t afraid to say exactly what was on her mind. I also really enjoyed all of the fun and scary creatures in the Emerald Forest. This book had enemies to lovers, forced proximity, age gap and Fae folk.
I received this ARC the night before its release so it’s not available for purchase and is free to read on KU. Huge thanks to @netgalley and Relay Publishing!

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### Book Review: The Court that Bleeds Gold by Zara Storm

*The Court that Bleeds Gold* by Zara Storm is a spellbinding fantasy romance filled with intrigue, betrayal, and heart-stopping twists that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The story follows Eleanor, a human, and Ruskin, the prince of the Seelie Court, as they navigate a turbulent journey that blurs the lines between love and deception.

The intricate world-building and captivating characters drew me into the enchanting realm of Faerie, where danger and magic lurk around every corner. Eleanor's resilience and determination, paired with Ruskin's enigmatic allure, created a dynamic and compelling duo that I couldn't help but root for.

As the story unfolds, secrets are revealed, trust is shattered, and the intricate web of lies and motivations leaves both characters and readers questioning everything. The emotional rollercoaster of their relationship, from forbidden love to heartbreaking betrayal, kept me invested in their fates until the very last page.

The shocking cliffhanger ending left me breathless and desperate for more, eager to uncover the truth behind Ruskin's actions and Eleanor's ultimate fate. *The Court that Bleeds Gold* is a five-star read that delivers a captivating blend of fantasy, romance, and suspense that will leave readers clamoring for the next installment. Zara Storm has crafted a mesmerizing tale that lingers long after the final page is turned, making this book an absolute must-read for fans of intricate and gripping fantasy romance.

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