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Her Pretty Lies

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Wowzers - this book threw you RIGHT into the twists & turns!

What if you were at rock bottom but someone offered you a way out? But in accepting that way you, it went against everything you believed in?

Great thriller, great pacing!

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This is a quick read that won’t be a game changer but is a perfectly serviceable dual POV thriller.

Beach read all over it!

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This book left me with mixed feelings—I found the plot to be a bit unbelievable at times, with pacing that felt slow in some places and rushed in others.
One downside was that I saw the ending coming from halfway through the book, which left me feeling a bit disappointed. It felt like the author gave away the story with just one revealing sentence in the middle! 😕
On the upside, it definitely keeps you guessing with its twists and turns, even though I found some of them a bit hard to believe. Despite the issues, the book does a good job of keeping you on your toes!
Overall, while this book had its drawbacks, it might still be worth a read if you enjoy mysteries with plenty of surprises. However, be prepared for some plot challenges along the way! 📖
Big thanks to NetGalley, for giving me the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I appreciate the publisher granting me access to this ARC but I’m sorry to say that I really didn’t enjoy it. I found the plot unbelievable, and slow in some places, yet rushed in others. In addition, the characters were all pretty unlikeable. A positive point was that the book definitely keeps you on your toes with lots of twists and turns, but unfortunately they weren’t believable enough to engage me in the book. Apologies for not being able to give a more positive review.

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Thank you Storm Publishing, NetGalley and Angela Henry for this ARC of Her Pretty Lies.


Wow! What can I say about a suspense, true crime novel without giving away any spoilers?

Right from the onset Kendall the main character had so many things going on with her and to her that it was almost too much. I loved the story, as you literally cannot keep guessing what's going to happen next. It is as the premise promises an edge of your seat, gripping, psychological thriller.

My only gripe if any, is at times the pacing was a little bit all over the place, yes we were getting a bit of backstory to Kendall and the characters in the story- but it felt slow burn in places and too fast in others.

This having said- I couldn't guess the ending and I definitely didn't see it coming. I had to read this story in one sitting.

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4.5 ⭐️

This was a 4.5⭐️ for me. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rate half stars here.

I usually read thrillers/horror stories around the spooky season. But when I was accepted for this psychological thriller ARC, I was very happy. I liked the description and wanted to know more. Let me tell you Miss Angela Henry has caught my attention and I will definitely be reading more from her and also more thrillers. The story was suspenseful with many twists. In the middle of the book with so many lies I could not make up my mind who was lying or telling the truth. Everyone had secrets and they all led to each other. However, it was not predictable which made it a perfect read.
Thank you NetGally and Angela Henry

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Wow this was an intense and thought provoking read. The pacing was just right and it kept me engaged and interested until the end. There were so many twists that seriously shocked me, and the ending was so good. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for a chance to read and review this book.

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2 ⭐️

The premise of this book sounded so enticing… college scandal, murder, familial challenges, impersonation, lies, sex, drugs… it had it all, but it also felt cheap and poorly written. The realization that a book can throw all the elements at a story and it can still fall flat was evident. It almost seemed like just too much drama and extremely unlikely.

The characters were all unlikable and disenchanting. The sequences of events seemed illogical and poorly executed.

I did not enjoy this book and unfortunately, can not recommend.

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"Her Pretty Lies" by Angela Henry falls short of its potential, with a promising premise overshadowed by inconsistent pacing and underdeveloped characters. While the mystery initially draws you in, the execution feels lacking, leaving much to be desired in terms of depth and resolution. Unfortunately, the novel fails to deliver the gripping experience anticipated, making it a disappointing read for those seeking a more engaging thriller.

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This worked well overall with the genre, it worked with what I was hoping for and enjoyed getting to read this. The concept worked well overall and thought the suspense worked well overall. The characters were everything that I was expecting and loved the psychological thriller elements to this. Angela Henry has a great writing style and can’t wait for more.

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I'm still stunned by this book. My heart went out to poor Kendall and the bad luck she seemed to attract wherever she went. The story started off strong, drawing me in and keeping me intrigued. As the story unfolded, a series of unexpected deaths, alongside the countless lies, made me question which characters we could trust. Around 80% into the book, the pace picked up significantly, with a lot of information now available. I started to feel frustrated with some of the characters. Unfortunately, the ending fell a bit short for me, the plot twist felt somewhat unrealistic and I just couldn't see it. However, despite this, I found the book overall enjoyable and I'm intrigued to read the other books the author has written.

I would like to say thankyou to Netgalley, Storm Publishing and Angela Henry for giving me the opportunity to read this beautiful book.

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The main character, Kendall, was faced with some pretty tough situations, where basically her life changed rapidly in the space of a few days. I liked that she was sharp and intelligent without being obnoxious or self-righteous.

The story was deeply layered until it felt like Kendall was completely trapped. But the author did a fantastic job of making it feel like Kendall was always going to find a way out and solve her own problems. Sure, she made some questionable decisions, but it was under pretty dire circumstances.

There were a few genuinely funny moments, which made the story more real and the author turned and twisted the plot until it felt like any one could be responsible for the murder with multiple people having a motive.

Then the main twist hit and it was a total banger!

Thank you to Netgalley, Storm Publishing and the author for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Although this book is full of twists and turns I really struggled to get into it. There was a lot going on in the story and it was very confusing at times. The characters were okay but I found the writing difficult. It is a good story but just not for me, but I would recommend for people who like suspense.

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Overall this was a good book, I think people who enjoy tons of twists and turns that will make your head spin they will like this book. I thought it was interesting, there were many characters that you didn’t know who was lying or telling the truth. I don’t think the pace picked up until halfway through and then towards the end it was too overwhelming for me and I had to go back to re-read part to make sure I fully understood who was saying what. Because I didn’t find it very easy to follow I’ll be giving it a lower rating of 3/5 stars.

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This might have been an easy read and the plot sounded so interesting I do have to say that the plot twist at the end was extremely far fetched and I see a lot of problems with the story.

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What a ride that was!

So many twists and turns I really had no idea what way the story was going to go and the twist at the end., absolutely did not see that coming at all. The most enjoyable books are the unpredictable ones and this one was certainly that, from cover to cover I was hooked.

A 5 star from me! Loved it

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Kendall is one of the most unlucky people I’ve ever read about. This story starts off with her finding out this incredible scholarship she was supposed to receive is no longer available to her then going home to her boyfriend cheating on her with his ex, I kept feeling worse and worse for her with everything that happened.

Without giving anything away, she’s given an opportunity to make money while waiting for her scholarship/grant to be reinstated. All of the different characters ended up being connected in different ways that was important to the story line. The last 3 or 4 chapters saved this story for me. It was a little slow at first, but really enjoyed it once I got in to it.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for giving me an ARC for Her Pretty Lies by Angela Henry!

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Thank you Netgalley & Storm Publishing for an eARC of this book. I was surprised by the amount of twists & lies. Nothing is what it seems, everyone has their own secrets and the plot to me, was intricately weaved.

The ending was so-so for me, it didn’t wowed me but I think it was still a quick and easy read psychological thriller.

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Wow this book is rollercoaster with so many twists and turns. I had no idea where the story was going to end at 70% I thought I know how it was going to end but actually was totally wrong.
Kendall is a grad student who has just lost her scholarship and has just walked in on her boyfriend with someone else. Her life has literally been turned upside down.
Highly recommend this book as a fast paced read.
Thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and Angela Henry for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!

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Angela Henry takes readers on a wild ride of unexpected twists and turns. Set against the backdrop of shattered plans and desperate circumstances, protagonist Kendall's journey from ground zero to an unforeseen predicament challenges the notion of just how far desperate people will go.

At around 80%, you might think you have it all figured out, but at 85%, prepare for a curveball that will have you questioning everything. Despite moments of doubt, sticking with the story proves rewarding as the author expertly ties up loose ends with a satisfying conclusion.

The narrative's relentless twists might leave you with literary whiplash, but they also showcase Henry's skill in crafting a gripping plot. While some twists may feel excessive, requiring a second glance to ensure comprehension, the overall experience remains thoroughly enjoyable.

"Her Pretty Lie" solidifies Angela Henry as a master of suspenseful storytelling, leaving readers eager for more. Whether you're a fan of thrillers or simply seeking an engaging read, this book comes highly recommended. Thank you to Netgalley & Storm Publishing for allowing me early access!

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