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Just Some Stupid Love Story

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Just Some Stupid Love Story is a debut romance novel that was much spicier than I expected, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly!

Molly Marks is the daughter of a film producer who, despite being highly cynical about everlasting love, has a job as a rom-com writer for Hollywood. The novel begins with her reuniting with her high school boyfriend, Seth Rubinstein, at their 15th high school reunion. Molly dumped Seth due to her fear of commitment, while Seth believes in true love and is still searching for his soulmate.

After a tipsy hookup following the reunion, Seth and Molly place a long-term bet about whether they can predict the fate of five couples from high school. Which ones will still be together at their 20th reunion? In a plot twist, Molly and Seth are the fifth couple, with Seth betting that Molly will be in love with him within five years.

While this was a bit of a cliched premise with lots of typical romance tropes, including my least favorite (miscommunication), it was redeemed by the fact that Doyle delved deeper into the childhood trauma experienced by Molly, and outlined how this impacted her behavior as an adult within her interpersonal and romantic relationships.

Read this one if you want a fresh take on:
*Second chance romance
*Opposites attract
*Grumpy x sunshine
*Unrequited love
*Dual POV

Thank you to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for an audiobook in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. This was a spicy debut novel that I couldn't put down. This novel brings two people back together at their 15 year high school reunion. They make a bet on who will (or won't) be together on their 20th... Such a fun and witty book.

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When the expectation of being similar to Emily Henry is touted, it's an immediate draw for me! And while the tropes that exist in this book were utterly delicious, and the spice scenes were very intricate and out of the box (hello sexting!) I will say that a huge problem I had was with understanding Molly on a base level that didn't make me feel like she was incredibly toxic. Despite her reasons and traumas, I found her back and forth on either loving and not loving someone to be grating at times. The couple itself is a key second chance romance, but I definitely feel they both would have benefited from forms of deep therapy. I also wasn't too crazy being put into the world of Covid even in the form of fiction. I get the reasoning due to the time period but that portion completely sullied some of the plot points for me, almost as if it were a throwaway. I truly wanted to be in love with this love story, and there are bits and pieces that definitely shine, but the other parts made me feel less connected.

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A cute romcom beach read!

I’m always skeptical of a second chance romance because 1) they’re so predictable and 2) I don’t love the back and forth of it all. This book was in fact predictable but I was OK with it. My only issue with the timeline, which spanned several years, was the inclusion of Covid. I’ve decided I don’t need mention of Covid in books. Can we just pretend it didn’t happen?

Overall, I enjoyed this book. Quick, easy and fun.

3.8 rounded up to 4.

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Happy Publication Day! I wasn’t expecting a ton from this romance novel, but HOLY COW was it great… 4.5 stars! Just Some Stupid Love Story is Katelyn Doyle’s debut novel and I can’t wait to read the next book she puts out.
Molly Marks is a rom-com screen play writer attending her 15th high school reunion in Florida when she runs into her ex-boyfriend Seth, who is one of Chicago’s top divorce lawyers. Contrary to their jobs, he is the hopeful romantic, while she is cynical about soul-mates. They make a bet predicting which 5 couples will be together or won’t at their 20th reunion. The last couple in the bet is them. Over the course of 5 years, Molly and Seth have run-ins and terrible timing, and it seems like they will never get together until they do. The question is, once they’re together, will the relationship last until the 20 year reunion, or will Molly bolt like she’s done in so many relationships before?
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Molly Marks shows up at her 15th high school anniversary, a writer of romantic comedy screenplays, but not really believing in love. She wants to drink and roll her eyes at her former classmates and be cynical about life in general. And then she runs into her ex-boyfriend from high school, Seth Rubinstein. Seth is now a divorce attorney living in Chicago and aching to find his soulmate. He wants nothing more than to get married and start a family.

They talk about their individual opinions on soulmates and love and make a bet. They choose 5 couples between them and make a bet on whether they will be together in five years or not. And while they both insist that they are right and will win that bet, neither can guess at just how much their flirting would ignite their old feelings for each other.

But Molly doesn’t want to believe in love or marriage. She was just a teenager when her parents’ marriage imploded, with her father walking out and not looking back. She had been left behind to help her mother pick up the pieces of a nasty financial battle, and without a second parent to give her any of the emotional support she needed.

Seth, on the other hand, was so eager to start his new family that he would rush into relationships and ends up putting too much pressure on them too quickly. But things are easier with Molly. They can fall back into flirting and making out without a lot of pressure or expectations, just enjoying the moments they get.

In the months after the reunion, they run into each other a few times. There is a wedding of mutual friends, a baseball game, a baby shower. Each time they bump into each other, there is chemistry, but the time is never right for more than that. There are other relationships, there is heartbreak, there is distance, there is a pandemic.

Eventually, they get past all those obstacles and finally meet back up, admitting to each other that their feelings for each other are real and not going away. But is that enough for Molly to get past her fears and for Seth to get past his urgency to jump into a marriage?

Just Some Stupid Love Story is a debut rom com from Katelyn Doyle. It’s smart and funny, with an understanding of story and a level of snark that I personally find lots of fun. There is actually a lot going on in this story, so it’s not just all about the love story. The subplots are strong, and the supporting characters add a lot of interest to the story.

I listened to this on audio, with narrators Christine Lakin and Tim Paige alternating the reading, their voices bringing Molly and Seth to life. I thought they did an excellent job with the storytelling, adding emotions and humor in the right amounts to these characters and smoothing out some of the moments the writing was less successful (there were some strange metaphors, like when Seth hugged Molly like a squid? But the moments were rare and over quickly, so they felt more like quirkiness than problems).

Overall, I thought Just Some Stupid Love Story was a fun summer read. The cynical rom com writer and the effervescent divorce attorney made a great combination, and their flirty conversations added a lot of smiles to my day. This is a more significant rom com, not a quick, fluffy read, but a substantial emotional journey for a week of hanging by the beach or pool. Just lots of fun!

An early copy of the audio book for Just Some Stupid Love Story was provided by Macmillan Audio through NetGalley, with many thanks.

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I absolutely love second-chance romances but this story had my feelings going all over the place. Molly broke Seth's heart in high school, only for them to reconnect at their high school reunion and getting the timing wrong.

I liked Molly and it was easy to follow how different life events and people formed her view of love. However, it was frustrating seeing her repeat the same patterns with Seth. I wish she would've done a little more work on herself before her reunion or after reconnecting with Seth. It took a while for Seth to grow on me. I wanted him to better communicate his feelings and address Molly's concerns. However, I did enjoy seeing Molly and Seth's interactions and conversations throughout the years. Their connection kept me rooting for them! The supporting characters were also lovely! Molly and Seth’s bet at the start and how their friends’ stories intertwined were fun (and sad at times) to follow!

Although the email mix up at the end and outcome was hilarious, it kinda leaves the reader wondering how things would've turned out if it hadn't happened.

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This was so enjoyable! I love a second chance romance and Seth & Molly’s story was perfect. We see them over the course of five years. It’s kind of a right person, wrong time type of thing. I was feeling all the emotions while reading. So happy I went the audio route. It was great!

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Seth knows true love exists and is determined to find his soul mate despite growing up to be one of Chicago’s premier divorce lawyers. Molly, on the other hand, has written 2 hit rom-com screenplays but thinks fated love is made-up BS.

Despite their polar opposite viewpoints, Molly and Seth were madly in love during their high school years… Until Molly broke up with and promptly ghosted Seth on the eve of graduation. That was fifteen years ago and now a high school reunion has put them back in each other’s orbit. But old feelings and maybe a little bitterness and resentment lead them to make a bet. Whoever can predict the fate of 5 couples before their next reunion wins and the loser must admit the winner was right about true love.

Seth realizes this could be the sign he needs, he still compares every woman to Molly after all, so he takes a chance and tells Molly that the fifth couple will be them because they’re meant to be together. Eternally pessimistic Molly tells him that she’ll only end up breaking his heart. With five years to prove each other wrong, it's sure to be one hell of a ride.

I listened to the audiobook and it was PHENOMENAL! Christine Lakin had the perfect voice for Molly, she conveyed Molly’s curmudgeonly attitude while somehow endearing the reader to her character. Through Molly’s good decisions, and bad ones… Mostly the bad, I felt for her, I understood her, hell, I’ve been her.

If it weren’t for Tim Paige, I probably would’ve found Seth’s character annoying for the first part of the book because Seth is arrogantly chipper, he talks and thinks like he’s a douche bag but he has a heart of gold (that’s the best way I can think of to describe it). But somehow, between Tim’s performance and Seth’s character development, I too fell in love. Also, my fiance told me that Tim sounds like Satoru Gojo and honestly, I can’t un-hear it.

One of the things that Katelyn Doyle’s writing does well is to depict the rough edges of her characters and somehow you come out liking the character more. That feeling was multiplied by like 15 for me because of the narrators' performances. The combination of the two meant that could see every second of this story play out like a movie in my head.

Did my heart break for them at times? Yes. Did I want to yell at or shake either Molly or Seth from time to time? Also yes. But ultimately, this was a beautiful depiction of what real love can be like. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, sometimes it hurts but you have to make an effort to work through the rough patches and choose your partner over and over again.

And good news, it was released today! I have to say that this has been my favorite rom-com of 2024 so far, I hope y’all love this as much as I did!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and @Macmillan Audio for allowing me to write an honest review of the ARC for Just Some Stupid Love Story!
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/ 5

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Ummmmm, I think the author and publisher took a huge gamble when they choose this title, or else they just wanted to tell it like it is. Although part of me even quibbles with calling the story that was told a love story. Certainly Seth is obsessed with Molly, carrying a torch from early in high school through his late thirties, regardless of how many times Molly treats him like crap. Is that love or self-immolation? Molly spends most of the book focusing on her own naval gazing and her unwillingness to change or open her heart, despite the great sex she has with Seth and others along the way. PROTECT YOURSELF AT ALL COST, regardless of who you hurt in the process. And that should, technically, be "whom," but neither the author nor the copywriters seemed to care about using object pronouns correctly, so why should I? I listened to the audio version of this book, and the narration was fine, but it is the ONLY audiobook I've ever pushed to 2.5 speed--I was just that eager to be done with it. I won't be sharing this review on social media. There may be patient readers/listeners who don't mind long, tangled tales that ultimately provide an HEA, and my opinions probably reflect my impatience with stupidity.

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First off, I love the title and cover of this one, and I love that the characters are the same age as me, so it almost felt like I was reading about some of my high school classmates.

I thought the premise of this story was great, and I really liked the banter between the two main characters. There was also some great spice, which is always appreciated, and the female friendships in the book were so great.

The characters both had their (MAJOR) flaws and hang-ups, which was a little hard for me to get past. I found them to be pretty frustrating at times, but at the same time, I was rooting for them to get out of their own ways. The narration was well done. Although the male narrator wasn't my favorite, he still did a decent job. My biggest issue with the audio version of this is the multiple email exchanges, which didn't translate well to audio.

Overall, this was an enjoyable story and was a great romance debut. I'd recommend picking it up despite the characters being a bit frustrating.

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Another Stupid Love Story is the epitome of a classic romantic comedy. Molly, a rom com writer who doesn’t believe in loved, and Seth, a divorce lawyer who believes in soul mates,- of whom are high school exes- reconnect at their high school reunion. After a steamy rekindling, the two make a bet regarding five couples- including themselves- and if they will still be together by the next reunion in five years.

I felt like this story had a good pace and enjoyable characters who developed nicely. This is a great read. If you’re looking for your next rom com I highly recommend.

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Happy Publication Day!

Oh my goodness, this one deserves all the stars! Hands down one of my favorite romcoms this year!

Molly doesn’t believe in soulmates or happily ever afters due to her parents nasty divorce that resulted in her father leaving her mother devastated and a 13-year old Molly in charge of picking up the pieces. Despite that, she did find friendship and love in her high school boyfriend Seth. He was able to help her mend her broken heart, making her feel safe for the years they dated. But as college loomed, she broke up with him. If someone was going to leave, it would be her.

Fifteen years later, Molly and Seth reunite at their high school reunion. Their playful banter immediately connects the two and they fall into their old habits - dancing, being silly, and teasing one another. Seth would love to pick back up where things left off; Molly would too but….soulmates don’t exist and neither do happily ever afters.

Can Seth change her mind or will Molly always push people away?

This was such a great read that had wonderfully spicy moments as well as very real and heavy conversations.

This is definitely a 5 star read! I highly recommend it for those who enjoy romcoms!

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This book was adorable!!
And sad.
And eye-opening.
And fun, honest, critical, self-loathing, bright, cheerful…and, full of love.

Molly Marks (the MFC) is PRICKLY!
That’s the best word I can think of to describe her…
She hates pretty much everything. And love…pffft…never happening.
Funny thing is, she’s a rom-com screenwriter. And yet…doesn’t believe in love.

So, when she arrives at her HS’s 15 year reunion, with her bff’s, she’s shocked to find that she is NOT sitting with them!
Instead, she is seated at the table with her HS sweetheart!
The one she broke up with just before graduation.
The one she never thought she’d see again.
She’s THE ONE who broke his heart.

Seth (the MMC) is surprised to see Molly. Yet, he is delighted!
He does his best to NOT let her know that she’s scarred him for life. That he never truly got over her. That he still thinks about her.

They talk. They dance. And….they make a bet!
They choose 5 couples at the reunion and bet on how their lives will turn out IN FIVE YEARS. At their next reunion. BUT, one of the couples is the two of them!!

I don’t want to give anything away, so I’ll end it here. Suffice it to say, there is A LOT GOING ON over those five years…

We are introduced to their families, their friends, their jobs, etc… and, well,
I just loved every minute of this one!

At one point the book stopped playing (not sure why) and my heart stopped, thinking I was not going to hear the ending. 😮 Thank God, once I got home, it came back on my shelf!

Oh, and I believe this is the authors first book! So, I for one, will be looking for more!!

Thanks so much to #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for an ARC of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!

#JustSomeStupidLoveStory by #KatelynDoyle and narrated beautifully by #ChristineLakin and #TimPaige.


5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me!

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Thanks so much for reading! And if you ‘liked’ my review, please share with your friends!! 📚⭐️

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio and Flatiron Books for early copies of the audiobook and ebook via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Just Some Stupid Love Story put such a smile on my face while listening to it! It’s a second chance romance with a grump/sunshine, but with the female as the grump. And yet she’s a romcom screenwriter and he’s a divorce attorney! The book starts at their fifteenth high school reunion and covers the five years before the next reunion. I have not attended any high school reunions, but the prep school they attended has quite lavish events, making them almost wedding-like.
I thought the book was really well done - I did a mix of listening and reading it, and it may have felt a little on the long side if I were just reading the ebook. Written in dual POV, both Christine Lakin and Tim Paige did an excellent job with the narration. There are a number of really funny scenes, and one extra steamy scene stands out. I found myself identifying with the main character Molly in probably a few too many ways 🤣The state of Florida takes some hits, as it’s where the main characters and the author grew up, but I thoroughly enjoyed laughing along.

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Wow. This was such a good duet audiobook. The description may say for Emily Henry fans, but I honestly enjoyed this one more than any Emily Henry book to date.

Some of the reviews said this book is long. Yes, it is long, but it is because the character growth that Molly goes through is incredible. Molly’s journey to becoming the woman that deserves Seth is why I loved this book so much.

I wanted to sob, swoon, and then smile throughout this book. It made me feel ALLLLL the feels.

Thank you so much to the author and Netgallery for this ARC of the audiobook.

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This was a good audiobook. It was cute, funny, spicy and entertaining. The narration was well done and easy to follow. I did think there was some pacing problems however. Some parts seemed to drawn on, while others happened too fast. I did a review post for this (along with another arc) on my Bookstagram that I have linked down below.

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I'm still absolutely giddy after reading this one! Ummm I am in love with Seth. His confidence and quirky personality are just so attractive. Also, the fact that he's a hopeless romantic just checks all my boxes. Molly, on the other hand, is just so hard to like with all her anxieties. I read this one very quickly and loved it! The audiobook was absolutely wonderful! Great narrators for each of the main characters!! Overall, I loved it!!

*Thank you partner @flatiron_books and for the #gifted e-galley and audiobook in exchange for an honest review.*

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Just Some Stupid Love Story is a sexy, witty, romcom. The play on enemies to lovers trope, with lovers, to enemies, to a whirlwind of hookup, to friends, to lovers felt so realistic and was intriguing. The story spanning over 5 years was done well, and felt realistic. The complexities of each character felt genuine, while also balancing well with the comedy.

I loved the sarcasm of both main characters, and the clever banter between them. I especially loved with chemistry, attraction, and sexy scenes.

I listened to the audiobook version of this book. It had two narrators who did an excellent job. I listened at 1.75x speed (with 1.75-2x speed being my normal audiobook listening speed).

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for this advanced audiobook copy.

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Story: 4
Female Narrator: 5
Male Narrator: 5
I am becoming a huge Tim Paige fan! Both of the narrators were lovely in this.

I am a sucker for a great love story, so I was "all in" for wanting to love this one. The story, overall, was a little too cynical for my taste in romance, but it does have a HEA. The character build was really good but it wrapped up and issues were resolved too quickly for me. Gah, Seth Rubinstein is just the teddy bear I needed for this journey.

Thank you for the audio file, this is my honest opinion.

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