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My Husband's Ex

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Ex-Girlfriend by Rosie Walker was an unexpected thriller for me. When an unexpected guest shows up at the cabin where Sadie and Ted were celebrating Christmas with their family everyone was surprised. Sadie fully expected to spend the holidays recovering from a stressful year with her husband and children, but Alice and her daughter had other plans. Or did they? By the middle of the book when Sadie and Teds daughter lost her new I pad, I threw all of my expectations out the window because the truth was nothing I though it was going to be. When I think of a true thriller read, this book really will stand out to me now. Poor Alice went from being the villain to victim and back again so many times my head was spinning. In Sadie's head she really did not know what the truth was until she came so close to death her tired mind put it all together when she was pulled from the freezing water by the last person she expected. The meaning surrounding the story is such a powerful and uplifting one for anyone who has dealt with this type of abuse. I love this book and highly recommend!!

Thank you Netgalley for the Arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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**Audio Review
This was my first encounter with the author Rosie Walker and therefore had no experience as what to expect.
However, I am very happy to say it will not be my last as I have definitely found a new author to add to my list and very much looking forward to reading more in the future.
Absolute credit also has to be given to the narrator Helen McAlpine for the magnificent accurate articulation and great voice consistency for all the characters!

This ticked so many boxes of concepts I love in a novel with my favourite type of setting -
A remote lodge in the Scottish Highlands during the festive period - usually this location is associated with the routine holiday romance scenario but is much better suited to this type of psychological suspense thriller which the author captured perfectly and executed with fantastic descriptive language. I could feel, see, taste everything about this setting. The Scottish weather (which I am unfortunately familiar with) completed the underlying feel for this setting in the format of a Storm.

The opening chapters had me instantly hooked - this was not just about Ted and Sadie experiencing a difficult patch in their marriage and trying to resolve with a Christmas break, right from the get go there was an atmosphere of suspense created.

The story line is continuous with unexpected twists which supports the fast pace which I enjoy in a thriller, completed with an ending I would never have predicted. There is a fantastic mix of characters which always had me wondering and trying to second guess.
There was some delicate themes running within the plot that the author delivered exceptionally well which help create a genuine connection to the characters.
Would recommend to all readers with a love of Psychological Thrillers (and not just for Christmas).

Thank you very much to NetGalley for this ARC in Audio format of “My Husband’s Ex” (*previously known as Ex-Girlfriend) by Rosie Walker in exchange of an honest review.

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I spent some of this book in confusion since there were definitely twists and turns I wasn't expecting. I'm still not 100% convinced the ending worked, but this book kept me entertained and hooked until the last second. I loved the narrator and her gorgeous accent.

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This was a peculiar read.

The premise was great, however, it seemed like this novel had every possible thriller trope thrown into the story.

At times, I was thinking wait what??? And not in a genuine surprised way. I was genuinely confused.

It’s hard for me to convey. This just wasn’t it for me.

Narrator of the audiobook was good though

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Audiobook🎧 review

3.5 🌟 (rounded up)

The book 'Ex-Girlfriend' lead me on an adventure that was full of both suspense and deceit. From the moment Alice, the ex-girlfriend, appears on Sadie and Ted’s doorstep with a daughter in tow, suspicion lingers, which left me constantly questioning each character’s motives, who I should trust and what would happen next.

The story is told from the perspective of Sadie (the wife), who attempts to save her marriage in the face of Alice's unexpected return. The entire book kept me guessing what would happen next until the very end.

The end did feel little rushed. However, the author’s exploration of jealousy and betrayal, coupled with domestic problems, made for a compelling read.

I will say the narrator's dialect for the audiobook caught me off guard initially, and it took some getting used to, but I think it ultimately made the story more authentic. Keep in mind it may take some getting used to if you decide to undertake the audiobook.

Although I didn't find the book completely flawless, I still consider it to be an above-average suspenseful thriller.

Thank you Net Galley, Bookouture Audio and Rosie Walker for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

It’s a yes for me! 🖤


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This was a fun, quick easy read.
The beginning had me hooked and the author did a good job at building up the suspense. However I don't think there was enough foreshadowing for that ending it didn't really make sense but overall enjoyable.

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Starts off like a cozy family story, but then the plot twists. No spoilers. Just when you think you know what is going on, another twist, then another. The audiobook narrator has a strong accent, which I enjoyed. This was better than I expected! I was happily surprised and really enjoyed this book!

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I was not expecting the twist at the end! This book had me all over the place with emotions. I loved every minute of it! I was engaged the whole time and wanted to finish the book to find out what was going on.

Ted and Sadie are married with two daughters. They are heading out of town to spend time with their family for Christmas. Two unexpected people show up at their family gathering. Ted's ex-girlfriend - Alice the someone who got away. Sadie was convinced that Ted was still in love with her and wanted to be back with her, especially now that he now knows he has another daughter.

There was a storm going on throughout the book causing them to lose service and power. They also have no way out as the river continues to grow higher. As the story develops you go through a lot of emotions trying to figure out what was going on, especially with all the secrets each person had. As the secrets and lies begin to unfold keep you locked inside the book and wanting to know more. It was like a bad dream you can't take yourself away from.

Thank you, NetGalley, for allowing me to read this book and give my honest opinion. Thank you, Bookoture Audio and Narrated by Helen McAlpine, for an engaging audiobook. It was well delivered and kept me engaged the whole time. Thank you, Rosie Walker, for writing a well-developed story that had me engaged and wanting to know more. The character development and the storyline were well thought out!

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This book pulled me in and kept me invested until the end. The premise was good, so I was very interested in reading this one. It was addictive and full of suspense, and I was very entertained the whole ride. The author did a great job building suspense and setting the atmosphere. Though annoying at times, I appreciated Sadie’s inner monologue. I don’t know many people who would allow their husband’s ex to show up on a family vacation and just let them stay and wreak havoc, so that part was farfetched to me.

There were twists and turns galore. The plot and story unfolded in a way that had me engrossed in what was going to happen. Then we get to the ending, and I was thoroughly confused. On top of being rushed, it was very outlandish. There wasn’t enough preparation for that ending. It seemed that it was an afterthought, and felt extremely rushed. It could’ve been a slam dunk if there was better thought and development around the ending.

Helen McAlpine did an outstanding job with the narration. I always enjoy books narrated by McAlpine.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the ALC and the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I feel like I’ve got to go back and see what clues I missed!

Sadie and Ted are going away this Christmas. It’s going to be the right time to work on their marriage problems. Their arrival at the rental comes with some alone time before their extended families arrive to celebrate with them. Sadie’s plans are quickly unraveled as Ted ex girlfriend, Alice shows up with her daughter claiming she received an invitation from Ted. A cozy calm Christmas falls away into chaos as Ted’s past comes to find him. The more Sadie learns about Alice and her daughter, the less she can allow herself to trust Ted. So much for fixing their marriage. Add in a red stage weather alert and more drama, who knows where this will end.

I didn’t want to stop listening to this. I was captivated from the beginning. It’s also unlike anything else I’ve read.

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What a twisty turn-y story! If you enjoyed None of this Ever Happened by Lisa Jewel, you would love this as well! The unreliable characters make the story unpredictable. Trigger warning: miscarriage and talk about pregnancy termination.
Thank you for the early access to this book!!

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A secluded family vacation for Christmas led to a family reunion with the husband's ex. On Christmas Eve two intruders show up on the doorstep. The intruders turn out to be Alice (husbands ex) and Natasha (Alices kid).

Although, this is a different thrilled than I'm used to it doesn't have that spooky on your toes feel, it is filled with tons of twists and turns. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and flew through it. Though there were some parts that were inconsistent I felt. I really enjoyed the narrator's Scottish accent.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the audio narration of this book; it was excellent! A big thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the free ALC in exchange for an honest review.

Right from the first chapter, there is a sense of foreboding and unease. Sadie and Ted are going through a rough patch in their marriage, and things only get worse with the arrival of Ted's ex-girlfriend.

This plot may seem familiar, but it takes unexpected turns that caught me off guard. The twist completely surprised me.

Some parts of the story felt dragged out, and the ending seemed rushed, but overall, it was a good book.

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"Ex-Girlfriend" by Rosie Walker had me gripped from the very first page. From the moment Alice, the mysterious woman, showed up unannounced, I could feel the tension building, setting the stage for a thrilling ride filled with suspense and intrigue. The fast-paced narrative and constant twists kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly flipping through the pages to uncover the next revelation.

What stood out to me the most was the author's ability to keep me guessing. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, another unexpected twist would throw me off course, keeping the suspense at a fever pitch. The short chapters and rapid pacing only added to the urgency, making it impossible for me to put the book down.

While I would have liked to have seen more of the husband and Alice's perspectives, the protagonist's journey was compelling enough to carry the story forward. The characters were well-developed and multi-dimensional, making it easy for me to become invested in their fates.

Overall, "Ex-Girlfriend" is a thrilling read that I would highly recommend to fans of the genre. With its shocking twists, unforgettable characters, and relentless suspense, it's a book that will stay with me long after I've finished it. I give it a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5.

** Many thanks to Rosie Walker, Bookouture Audio and Netgalley for providing an advanced copy of this captivating audiobook **

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This book was just ok. It started off very strong and I was sucked in to the story but the middle and conclusion of this book was confusing to me. I did not like that Sadie was the one that invited Alice because it made the first part of the book, where she was wanting Alice to leave, seem unreliable. While I do like an unreliable character now and then, it just did not work well here. It also did not wrap up very well. I was left wanting to know what happened to the girls and their relationship with their half sister. I also don't understand why Alice was freaking out about her husband coming when she knew he was injured/hurt. Some elements of this book just did not make sense to me. On the other hand, I loved the narrator and thought she was a good pick for this book. I loved the girls in the book, some of their conversations and remarks reminded me of myself and my sister when we were younger.

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🎧 Audiobook Review
Ex-Girlfriend by Rosie Walker
Narrated by Helen McAlpine
Bookouture Audio, 3rd May 2024

Sadie has booked a remote house in the Scottish Highlands for a family Christmas with her husband, Ted, their two young daughters, and the children's grandparents. She's hoping the much-needed time away will give her and Ted time to repair the cracks in their marriage. But, uninvited guests arrive, along with a raging storm. Alice is Ted's ex, but just what is she doing there?

The taut premise hooked me in from the get-go, and the narrator did a fantastic job of giving a distinct voice to the numerous complex characters and created a chilling atmosphere. There were a few twists that I saw coming, but there were also events that really shocked me too - totally unforseen!

If you enjoy psychological thrillers that will have you on the edge of your seat, Ex-Girlfriend should be right up your street.
Thanks to Bookouture for providing an audiobook via NetGalley; this is my honest review.

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I wasn’t sure where things were going and when I thought I had figured it out the author went left. But it was a captivating ride and the end had a bit of Strangers on a train vibe. It would be interesting for a part 2…. Overall a good read.

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This psychological thriller was exactly what I was looking for. The story takes place in Scotland and is narrated by a Scottish narrator, enabling the reader to immerse into the place and story. It is filled with twists and turns. Just when you think you have figured it out a new curve is thrown in to make you rethink your opinion. I had trouble putting it down!
Sadie and Ted, along with their two children arrive in the Scottish Highlands at a remote cabin for a Christmas holiday. Before they can even unpack they hear a knock on the door. Two mysterious hooded figures are on the porch and push their way in when the door is opened. To their surprise, it is Alice, Ted’s ex from college and her daughter. While a storm builds outside and family members arrive to join them, the tension builds. Why is Alice there? How did she know to find them? There is something about her, a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, secrets, a past she is running from.
The story unfolds, revealing answers slowly as events occur and the tension escalates. Taking the reader’s breath away at times, thoroughly confused and frightened at others. Each chapter builds the mystery and keeps you enthralled, wanting answers. The author keeps you guessing until the very end as possible scenarios swirl through your mind. A sign of a good psychological thriller!
I will look for more from this author.

I received the arc of the audiobook from NetGalley and Bookouture in exchange for an honest review.

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If you want a twisty read, look no further!

This one will have you gasping out loud. There are so many twists!

What could be worse than being stranded with your husband’s ex? Not a whole lot! I do think that there were some situations that didn’t match the ending. So that part didn’t make a lot of sense to me. However, it was still a great listen and a “worth it” read!

I listened to this book at 1.75x and it was the perfect pace. The narrator was great and I enjoyed her accent and her voices for the different characters.

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Wear a neck brace because you might get whiplash from all the twists in this book! So many thrillers are marketed as having so many twists and turns and then they fall flat because I’m expecting a lot… this book certainly lives up to its description… “packed with twists!” Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out… BAM! Another twist! At no point did my predictions actually turn out to be correct. Which is something I quite enjoy when it comes to mysteries and thrillers. Each layer unfolded at the perfect time. I like books to challenge my critical thinking and this did exactly that. I finished this audiobook in one day, there was no way I was going to leave the conclusion for another day!

I thoroughly enjoyed the narration. The narrator had an accent which seemed authentic and perfect for the story and was very clear/easy to understand, even at 1.75x speed (which is how I listen to all audiobooks).

I was SHOCKED to see no ratings or reviews yet on Goodreads. I would definitely recommend this book if you have the chance! Very well done Rosie Walker! I look forward to reading The Baby Monitor.

Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and Rosie Walker for this ARC audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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