Cover Image: My Husband's Ex

My Husband's Ex

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You arrive at a cottage to celebrate Christmas and amend your marriage, but the person behind the door knocking is not want they wanted.
There’s twists and turns, secrets and full of surprises. A great 4 star read.

I listened to the audiobook and love it, the narrator had a great accent and she throws in great expression. She reads well and is easy to follow.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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This book was a fast paced thriller that kept me listening hour after hour, I could not stop until I got to the end. Sadie has booked a lovely manor house in the isolated Scottish highlands for her families perfect Christmas get together. Sadie never had a happy Christmas as this was when her father left the family, she wants to create the perfect holiday for her two young daughters. However when there is an unexpected knock on the door and a woman she has never seen before is standing on the doorstep with her young daughter things go instantly sideways. It is Alice, her husbands ex-girlfriend. What is she doing here and how did she even find them? So many questions to answer, and that is just the beginning. This was a fun suspenseful read and the twists the story took were not expected. I love being surprised by the authors imagination. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it for a fun read.

Many thanks to Net Galley and Bookouture Audio for a chance to listen/read this ARC audiobook.

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This book did have some interesting twists that made me want to keep reading. I did find some of it unrealistic. If my husband's ex showed up on my family getaway, I would have had a much different reaction. It was a good rad.

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A cast of twisted people, each with their own agenda and not an honest one amongst them. Sadie knows her marriage is in trouble and yet seemingly invites more in and then pretends she has no idea what is happening. So what exactly is Alice up to? Ted and his parents are a whole lot of ick. Honestly, the only decent people seemed decent were the innocent children. It is an wonky, well crafted psychological suspenseful story that lead to an interesting wrap-up.

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It was ok. Not my favorite. There was some things that just didn’t add up. In the beginning, Natasha is scared thinking her dad is coming for them, then later she’s texting him wanting to spend Christmas with him because he’s not a bad guy. The twist with Ted being the bad guy was good, but even if he was “the bad guy”, he’d never actually done any physical harm and the mental harm seemed so minimal that she wasn’t even sure it was happening. Maybe if it seemed more obvious he was doing bad things it would make more sense.

And if she wasn’t there to steal her family and get him back, why kiss him and flirt with him and tell her he told her she’s second to her and he always wanted her? That seems like a lot of manipulation just to get her to see a different side of her husband. Idk. And the basement… if it was Alice, no husband or mom would’ve sat on the couch for a few hours and not gone to look for her. If was Ted, that doesn’t make sense either because locking her in the basement on Christmas with the family and hope no one notices doesn’t make sense.

And then why did Alice try to leave? She’s the one that chose to go there to “warn her” about him. Then bolt? Idk. A lot of it just didn’t add up. And she kept saying the same thing over and over about Alice wanting her family and what does she want etc.

I liked the element of secluded cabin, big storm, no power etc. the sad trying to get in and everyone thinking it’s Robin was good.

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Book Title: Ex-Girlfriend
Author: Rosie Walker
Format: 🎧
Narrator: Helen McAlpine
Publisher: Bookouture Audios
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: May 3, 2024
My Rating: 4 Stars
Pages: 276

Ted and Sadie and their two daughters-six-year-old, Charley, and eight-year-old Tamara are looking forward to spending an old fashion Christmas celebration with their extended family in a remote cabin in the Highlands.

Unexpectedly, someone is at the door, when Sadie opens the door the woman states –
‘Thank you for inviting me,’
Then pushes past her and throws her arms around her husband Ted s neck.

It is Alice, Ted’s ex and her daughter fourteen-year-old Natasha. (Hmmm)
He swears he didn’t invite her to join them,
So why is she there?
She shows him the message she got which he immediately claims he never sent – he is sure he must have been hacked.

Alice is acting disappointed but is willing to leave. Sadie invites them to eat something first. However, when an uncle calls to say he cannot make it as the storm is preventing safe travel; Sadie tells Alice and Natasha to stay.

Although the story was slow at times. It totally kept me interested.
The Big Reveals were surprises!!!! I just love Sadie!!!
I went into this without any expectations-turned out great!!

Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture Audios for this early audiobook.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for May 3, 2024.

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Ex-Girlfriend is drama-packed and suspenseful, but the narrator is annoying and whiny. There are many twists, some far-fetched and others contradictory. The whole novel takes place over 48 hours and focuses on an ex-girlfriend showing up at a family’s Christmas vacation house in the remote Scottish Highlands. Things take tumultuous turns to come to an unbelievable pinnacle. I was hypnotized by the audio and listened to most of it in one morning, so it is very engaging, which explains why I have rounded my 3.5 rating to 4.

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Totally unexpected psychological thriller with many twists. A very well written plot, captivating characters & great audio narration.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the ALC.

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Ex-Girlfriend by Rosie Walker is a very intriguing domestic thriller. I like the slow buildup of tension and the first few twists. However, I was distracted while reading because the summary states something will happen that doesn't until the last quarter of the book, leaving me to feel misled. I like the final twist but do wish the before parts would have been more clearly shown to us instead of told as a dump. I'm finding more and more that this is my preference as it lands better this way.

I didn't too much care for Helen McAlpine. I will not listen to anything else she narrates.

I rate Ex-Girlfriend 3.5 stars. I will round up since I didn't see the bigger twists coming until the author wanted.

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Ex Girlfriend was a suspenseful thriller with themes dealing in marriage and family secrets.

Ted’s ex girlfriend Alice shows up unexpectedly to his family’s rental while they’re preparing for Christmas but how unexpected was it? Before his wife Sadie can confront her, they’re snowed in for a huge storm with their families as well as Alice…and her daughter. Secrets, lies, and memories tie this story together with so much suspense I couldn’t stop listening!! I was shocked during the twists and on the edge of my seat in between.

This audiobook was narrated by Helen McAlpine who conveyed the characters beautifully with her Irish accent. She made it so easy to distinguish between each person!

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Rosie Walker, and Bookouture Audio for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review. This will be a suspenseful read for everyone on May 3rd!

Ex Girlfriend was a suspenseful thriller with themes dealing in marriage and family secrets.

Ted’s ex girlfriend Alice shows up unexpectedly to his family’s rental while they’re preparing for Christmas but how unexpected was it? Before his wife Sadie can confront her, they’re snowed in for a huge storm with their families as well as Alice…and her daughter. Secrets, lies, and memories tie this story together with so much suspense I couldn’t stop listening!! I was shocked during the twists and on the edge of my seat in between.

This audiobook was narrated by Helen McAlpine who conveyed the characters beautifully with her Irish accent. She made it so easy to distinguish between each person!

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Rosie Walker, and Bookouture Audio for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review. This will be a suspenseful read for everyone on May 3rd!

I have posted my review on Goodreads, in my Facebook book club, and will post a Tiktok review within the week before it releases.

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ARC audiobook provided in exchange for an honest review.

Helen McAlpine does a wonderful job with the narration for this book! I really loved her Scottish accent and she speaks very clear and concise so it’s very easy to understand. I liked the plot of the story and how everything takes place in the Scottish highlands over a Christmas holiday. There was lots of drama, twists and turns, and unreliable narrators! I would definitely recommend if you like psychological thrillers and mysteries!

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Unfortunately, I did not like this book and will not be leaving a review on any social media sites or book sales sites. I am sure other readers would like this book, but it fell flat for this reader. It appeared to be a good story in the beginning, but quickly left me feeling slighted and disappointed. I thank you for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

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Well, this was quite the ride!

I was utterly pulled in by the book description, and the overall story was terrific!

That being said, it did get a bit far fetched by the end. And, I feel like there were a few discrepancies throughout…unless I just missed a couple of points? (Anyone who has read this…can you tell me your thoughts??)

Sadie and Ted have been married for years. They have two beautiful young girls, 6 & 8 who they adore! Recently, they’ve been having some problems though.
Sadie decides to book a beautiful home for Christmas, as a kind of vacation escape, in hopes that they can have some alone time to work through whatever it is that is going on!
However… she invites his parents, his brother, and her Mom, for the celebration. (So not much alone time??) 😬

Just after they arrive, there’s a knock on the door, and to her surprise, his EX-GIRLFRIEND is there with her daughter! (Wait…What???)
Sadie remembers how broken he was when they first met…because of an old relationship. Was it her??
His parents are already there and welcome her!
As this is going on, the storm of the century ramps up…so…no one is leaving anytime soon!

I will leave you here, as this is where the story really starts to unfold.
Needless to say, the circumstances are nightmare-ish!!

3 1/2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 for me, rounded up to 4.
I feel like there were a lot of questions for me. The storyline was set up, and then it changed. Multiple times…
Of course there were some terrific twists too! But still, some things did not add up in my head…

#ExGirlfriend by #RosieWalker and narrated nicely by #HelenMcAlpine.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #BookoutureAudio for an ARC of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review. The release date is set for 5/3/24…so about a week from now!

⭐️. Set in the Scottish Highlands during an amazing storm.
⭐️. Sadie & Ted having difficulties in their marriage. Hoping to heal here!
⭐️. Family joining them for the Christmas Holiday.
💫. Unexpected arrival of Ted’s ex and her daughter…
-1 ⭐️ As I’m still left with some questions… or it would’ve been 5 ⭐️…

Feel free to like, follow and friend me on: Goodreads,
IG @ #BookReviews_with_emsr or
My Facebook Book Club: Book Reviews With Elaine.

Thanks so much for reading! And if you 'liked' my review, please share with your friends!! 📚⭐️

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I wanted to enjoy the Ex-Girlfriend by Rosie Walker more than I did.

The story is set in Scotland during a storm where the ex-girlfriend of Sadie's husband Ted turns up with her daughter in a remote rental the family has taken over Christmas.

I found it a bit strange that it relies a bit on an unreliable narrator in the second half when the first twist unfolds.

Stuck together during the storm Sadie isn't sure if the ex-girlfriend is looking to rekindle what her husband had with her once and begins to panic about her intentions and the safety of her family.

I'm sure some thriller lovers will enjoy this but it was a bit long and slow-paced for me.

Thank you to Bookouture, Rosie Walker and NetGalley for the opportunity to receive an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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3.75 stars As a fan of Alice Feeny and BA Paris, I enjoyed this domestic and familial psychological thriller. There was just enough intrigue throughout the story as Sadie, the narrator, tries to figure out why her husband’s ex-girlfriend and her daughter crashed their holiday vacation and brought with them an air of danger. I was able to predict the major twist but all in all, a satisfying, quick read. Since the plot was set in the Scottish Highlands, the audio narrator with her Scottish accent really added to the immersive experience of the thriller. And wow…how sinister is that cover design?!

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In the tradition of all worthwhile suspense novels, "Ex-Girlfriend" keeps you guessing about what is actually happening- and why- until the last chapter. The narrator's thick Scottish brogue places you in the Scottish Highlands as soon as the story begins. There is something not right about the relationship between the husband and wife. Still, you do not take the time to examine the husband and wife's relationship because you are increasingly frustrated by the wife's inability to kick out the ex-girlfriend. It would appear that everyone has an agenda. The wife wants her husband, the ex-girlfriend wants what she left behind, and the husband wants it all. Families can be complex and Rosie Walker does an excellent job of showing how parent-child relationships can affect adult relationships, and why these relationships with our parents matter. Highly recommend!

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First off WOW. I had no idea where this book would go next, or who to be suspicious of. At first the sudden change of antagonist was jarring and hard to wrap my head around, and then I realized that the Author had left clues throughout the entire book, you notice them and find them strange but ultimately dismiss them for the bigger issues going on. Some pretty good writing and such subtle hints, you will be steered in the wrong direction until the very end!

I really enjoyed this audiobook, the voice actor has an amazing accent that is so easy to listen to and had a great range of voices to help distinguish the other characters, I would definitely listen to an audiobook narrated by them again!

Final review 4/5⭐️ Would recommend to a friend!

Huge thank you to Rosie Walker, the Narrator, Bookouture Audio and NetGalley for my ARC audiobook copy of Ex-Girlfriend!

I received an advanced review copy for free, I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Ex-Girlfriend by Rosie Walker takes a somewhat common concept - the Ex coming back - and turns it into a very uncommon one from the very beginning when Sadie finds herself not just confronted with her husband's ex.... But her husband's ex who walks right in.

I wanted very much to love this read, but it was not my favorite. The pace of it felt okay, but the transition(s) from past to present felt very disjointed and contributed to a lack of 'flow' in the book. I was not hooked from the beginning, but I was curious. I did begin enjoying myself after about the halfway point of the book, but the ending of the story was unfortunately amongst my least favorite. There were some twists, but I would not consider this to have been a 'gripping' story. In addition, the exposition of our narrator, Sadie, is lacking. I left the story feeling like I really did not know much about her.

As for the audiobook version, I very much appreciated and enjoyed listening to the narrator, Helen McAlpine, and would very much look forward to listening to other works of Helen's in the future.

Thank you to Bookouture, Rosie Walker and NetGalley for the opportunity to receive an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This started off strong and your thrown into the story from the first word and it builds momentum. Some aspects I found a little unrealistic and others predictable. The characters were likeable enough but I felt I didn’t really get to know Ted that well whereas Sadie is very much a well developed character. It’s a little drawn out when it comes to the pace of the storyline. I found the outcome and how it all came together a little bit of a blindside and it felt like it came out of nowhere. It was an ok listen but it did feel like the ending belonged to a different book.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for the opportunity to listen to and review #ExGirlfriend

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What an amazing listen! I got through this audiobook within a day. It’s keeps you on your toes. Full of twists and keeps you wanting more.

The narration was good with voicing the different characters. I at first hated the Scottish accent but it grew on me and it went with the theme of the book. I did dislike the voice of Sadie’s mother.

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