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My Vampire Plus-One

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*3.5 stars*

This was super cute! I will say I enjoyed the first one a bit more, I think just connected with the characters more and really loved how old school Freddie was. But these characters are super cute though!

I really loved the faking dating with a vampire that you don't realize is a vampire. But I will say some of the side plot about the people after Reggie was kind of slow and I didn't find that as interesting. The romance was cute but didn't feel quite as attached to them as Freddie and Cassie. I think they had a better build up. But overall, this was a fun, quirky one but I started to lose interest towards the end but that maybe was my mood as well. They're a good light hearted read!

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after recently reading my roommate is a vampire, this follow up about reggie was everything that i wanted it to be! just as cute, fun, and humorous as the first one was. i loved getting to know reggie and amelia more, and that we still got updates on FJF and cassie without it feeling like it interrupted or took over reggie & amelia’s story. i loved that we got some segments written in reggie’s POV, so much so that i wish it had been more evenly balanced between his POV and amelia’s. the little excerpts of text messages and emails and book pages at the beginning of each chapter were still super fun (and funny!). these characters are so entertaining and i hope we get to see more of them in the future, or even some new characters in the same universe (without any spoilers, specifically i’d LOVE a book about a certain someone in Napa. iykyk).

i’m so glad i got the opportunity to read this, and i’m super excited for when it releases!

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So happy I received this one, I adored My Roommate is a Vampire. This one did not disappoint and after reading My Roommate I absolutely hooked this one would be able Reginald. Him and Amelia’s fake dating turned immediate chemistry. They just click and understand eachother. Definitely a uniquely fun read i’d recommend.

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This is the perfect Halloween book to sink your teeth into this October. I've been looking for a book that gets me into the spooky season and this is definitely it!

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I loved the first one a whole lot and was SO excited that this was coming out. This was better than the first and I can’t wait to have it on my shelf as a trophy

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Just plain FUN! Like My Roommate is a Vampire, My Vampire Plus-One has an almost campy feel. Getting to know Reggie, Amelia’s nerdy appeal as a skilled accountant, fake dating with vampire/human spicy romance? Yes, please! Is this book for everyone? Probably not. But if you’re looking for a fun escape to a world where sexy vampires exist, give Jenna Levine’s books a try! 5 stars for being a quick, humorous, spicy read.

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This delightful romantic comedy had me laughing out loud multiple times and thoroughly enjoying the charming connection between the characters. Although I hadn't read the first book in this series, it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the story. In fact, after reading this one, I can't wait to pick up the first installment! Highly recommend for a fun and heartwarming read.

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OMG!!!! I loved this follow up book, it was so worth reading I was literally so entranced in this book I read it in 1 day because I needed to know what was going to happen. There is a mystery, romance, and some of the best banter. I will be making sure we get this book. Thanks for letting me read this book

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Thank you NetGalley, Berkley Publishing Group, and Jenna Levine for an advanced readers copy of My Vampire Plus-One in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved My Roommate is a Vampire and My Vampire Plus-One did not disappoint. Jenna Levine is quickly becoming an author for me where, "if she writes it, I'm going to read it" is 100% in effect.


In My Vampire Plus-One, we follow Amelia, an accountant with little room for anyone or anything in her life aside from her job. In order to get her parents to back off asking her about her love life and with her cousins wedding coming up, X tells her parents that she in fact has a boyfriend. After a chance encounter with Reggie where she helps him out of a sticky situation, she proposes he act as her fake boyfriend as a way to pay her back. As they spend more time together and get closer, it's hard to tell what's real, and what's just a part of this arrangement they've made.


Things this book contained that I loved:
- Fake-dating (duh)
- He falls first
- Reggie being an absolute shameless flirt
- Callbacks to "My Vampire Is A Roommate"
- Fredrick still being embarrassed about his fruit summoning abilities

And it also felt like we could be setting up for a third book with Grizelda as our new FMC?? If so, I cannot wait. 10/10 I loved it!

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This was such a fun read!

This book is interconnected with the authors first book, ‘My Roommate Is A Vampire’, which I haven’t read *yet* but it didn’t take away from the story. It was all very easy to follow, so you could read it as a standalone. I do think reading the first would have helped with adding a little more background though so it wouldn’t hurt to start there.

This rom com had me laughing out loud, its light and fluffy, just what I was needing. Reggie and Amelia couldn’t be more different. Reggie is very impulsive and outrageous whereas, Amelia is type A to the MAX. Which I think is what makes them so good together and their CHEMISTRY?! Swoon. Was it super spicy? No. This is more of a sweet slow burn but it does make its way *there*.

What I didn’t LOVE was the ending. It felt rushed and it took away from the climax, I was looking for more of a challenge.

Overall, this was a fun and quick read that will have you laughing the whole time.

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Jenna Levine continues to write the vampire romcoms of my dreams! This book follows Reggie (who we meet in the first interconnected book ‘My Roommate Is A Vampire) our resident vampire and Amelia, a quirky accountant.

Reggie and Amelia quite literally run into one another outside a coffee shop and end up brewing up some favours from one another. Amelia is tired of her family giving her grief for being the black sheep of the family, and for still being single. When it’s Reggie’s turn to owe Amelia a favour she hatches up a plan to bring him as a fake date to her cousins wedding to get her family off her back. A meet the parents, snowed in-one bed-cabin stay, and some hilarity over Amelia’s understanding that Reggie is actually a vampire later… and a real romance is brewing.

This was so much fun. The comedy in reading Reggie’s POV, his bullet journal and various texts and emails between characters throughout the book really adds a fun flair. The intimate scene was something I brushed over as the vibes for me weren’t right with the level of fun comedic vibes happening in this book but I suppose I could just be being a prude!

This is a must read for all my fellow twilight adults forever chasing more vampire love.

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I love this cute little series so much, Fake dating a vampire? Count me in.
I read My Roommate is a Vampire earlier this year and thought it was so much fun, and I felt the same way about this one. It’s sweet it’s a little spicy, it had me laughing. I recommend!

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3.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

I was so excited when I saw that I got approved for this arc. Reggie's and Amelia's first meeting was one of my favorite parts of this book and I loved it! We get both Reggie's and Ameila's POV in this book and it was fascinating getting to know them as characters which included reading their inner most thoughts on many aspects of their life and through specific situations. There are a couple of forms of mixed media in this novel including emails, text messages and newspaper articles. Frederick's and Reggie's lovely friendship is continued in this novel and it was as enjoyable to read as the first book.

I liked the slow build up of Reggie's and Amelia's developing relationship throughout the book but some parts towards the latter half did drag. The author's writing is so easy to read and she has created great characters in Reggie and Amelia. Love Reggie so much! He is my favorite character in this universe.

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Thank you so much Berkeley for the eARC. I confess I had my doubts that chaotic Reggie had leading man material in him after how he behaved in My Roommate Is a Vampire, and Levine exceeded my wildest expectations! Amelia is also a super compelling protagonist, and I love that her job mattered to the plot! I too, would have reached the same conclusion about Reggie’s initial confession. I laughed aloud multiple times while reading, which is the best indication that a rom com has enough com!

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Big thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This book was so fun! I had pretty high expectations after enjoying Jenna Levine’s first novel, and this certainly met them. Reginald was one of my favorite characters from the first book so I’m glad we got to see more of his personality here. I also loved the miscommunication of Reginald thinking Amelia already knew he was a vampire.

Really just a super fun romcom (heavier on the com than the rom for me but both are great)! Definitely recommend for readers getting more into paranormal romance this year!

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This is a cute, cozy vampire romcom. I read My Roommate is a Vampire last fall and was happy to see this is Reginald’s (Reggie’s) story. He is a colorful and funny character who makes everyone laugh. Amelia works as an accountant and is busy with tax season when her mother tells her she needs to find a date for her cousin’s wedding.

Amelia and Reggie first meet when they collide outside of a coffee shop. When they see each other there the next day, her best friend encourages her to ask him to be her fake date to the wedding.

My favorite part of the story is when Reggie and Amelia are getting to know each other and the humor around him being a vampire. I do think it helps to have read the first book, My Roommate is a Vampire, to learn more about the characters.

One fun thing about Reggie is he is working on a bullet journal that Cassie, his best friend Frederick's girlfriend, gave him . I hadn’t heard of those before but they sound fun. He has been feeling stressed because he is on the run from a vampire organization that is looking for him in connection with a fire that happened over a hundred years ago. There's a good twist to the story when he and Amelia work together on this.

I enjoyed watching Reggie at the wedding and activities leading up to it. It’s cute that he enjoys playing history trivia with Amelia’s dad (who is a history buff).

The parts that felt weird for me are the spicy scenes (he’s a vampire so he’s cold to touch and no heartbeat) and I would love to see more cool vampire powers (at least he can fly:). This is a cute cozy story for readers that enjoy light vampire romances. Thanks to NetGalley, Jenna Levine and Berkley for the advanced copy of the book.

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Absolutely loved it! One of the only rom com books out there that genuinely make me laugh out loud! It’s light, fluffy, and everything you’d expect from the author. The fake dating trope fit the character’s dynamics so well, and I genuinely had a good time reading this book! I want to thank netgalley as well as the publisher for allowing me to read this arc! It was a fantastic book!

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REVIEW: My Vampire Plus One ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I was so excited when I was accepted for this ARC. I’ve read her first book of this series, My Roommate is a Vampire, and thought it was so fun. I was also thrilled to learn that this book focuses on Reginald, a side character in the first book.

Amelia keeps getting bothered by her family about dating, so she decides to get a fake date for her cousin’s wedding. She literally runs into Reginald, who offers to help her. Even though Reginald tells Amelia early on that he is a vampire, Amelia doesn’t believe him. Not only is the fake dating part a big part of the story but there’s also a vampire mob group chasing down Reginald. This story is full of activity, making it a fast-paced read. I love the mix of supernatural, funny moments, sweet romance, and a slow-burn romance that rewards you with spicy scenes.

Jenna Levine is great at making fun and loveable characters, and My Vampire Plus One is no exception. Reginald, or Reggie, is very eclectic, arrogant, and quite the prankster, whereas Amelia is a type A, non-risk taker who loves being an accountant. Reggie and Amelia have some fun chemistry that slowly builds throughout the book. There are so many sweet, funny, and spicy moments between them. When Reggie gets turned on by tax talk from Amelia, you know it will be a wild ride.

The only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was the book's climax. It was a little lackluster for me and seemed too simple. I was hoping for a little more of a challenge.

Overall, I loved My Vampire Plus One. I couldn’t stop laughing and swooning throughout. I suggest reading My Roommate is a Vampire first to get more background on the characters.

Thank you Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the free advanced copy for my honest review!

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So excited that I received an ARC of this novel after how much I adored “My Roommate is a Vampire!” And once again, I received endless serotonin and giggles. I knew I was going to devour Reginald’s love story and it absolutely delivered for me! And the cover😍

Reginald and Amelia fall into a fake dating arrangement that seems mutually beneficial - Amelia needs to get her family out of her love life and Reginald needs to avoid the Vampire society tracking him down. What they don’t expect is their immediate chemistry and understanding of each other.

Reginald’s characterization is so outrageous in the best way. You would expect Vampires who are hundreds of years old to be brooding and cold, but that’s not what Levine delivers. He has an outlandish fashion sense and he bullet journals!! I love their dynamic so much. I completely recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun and unique read.

Thank you Berkley Romance for the advanced copy.

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Arc review: 4.75 ⭐️
UGH I JUST LOVE THIS SERIES. The whimsy! The absolutely ridiculous MMC that I just can’t help but love! The “talk tax to me baby” accounting dirty talk 🤣

And you know- there is a surprising bit of SPICE and tension to cut through the humor too. I’m just in such a good mood after reading this!

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