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Before We Were Us

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This is a great read!
Love is much more than a feeling. It is a commitment and sometimes means we need to let go.
A freak accident, lost memory, and a love so true are intertwined in this romantic read.
The characters are well developed.
Your heart might ache while you read, but this story is well worth your time.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Let me first say that I have read every book Denise Hunter has ever written, and I will continue to do so. Forever. She is my go-to for a great romance that tugs the heart strings or sob quietly into my kleenex (because we don't have handkerchiefs anymore). Denise Hunter has written many novels, but I believe this one might be her best yet! What a wonderful story! An excellent romance by one of the top Christian contemporary authors, but I think anyone regardless of religion would enjoy the deep romance and well-plotted love story. Wonderful, captivating writing gives this novel the depth and ability to pull in any reader. Vivid, descriptive story-telling, with interesting characters that have depth to them, and are skillfully rendered. At the end of the book, they seemed more like friends than book characters to me. I highly recommend this author and all of her other books I have read have been nothing less than fantastic. She is definitely an auto-buy author for me, and I can't wait to own this novel in print. And yes, I had tears in my eyes several times - but good tears :)

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it had everything that I was looking for and enjoyed from the romance novel. It had that element that I wanted and enjoyed the overall concept. Denise Hunter has a great writing style and I enjoyed how good everything worked. It left me wanting to read more and I enjoyed what was going on.

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This was slow to start but then the plot drew you in. Since Lauren’s accident, Jonah had to be patient and find ways to convince Lauren they were once in a relationship. Overall good book

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Before We Were US by Denise Hunter is a heartwarming romance that I could not put down. Lauren Wentworth and Jonah Landry were in love and the future looked bright to them until Lauren had an accident and she did not remember falling in love with him. When they first met they got off to a rocky start because Jonah had been hurt by a previous relationship and Lauren reminded him of her. They quickly because friends and then fell in love. The story alternates between the time before the accident and the present day. She wakes up after the accident and all she remembers is what it was like before she fell in love with him. Jonah is patient, kind and willing to give her space. He keeps hoping that she will remember the love they shared. This book kept me engaged. Will she remember or will she fall in love with him again? I loved it that he was willing to let her go. I loved that his family was very supportive of him. I love all the characters that Denise Hunter creates.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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3.25 stars

City girl Lauren Wentworth is the temporary manager of Pinehaven Lodges, a rustic family-owned resort. She clashes with Jonah, son of the owners, and dreams of her next steps. After falling from a ladder, she can't remember the last four months, including the fact that she was in love with Jonah.

I liked this book but I didn't love it. The writing was good and the story was somewhat interesting, but I didn't really like Lauren. I think she was too harsh on Jonah and I couldn't really feel connected to her. I felt for her because of her past, but I would've liked to see the situation with her mom introduced earlier in the story. It came a bit too late, in my opinion. I did like Jonah and his family and would have liked to see more fun interactions of them with Lauren instead of drama and sadness.

Jonah and Lauren's relationship just didn't grab me, but overall this is a solid romance with some emotional depth. I would recommend it to those who like clean romance without a ton of religious references.

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There's just something about Denise Hunter's writing that always touches my heart. Her characters are so relatable. Lauren and especially Jonah's heartfelt struggles evoke such strong emotions in the reader. Jonah had such a deep love for her. The story is well paced and heart warming. And I really liked the ending.
Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to read this boo. The opinions are entirely my own.

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Our memories are an integral part of who we are. I remember when my mom had to have 9-hour brain surgery, she told the doctor to stop the surgery if she started to lose her long-term memory. The team interviewed her to get to know her so they could assess this as they progressed through the surgery in which she remained awake. What happens to us when they disappear into thin air?

There was so much hope for the future…what if you woke up and could not remember any of it? When Lauren falls from the ladder in the hayloft, her whole world as she knew it disappears. Before We Were Us is an exquisitely written novel that perfectly balances the whole range of emotions that make us vulnerable humans. This heartfelt tale will have you feeling all the feelings and contemplating life.

Review is posted on Goodreads and the final review will be posted on instagram ahead of the publication date.

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This book was very clean, tender and toothachingly sweet. A bit too mild and cheesy for me. I was wishing for a bit more substance, angst and grit. But if you love very gooey love stories set in a gorgeous setting with a side of amnesia you may enjoy this one!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are mine alone.

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This was òne of my favorite Denise Hunter books so far! It had all the healing and sweet romance that made for a perfect read. Loved both of the main characters and the location...let's just say I'd love to spend a summer there in New Hampshire with the Landry family. Highly recommended!

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Denise Hunter's Before We Were Us is a beautifully written story about a woman dealing with memory loss, working through a life of memories to come to a point of healing and rebuilding her relationship. Jonah staying with her through this process is so sweet even though Lauren is not the easiest. It was a well written and emotional read.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of Before We Were Us by Denise Hunter

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This was such a cozy read! I fell in love with Jonah from the very first page. This was incredibly sweet, and a well written depiction of a loved one with amnesia/concussion.
Lauren was a little rough around the edges, and it made my heart break for Jonah even more. Other than that this was a great book.

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Before we Were Us is the newest release for 2024 by Denise Hunter. This explores the "lost memory" trope. But it is a little different as it isn't that the leading lady Lauren can't remember Jonah, it's that she DOES and it's NOT a good memory! On the day he plans to propose, there is a tragic accident and she survives, but has lost FOUR months of her memories. And those four months are the months that she fell in love with Jonah and also changed her career plans drastically.

The rest of the book gives us snapshots back in time to how Jonah wooed Lauren. And then at the same time it is present day as she deals with the loss of memory and her now strange relationships she has with everyone--much less Jonah. She can clearly see how BROKEN Jonah is from losing her due to her amnesia. And so she strives to try to understand why she went from strong dislike to love.

Throw in there that Lauren is a child from the foster system and struggles with relationships and abandonments. And Jonah as an orphan adopted by his aunt, struggles with is own demons about self-imposed feeling like he's on the outside of the family.

It's just a very lovely book with messages of hope. The characters pray and clearly have a relationship with the Lord. So I would definitely qualify it as a Christian Fiction.

*I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are 100% my own.

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4 stars out of 5.

This book was a heartfelt romance book that had me hooked from the beginning. I really loved both Jonah and Lauren and thought they had undeniable chemistry through out the book. This book was written in past and present tense so we were able to see how their relationship started off then how it blossomed. The ending was spectacular and wrapped everything up perfectly. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a touching romance book.

In Before We Were Us, Lauren is working at a resort in New Hampshire where she worked for Jonah and his family. The resort has been in Jonah's family for a while and it was picturesque. One day while Lauren was looking over the new barn she fell and was rushed to the hospital. Once she woke up she did not remember her whole summer, including how she feel in love with Jonah. Jonah was a stranger to her which was hard for him. Would Lauren get her memory back? Jonah sure hoped so, since he was deeply in love with her.

Thank you Netgalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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3.5/5 ⭐️ This was an incredibly sweet romcom that pulls at your heart strings. Denise Hunter does an incredible job of describing the location so much so that you feel like you can step into the pages and be there.

My only complaint has to do with the formatting of this copy. I understand that it is still being tweaked and revised, but the way this arc file was formatted made it difficult to read at times.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson Fiction and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are solely my own

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"Before We Were Us" by Denise Hunter is a touching story about love and second chances. Set in a rural New Hampshire resort, it follows Lauren and Jonah as they navigate the challenges of amnesia and rebuilding their relationship. Hunter's characters feel real and relatable, and her storytelling is heartfelt and emotional. With its vivid setting and compelling narrative, "Before We Were Us" is a captivating read that will leave a lasting impression.

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Before We Were Us by Denise Hunter was an incredibly good book that made me ugly cry in more than one spot, but every tear was worth it.

Lauren is working at a resort in rural New Hampshire on her way to her dream job, and while there, falls in love with Jonah, the son of the resort's owners. While there she falls off a ladder and wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and has lost the last four months of her life - including her meeting and falling in love with Jonah.

Jonah vows to stay by Lauren's side while she remembers or DOESN'T remember him and to help her find her way back to her life, but Lauren doesn't know if she wants to remember the last four months and she may just want to go ahead with her life as it is now.

I felt so much for Jonah, his love, hopeless, and determination.

The story of the after effects of her accident were heart wrenching and I'm not going to lie, I got mad at Lauren at times, but she redeemed herself in the end.

This was my first book by this author, but this book is so good, I'm going to find her backlist and read it all!

This ARC was given to me by NetGalley and the publishers for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I have very high expectations & standards when it comes to a romance/love story. Denise Hunter is a new author to me & she exceeded my expectations with Before We Were Us. This book is beautifully written, well developed characters, and has the ability to evoke very intense emotions while reading it. Hunter will break your heart, numerous times throughout this book, but manages to piece it back together just as many times. If you want a book to make you ugly cry, in a good way, this is the one for you~

Thank you NetGalley & Thomas Nelson Fiction for an ARC copy of this book.

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Denise Hunter is one of three authors that try to read every book they write. Denise’s latest book,“Before we were us”, is another of her’s that I will read again and again. Through the years I have read several books from other authors where someone loses their memory, but this is entirely different from any I have read.

One of the main character, Lauren, has a chance to have a dream job in event planning. The requirement is that she works first at a family-owned resort to get experience. Here she meets Jonah, the future owner and her boss. She is not impressed with him. Her opinion changes through the summer and eventually grows into love. It all changed in a moment. As she was climbing down a ladder, she fell and hit her head. She lost her memory of the last four months.
The last she remembered she didn’t like Jonah and surely not love him. This is a story of second chances. Can he win her heart again or will she take that dream job in another city?

Loved the book and highly recommend it. "I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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This was such a heartwarming read. I fell in love with the characters, the setting, all of it. The writing was superb!! I can't believe I've never read anything from this author previously. She has such a beautiful way of weaving a story, and I love reading about places l've been to (New Hampshire, White Mountains etc), it makes me feel more immersed in the setting. If you are looking for a sweet, non spicy romance this one is definitely for you!
Thanks to NetGalley & Thomas Nelson Fiction.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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