Member Reviews

18-year-old Rachel is far from having a happy end to her teen years when her sister Olivia goes missing, and Rachel is determined to find and save Olivia at all costs. She enters the dark world that seems to have swallowed Olivia and comes to close to losing her life and sanity many times owing to the dangers of the world she finds herself. The more darkness she uncovers and realizes how ruthless the perpetrators of this online auction market are, she is all the more steely to not let Olivia get harmed by this. Powerful narration is a huge aid to this story of Florentin's as he takes us through the gory details of the fate of the victims. The story makes for a gripping read, and I am thankful to Florentin, and the publishers Curiosity Quills Press for gifting me with a copy of this book.

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Despite some a bit wobbly point, this is good thriller, aimed at teenage readers, but also enjoyable from the more advanced in years. The enthusiasm, selflessness and age-related total stupidity of the young girls protagonist are very well described, as is very well described the degree of degradation to which manage to get some specimens of the male of the species, which genrally seems particularly brought to descend along the evolutionary scale. As this is a novel, the end is happy, even if we beat a few dead, more or less spectacular.
Thank Curiosity Quills Press and Netgalley for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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