Cover Image: Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter

Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter

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5 stars definitely this is my favourite of the manga classics so far, the graphics the story everything. I could not find fault with this at all.Superb.

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Does the original classic justice! Love the artwork in this manga. It's beautifull.

The cover looks amazing, but the inside is even more pretty! I highly recommend reading it if you don't like classics at all, but still want to try one.

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**Thank you to Netgalley and UDON Entertainment for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This in no way changes my rating**

I read The Scarlet Letter in high school and really enjoyed it. It's one of those classics that I think sometimes gets overlooked, but it was interesting to me as a teenager. It's still a great read in my mid-20s.

This book didn't need as much condensing as Les Miserables did, but it was still done very well. The book begins and ends with a narrator (who has many resemblances to Hawthorne himself) "finding" the Scarlet Letter, prompting him to look into Hester's story and eventually write it and publish it. This part is kept in the manga, which adds to the faithfulness of the adaptation but perhaps didn't need to be included in the manga. It has little to no bearing on the story other than he later feels bad about how women were treated during the time period in which The Scarlet Letter is set.

I found the art style to, again, be very aesthetically pleasing for the most part. I enjoyed the art in this volume more than I did the art in Les Miserables, but it, too, suffers from some odd choices. I'm sure they were made in an attempt to emphasize some of the supernatural elements Hawthorne's original tale was meant to provoke in the reader, but Chillingworth has panels that remind me of Dragon Ball Z. He looks like he's going Super Saiyan. Pearl, too, has some panels where she evokes magical girls, kind of like a Puella Magi Madoka Magica vibe. Especially on the back cover, where she's shown holding Hester's A badge in a very "magical girl"-esque pose. These seemed at odds with the setting, especially. Other than that, I thought the artwork was very fitting and well drawn.

Overall, this is a pretty faithful adaptation of The Scarlet Letter. It would be especially helpful to offer students who are looking to compare it to the original book or for struggling readers or ESL students who may appreciate having the graphic novel version instead of paragraphs of text. I would recommend it to anyone who loves graphic novels and classics. Well done!


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Beautifully illustrated, this adaptation was able to keep most of the elements of Hawthorne’s story with fewer words. There were pages that were wordless, yet, the pictures illustrated the events in a way where the reader knew exactly what was propelling the story forward to its conclusion.

While most sinned in secret, Prynn wore hers literally on her chest. She proved that her sin didn’t define her. Hester Prynn and the scarlet letter that was meant to shame her for her indiscretion, soon became known throughout Boston as being one of the kindest and most thoughtful of its citizens.

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I enjoyed this manga version of the classic The Scarlet Letter. It was a fun way for a new generation to learn about the classics.

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I love this manga series! Every single one that I have read so far, was a really good adaptation to the classic book. This definitely benefits the people, that are interested in the story but don't want to read classic literature, because let's be honest, it can be a little bit exhausting sometimes, especially reading it in a foreign language. Love it!

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This classic in the manga style did a good job of keeping to the original themes of Hawthorne's story. The stark black and white illustrations with the single spot of a red "A" was a great visual. This would be a great addition to classrooms and libraries. Students that need help understanding themes or that do well with alternative forms of media will benefit from this series.

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Thank you, Netgalley, for a complimentary review copy in exchange for my honest review.

This is the third of the Manga Classics I have read: Great Expectations was a fantastic manga version of the classic! I did enjoy reading Les Miserable but thought that it was not a classic that could be condensed and shorted enough to fit into a manga and still have the same impact as the classic! And now I have finished this one and I have to say ... I love it! This manga was a great read! The only thing I would criticize is the appearance of Roger. It is said that he is misshapen. The manga didn't really bring that across. He just looked like every average old man. But other than that, I really had a blast reading this one. The illustrations were wonderful, the story kept flowing without any weird disruptions or confusion, the manga characters reflected the personality of the characters in the book, and the conversation and thought bubbles were nicely selected and composed.

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Hester Prynne is a young woman, who's one mistake changed her life. After having an affair and a child, she's put in prison. Moreover, she's forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her breast as a punishment, to remind everyone about her sin. While she's in the prison, she was visited by her husband. However, he's not trying to avenge himself on her, he seeks a vengeance on the mysterious man, she doesn't want to reveal a name. With the years her life gets easier, however, it's not getting easier for a father of Pearl.

I always wanted to read The Scarlet Letter, but never had much time to do it. That's why I was happy when I found this graphic novel. I read few of the books from the Manga Classics series. They are a nice shorter vision of the books. However, so many explanations of the characters were lacking and I feel like I need to read the book to understand characters. This graphic novel motivated me even more to read it, as it showed me how amazing is this story.

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Thanks NetGalley for this ARC, in exchange for an honest review. This medium is one of my new found favorites, the idea of classics via Manga is simply incredible. Chan did a wonderful job with adapting this novel without missing key events and while really bringing the characters to live. Lee's artwork is beautiful, classic Manga style, gorgeous emotion and action moments. I am beyond thrilled that this is available.

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Back in my high school days, one of the books for required reading was The Scarlet Letter. I read some of the beginning, but wasn’t really able to make my way through the book, mostly because I thought it was just so odd. Especially Little Pearl, Hester Prynne’s daughter. She was like a whole different creature, not entirely human.
With that said, now that The Scarlet Letter is no longer required reading, I decided it would be fun to foray into the Manga Classics version.
The story surrounds Hester Prynne, a young woman who had committed adultery, and for her sins, had to wear a scarlet ‘A’ on her chest, and every day climb the scaffold and stand there, in shame, while all the other members of the town looked down upon her. As a product of her sin, Hester gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Little Pearl. Pearl grew up to be a wild child, with a disregard to the Puritan beliefs.
There are many mysterious characters in this tale, but the plot remains solid and true, with no mystery, but plenty of heart. Despite the people’s reservations, Hester proves herself a woman of good character and skill, using her gift of embroidery to make a living. While it seems like Hester is the kind of person to pity for her plight, she proves herself strong enough to handle anything thrown her way.
The only character I really had pity on was Reverend Dimmsdale. He was dying from a sickness of his own making, a grief that he could never seem to shake. Even though God forgives the repentant, the poor man believed that he had done something so terrible, he would never be forgiven.
Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter really helped me see what an interesting book The Scarlet Letter really is. Also, it gave me the opportunity to see just how the story ended. Because I wasn’t able to get that far back in high school.

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The facial expressions of the characters told me so much about their feelings, they passed so much emotions and deep to the characters.I just adored the drawings, and the story being a classic and I`ve had read it before, nothing shocking happened but that didn`t made me give up reading it! It was refreshing even if I knew the story already.

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I remember reading this book in high school. It was one of the few classics that I understood reading the first time around. This adaptation is great for those who need some help with understanding the writing style of the 19th century. The artwork is spot on although I did imagine Arthur Dimmesdale to be a bit older. The symbolism that is portrayed in the book carries over well here and even more the artwork emphasizes it. I wish I had this version when I needed to write my papers. A good story made even better with the artwork. A great way to jump into classical English Literature that leaves you wanting to read more.

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So I had never read this classic before so it was easy to get through. It seemed like there wasn’t much in the story and they just dragged it out. I do enjoy reading these but just seemed so much longer than it needed to be. The artwork was pretty and went very well with the story! Had to give it only 3 stars because it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Interesting idea but could have had so much more plot in this!

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I remember enjoying the Scarlet Letter even as my peers hated it when we were forced to read it in high school. I haven't read it since, so I was thrilled to find a manga version. A long time fan of manga, I enjoy many manga adaptations of classics. Scarlet Letter was no exception. The artwork is appealing and the story itself keeps to the meat of the story. Even though I haven’t read the novel in a while, I felt the adaptation remains loyal to its source material.

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I received this earc from NetGalley in exchange of an honest review.

I love The scarlet letter and this manga adaptation is really well done. The artwork is magnificent, the characters are expressive and really beautiful.
The story is known. Hester Prynne fell in love with the minister Arthur Dimmesdale of the city where her husband sent her to begin a new life and wait for him, but years passed, she thinks he's dead and fell in love with the minister of the church. Expecting a child, she's branded with the scarlet letter from the title to point at her state as adulterer. With her daugher Pearl, Hester is forced to begin a life shunned by the society of Boston, trying bit by bit, year by year to be a honest woman, as the society expected the women to be. But her life is complicated when her husband reappeared, taking the name of Chillingworth and gaining the trust of the minister, taking advantage of his guilt and remorse and tormenting him.

The characters are portraited beautifully, maybe, except for Chillingworth, too young-looking, above all when seven years are passed. Their expressions are perfectly done and the writing is on point. Hester is a determined young woman, Pearl is, sometime, downright scary with her intense expressions, questions and tantrum. Chillingworth is portraited like a fiend, above all in the last moments, where he's so obsessed with Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale is, like the books, conflicted and full of guilt and remorse, living a sort of double life where everyone saw him as the golden minister, a saint, while he's suffering physically and mentally from his sin and guilt.
A really beautiful adaptation, the artwork is astounding and brilliant, thanks to the amazing SunNeko Lee.

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Having not priorly known the story of The Scarlet Letter, this was a great way to catch my attention for the story. The art was beautiful, and the story was addicting. For sure, a great read.

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Manga Classics is an incredible way to explain and explore classics in a new way. This manga classic took a difficult (for me) classical tale written by Nathaniel Hawthorne and made it absorb-able. Once I started reading the manga I could have finished it in one sitting. The artwork made this tragic tale come to life. There were scenes that seem to delve into human alienation and its effect on the soul, that the combination of the words and artwork made it unforgettable.

The Scarlet Letter is about a single sinful act that ruins the lives of three people. None more so than Hester Prynne, a young and dignified woman, who conceived a child out of wedlock and receives the public punishment of having to always wear a scarlet "A" on her clothing. The Scarlet Letter is set in a Puritan community during the Colonial American period. This retelling dealt with the main subjects of the tale beautifully.

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Hester Prynne is a married woman. When her husband leaves her for two years Hester ends up becoming pregnant by another man. Living in a Puritan town, Hester is punished dearly for her adultery and made to wear a red embroidered 'A' on her chest while she stands on a stage for the whole town to see for so many hours a day. Despite everything Hester refuses to name her baby's father and takes all the punishment by herself.

I absolutely adore this take on Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. I love how this version is easy to follow and fun to look at. The drawings are beautiful and well done. I love that books like these connect the past to the present by taking an old classic and pairing it with modern art.

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Manga Classics: The Scarlet Letter by Crystal S. Chan, 308 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Udon Entertainment, 2015. $20.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
As punishment for committing adultery, Hester must now wear a red “A” for the rest of her life. With her poor treatment from the townspeople for her sin and her lover staying hidden, Hester’s daughter is all that she has left -- but will they ever have a happily ever after?
I was intrigued by the idea of a manga version of this classic book, but I was also hesitant to pick it up because I hated this book in high school. However, as I read this adaptation, I discovered that I was engaged by the story and that I love Hester’s character, the epitome of strength. Being able to actually understand the story in a way that I didn’t when reading Hawthorne’s original planted the desire to go back and read the full classic again. I want to know the details that had to be left out, and I want to gain greater insights into the characters I have been reintroduced to. Hawthorne’s story deserved redemption from the poor first impression it left on me, and anyone who struggles with the original -- and even those who loved the original -- will find that Chan’s adaptation is a great supplement to the classic.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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