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Is a Worry Worrying You?

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As a Mom of two young boys I have had to deal with a worrier. My son constantly worries about things that I take for granted and things I have had a hard time seeing the different perspective. This book has helped immensely! Not only does he not feel alone in his worries he recognizes that there can be easy solutions. We really loved the illustrations, they’re dark and detailed showcasing to the reader that the author truly understands what it is to worry.
Thank you for this book it has become a staple in our reading routine!

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Is a Worry Worrying You? Is a great tool to use in beginning a discussion on worry. In the illustrations, it gives worry the form of a dark monster. Though the illustrations are somewhat dark and creepy, the text begins light hearted and gives silly, outrageous examples of things you might worry about, but goes on in a more serious tone to give options that can help cope with worry.
Our family is prone to anxiety and perfectionism so worry is a constant discussion point. We often talk through worries with our daughters and try to help identify their feelings. With that in mind, there were a few things I didn't like about this book.
To begin with, all the examples are outrageous and it makes all worries seem bad. The thing is, worries have their use and when you focus on worry as a ridiculous feeling to have, kids can learn to be ashamed of their worries. Most of our worries have a valid root, and the worry serves to warn us about a real issue. Identifying the root can be hard once it has grown branches, but one of the keys to working through worry is getting down to that root and identifying the true, valid fear that the whole feeling is based on.
Also, I didn't like that it ends with this huge list of ways to get rid of the worry, and that's all. It was a fine thing to do, but uninteresting. The illustrations for that section were good, but the text was just about as bland as it could be. I would have found it much more interesting if they added results- and what if your worry monster hides when you talk about it with others but comes back when it's late and you're alone in bed?
Lastly, it didn't feel was well structured and the flow was lacking for me. It jumps around a bit, seeming to interrupt itself. It goes into examples of things you might worry about, then back to the description of worry, and then into another example, and how to get rid of one, then back again.
Though I felt it fell short on those few points I did enjoy it enough to award it 4 stars because it was well researched and all in all, it is a good discussion builder to begin working towards healthy mental habits

Thanks again to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This had the perfect tone for the target audience and I love that it is discovering an emotion that kids might feel but not understand. The illustration of the monster was also pretty "accurate" and I overall enjoyed this one.

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Okay, so i requested to read this from Netgalley thinking how cute it would be to read this to my son at his bedtime. I am extremly happy to say we both loved this story, It was great to read something to my son that means so much to me for him to learn more about being worried. I myself have suffered from Anxiety for many many years and really in all cases it is from so much worriness and i have been struggling to find ways to show my children how to deal/learn about handling or what i personally go through. This story shares what i have been hoping to express to my children. And the art work is amazing.

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A beautifully illustrated and worded story that helps children to understand their thoughts and worries and offers possible solutions as well as alternatives.
The art style was so interesting and detailed.
A wonderful story.

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This is a cute way to teach kids what a worry is and how to handle or cope with a worry. The author describes what a worry is, then gives examples of some things that can cause worry such as losing homework or monsters under the bed. In respect to the worries that are given as examples, the author gives fun and imaginative ideas on how to overcome these worries. Some examples of these ideas include bringing your "bear of a teacher honey to make her feel welcome" or doing something to take your mind off of the worry like baking a cake.

I would recommend this fun story to any child who has a worry and wants to find a way to conquer it.

The illustrations in this book remind me of one of my favorite books as a kid, "Where the Wild Things Are" by
Maurice Sendak.

Thank you NetGalley and Tanglewood Publishing for my advanced copy.

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Is a Worry Worrying You? is a wonderfully, creative book about not letting worry take over our lives. This book is perfect for children of any age who often find themselves worrying and don’t know how to handle it. Fun, creative, beautifully illustrated, this book is a must for children (and it’s also a gentle reminder for adults too!). I highly recommend!

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I really enjoyed this. The art style is phenomenal and the overall message of the book is really great, especially for kids struggling with anxiety.

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Is a Worry Worrying You by Ferida Wolf uses humor, compassion, and creative problem-solving to explore how children can deal with the worries and anxieties they may be feeling.

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Special thanks to NetGalley for providing a digital copy in exchange for an honest review

I like the idea behind this one and I enjoy the sort of creepy art this uses, but I don't imagine I would have loved this when I was a kid. I think some of the scenarios are a bit long winded to help get the point across, so I'm not sure some kids would have the attention span to make it through the whole story

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In general, I like the idea of this book. Children are easily worried. They worry about things both likely and unlikely. Their imaginations run off with them and suddenly they are concerned geese will eat our car (an actual quotation from my daughter). So, a book that gives genuine concerns and ridiculous ones and tells children ways to process it? Sounds great.

There are problems though. In general the writing in this one seems off. Some pages are filled with words and others only have a few. It's not well structured, and seems as if the authors may have had different approaches to this task. The humor is amusing, but never laugh out loud funny (to my daughter at least). This could be because some of the illustrations are a touch on the scary side. It's drawn in a very Tim Burton style for the figures and while I personally find that charming, it has enough of an air of discomfort to it that she was not amused. I received no "again, again" after this one, so it was apparently a big miss for her.

So, yes, the book called "Is a Worry Worrying You" did indeed cause her to worry. While I appreciate the cosmic joke that it seems, it is also notable for would-be readers to worried children that it may defeat the purpose. Possibly one that it would be well advised to examine before you read to a child. 2/5 stars

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I wanted to like this book. It has some really good examples of how to help yourself and others when you are worried . For me, I couldn't connect with the illustrations , they were too dark and slightly disturbing. I think some children would find them scary, especially at bedtime. I feel like the parts where the fear was overcome needed a bigger contrast from the scary worry monster character. The text If a little long, I mostly like.

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I really liked this book! It helps kids recognize worries and reframe them into manageable thoughts. Such an important thing to teach kids. I will definitely read this to my kids and recommend it to others.

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Do you have a child that worries a lot? Do they get upset at the smallest of things? I do and that’s ok. I think this book is the perfect book for little worriers. The pictures give me the vibe from “The Munsters”, dark but fun.
There are some great ideas and some pretty funny worries within this book. I think this should be on every parents radar. Grab yours today! And don’t keep it all to yourself, your children need it too!
If you are a counselor, teacher, parent, or librarian you should have a copy on hand for your children.
Thank you Netgalley and Tanglewood for this beautiful book.

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I adore this book and the illustrations are lovely. They remind me of a Tim Burton film. Due to the creepy nature of the illustrations, I do believe this would be more fit for an older child.
Would I recommend this book to a friend?

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This is the best book for children with anxiety disorder. My son has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and he is autistic. He deals with a great deal of worry and anxiety. But reading this to him help him to help put his "worries away in the closet " just like the book. The story line was easy for him to follow and the illustrations was excellent! Must read!

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With wonderfully engaging illustrations along with characters in relatable situations, this book is a great option for those who have youngsters who are worrying and fretting about general things in life or specifically, the changes that are taking place in all our lives at the moment.

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I love this weird little book!

So often the advice to someone who's worried is just too simple: "Don't worry about it." Like it's really that easy. But it's not, is it? I don't care if you're 5, 55 or 105. Worries are such a pain, and truly hard to shake.

"Is a Worry Worrying You?" understands this dilemma. It acknowledges that worries are like bad songs that take up residence and live rent-free your head. You can't just "fuhgeddaboudit", but you can address the worry and find a creative way to move past it. You know, put it in its place. We could all use a nudge toward giving those wearying worries the boot!

Not only is this book incredibly helpful, but it's also filled with wonderfully wacky illustrations. I picked it up because the illustrations were so appropriate for the theme. I'd read anything illustrated by Marie Letourneau, because she obviously knows how to make a monster monstrous and a scared kid relatable.

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I received this book for free as an ebook from This was a charming story about how to tackle any worry that comes to stalk you. The illustrations are a bit dark, reminiscent of a Tim Burton world. However, they fit what was being described in the story. Not only are the illustrations interesting, but the story itself is helpful, as well. This book offers suggestions on how to handle the worry that disturbs your peace of mind, instead of just telling you not to worry. Easy to read and worthy of being recommended.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this children's book, Is a Worry Worrying You? by Frieda Wolff, Harriet May Savitz. This book is primarily focusing on the anxieties that children can have. Particularly, the book shows different scenarios, each ranging from realistic to "ridiculous" or wacky. They show also solutions or address the overthinking in the situation, etc.

I think one of the unique aspects of this book is the illustrations. The illustrations range from cute to dark, which I think matches the tone page to page. The "worry" gremlin reminds me of the Mucus guy from those allergy commercials. Haha! In all seriousness, the illustrations are different than I would expect, but I think the cover lacks appeal.

The content makes up for this. I think the message shines through and helps address some of the issues that children may have, especially in this day and age.

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