Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer

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Pub Date Jan 16 2018 | Archive Date May 15 2018


Welcome to Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer. These substantial pre-publication excerpts reflect a broad spectrum of today’s young adult writing, from fantasy and romance to suspense and humor. You will discover debut writers to put on your radar, while enjoying early samples from some of the biggest authors in the field and even a memoir for younger readers. At the end of most excerpts, you will find a link to the full galley on NetGalley!

Readers will be happy to see included Stephanie Garber’s sequel to her New York Times bestselling debut novel Caraval, a previous Buzz Books. Other fantasies are Furyborn by Claire Legrand, Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, and Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young.

Then come back to the present with Boston Globe advice columnist Meredith Goldstein’s YA debut about a teen science whiz who tries to crack the chemical equation for lasting love or Buzzfeed writer Farrah Penn’s Twelve Steps to Normal, about a father’s recovery from alcoholism. Start reading the bestsellers of tomorrow right now to see why reviewers rave with comments like these:

"Love Buzz Books! They are so helpful for librarians. This YA sampler is particularly great for any librarian with a sizable teen population. Some very interesting titles highlighted here, in a wide variety of genres."

Then spread the word: your friends and family can download this free edition of Buzz Books at any major ebookstore or at For broader reading, check out Buzz Books 2018: Spring/Summer, also available now, for 40 excerpts from top forthcoming adult fiction and nonfiction titles.

Welcome to Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer. These substantial pre-publication excerpts reflect a broad spectrum of today’s young adult writing, from fantasy and romance to suspense and...

Available Editions

ISBN 9780999137383

Average rating from 180 members

Featured Reviews

My TBR stack always grows by so much with every edition of this! I love reading the excerpts and I usually end up reading a handful of these. Thank you!

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Aha! I have been wondering lately when this would be due out - I knew it was pretty close to the release date from last years issue and voila! Here it is! As YA books are one of my top two genres this is a must-read for me so I can get accustomed to some of the best upcoming spring/summer releases in the YA genre!

Along with the usual release calendar covering the time period until the next buzz books YA edition there are exciting excerpts from the likes of Stephanie Garber, Mary Weber and Matt Killeen to name but a few.

Once again, another great packed edition that helps me add to my already large and looming TBR!! Bravo!

I would like to thank Publishers Lunch, Other Contributors and NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm so excited that it's the time of year that Spring/Summer BuzzBooks are coming out! The seasonal compilations are my absolute favorite.

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I love the preview books! This is where I get a lot of names of books coming out soon that I want to read.

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I love these previews of novels about to be published! The excerpts were all awesome and I can't wait till I can buy them in bookstores!!

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I always love receiving these! I was especially excited to read a sample of the Caraval sequel and wasn't disappointed. I can feel my TBR pile growing...

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I find the compilation of excerpts of upcoming books to be released from buzz books extremely helpful and informative.

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I love when they release a new one! So many books to add. This one had TONS of Fantasy, which is my personal favorite so I had to give it 5 stars.

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I really enjoyed this sample of upcoming YA books. I think I'm most excited for Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne and Furyborn by Claire Legrand, but Chemistry Lessons by Meredith Goldstein and Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young all look incredibly good as well. I will probably be picking some of these up when they release.

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This collection from Publishers Lunch contained 12 books. I had 2 of the books on my TBR, I added 5 more, 2 were meh, and I skipped 3 because they were sequels.

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes [4 stars]: Son of Guy Fawkes? Sold. I don't read enough stories from a male POV. I really enjoyed what I read. Added to my TBR.

The Boy From Tomorrow by Camille DeAngelis [3 stars]: This is a MG book. I was kind of meh about it. I think my daughter would really love it and I wouldn't be surprised if this comes in an Owlcrate Jr box. I may or may not read it if it does :)

Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne [5 stars]: Loved this couple chapters of sci fi goodness. I like the sci fi trope of the spaceship failing. Added to my TBR.

Unbreakable by Sara Ella [skipped]: Third book in a trilogy I haven't read.

Legendary by Stephanie Garber [skipped]: Sequel to a book I didn't like.

Chemistry Lessons by Meredith Goldstein [5 stars]: Chemistry/science-y nerd stuff - YASSSSSSSSS! Added to my TBR.

Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen [4 stars]: Younger kid me enjoyed any stories about WW2, the Titanic, and the Oregon Trail, so I'm not sure why this wasn't on my radar. I enjoyed the short bit I read :) Added to my TBR.

Furyborn by Claire Legrand [5 stars]: I already had this book on my TBR and now I am even more excited for its release. This is what I wanted Roar to be like and was disappointed when it wasn't!

Twelve Steps to Normal by Farrah Penn [4 stars]: I have to say that I was weary with it being a Patterson presents book and written by a Buzzfeed writer but don't judge a book by its cover (and by that I mean its publisher/author's resume?). I liked what I read so far even though it was the shortest excerpt so far - or at least it certainly seemed that way. Added to my TBR.

Frat Girl by Kiley Roache [3 stars]: Not sure how to feel about the little bit that I read. Depending on the reviews it gets when it's released, I may decided to give it a go. It wasn't awful or anything.

Reclaiming Shilo Snow by Mary Weber [skipped]: Sequel to a book I haven't read.

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young [5 stars]: HOLY CRAP! As if I couldn't get more hyped to read this novel, I get surprised with it being the last excerpt in this collection from Buzz Books. My heritage is Norwegian and I was raised celebrating Norwegian culture, so my obsession with Vikings will always be a thing. I have an ARC of this book on my desk. MUST READ ASAP. Easily my fave excerpt.

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These catalogs never disappoint My TBR is ever growing and I just added a whole bunch of books just now, thanks to this! I'm super excited for all of these novels, especially Sky in the Deep, Furyborn, and Brightly Burning. Cannot wait to get my hands on them!

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This is my first time reading a Buzz Books and I wonder why I didn't do it sooner. It had great excerpts to choose from, in a variety of genres (fantasy, sci-fi, romance, contemporary and historical fiction) for all tastes, stand alone and series. I'm specially interested in Fawkes and Sky in the Deep now. Legendary and Furyborn as well plus I loved their covers.
It was also great to check the list of upcoming titles. Specially interested in Philippa Gregory's Dark Tracks, Sarah J. Maas' A court of Frost and Starlight, Marissa Meyer's Heartless and Jenna Evans Welch's Love & Luck.
Non-fiction books that caught my attention were: Jeremy Daldry's The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide and Mackenzie Ziegler's Kenzie's Rules for Life

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Another fantastic mix of samples! I'm particularly looking forward to the new Caraval book, Legendary and the intriguing debut by Matt Killeen, Orphan Monster Spy!

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Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer has provided such amazing excerpts for many upcoming releases. I can say, with certainty, that my TBR has grown larger today.

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Great pick for the best news, excerpts, links, and more for upcoming YA titles! You're TBR pile will not thank you :)

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Once again a wonderful selection of different sub-genres within the YA-category - this time around (thankfully..) only featuring a few that caught my eye, but those that did I am very excited about. A few of the others seem like they might be worth a short, too, depending on reviews. We shall see. Thanks!

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Great excerpts as always; a few books I recognised that I had already been interested in (Frat Girl, Furyborn, Sky In The Deep) and a few I hadn't heard of but am now interested in (Brightly Burning, Fawkes).

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Once again, Publishers Lunch has put together a great collection of excerpts for upcoming YA titles for Spring/Summer. I always manage to find a new book to look forward to from Buzz Books!

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Another great Buzz Books Young Adult. Great for getting the new books of 2018.

Thank you to publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read.
While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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What a brilliant way to expose the reader to a genre they normally wouldn't look at. When ever I see that a new Buzz Books is available I drop everything to see what new books are coming out! The icing on the cake is that there is a link at the end of each sample that takes you directly to Netgalley where you can request the ARC! It doesn't get any better than that does it?

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I love Buzz Book's biannual releases, and I am really looking forward to some of these YA titles that are to be released in Spring/Summer 2018. There are a lot of interesting YA fantasy books that are being released in the coming months, and I the following titles have been successfully added to my TBR list...

-Fawkes: by Nadine Brandes
-Legendary (Caraval, #2): by Stephanie Garber
-Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy, #1): by Claire Legrand
-Sky in the Deep: by Adrienne Young

Thank you, Publishers Lunch, for putting together this collection!

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A really handy guide to some fantastic titles coming out this year. Perfect for any bookseller!

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Super useful as always, it's a wonderful way to know the titles that will come!

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Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read this sample pack of books coming to a bookstore near me soon. I am really looking forward to buying The Boy of Tomorrow for my niece who is in middle school I really think she will enjoy it I have also requested a few full galley's to read myself.

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Once again, I loved reading through the latest Buzz Books. These books always load my TBR pile with more than I can handle.

The very first preview in this book is probably the one that I am most excited about. Fawkes, by Nadine Brandes is a YA tale of Guy Fawkes. I was interested from the moment I first saw that gorgeous cover (I must be honest. I 100% judge books by their covers.)
But then, there is that first line!!! "I wasn't ready to turn to stone". Ok Nadine Brandes- you have my attention!! Brandes' writing is beautiful and sucks you in immediately. I can hardly wait to get my hands on a copy of Fawkes!!

The next (also beautifully covered- THOSE COLORS!!!<3) novel that instantly grabbed my attention was Meredith Goldwstein's Chemistry Lessons. This book promises to be nerdy, mushy (in the best way), and just generally fun. This preview sucked me in, and I am so excited to see more of Maya, Kyle (I can just tell he will make me giggle), and Yael.

Orphan Monster Spy. This book seems so fast paced. It feels like the kind of novel you finish in one night. My heart was in my throat the entire preview, as Sarah ran from the soldiers. Its going to be an incredible, powerfully written read. Flipping through this book on my kindle to write my review, I am getting excited all over again.

And last but not least: Sky in the Deep. I knew I needed to get my hands on this book just from the summary.It explains that this story takes place in a war torn world. And the main character sees her brother. That last line. "The brother she watched die five years ago." WHAT!?! Yes please. I'm interested. Between that line and the beautiful black and gold cover of the girl holding the ax, I am calling this a must read. Not to mention the GORGEOUS writing. It is lyrical and descriptive. I am so excited.

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I read all of them except the little part by Sara. Only because it's the last book in the Unblemished trilogy, which I've been wanting to read. The two I really enjoyed was the prologue for Legendary (which just made me want to read it now, so I shouldn't have read that part yet😂...) And the part of Furyborn, which is book one in a trilogy :)

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I love seeing these pop up on NetGalley. I get so excited about the new upcoming releases, and I love knowing what to look out for.

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Love reading all the excerpts and finding all the best reads for my TBR pile! Especially excited about the sequel to Caraval...

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Drop what you're doing. This edition has an excerpt from Legendary by Stephanie Garber.... I repeat LEGENDARY (aka. Caraval #2). This is not a drill.

I think this has got to be my favourite edition so far. Not only do we get a fantastic excerpt from Legendary, but we also get to see some other fantastic books. Here are a few of my favourites.
Fawkes by Nadine Brandes
Chemistry Lessons by Meredith Goldstein
Furyborn by Claire Legrand
and many more.

You guys seriously need to check out this edition. It is amazing!

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As always a get teaser for some books I am really looking forward to this year.
My list for the previews:
Brightly Burning
Ski in the Deep
Orphan Monster Spy

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No public review for this title. Thanks for this collection of samples I have selected and requested my YA reading through to June. Thank you.

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I always look forward to when these books come out - this is the third or fourth one I've read. I love getting the little taste of future books, and it's nice to sometimes take a step outside of my usual genres. There's always an interesting mix of genres that they put into these books. While there is some interesting books coming in the future, nothing really jumped out at me as "I have to read this right now!"

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I can not wait to be able to get my hands on these books! Looking forward to Orphan Monster Spy and Legendary the most!

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I look forward to these update so much! I stalk Netgalley when I think one may be due till I am successful!

It always is full of the best snippets of great books to come and it always makes my tbr a lot bigger!

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This is always a good way to see which books are getting publicity for the upcoming reading season. I was only intrigued by 3 of them, but it was a good use of time!

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Really Interesting books coming this year. Excited to read them all!

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This is my first time trying one of the Buzz Books, and it's safe to say that it won't be my last! Much appreciation for the wonderful galley of recommendations. Requested quite a few on Netgalley.

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This is another great collection of excerpts! I know that several of these books are going to be very popular this year. I have my eye on Furyborn, Legendary, and a few other titles from this group. I look forward to featuring many of these books on my blog during the next few months.

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Once again,extremely helpful to read about the most anticipated YA books this season :)

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As always, I enjoyed reading the spring/summer edition of Buzz Books 2018 for Young Adults. There are quite a few books in this edition that hold a lot of promise, and I can't wait to continue reading them. Especially Fawkes by Nadine Brandes. It looks really, really good.

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Good preview got to know a bit more about some of the titles I had been anticipating as two of them were included in this sampler.

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A great read for any YA reader or reviewer. I love reading the Buzz Books, it gives me a sneak peek at upcoming reads.

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Great selection of titles as always, useful for filling my ever growing TBR shelf. Not so useful for my bank account!

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Great resource as usual. Super excited for "Fawkes', 'Fury Born' and 'Sky In The Deep'.

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I always enjoy previewing the new books. Gives me lots of good ideas for what to read next. This one didn't disappoint!

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Thank you for the sneak peeks so I can decide which books I want to review!

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This is a great collection of excerpts of Young Adult upcoming and published books in spring/summer of 2018.

It contains an introduction followed by a section of fiction and nonfiction titles. Last, there are summary and excerpts by publishers. I particularly enjoyed the excerpt for SKY IN THE DEEP by Adrienne Young.

Overall, a great list of buzzing YA titles for 2018.

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I've always loved it when Netgalley does this. Allowing us to read snippets of upcoming books. Fantastic. Keep on doing this.

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Every time a Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer is published I am thrilled. I always find very good book recommendations and I discover new books that I wouldn't know exist otherwise. I also use this publications for inspiration for my blog posts.

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Thank you for providing this information about upcoming book releases. So helpful in planning my future reading and requesting ARCs.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for sending me a digital arc of these books. I am so excited for "Legendary" by Stephanie Garber. I only read a snippet but it was so good. Those who loved the first book will be very pleased. I am also looking forward to "Furyborn" by Claire Legrand. The writing is beautiful and the setting is wonderfully original. Many of the books in this buzz books will find a home at my library.

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The Buzz Books samplers are fantastic; good array of upcoming titles.

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I absolutely love when these lists come out. It really makes it so much easier to order for my young adults at the library and it makes it easier for me to complete my orders. It is like my book bible!

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Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring Summer is a selection of chapter previews from upcoming YA titles. A diverse collection of fantasy, science & contemporary fiction from both well-known and debut authors, it will wet the appetite of many readers.

Five of the twelve selections stood out to me as books I'd like to keep reading: Fawkes by Nadine Brandes, The Boy from Tomorrow by Camille DeAngelis, Legendary by Stephanie Garber, Furyborn by Claire Legrand & Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young. The only author in this group that I've read before is Garber; Legendary is a follow-up to her bestselling book Caravel. All of the five I've chosen are fantasies, and all of them hooked me with details, mystery and action within their first pages. Perhaps the one that I am most surprised by, and most intrigued by, is Sky in the Deep. While all these titles will go on my to-read list, Sky in the Deep will be at the top.

Thanks to Publishers Lunch for putting out a fascinating selection of YA book previews for Spring/Summer 2018. I will continue to request Buzz Books in the future to help me determine the next great YA read.

*Received a copy from Netgalley & the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I always love getting these. It helps me narrow down my choices for the books for the spring! It is such a great review of the books to come.

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When deciding which new titles to purchase, Book Buzz is one of the best resources.

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This was a great way to get information about new and upcoming titles! Excited to read many of them!

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I really enjoyed this little book filled with excerpts of books! I added three new books to my tbr and I realized I’m behind on a few books I planned to read in 2017 that I haven’t yet and need to! great way to see whIch stories and authors you should be on the look out for!

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I loved reading the excerpts of new titles coming out, especially of one of my most anticipated, Legendary! The TBR just keeps on growing and it's a wonderful problem to have!

Thank you for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Another good sampler. Great to get an idea of what's up and coming, and read passages to see if the writing style is one that I'll be able to enjoy a full book of.

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I love BuzzBooks. Let's get that out of the way. Having sample chapters of so many new books coming out is pretty awesome. I was surprised that so many more of these stories were fantasy-based. They usually have a pretty good spread.

Books that I immediately put on my "to order" list:
Fawkes by Nadine Brandes - I'm SUPER HAPPY to find a YA book with a male lead! The color magic seems interesting. I am wondering how this will branch out. I KNOW I can circulate it.
Orphan Monster Spy by Mat Killeen - The excerpt was fantastic! "You Don't Know My Name" and "Perry's Killer Playlist" are super popular in my library so I know an action-packed spy novel is going to go over well.
Furyborn by Claire Legrand - I think the excerpt was a little confusing, but as part of a whole, it looks to be setting up for a very successful trilogy. I like the idea of it. My fantasy readers will pick it up because the cover is gorgeous. They'll check it out because of the synopsis.
Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young - Really. Strong female warriors. You need more info? Starts out with a massive battle scene. BOOM!

There's one I am on the fence about but it's mostly because of the cover:
Frat Girl by Kiley Roache - One girl trying to get the scholarship of her dreams pitches that she can put an end to one fraternity's over-the-top misogyny. Sounds cool. The cover is horrible. For better or worse, my patrons judge a book by its cover.

The other stories were varied. Three are not from the first book in the series so I wound up skimming them. There were a few that just weren't for me or ones I thought my patrons would be into, but BuzzBooks always helps me discover new things! I love them.

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Loved it! This was my first Buzz Books i've had the pleasure of reading. This was fun and I loved the sneak peeks of the hottest YA to come. Will be buying these books for sure!

Thanks #NetGalley for sending this my way to review!

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This bind up really sold the textx to me and i want to read Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne immediately. The selection of future releases was great and there were a couple more i'd keep my eye on in future including the Boy from Tomorrow.

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I'm always waiting for the new buzz book. I really like the concept and I am more than happy to read a bit of new exciting book. I am more a fan of Sci-fi or fantasy but you there is always something for me.
The only thing that bother me a bit the number of sequel in this previews.

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Since this book is intended for chapter samples and advanced previews, I'm not going to recommend it for purchase but I would recommend it for librarians (or booksellers) to see what books are coming down the pipeline for the Spring/Summer of 2018. I -loved- that it included Legendary.

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I always love reading Buzz Books because not only does it excite me for upcoming releases, but it can also lead me to something that I might have never thought of looking at before, and this compilation is no different. Not only are there some huge upcoming releases included, but also far smaller and lesser known authors and publishers.

I think in this edition there's more fantasy than ever included which I think is a reflection of what is publishing and being hyped in the YA field these days but obviously there's a diverse array of genres.

If you're looking for upcoming books that you don't want to miss out on, or even if you just want to add to your TBR, Buzz Books is the read that you need!

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This collection of YA excerpts is amazing. I love the variety of books - there's sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, etc etc - and I love how many new books and authors I was introduced to. The excerpts from Furyborn and Sky in the Deep are definitely my favourites.

Highly recommend this book to anyone who's anticipating YA books coming up in Spring/Summer, but prepare to add a lot to your TBR...

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Great previews! many upcoming books that I am excited to read soon!

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I love being able to read excerpts of books I'm interesting in reading/requesting. A useful, helpful tool.

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Fawkes – Nadine Brandes
From this first glimpse of Fawkes, I’m not sold. The main character is not very relatable and everything feels very rushed. The world is highly undefined (what is this plague?/Why the masks?/How does this color bonding work?) and leaves too much to be questioned while they storyline is only vaguely interesting. I would have liked more of a world building first chapter, and maybe more on Guy Fawkes (especially since most teens of today would never immediately understand the character). This title does have some potential, but only appeals to those who know of Guy Fawkes or are ready to be patient for most answers.

Boy From Tomorrow – Camille DeAngelis
I cannot wait to get this full title in. I find the premise behind this story to be very intriguing and look forward to seeing how it plays out. I felt that the author did a great job introducing the plot line, yet was a little lax with the characters. The boy’s timeline was quite clear, with Alec moving into the house and inviting friends over. I was a little confused with Josie’s side as she mentions a sister and a nanny type figure, yet it wasn’t until we got back to that point of view that I could start to see them, and even then it was muddled. I’m sure this gets cleared up throughout the book, yet I found it took a little away when I didn’t understand who the characters were. Looking forward to this one none the less.

Brightly Burning – Alexa Donne
Form the cover of this book, I expected a romance. After reading the first three chapters, I could care less what’s on the cover, I just want more. This was a wonderful beginning to a sci-fi adventure that I can’t wait to read. Stella’s character is bold, yet still a little shy. She has knowledge, looks, and tenacity. Donne’s writing is fast paced and easy to follow. There are some words above a level normally used in YA literature, yet I did not find these obtrusive.

Unbreakable – Sara Ella
As this is the finale in a series, and I have not read the other books, this novel was not all that interesting to me. The terminology (fifth reflection/second’s castle) often made no sense to me and the voice was slightly longwinded for my taste. It was clear that this had to do with time travel and sounded like an interesting plotline, but I was too in the dark to understand. Might pick up the first book to see what it is about, but this didn’t make me want to check it out immediately.

Legendary – Stephanie Garber
This is the second book in the Caraval series and I’m even now more excited to get my hands on it. Love the imagination and writing style of Garber. Looking forward to a wonderful adventure.

Chemistry Lesson – Meredith Goldstein
I was both intrigued and a little put off by this introduction. This is described at the beginning as somewhat of a romantic comedy, and I didn’t get to see much comedy in it. The beginning chapters are quite depressing, dealing with a first break up and the death of a mother. I can see some humor to come from Bryan the neighbor, but just found myself overloaded with the negative aspects of Maya‘s life. Could be a great novel for girls going through their own first breakups, but it’s not enough to decide.

Orphan Monster Spy – Matt Killeen
This was a very short excerpt, but had a lot to offer. The tale was thrilling and emotional at the same time. Killeen definitely got right into the story and had the reader hanging on every word for what was about to happen. I was not a big fan of the inner voice. I felt it took away rather than added to the character. Other than that, I’m interested in reading more.

Furyborn – Claire Legrand
From these first two chapters, this looks to be an interesting fantasy. The writing is smooth and creates a fascinating world around its characters. I liked the first chapter better as there seemed to be more urgency and a more definite goal. The chapter after was a little less, but hard to judge how the rest of the book will flow.

Twelve Steps to Normal – Farrah Penn
This was a short excerpt with a strong impact. If the rest of the novel follows in this fashion, it will be a great and powerful read dealing with father/daughter relationships, alcoholism, and growing into yourself. Look forward to it!

Frat Girl – Kiley Roache
Not impressed by this title. Felt it was all overdone and slightly unrealistic for a group almost done with high school. Appreciate what the author might be trying to get at, but don’t have any want to continue past these couple of chapters.

Reclaiming Shiloh Snow – Mary Weber
The writing for this excerpt was great. It was past-paced, at an appropriate reading level, and evoked emotion in the reader. There were descriptions of each scene that gave a good sense of the surroundings. Characters were introduced nicely. Looks like a good sci-fi adventure.

Sky in the Deep – Adrienne Young
This was a short, but intense, excerpt. It led up well to the hook of the book and introduced the characters well enough. Since it was a battle scene, it was a bit chaotic and confusing, trying to get everyone straight right away. I appreciate a new mythology, yet need to be able to somewhat sound out the words or they seem useless to the novel. Good start.

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As always, Buzz Books is a wonderful for source in deciding whether or not I’m going to want to cover the most buzzed about upcoming titles!

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Really useful catalogue of the next releases, you cab clearly see whats coming and read a little of each one, sometimes is all you need. Added a few books to my TBR list. Legendary is the one I am waiting so badly..

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I'm always looking forward for the newest collection of Buzz Books. As always, this collection did not disappoint and my TBR got bigger.

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An excellent guide with previews of books that are to be published. A great way to sample books in small doses. There are so many books I am excited to read!

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I always look forward to the BuzzBooks to see what new exciting books are coming up. This edition, I was most excited about Furyborn and Sky in the Deep. Both of these books, I've been hearing about on Tumblr or Instagram and I finally got to read excerpts and I'm not even more excited about these releases!

Furyborn sounds so unique and right up my alley. Strong female characters, fantasy, magic, and prophecies!

Sky in the Deep is another unique release. This one involves Vikings and, presumably, a strong female Viking warrior and a bit of romance on the side (obviously). I have never read a YA Viking novel. In fact, the only Viking novel I've read was the first book in the Magnus Chase series and that's children's fiction. I'm really excited about the fantasy novels coming out this year that feature different, non-Anglo centric settings and this is one to add to that list.

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I love Buzz Books! They are so helpful in giving readers a heads-up on books the publishers feel will be hits, and being able to read excerpts of them help me decide which ones I want to add to my "to read" shelf.

Truth be told, I never considered Y/A as a genre for me until I read some excellent excerpts in previous years collections.

I'm always on the look out for the Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues, both the Y/A and Adult editions. I am so thankful Publishers Lunch puts these out!! The only reason this issue got 4 stars instead of 5 is that it included more science fiction excerpts than any other genre, and I'm not a big fan of science fiction.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Publishers Lunch for providing me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are strictly my own.

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I'm always looking forward to the new buzz books and once again, the selection doesn't disappoint! I've already requested some ARCs and I've also reviewed some of them already. Great mix of fantasy and contemporary YA literature, also some great sequels (Caraval 🤩).
I'm particularly curious about Alexa Donne's Brightly Burning, which is basically Jane Eyre in space *gasping for air*; Meredith Goldstein's Chemistry Lessons (I don't like the title but the idea sounds fun); Farah Penn's Twelve Steps to Normal about alcohol abuse; and Adrienne Young's Sky in the Deep because of The Vikings vibe.

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So many books and not nearly enough time for them all. Defiantly looking forward to Legendary.

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This sampler's got me really excited for these upcoming releases!

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This is not the first Buzz Books edition I have read, but this is the first one I have talked about. In short Buzz Books is a gathering of soon-to-be-published excerpts of novels chosen by Publishers Lunch.

I initially thought that I would use this space to talk about my very long history with Young Adult books and how the books that I gravitate towards influences how I choose my own books to read, but this edition has made me think about how book choosing and book reading has changed and how I have to change.

I started writing about my belief in bringing tradebooks into my classroom for pleasure reading and how in 1992 when I started as a high school English teacher, there was a sad lack of used YA books that would appeal to my juniors and seniors in high school. However, that evolution as a teacher with nothing but a class set of Cormier's The Chocolate War and leaving my middle school classroom 20 plus years later with thousands of tradebooks all chosen by me for specific kinds of readers is another long story.

The short story is that I give my students a specific strategy for choosing books.
Look at the cover. If it appeals, keep going, if not, put it back.
Read the little description on the back or the inside cover. Again, yes keep going, no put it back.
Read the lead until you lose appeal. If you have gotten through the first one or two chapters by the time you look away, grab it, borrow it, steal it.
The change in strategy is that the assumption with this strategy is that my classroom is fully stocked, the school library is fully stocked and not being used for testing, or my local bookstore is fully stocked. This is not always the case.

My new strategy relies on me searching out ebooks with readers in mind, and when I come across books through a plethora of means (Buzz Books, other blogs, Net Galley), pass it on. It is no longer possible to stock my shelves. E-books have limited the experience that students have in choosing their own books by touch, by sight, by smell. Students will no longer remember what a brand new book smells like. They won't know what a book with its pages still a little crisp and tacky feels like. This is a new world. Relying on publishers to open up their pages in things like Buzz Books is the new way to choose the next read on the students' readers.

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Loved this sampler and the great array of books it included. I especially loved Furyborn and Sky in the Deep, and will be adding them to my TBR.

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I always make sure to grab these when they come out, because not only do you get to see what is coming out, but you get a sneak peek into the books. I feel they truly give you a good enough sample where by the end of it you know whether or not that is a book you want to invest your time and money into. If you usually don't get these, I highly recommend you start.

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That you to Publishers Lunch and NetGalley for allowing us a preview of books coming soon. There are some great picks here to add to my tbr list!

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It seems my TBR is about to get even bigger! With titles such as Legend, Fawkes and Furyborn, among many others, spring/summer 2018 seems all set to be another great season for YA.

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Totally loved this teaser of upcoming YA stories. I loved reading ORPHAN SPY MONSTER so much I ended up preordering a copy! And of course I want to read SKY IN THE DEEP. I've been hearing some amazing things about that book!

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So many great previews of some new releases coming out this summer. I'm especially anxious for Furyborn and Sky in the Deep. Viking fantasy? GIMME!

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I love getting these - thank you! I always appreciate knowing what new books are getting the best buzz, and in particular which YA books are. Looking forward to a few!

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A good buzzy list of upcoming titles! I was glad to see Boy From Tomorrow. I've been seeing a lot of buzz and feel confident about recommending it to readers here. Perfect, fun-size bits spanning genres.

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I love these books. I enjoy seeing what is upcoming in the book world!

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I love Buzz Books. So many titles to look forward to and I'm very excited for the new Stephanie Garber book.

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A great look at upcoming titles. I look forward to reading the Buzz Books selection every season!

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Excellent Young Adult titles in this edition of Buzz Books.

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This preview of 12 books coming out this Spring and Summer was a delight! I did skip a couple of the previews because they were sequels to books I have not yet read and I didn't want to ruin the first book.

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes: I have had this Young Adult book on my TBR since I first heard about it. I also just recieved the full ARC and can't wait to read it! This is the story of Guy Fawkes son, and magic. The magic system is based on colors and masks and after reading this excerpt I have a lot of questions! However, I am confident based on the quality writing that my questions will be answered in this book. The characters are intriguing and the quest that the main character begins seems like it will take us for a wild ride. Definitely worth looking into if you like magic mixed with family dynamics.

The Boy from Tomorrow by Camille DeAngelis: This middle grade book tells the story of two children living in the same home years apart. Connected through a magic "talking board" (think Oiuja board) the two children begin to communicate. From this sample, it seems that they are both going to struggle with difficult lives but it is not yet clear what their battles will be. I think that this book had a slow beginning, but has the potential to create a great story.

Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne: A loose retelling of Jane Eyre? I'm there! I'm not usually into science fiction, but this YA sci-fi intrigued me. The main character is on a spaceship above a frozen planet Earth, and that ship is failing fast. She is an engineer, but wishes to be a teacher and she is reaching out for jobs including one of a private ship The Rochester. I think I see where this is going! The writing was good and the situation was an imaginative one with class issues, romance issues, and the small issue of surviving life until the Earth can be inhabited again.

Unbreakable by Sara Ella: I didn't read this one because it was the third book and I haven't read the first two.

Legendary by Stephanie Garber: Yes! This is one of my most anticipated books of 2018 because I have just read Caraval and loved it! This second book in the duology is told from a different character than the first book. The sample of the book is a decidedly different voice, but still creating a rich imaginative world with imagery that draws the reader in and makes you want to follow the next adventure in the world of Caraval.

Chemistry Lesson by Meredith Goldstein: This Young Adult novel is a romance, with science... I wasn't sure this would be something I would enjoy. However, the idea of a girl with a breakup and a brain? That sounded good! The fact that it is set in Boston, a city close to my heart also helped. I am looking forward to reading the whole book and seeing if Maya and her MIT brain can solve the mystery of herself which will use much more heart than math.

Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen: Another much anticipated book on my TBR! While the sample shows a devastated event in our main characters life, in the short bit that we read it also shows us a strong girl who is resourceful and willing to do what she needs to in order to survive. Surviving as a Jewish girl in 1939 Germany is not an easy task, but with her mother's voice to guide her she is going to take on a mission to save others like her. I will definitely be reading the whole book and think everyone should see how successful this mission is.

Furyborn by Claire Legrand: A majorly hyped book, and I haven't read enough to say it isn't worthy of the hype but I will say I wasn't super impressed. There was fire, and angels, and a baby? And travel by threads? This is definitely a complex world being created and there are two separate storylines so I'm sure things will pan out... however, I don't think this is one I will be picking up.

Twelve Steps to Normal by Farrah Penn: I have read a ton of mother/daughter stories but this is a story of a teenage girl and her alcoholic father. Well, former alcoholic father who is out of rehab and she is heading back home to live with him and not looking forward to it. She doubts his ability to stay sober, has lost her boyfriend while she was away living with an aunt, and doesn't have a great outlook on life. That is all I saw in the preview, but I would like to read more and see if her father can help her and if she receives any more mugs.

Frat Girl by Kiley Roache: Another book about a smart young girl? Yep! I like it. In order to win a scholarship to a prestigious school our main character must come up with a humanities project. Her idea is to join a frat that is on probation for being sexist and write an expose on how true that is. I can only imagine that things will not turn out the way she suspects and there will be a boy involved. The character was so likable and the premise interesting enough that I am eager to read the whole book.

Reclaiming Shilo Snow: a sequel to a book I hadn't read

Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young: Vikings? Female vikings? She runs into her 'dead' brother on the battlefield? I mean, sure? I don't know... the sample was just a battle scene and it is hard to tell what the whole story will become from there. I don't recommend or not recommend, but if it sounds like your thing you should give it a chance!

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I love getting to see some of the top books that are coming out, as well as a list of the top authors from all the publishers.
Being a book blogger of YA books can get a little complicated at times and having this book with previews makes my choice on some books so much easier to make.

I am so excited to read Sky in the Deep still and several others as well that have already been released.

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I love these guides for upcoming releases. I’m looking forward to many new releases to engage some of my older students. The titles I’m most interested in are:

The Boy From Tomorrow by Camille DeAngelis
Chemistry Lessons by Meredith Goldstein
Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen
Twelve Steps to Normal by Farrah Penn
Frat Girl by Kiley Roache

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The preview helps me be informed about new books for my library customers; I appreciate being able to have a first look at these titles.

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This offers a memorable glimpse into what's to come in publishing within the next few months!

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Great list! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to read many of these.

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I don't know how to review this catalogue, but it is a really helpful one, especially for bookshop owners.

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I love the Buzz Books compilations! And this one has so many fantastic authors. Can't wait to find my soon-to-be favorite book of 2018.

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Like always this book series is such an informative look on what book releases are coming up. Sometimes it's hard to stay up to date with everything and it's really resourceful having everything in one place. Plus the extracts help me decide what I am or aren't interested in.

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Buzz Books’ guides to upcoming books are the Michelin Guides for star writers, ranging from the debut authors who have yet to earn more than one star, to the 5 star authors whose name alone guarantees that the book will be a best seller. “Buzz Books 2018: Spring/Summer,” and “Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer,” are such guides. They are cornucopias of lists of new fiction, new memoirs, and new biographies, to name only a few of the broader categories, that will be published from March through August 2018. They also include samples of many of the books. If you love reading, and/or love being part of the intelligentsia set, download these guides at

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After reading some of the stories I became interested in quite a few of the titles. Hoping my library will acquire a few.

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If you’re interested in reading a sample of up-and-coming books, Buzz Books is a good option. This is the Young Adult Spring/Summer 2018 edition, but they also have adult fiction and seem to come out twice a year. Since it’s made to promote new books, Amazon offers this and older versions very cheaply or free. At the time of writing this (May 2018), is offering free Kindle editions.

I found it very helping in learning about some new books to look further into to my school library.

This one includes fantasy, romance, some middle grade content, and historical fiction.

More specifically: Fawkes (Nadine Brandes), The Boy from Tomorrow (Camille DeAngelis), Brightly Burning (Alexa Donne), Unbreakable (Sara Ella), Legendary (Stephanie Garber), Chemistry Lessons (Meredith Goldstein), Orphan Monster Spy (Matt Killeen), Furyborn (Claire Legrand), Twelve Steps to Normal (Farrah Penn), Frat Girl (Kiley Roache), Reclaiming Shiloh Snow (Mary Weber), and Sky in the Deep (Adrienne Young).

A copy of this book was provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

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Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer by Publishers Lunch; release date January 16, 2018; published by Publishers Lunch (BUZZ BOOKS); ISBN 9780999137383.

With the end of the school year fast approaching, your kiddos will surely be looking for things to do on those long, hot summer days. They might even trade screen time for these, and many new and amazing titles coming out this spring and summer. The list below are just some of my favourites from Buzz Books 2018 Young Adult Spring/Summer compilation.

The Boy From Tomorrow by Camille DeAngelis; release date May 8, 2018; published by Amberjack Publishing; ISBN 9781944995614

Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne; release date May 1, 2018; published by HMH Books for Young Readers; ISBN 9781328948939

Legendary by Stephanie Garber; release date May 29, 2018; published by Flatiron Books; ISBN 9781250095312

Chemistry Lessons by Meredith Goldstein; release date June 19, 2018; published by HMH Books for Young Readers; ISBN 9781328764645

Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen; release date March 20, 2018; published by Viking Books for Young Readers; ISBN 9780451478733

Furyborn by Claire Legrand; release date May 22, 2018; published by Sourcebooks Fire; ISBN 9781492656623

Twelve Steps to Normal by Farrah Penn; release date March 13, 2018; published by Jimmy Patterson Books; ISBN 9780316471602

Thank you to NetGalley and Publishers Lunch (BUZZ BOOKS) for providing a digital copy in return for an honest, unbiased review.

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A wonderful selection as always. I love each new edition that comes out, and my TBR stack continues to grow.

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The Buzz Books are one of the best free resources available to anyone with an interest in books. Invaluable for book bloggers, librarians, booksellers and reviewers alike.

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I love BuzzBooks previews. Now that I'm a small business owner, I know how to prepare for my customer's needs in the following quarter. It will be best to get full ARCs/galleys of these books, but now I have a better idea of which I can skip and which to watch out for. Thank you!

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This is the first Buzz Books YA that I requested and it definitely made me aware of some interesting reads that wouldn't have appeared on my radar otherwise! Some of these are definitely going to be on my TBR-pile. All there are some pretty amazing books coming out!

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I love discovering new books to add to my TBR and it's always fun to read the excerpts and get really excited about books. Thanks!

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This is a really great resource (especially for bloggers like me!) to use to know what new releases are coming out and when. I especially liked reading the excerpts of a few of the new releases. They got me even more excited for their releases!

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I love these seasonal sampler books, this one included some titles I was really looking forward to like Legendary and Fawkes. It also included a few sequels as well other installments from series' I haven't read. I skipped most of those to avoid spoiling them for myself in the event I ever decided to get into them.

As much as I enjoy these some that really hooked me I felt ended to soon lol! But it definitely had me adding even more books to my TBR pile for 2018!

Can't wait to see what will be included in the next seasons!

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I always love recieveing these! Really informative and helpful in deciding what to read next.
It's nice to see all new releases in one place, with enough on information to get the general
Idea what book is about and if it is something i would like to read

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This is a great collection of new and soon-to-be-published titles for young adults. Great way to get a taste of each title beyond a simple description. There are definitely some in this collection that I will be looking to read, possibly purchase and certainly recommend, including Legendary (the sequel to Caraval by Stephanie Garber) and Fawkes by Nadine Brandes.

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Fantastic teasers for upcoming books always sets me off adding to my TBR and requesting. Fab resource- I watch eagerly biannual.

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