Go Find

My Journey to Find the Lost—and Myself

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Pub Date Oct 02 2018 | Archive Date Oct 15 2018

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Somewhere between hunting for gold in Latin America as a geologist and getting married to a new husband, thirty-three-year-old Susan Purvis loses her way.

Susan comes to believe that a puppy and working on ski patrol at the last great ski town in Colorado will improve her life. When she learns about avalanches that bury people without warning, she challenges herself: “What if I teach a dog to save lives?” This quest propels her to train the best possible search dog, vowing to never leave anyone behind.

With no clue how to care for a houseplant, let alone a dog, she chooses a five-week-old Labrador retriever, Tasha. With the face of a baby bear and the temperament of an NFL linebacker, Tasha constantly tests Susan’s determination to transform her into a rescue dog. Susan and Tasha jockey for alpha position as they pursue certification in avalanche, water, and wilderness recovery. Susan eventually learns to truly communicate with Tasha by seeing the world through her dog’s nose.

As the first female team in a male-dominated search-and-rescue community, they face resistance at every turn. They won’t get paid even a bag of kibble for their efforts, yet they launch dozens of missions to rescue the missing or recover the remains of victims of nature and crime.

Training with Tasha in the field to find, recover, and rescue the lost became Susan’s passion. But it was also her circumstance—she was in many ways as lost as anyone she ever pulled out of an avalanche or found huddled in the woods. “Lostness” doesn’t only apply to losing the trail. People can get lost in a relationship, a business, or a life. Susan was convinced that only happened to other people, until Tasha and a life in the mountains taught her otherwise.

Somewhere between hunting for gold in Latin America as a geologist and getting married to a new husband, thirty-three-year-old Susan Purvis loses her way.

Susan comes to believe that a puppy and...

A Note From the Publisher

Susan Purvis, owner of Crested Butte Outdoors International, has taught wilderness medicine to everyone from the Secret Service to Sherpa guides in Nepal. Purvis and her search-and-rescue dog, Tasha, whom she trained to save lives on the most avalanche-prone slopes in Colorado, launched dozens of rescue missions and received Congressional Recognition for their role in avalanche search and rescue. Purvis’ work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Smithsonian, the BBC, and on Discovery. She lives in Whitefish, Montana. Go Find is her first book.

For Publicity Requests Contact: lauren.maturo@blackstoneaudio.com

Susan Purvis, owner of Crested Butte Outdoors International, has taught wilderness medicine to everyone from the Secret Service to Sherpa guides in Nepal. Purvis and her search-and-rescue dog, Tasha...

Advance Praise

 "Susan Purvis has written a brave and profound book about the eternally compelling topic of human survival. No one can truly understand the wilderness without going deeply within themselves, and perhaps vice versa. Purvis has done both and come back with truths that we all can learn from."
-Sebastian Junger

"Having spent a month in the hottest place on earth with Susan Purvis, I quickly realized that she was not only a tough explorer but an extraordinary soul. In Go Find, Susan regales her extraordinary life and personal spiritual odyssey, with observations as profound as the natural world that she explores. A great read for explorers and armchair explorers alike."
-Richard Wiese, President of The Explorers Club and Emmy Award-winning host of Born to Explore with Richard Wiese

“A stunning, fascinating journey…Told with abundant suspense, warmth, and humor.”
-Christine Carbo, award-winning author of the Glacier mysteries

A love story about a woman and her amazing rescue dog. A tale of exciting, life-changing adventures.”
Kat Martin, New York Times bestselling author

“Challenges every professional service dog handler to spend more time reading and responding to partners—both K9 and human…Dogs still have more to show us.”
-Sandy Bryson, California commissioner, Ret., law enforcement K9 team trainer

“A thrilling story about a woman and her search dog…A moving, inspiring tale of a beautiful partnership forged by two independent, rebellious souls.”
-Debbie Burke, award-winning author of Instrument of the Devil

A story of evolution and self-discovery…A good tale of an outlier doing well and the love of her dog and the impermanence we all face.”
-Jerry Roberts, retired avalanche forecaster presently working for Mountain WeatherMasters

“Fascinating, moving, and well written…I cried and marveled and found myself in these pages as well. Bravo Susan. I feel forever changed.”
-Kristen Ulmer, former pro extreme skier, thought leader, and author of The Art of Fear

“A story of physical, psychological, and emotional courage in the face of obstacles that would turn many away, Go Find describes the challenging journey into K9 search-and-rescue and the human heart up in the thin air. More than a series of adventure tales way-making across rugged terrain, here Purvis offers an informed and deeply personal story of lives lost, lives found, and lives transformed—including her own.”
-Susannah Charleson, SAR and MAR K9 handler/instructor, author of Scent of the Missing, The Possibility Dogs, and Where the Lost Dogs Go

“An unstoppable tour de force of excitement, emotion, and bravery…This book should be at the top of every person’s must-read list.”
-Lauren Walker, bestselling author of Energy Medicine Yoga

“Her moving, humorous, and genuine writing will enthrall you. Go read and you will discover.”
-Dale Atkins, past president, American Avalanche Association

“Dog lovers and adventurers alike will discover Go Find is nearly impossible to put down.”
-Ace Kvale, adventure photographer and subject of Ace and the Desert Dog

“Finally, a good book on the world of avalanche rescue dogs and the lives of their mostly unpaid and often thankless trainers. A good read.”
-Bruce Tremper, author of Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain

“Readers searching for meaning will find themselves somewhere on these pages…Susan Purvis takes us even deeper into the psychological landscape of lost and found.”
-Brian Schott, founding editor, Whitefish Review

"Susan Purvis has written a brave and profound book about the eternally compelling topic of human survival. No one can truly understand the wilderness without going deeply within themselves, and...

Marketing Plan

 Major reviews and media coverage.

National radio tour.

Appearances and signings at BookExpo, MPIBA, and PNBA.

Regional bookstore tour / Featured speaker events.

Outdoor industry corporate sponsorship.

Outdoor organization partnerships and outreach.

Video / audio showcase.

Social media and digital ad campaign.

For Publicity Requests Contact: lauren.maturo@blackstoneaudio.com

 Major reviews and media coverage.

National radio tour.

Appearances and signings at BookExpo, MPIBA, and PNBA.

Regional bookstore tour / Featured speaker events.

Outdoor industry...

Average rating from 13 members

Featured Reviews

Memoir documenting the training and missions of Susan Purvis and her search and rescue (SAR) dog, Tasha. Reads like a journal as Susan battles to balance her life, SAR passions, marriage, relationship with Tasha, SAR politics, etc...and do it all while trying to live up to her own expectations and those of everyone around her.

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Go Find is a roller coaster ride carrying the reader on Susan Purvis’s quest to train an avalanche dog to save lives. She candidly admits she had no idea how to teach Tasha, a strong-willed black Lab puppy, and her errors often result in hilarious consequences.

Despite opposition, the dog-and-woman team always pushes forward, gaining skills and confidence. Their strong bond keeps them going through frequent failures and devastating setbacks. Eventually they achieve successes that are nationally recognized by law enforcement, the Secret Service, and Congress.

Sprinkled in with adventures are fascinating tidbits about the science of scent detection and avalanche prediction. Susan explains complicated concepts in a way that’s understandable to the lay reader.

While training sessions are often humorous, the actual search missions are stark terror—traveling in steep mountains in bitter cold, on constant alert for avalanches, seeking lost victims who may or may not be alive. Susan and Tasha risk their lives for no pay. Sometimes their only reward is the satisfaction that they brought home bodies for grieving families to bury.

Following her dream comes at great personal cost but Susan also discovers unexpected rewards. She develops a successful business that takes her all over the globe, teaching others how to save lives in the wilderness.

Go Find is a fast-moving, thrilling adventure as well as a study of one woman’s independence, resilience, and perseverance.

Debbie Burke, Author of the award-winning thriller Instrument of the Devil, blogger on The Kill Zone, http://debbieburkewriter.com

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I've already recommended this book to so many readers! Will appeal to dog lovers as well as those who love real-life adventures such as Cheryl Strayed's WILD. The author spent years working with ski patrol, search-and-rescue, and wilderness first responder teams. This is a story of a young woman and her dog, Tasha, who grow together in their quest to save lives and find lost people in rugged, remote, and dangerous wilderness areas. The author does an excellent job explaining logistics of some of their missions as well as detailing the inner journey of a woman torn between her devotion to her marriage and her search-and-rescue career. I love the photos that are included in this debut memoir. Dog lovers who have never set foot in the mountains will still love the ups and downs of training a naughty puppy to follow commands and overcome extreme challenges.

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Go, Find by Susan Purvis. I enjoyed this book. I’ve been a dog trainer for many years and even dabbled very briefly into the ‘search and rescue’ world. I applaud Susan for the time she spent learning as much as she could, certifying herself and her dog to do the task at hand and also to help bring the ‘search community’ validation and honor.
It’s hard to believe she got a puppy and then decided to help save lives and actually did it when she had very little experience in that field. I was moved by the fact that she takes us along on her journey and shows her vulnerability in the search and rescue world and also her life itself. She persevered in a time when a search dog team was not the first thing anyone thought about in a crisis. The ego of some of the SAR teams was definitely real and being a woman made it even more difficult.
She shows how hard work and perseverance pays off in the long run. She also shows what it is like to develop a special and rare relationship with a dog. If you like dogs and have an interest in SAR then I believe you will enjoy this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is not just any dog book. Learning how to be a rescue dog and trainer is also about learning about yourself. At times both heartbreaking and thrilling, the story grabbed me and kept me reading. This was an armchair adventure for those who love dogs and that sense of wonder about nature..

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Heartfelt memoir with a look into the fascinating world of search and rescue and dog training. I really enjoyed reading this, even though all was not roses. Purvis described rescue missions in great detail that kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting more, and she also seemed to be honest and reflective about how the relationships in her life changed over time.

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I really liked this book by Sue Purvis about her dream and journey for her and her new puppy to be able to help when people became lost. They started on their way to becoming certified in search and rescue in avalanches, wilderness, water or whatever was thrown their way. She began learning the requirements and then began training her black Lab, Tasha. The book shares their quest for certifications and their various missions during their career. It’s so amazing what these dogs can do. I recommend for memoir and dog lovers everywhere. Tasha is a superhero and still a stinker at times :-) An advance digital copy was provided by NetGalley, author Susan Purvis, and the publisher for my fair review.

Blackstone Publishing
Pub: Oct 2nd, 2018

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As an avid reader of survival stories, I enjoyed this memoir of what happens on the other side. Susan Purvis is certainly an unconventional person when you look at how she and her dog search and rescue. Her writing style is a bit unconventional as well. The anecdotes wander a bit, perhaps the editor let the book meander as a metaphor for being lost. More of a work written for the woman who feels lost in life than for someone looking for the concrete realities of search and rescue.

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I really enjoyed reading this memoir about the training and missions of Susan Purvis and her search and rescue dog.
It’s very interesting as Susan describes her attempts to train an avalanche dog to save lives. She admits she had no idea how to teach Her dog and her mistakes often result in hilarious outcomes. It’s a very enjoyable book. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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