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Pub Date Oct 08 2019 | Archive Date Sep 24 2019

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When seventeen-year-old Tati sends a saliva sample to a DNA ancestry testing site, her results come back inconclusive. What’s wrong with her DNA? And does it have to do with her unexplained seizures and the beckoning tunnel she sees during them? What Tati discovers is more than she could have ever imagined possible. Parallel universes exist and her abnormal DNA compels and condemns Tati and her other selves—shy Ana, privileged Tatyana, and on-the-run Tanya—to a lifetime of ricocheting between their parallel lives in the multiverse. With knowledge of their existence a deadly threat in every universe, the only chance all four have to survive is to work together to take down the scientist responsible: their father.

When seventeen-year-old Tati sends a saliva sample to a DNA ancestry testing site, her results come back inconclusive. What’s wrong with her DNA? And does it have to do with her unexplained seizures...

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ISBN 9781635830408
PRICE $11.99 (USD)

Average rating from 117 members

Featured Reviews

Ricochet is a fast paced novel, full of twists and surprises, with a very intriguing premise: what if it were possible to travel between parallel universes? It’s a good book to read during a weekend (or for a readathon). It’s entertaining, and you will run through it. But keep in mind that you may be left wanting a little bit more...

What I liked:
1. Fast paced! Non stop action and emotion!
2. It hooked me! I read it in just a couple of days. I really needed to know what was going to happen next.
3. The main characters were interesting.
4. Despite the complex topic, it’s a light read. I think it would be the perfect book to get out of a reading slump.

What I didn’t like that much:
1. I constantly mixed up the four main characters and their stories. It can get a bit confusing.
2. The last two chapters felt really rushed... When I think about it, maybe the whole book felt rushed. The story deserves more pages or a sequel.
3. The ending felt abrupt. The last two chapters tried to solve everything and crammed way too many things. I think maybe having multiple POVs in chapter 26 would’ve helped.

Final rating: 3.5/5 stars

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This was a fun, fast paced story to dive into. While it was a little predictable, it was well written and thoughtful. I enjoyed the world building but could have used a little more character development.

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Parallell universes, powers, mystery and the unexpected. This was an interesting book for me. I am not use to readig books like this but I thought the author did a great job with the development of the characters. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book.

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Thank you, NetGalley for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Okay, call me shallow but I'm loving this cover so freaking much!
Guess what? The cover does match the content so well. I LOVED THIS BOOK.

It is quite weird at the beginning and slow paced but once I've got around page 50 it became so interesting that I could NOT put the book down.
The characters are so interesting especially Tati since she's so wacky.
LOVE LOVE LOVE for this book. please READ IT!

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This was a fantastic book. Following Tati, who discovers a link to her three other selves from parallel universes. I really enjoyed this book and I would highly recommend it. I loved the way parallel universes were explored and how unique each of her other selves were.

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I received a copy of Ricochet from Flux through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! The implications are fascinating and I kind of wish there was more to the story. Discovering more of the multiverse and such.

I really liked the characters and their different backgrounds due to random changes in circumstances.

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Wow, wow, wow. How fresh and original, a real pleasure to read. I loved the idea, the language, the protagonists. I bought a copy for my book club and can't wait for the release date.

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Hey! This is a book about multiverses and lesbians!

Seriously, this book starts with two girls making out and discussing their relationship. I’m so here for this!

This book is divided into four povs:

Tati is and out and proud lesbian dating Pryia, who is not out yet which puts a strain on their relationship.

In Ana’s world, on the other hand, the single moment that allowed Tati to find the courage to make a move on Prya unfolded differently so she and Pryia are only friends. (Ana and her lesbian thirst were amazing though!).

Tanya lives in Germany with her abusive and controlling mother, not being allowed to leave the house or have access to any type of technology. I hope she becomes a badass ninja, improbable I know, but still.

Tatyana makes me fear for her. Run, girl, run! And wake the fuck up while you are at it, they are evil...

I loved what the author did with these four characters. Each one of them is the same person, only raised in different circumstances, so even though they are the same DNA and personality-wise there are subtle and not so subtle differences. Figuring out which decisions caused every one of those differences in every version of their lives was extremely entertaining and the author made a great job of building up the story.

One of the things that remained the same in all four* Tatyanas was their sexuality and I really loved the author for this because it meant that she did not present sexuality as a product of the environment we are raised in or something we “catch” but something as intrinsic to our selves as our DNA.

(*Tanya and Tatyana’s sexuality is never explicitly discussed perhaps because of their lack of interaction with the rest of the world.)

I particularly liked how different Tatyana and Tanya were from Tati and Ana. The first two having been barred from interaction with society at large and having abusive parents that controlled every aspect of their lives struggled to trust in themselves and their skills and I would have loved to have seen more of the consequences of their upbringing and how they knowingly fought against them.

Something else I really enjoyed was how the four Tatyanas interacted with each other and how they were catalysts in the lives of the others, their presence or even just thinking about the other lent them courage and momentum because it proved that they had the potential for more. I really liked the character development (even with Tanya and Tatyana’s characters feeling a little less solid than the other two) and the way the author was able to make this story into a puzzle, every chapter adding one more piece to the overall picture.

The ending itself was completely unpredictable and jaw-dropping, the only problem I had, being with the aftermath that I found too short and anti-climatic for a standalone.

The writing rubbed me off at times, trying to be too descriptive at the absolute wrong moment (there is a limit to what we want to know about food digestion) and towards the end the story felt a bit reminiscent of Cold War propaganda with the Americans being the good guys and the Russians being riddled with corrupt politicians and crazy evil scientists that try to defy God but other than that, I definitely enjoyed this and will keep an eye on Kathryn Berla.

Thank you to NetGalley and Flux for this Arc.

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This book was totally different than I expected, but I loved it. It started off a little slow, and a little confusing. It took me a bit to understand what was going on. Then it started to draw me in. The further I got into the book, the more I needed to know what happened next.

I really enjoyed the premise of this book. It was different, which is always a plus. I liked the characters, and was drawn into each of their stories. Give this book a read!

Thank you to #netgalley for the advance copy, which did not effect my review. #ricochet

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I am giving this book four stars because of the ending, it was a really good read and i wanted to love it 5 stars worth but i just cant get over that ending. I had so many orphan black vibes while reading this book and that is hands down in my top five of favorite shows. The time jumps were a bit confusing, I feel like this book could of went on as a series so we could of had more world building and maybe a different ending, but i did enjoy myself while reading. I think it was good for a one time read, I would recommend it to friends.

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I loved this book! The dynamics between the characters were intense and well developed, the writing was stellar, and the story was great. I was hooked until the last page and am excited to ready more from this author!

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I have read a lot of Young Adult literature, so it is difficult to find one that really taps into something new. This book was surprisingly new at every page and explored some ideas that I have not seen in other novels. The main character (characters?) has seizures that allow her to get glimpses into parallel/alternate universe/multiverses, where some things about her life are the same...and some are vastly different. Each version of herself has its own struggles and relationships, but also the some of the same problems, one of the largest being the seizures. It is a very interesting and entertaining read.

As a teacher, I think this would be a really fun book to teach and discuss. Who would you be in another universe? Would you want to visit the other you?

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I want to start off by saying I typically do not like fantasy or sci-fi, so I was apprehensive to say the least.

This book is about Tatiana and her alternate universe selves. Initially it was hard for me to keep the different lives straight, but after a few chapters, I was able to tell them apart.

I found this book exciting! It was refreshing to have a YA that didn’t center on romance. There was a romance but it wasn’t a theme critical to the plot line.

I highly recommend this book. I did receive this book free for review purposes, but I would love to add a hard copy to my personal library.

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I loved this book! I will be recommending it to all my young adult readers! Thank you for this opportunity to connect books to their readers.

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How do I review this? Because I don't wait to give a single thing away. I knew very little about this book. All I knew about this book was the first line of the blurb. (When seventeen-year-old Tati sends a saliva sample to a DNA ancestry testing site her results come back inconclusive.) That's all I needed to know to make me wait to read this book. So, if that line draws you in, stop reading the review or the blurb and wait till you can read the book yourself if you need more than, please finish this review.

We start off by following Tati, a high school student starting of a project for school that has to do with her DNA. We soon learn that something is up when things start being weird. We learn about Parallel universes and mee Tati. I loved how we, the reader, learn about these different universes. I also like how we can see how one thing can totally change a person's life.

Knowing that I only need that one like going in I didn't know and the Parallel universes or that the four need to team up to take out scientist aka their father. And I'm glad I didn't know those things because for me those were twists in the story that made it that more enjoyable.

The only thing that would have made this better was something that happened at the ending, I just needed more info.

This was a wild pager-turner that shows the power of our choices. It's such a good read and hope many, many people enjoy it!

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I thought this one was a very cool. Ana, Tati, Tanya, Tatyana all have seizures and all have odd parallels that spring up in their lives - but are they really oddities or something more nefarious? Berla rolls this one out slowly but steadily and she kept my curiosity piqued throughout. The characters were different enough to keep all of their stories feeling fresh and entertaining and I loved the way little pop up details would ring similar - and manor ones ring incredibly dissonant - throughout. The revelations and conclusion came a little quicker than I would have liked but that's not a criticism so much as an observation on how I didn't want this one to end too quickly. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be looking for more from her!

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**Received from netgalley for free in exchange for a fair review**

This book explores the multiverse from the points of view of 4 versions of Tatiana, all going by their own nickname.

The Tatianas slowly discover one another and begins to unravel what is going on around them, solving mysteries of family ties, crazed medical experiments, and heartbreak.

This book started out slow, in my opinion. This isn’t necessarily bad as you get to know each of the Tatianas and what her life is like. It takes nearly half the book but once things kick off, events really get moving along. For as much build up as there was of the girl’s lives I almost felt like the ending was too fast and that it did a disservice to two of them. The ending is satisfying if bittersweet but I enjoyed it.

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This books was a totally amazing read. I am not that much into sifi, but I enjoyed this one .it deals with parallel universes and does that well. The narration was good, especially while describing the scientific events or facts. science fictions sometimes lack the poetic appeal of a book which I look for, but this book didn't have that problem. I liked the ending. It would make a good movie also.
Really lucky to receive the arc from netgalley.

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