
(Overwatch #2)

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Pub Date Oct 24 2014 | Archive Date Nov 15 2014
Victory Editing | White Hot Books



BDSM club owner Adam Kessler is no one’s hero. He joined the army to get away from the gang-life that had taken his brother, only to come home to heartache. He doesn’t hide his dominant side, and he doesn’t hesitate in his need to protect or enforce his particular brand of retribution on those who’ve earned it. There’s no way in hell he could walk past a man hassling a woman in an empty parking lot and do nothing. Only when the confrontation is over and the voluptuous blonde turns eyes filled with desire to him, does Adam realize he’s in trouble.

Psychologist Olivia Hamilton grew up with the proverbial silver spoon, and has never regretted spending more time on her career than on romance, until she meets Adam Kessler. He’s dark, he’s dangerous, he’s deliciously dirty…and she wants him.

Passion burns quick and hot between them and soon they’re caught up in an intensely carnal relationship that neither can deny. But when Olivia’s life is threatened and she learns just how dangerous Adam can be, will it be too much for the civilized psychologist to handle, or will she truly accept the man and win her hero’s heart?

ELEMENTAL, the next story in the continuing Overwatch series is Eden's. It will be released on March 31,2015. ARC's will be available here on Net- Galley in early March.


BDSM club owner Adam Kessler is no one’s hero. He joined the army to get away from the gang-life that had taken his brother, only to come home to heartache. He doesn’t hide...

A Note From the Publisher

UNFETTERED, the first Overwatch story is a FREE read online at eRetailers now.

UNFETTERED, the first Overwatch story is a FREE read online at eRetailers now.

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ISBN 9780928115052
PRICE $3.49 (USD)

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Featured Reviews

The chemistry between Adam and Olivia was amazing. This was a great read and I did not want the story to end.

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Well this was a change. Alex and Olivia meet when Adam comes to her rescue. There is an instant attraction but they both know acting on it right away isn't a great idea. Now a few days later they meet up and things get heated.

Adam is a DOM but the nice thing? He's not overbearing, demanding, or just a jerk. I mean some books the DOM is strictly a jerk and you want to hit him for how he treats her outside the bedroom, but Adam is pretty awesome. But if being the Knight in shinning armor isnt' enough for you, he also owns a BDSM club, a gym, and on the side goes and does Black ops stuff to keep the world safe. Whats not to like ladies ;)

Olivia is a pretty great character too. She's a doctor and knows how to take care of herself. However Adam gives her exactly what she needs and craves the most. I really liked this one.

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Read in October, 2014

ARC kindly provided by Sasha White & NetGalley for an honest review.

I just now finished and I have to tell you ... review to come ... because I have to let the goodness that is Adam and Olivia sink in before I can properly review this book :) So stay tuned ...

Review that I hope will do this semi-short book justice ... :)

Meet Olivia: "I'm going to think about you," she spoke quickly, before he could hang up. "When I'm in bed tonight. And just do you know, it won't be tomorrow, but I'm going to come see you soon, and it won't be be slumming when I do. It will be amazing."

Meet Adam: "Are you here just to get laid. or are you interested in me as a man and a person?" He stepped closer ..... "I'm asking because I want to know if you're staying for dinner after I fuck you so hard you're gonna have trouble walking tomorrow?"

Who would NOT love Olivia at that point and who would not just want to lick Adam from top to bottom after THAT?! NO ONE! lol

Adam id the boss/owner of a very exclusive BDSM club called Overwatch. Olivia is a well renown Psychologist. They come from two polar worlds! But they fit and they are oh so goof for and with each other.

I don't do plot details in my reviews so don't expect one. For THAT you have to buy the book. But I do that about about writing ....

Let say that Sasha White did not disappoint once again. She gave us sensual kink with out hardcore BDSM (my fave), she gave us characters that developed enough that you don't feel like you need more to be engaged in their journey. Is there more detail we could have experience about Adam and Olivia's pasts? Sure, but it wasn't necessary. And she proved in this story by incorporating Ian and Ronnie from the first in this series, Unfettered, that Adam and Olivia's story will continue in future novels of this series.
I was completely satisfied that Adam was developed as much as he should be. We were up close and personal about his 'other life' in the beginning of the book and it all came full circle (explained) by the end of the story. I don't need a play by play of his last 36 years to read a story about him finding happiness. I have no unanswered questions about him and that's something authors sometimes don't do well. Sasha did. As for Olivia ... I have a few unanswered questions but I am completely sure that they will be answered in her future cameos of this series.

As for sexual scorch level ... 5+ of course. Everything about Adam screams sexy alpha yummyness. When they are together the atmosphere is ON FIRE! I absolutely loved this book. And I read it in just an afternoon because it grabbed me and would not let go!

I cannot wait to read more and more about the Overwatch men and the awesome woman that are lucky enough to 'ride off into the sunset' with them :)

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I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for a honest review.

I highly enjoyed this book. Finally we get some mature characters that aren't robbing the cradle. Olivia's age was perfect.

I was surprised we never got to experience their BDSM lifestyle but, even without the kink their sex life was hot.

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Loved, Loved, Loved it!!!!!!

Olivia is a Psychologist that finders herself in a situation that has a super hot, good samaritan to her rescue. She is instantly overcome with a sexual desire she never known. She is smart and knows what she wants and with a little encouragement from her friend Jazz she finally acts on darker desires.

Adam is there when she needed him and didn't know him. He is a man with a past and a BDSM club owner. He is very ALPHA, but also caring and kind and very protective by nature. He is there for Olivia is all the ways that she needs.

I love the different aspects of the of this story and the way they come together. This is a first read for me from this author and I can't wait to read the next in this series and to see what else this author has to offer.

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Now get a load of that cover! Do you see it?? Do you see it? Huh?? Huh? Well, no a bad read. It was a pretty easy read. I enjoyed the connection more in the first book with Ian and Ronnie. Which is free by the way right now on kindle app and i am pretty sure all e retailers. This was a little different and seemed like the author played it safe with this one. I felt it could have been more suspenseful and just more. Anyhow, it was still a fast good read. Alpha dominant males who say this to you!!

“Are you here just to get laid, or are you interested in me as a man and a person?” He stepped closer, reached out to grasp her hand and her wildly careening thoughts calmed. “I’m asking because I want to know if you’re staying for dinner after I fuck you so hard you’re gonna have trouble walking tomorrow?”

You know after that cover and that statement all is lol!! ;-))

I received this ARC from the publisher via Net Galley!!
Thank you, Net Galley!!

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