Girl Last Seen

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Pub Date Mar 01 2016 | Archive Date Feb 29 2016


Kadence Mulligan's star was rising. She and her best friend, Lauren DeSanto, watched their songs go viral on YouTube, then she launched a solo career when a nasty throat infection paralyzed Lauren's vocal chords. Everyone knows Lauren and Kadence had a major falling-out over Kady's boyfriend. But Lauren knows how deceptive Kadence could be sometimes. And nobody believes Lauren when she claims she had nothing to do with the disappearance. Or the blood evidence… As the town and local media condemns Lauren, she realizes the only way to clear her name is to discover the truth herself. Lauren slowly unravels the twisted life of Kadence Mulligan and sees that there was more to her than she ever knew. But will she realize she's unknowingly playing a part in an elaborate game to cover up a crime before it's too late?

Kadence Mulligan's star was rising. She and her best friend, Lauren DeSanto, watched their songs go viral on YouTube, then she launched a solo career when a nasty throat infection paralyzed Lauren's...

Advance Praise

"Bold, intriguing, and full of surprises. It's the kind of book that haunts you long after you put it down." --Kristen Simmons, author of Article 5 and The Glass Arrow
"A twisty thriller where everyone has a secret and no one can be trusted. Dark, fun, captivating." --Paula Stokes, author of Liars, Inc. and The Art of Lainey

"Bold, intriguing, and full of surprises. It's the kind of book that haunts you long after you put it down." --Kristen Simmons, author of Article 5 and The Glass Arrow
"A twisty thriller where...

Marketing Plan

* Simultaneous publication in hardcover and paperback (9780807581414)* Trade, library, and consumer advertising * Prepublication buzz campaign, including ARC distribution to industry big mouths, media, booksellers, and bloggers* ARC distribution at ALA Midwinter and via NetGalley/Edelweiss * Social media campaign across all Albert Whitman & Company profiles * Select author appearances, including ALA Midwinter ** For more information:

* Simultaneous publication in hardcover and paperback (9780807581414)* Trade, library, and consumer advertising * Prepublication buzz campaign, including ARC distribution to industry big mouths...

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ISBN 9780807581407
PRICE $16.99 (USD)

Average rating from 95 members

Featured Reviews

Kady Miller and Lauren DeSanto have been friend all through high school and their original songs have been a viral hit on YouTube. Now, with Lauren recovering from an illness that has damaged her vocal chords, Kady has been performing solo. Some people say Lauren is jealous, some people say she tried to steal Kady’s boyfriend, Mason and some people say Lauren is to blame when Kady disappears. AS Lauren is tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, it soon becomes clear that she never really knew Kady at all, and that if she’s going to clear her name, she will have to find Kady, dead or alive, herself. Told from the perspectives of Kady, Lauren, Mason and Lauren’s childhood friend, Nathan, readers will have to sort through plenty of red herrings to figure out who’s really guilty. Delicious fun

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Grade: B

When internet sensation Cadence Mulligan goes missing her former singing partner and best friend Lauren DeSanto becomes a prime suspect. Also on the sheriff's radar, Jude, Lauren's former best friend and the target of bullying by Cady and Mason, Cadence's boyfriend who happens to have kissed Lauren the day before her disappearance. When Lauren and Jude team up to investigate what happened, Lauren learns who her "friend" really is...or was.

GIRL LAST SEEN unfolds from Mason's, Lauren's and Jude's points of view, as well as transcripts from YouTube videos from Cadence. Filled with twists and turns I scrolled through my kindle in one sitting, eager to see which, if any, of my theories panned out. I guessed one part of the mystery 1/3 through the story, although I was never quite sure and the final disposition shocked me, though made perfect sense.

Because I was never quite sure of the reliability of the narrators, I wasn't sure who I could trust, what was an accurate description of another character, who were victim(s), who were perp(s). Jude and Lauren were the most complex characters, Mason the most likable.

Heather Anastasiu and Anne Greenwood Brown held my interest from beginning to end. LAST GIRL SEEN will appear to teens interested in books about friendship, frenemies, mysteries, pop stars, music, YouTube and reality shows.

I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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oh my oh my oh my! Wow, I literally just finished Girl Last Seen and I am blown...

If you like a book with intense characters, liars, deception, twists, turns and a serious mystery? Then this book is definitely for you! I love a good thriller which plays with my head and Girl Last Seen certainly did that. In fact, what I loved most about this book is I never did guess what would happen in the end. I was surprised, in fact I think that's an understatement.

You will question every character in this book, it is almost like a game of Cluedo. There is deceit every where and I loved how it got me all twisted inside, I just didn't know who to trust, who was being honest and who was lying!

The book is told from several points of view. This makes it a great story as you are learning different aspects as you go along. You have Lauren, Kadence's best friend. Kadence's boyfriend Mason and an old friend of Lauren's Jude.

I think the only thing I can say with this book is trust no one, for everything will be revealed in the end! 4.5 stars, this is a must read!

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Want a book you can't put down? This one's for you.

From the beginning I was drawn by the atmosphere of who and why, and I kept making assumptions until the end. The writing is gorgeous, the story is wonderfully executed, I was doubting everything and everyone.

I loved every bit.

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Page-turner filled with lots of twists and turns. An absolute thrill to read!

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A girl goes missing. No one has heard from her for days. The list of suspects is short. Until you start learning about Kadence. Then the list of suspects grows and grows. You even want to add yourself to the list because you know if you were one of the people that she wronged, you would have killed her yourself.

About three quarters of the way through the book, your wanting to give an award to whoever did it. This girl was just bad, I mean evil. Before the end, you figure it out. However, the ending, definitely throws you for a loop.

This is being promoted as a YA book, but as an adult, I very much enjoyed it. There a lot of plot twists and little things that happen that you don't really see as anything until the very end. Because you can't see all the little strings being pulled, it's not really one that keeps you up all night. However, the explanations at the end will definitely send shivers down your spine. And these are teenagers!!! That's the scariest part of all.

I highly recommend this book. I am still creeped out by some of these characters and what they did and I finished the book hours ago. This one will haunt you a long, long time.

Huge thanks to AW Teen for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review. Write this one down - GIRL LAST SEEN!!!

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Loved, loved this. I saw a friend raving about this so I had to try it out myself. Isn't that how it usually works?

Lauren and Kadence are (were) best friends who performed together and were becoming YouTube stars before Lauren got sick and that whole thing with Mason, Kady's boyfriend. So, when Kady disappears at the beginning of the story everyone almost immediately accuses Lauren.

It's a little sad the way that everyone writes her off as being a boyfriend stealing murderer, especially since the majority of the book is written from her POV and you know she had nothing to do with it. Enter Jude, the other main POV who was Lauren's BFF before Kady came along and ruined it all. You learn from Jude's side of the story that, after Kady came into the picture, Lauren changed. Their friendship changed and eventually the girls teased Jude (or Nathan, as he was back then) so much that he left their school.

Nathan returned with a plan, and some of his POV is pretty dark. Of course, once he and Lauren are speaking again things calm down a little. I loved the dynamic between the two of them. I feel like Lauren had some trust issues because of her rocky relationship with Kadence, but she and Jude seem to click nicely. They way he steps in to help her out shows that he's forgiven her and cares about her...more than Kady does.

The mystery part of the story definitely kept me guessing. To me, it had a very Liars, Inc. feel to it, especially when it came down to the end of it. I couldn't wait to read more and more, just so I could know what would happen. The big reveal isn't too much of a shocker, especially after you learn more about Kadence. The ending, though? That blew me away.

The only real qualm I had was being in Jude's head, but that's just a teenage boy, I guess. Other than that, this was a great read. Definitely check it out.

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I really liked this. Totally unpredictable and it kept me guessing the whole time.

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'Dark and Twisty Teen Thriller'

Eighteen-year-old Lauren DeSanto was loving the attention. She and her best friend, Kadence (Kady), were putting their songs on YouTube and they were going viral. Then, there was a lapse to the recordings. Lauren had succumbed to a throat infection and after several weeks, her beautiful voice had still not returned. Instead, it was now more of a croaking sound. Eventually, in order to keep their fans happy, Kady began singing solo. Lauren even talked her manager into allowing Kady to sing before their Cuppa Cuppa (coffee shop) crowd. But, by the time Kady took the stage, she and Lauren were no longer on good terms. Lauren put on a good front for the crowd, but Jude was watching her. He could tell she wasn’t happy. He used to know her well … back when they were friends.

When Kady goes missing, there is no shortage of suspects, but Lauren is a primary one because of a recent boyfriend double cross issue. All of a sudden Jude comes back into Lauren’s life. He was Nathan back when they were friends. Now he’s using his middle name, Jude. Nathan had severe acne. Lauren stood by him … until Kady ruined their friendship, even causing Lauren to harshly snub him. Jude, with the help of medicine, has overcome his acne and recovered from the physical scars. Lauren now finds him to be ‘exciting’. Can Jude help Lauren to clear the suspicion on her? She must solve the mystery of Kady’s disappearance.

This is a wonderfully twisty teen thriller (age range 14 – 18). The reader will wonder who is trustworthy; who is not? I liked the various narration shifts giving us different character perspectives. It allows us to see what each character was really thinking. Even teens can pretend to like someone. The author has constructed characters that are both likable and abhorrent. They are, by no means, cut and dry. However, a portion of the novel does require the reader to suspend believability.


Breakaway Reviewers received a copy of the book to review.

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I thought this was an excellent whodunit novel. The cover of the novel did nothing for me but the synopsis pulled me in and I enjoyed that there wasn’t a parade of characters but just a few who lined the pages. The history of two of the main characters played an important role as Kady and Lauren were bullies who preyed on the weak as teens and now in high school. It is these weak individuals who just might be the suspects who targeted Kady. Hearing Lauren’s side of the story, Kady was the initiator and Lauren, followed in her footsteps. The girls began their own musical duo years ago which is now a musical sensation. Kady loved to be out in the public’s eye doing all the public speaking whereas Lauren was the quiet one, working on their song lyrics. They were on top of the world until Lauren got sick and now she can no longer sing.

As if this is not enough tension and misfortune for these two girls, there is also an incident with Mason, Kady’s boyfriend that has put a strain on the girl’s relationship. Kady has continued singing without Lauren, the two have exchanged words about this situation and Lauren’s still has deep feeling about this issue. Jude, a previous friend of Lauren’s has now moved back into town and his presence has me questioning his intentions. The book takes a drastic turn when one of the girl’s turns up missing. Kady’s sudden disappearance has everyone pointing their fingers at the individuals who are closest to her, while I tried to keep myself a neutral party. Kady’s loud and flamboyant personality had me wondering if perhaps a fan wanted something more from Kady than she was willing to give. Everyone claims that they were innocent, for of course they are, but I figured it out before the author reveals the guilty party. I liked how the author led you down a path and the path veered, making your wonder if you chose the right direction. The ending was terrific, it was impressive. Everything lined up perfectly, almost too perfectly, that I actually cheered at the end for it was a perfect performance for someone who walked in those shoes.

Thank you NetGalley and Albert Whitman & Company for sending me a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The multiple POVs really helped this and made it more intriguing. The writing flowed super well and the pacing was excellent -- never got dull or anything. I wasn't too into most of the characters, but they definitely were not the most irritating ones I've read lately (in terms of writing, not personality). So I'm pretty neutral on the characters themselves, but really liked the plot and twists! I thought I saw the end coming, but then definitely did not.

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Loved reading this book! I loved the different character POV's, the story of Lauren, Jude, Mason and Kady. They were really different and awesome characters with secrets, from before the book started, and when the book ended. So great!

For me, part of this book became a commentary on the justice system and the media, and how people can be blamed with just bare proof, and without consequences to the accusers. And for Lauren and Jude, who we are pretty sure throughout the book are innocent, but they were attacked pretty viciously by strangers on the internet...yeah. Not a fun situation!

I am really glad that Kady is a made up person. Because if she was real, the world would be just all the more messed up. What she did, what she pretended, what she lied about, how she treated people, that was just horrible!

And that ending! Oh, wow, that was creepy and pretty amazing! I kinda read it before I was halfway done the book, so I knew what was going to happen, but still, reading it in the proper order, that was enough to give me some chills!

Really fantastic book from authors that I've really enjoyed their separate works, and now this collaboration!

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Not set

A nice young adult mystery, not as frequent as romance. Kadence starts a career as a singer and her best friend Lauren watches and approves. while her vocal chords are paralyzed. Lauren does not know if she will be able to sing again.
Kadence suddenly disappears and a lot of people believe Lauren is involved in it.
The book was too young adult specific for me. The drama is built on not much and I could not get to like the characters.

Not set
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A missing teen mean girl, a confused best friend teaming up with a boy she should stay away from to find the truth. Sounds mighty familiar doesn’t it (Take the Fall). Girl Last Seen though is a sharper version with a nice modern take. Kadence and Lauren are best friends and rising YouTube stars. Their music videos have found a fanbase and everything seems to be going their way. Then Lauren suffers a severe medical setback and Kadence sets off on her own. Then Kadence disappears after a show and Lauren was the last person to see her. Can she find out the truth while all eyes are looking at her?

Heather Anastasiu and Anne Greenwood Brown crafted an interesting tale in Girl Last Seen. The writing was crisp and there was a nice solid voice, which is sometimes lost when there are co-authors. The plot was different enough with the addition of social media and striving for internet fame. I liked the plot and found the world created very current and real. There was a nice emotional vein running throughout which helped temper my dislike of some of the characters. No one person jumped out as a sympathetic person to latch on to. Even Lauren, who should have been the tie, was at times too weak for me.

Girl Last Seen was an interesting read. There was nice tension and character interplay, but I would not classify it as a thriller, more of a mystery. I also did not like the second twist end. It would have been complete to me with the first twist and a small epilogue. I sometimes think that with the popularity of books like Gone Girl, every author feels like they need to make the end super surprising and twisty, which may not be bad, but is sometimes too much. But even with that, I still enjoyed the read.

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This was a great read! Very energetic and each page kept me interested!

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Let's jump right into this! I've read books by both of these authors, but obviously not written together. It was the same deal; I liked them but I didn't love them. Same goes for Girl Last Seen.

I am slightly on the fence, but one leg is over onto the "liked" side. lol

Here's what I enjoyed about the book! ONE: I enjoyed that the authors truly brought this into the contemporary. Lauren and Kady are a YouTube sensation (with Kady being in the spotlight of course) and that fits so much into the now! I think they wrote it extremely well. When Kady and Laurens YouTuve views plateau, Kady is upset by this. She thinks she needs to do something new to make the views go up again, so she does. Lauren, on the other hand, is out of commission. She has throat damage after a particularly bad bout of food poisoning-slash-throat infection. Sounds legit, right? I definitely dig the idea and I think the authors pulled it off very well and very realistically!

TWO: The romance. I actually loved the romance between Lauren and Jude. Jude is someone Lauren was friends with back when she was a child, but he ended up being the ugly kid and Kady pushed into the picture and sort of kicked Jude out of it. So, Jude left town for some time, etc. Came back. Now he's smokin' hot and has a bad-boy attitude to match. Love that. Love the realness of it all. Side note: bullying is another issue these ladies took on. They really laid it all out; raw. Yet another thing they did perfectly! Moving on... the romance. Yes! YES. When Lauren and Jude reunite as friends, things become heated pretty quickly and it is fantastically done. Sexy, but not too much so. Sweet, but not tooth-achey. Jude isn't the perfect guy either, and this is also something I adore. He's flawed; deeply so. He has this plan for revenge and Lauren was/is not exempt from it, but things get blurred and things shift, etc. It's just amazing.

THREE: The mystery. This is a very big aspect of this book. Kady plays a show at the coffee shop where Lauren works and goes missing right after this. Lauren becomes a suspect and so does Jude. The clues are laid out extremely well, and this mystery will definitely throw you for a loop! I think the authors did a really nice job of telling the story from multiple POVs so that we could see these clues in different lights. I think what looks suspicious to one person may look different to someone else. These authors really thought it out well, and that shows.

This brings me to my dislikes, which mainly lie in the end of the book.

It is impossible not to put spoilers here. I have to in order to tell you why I only gave the book 3.5 instead of 4 or even 5. SO ... SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!

Read at your own risk!

Okay, so the end of the book. Total cop-out. First of all, Kady isn't really dead or missing at all. She staged the entire thing because she is completely freaking insane. This part is fine; I actually enjoyed it. I think the authors really painted this girl in a crazy light and it looked real. Love it. BUT, it's what comes after Kady is discovered that I don't like... Her boyfriend, Mason, is one POV of this book. He's completely devoted to Kady; like puppy-dog devoted. It's gross. lol Anyway, he is there when Kady is discovered. Things go down, blah blah. Then Kady and Mason are alone. Kady talks mad crap and makes Mason feel like complete shit; their relationship was a game and didn't mean anything to her. So, Mason makes a snap decision to kill her. Yes, kill. Not only is THIS a cop-out, but the way he does it is also a cop-out and sort of cheesy and lame. I won't spoil that little tid-bit (even though I spoiled other things, but hey... I did warn you).


So, all in all, this book was really great! The ending wasn't my bag, but up to that point, it was great! The mystery is really spot-on and keeps you guessing. The romance is sweet and sexy, but not to the point that you want to vomit. The book is very in-tune with present day situations and such. I enjoyed the multiple POV storytelling as it gives the reader a change to see things from all angles. The characters are very well built and very much multi-dimension. I definitely recommend this book for those who enjoy a good YA mystery/thriller with a bit of romance and a twisty plot!

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This book was a bit of a slow builder for me though I'm thoroughly glad I stuck with it. Told from four different pov's and not always in a completely linear fashion it tells the tale of a girl on the brink of stardom who suddenly disappears. We get to see how this effects the people who loved and loathed her as their lives go into a tailspin. The author style is incredibly effective and although I thought I had predicted the outcome I still found myself second guessing who the,characters really were. A good book which is much of a mystery as it is a study of human nature.

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This book had so many twists and turns! It was so good, and most of the time I didn’t see where things were heading, which I always love. I can’t stand when books are predictable, and this book did a really great job of making me think that it was going somewhere, and it would hint that one person would be guilty of something, and then bam! things would switch directions.

Kadence Mulligan is not the girl that everyone believes her to be. She puts on a show for the whole world to see, and only her best friend Lauren knows what Kadence is really capable of. So when Kadence disappears, Lauren isn’t really that bothered—and maybe even thinks Kadence is just pulling a stunt to gain attention, while everyone else in their small town is going crazy trying to find her. But then evidence comes to light that makes it look like Kadence might have been killed. And everyone starts to take a closer look at Lauren.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the mystery of some of the characters. It was intriguing to try and decipher what everyone’s motives were and who was really to blame for everything.

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Solidly twisty. Anastasiu and Brown do a great job of making various characters appear guilty. I will say, Jude was so guilty in the early chapters that, particularly in light of his medication induced mental illness, I was really hoping he turned out to be innocent. He was too easy to maintain the air of mystery if he turned out to be guilty. The only way the plot would have worked with him as the perp would have been if the focus had been on unpacking his neuroses and Lauren dancing between confidant and potential victim. That could have been cool. By the final quarter I was fairly certain that Kady's boyfriend had her so when we get to those final scenes, while he's not the perp his role in things didn't surprise me. He was painted a little too purely. It was like the book was begging for him to get a little dirty. HIs actions are out of character but not unexpected given the tone of the novel. That's what it comes down to with this book. Tone overrides characterization and even logic at times.

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Yes, yes, yes!! Music + mysteries+ girl books! I loved the complexities to the characters and the great pace that had me hooked from the beginning. I devoured this while stuck on the subway and have been thinking about it since.

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Girl Last Seen by Heather Anastasiu & Anne Greenwood Brown (release date 1st March 2016)

Lauren DeSanto and Kadence Mulligan become Youtube

stars when their music video goes viral. Then, Lauren contracts a virus that stops her singing and everything changes. Kadence decides to go it on her own, leaving Lauren working in a coffee bar. Throw in an angry youth thwarted by the girls, a jealous boyfriend and Kadence's disappearance and you have a thrilling psychological thriller with a series of well plotted twists

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Kadence and Lauren’s Youtube music channel has gone viral, and Kadence has taken advantage, starting a career as a pop starlet with the songs that Lauren wrote. When Lauren loses her voice, she finds herself left behind, working as a waitress while her friend is on the cusp of stardom.

When Kadence goes missing, all signs point to Lauren being the culprit, since the girls fell out over Lauren hooking up with Kadence’s boyfriend. Determined to prove her innocence, Lauren decides to follow the trail Kady left behind, and she finds out just how twisted her former BFF really is.

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