Buzz Books 2016: Spring/Summer

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Pub Date Jan 14 2016 | Archive Date May 16 2017


Our seventh Buzz Books edition evokes all the excitement of Winter Institute with substantial pre-publication excerpts from 40 adult titles. At the end of most excerpts, you will find a link to the full galley on NetGalley! Young adult excerpts from spring/summer titles can be found in a separate volume.

Enjoy access to the newest voices the publishing industry is broadcasting for the upcoming season as you discover breakout books from established authors, sparkling debuts from soon-to-become literary stars, and fascinating memoirs and inspirational nonfiction.

Familiar names include Louise Erdrich, Chris Cleave, Tracy Chevalier, Joe Hill, and Emma Straub, along with L.S. Hilton’s Maestra, already stirring buzz from Hollywood to London and back again as one of the year’s big new thriller discoveries.

Major debuts by Michener Center Fellow Flynn Berry, Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney, Danny Johnson, Paul Krueger, Joe Okonkwo, Phaedra Patrick, and H.P. Wood are among our dozen new authors.

Rounding out this generous sampler are books from well-known nonfiction writers, including Nathaniel Philbrick’s Valiant Ambition, and Chuck Klosterman’s But What If We’re Wrong?—as well as books that will have people talking, such as Lindy West’s Shrill: Notes From a Loud Woman and Vishen Lakhiani’s The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.

As always, there’s also a great preview from Publishers Lunch of more than 100 additional, noteworthy spring/summer books to have on your radar.

Start reading books right now that are sure to show up on bestseller lists, win awards, and be chosen by booksellers as top picks. Then invite your reading friends and book groups to download their own free copy of the ebook from any major ebookstore or at

And for the best in children’s literature, be sure to look for Buzz Books 2016: Young Adult Spring/Summer:

Our seventh Buzz Books edition evokes all the excitement of Winter Institute with substantial pre-publication excerpts from 40 adult titles. At the end of most excerpts, you will find a link to the...

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ISBN 9780996288620
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Average rating from 367 members

Featured Reviews

I always enjoy this book of samplers. These books contain a wonderful variety of excerpts and really help me decide which books I want to read. I am looking forward to sharing many of these titles on my blog. I am sure I will be adding many to my ever growing TBR pile.

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I love these books! I love we get a preview of all the fab books that are coming.

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fun way to see the upcoming books that are going to pad our TBR's

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Incredibly helpful to find new and exciting books coming out in the next few months.

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I always look forward to the seasonal catalog. Thank you for providing this!

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Fantastic books available. I always love getting these excerpts to find the next arcs I'd like to read.

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I always love getting a preview of the upcoming season's releases. It gives me some ideas on what to add to my TBR lists and which hot titles I should be reviewing!

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I always appreciate the opportunity to sample upcoming books, to better decide whether to request them. Thanks!

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A lot of great stuff here! Buzz Books is such a great tool for librarians who want to start planning their budget, or want to be able to recommend books right when they arrive. It's always exciting to get snippets of upcoming new releases.

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I’ve already added titles to my TBR list based on the samples I read. Buzz. Thank you for thinking of another tool to help readers find amazing books.

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This is my all time favorite when it comes out twice a year. A great way to find out about new and upcoming books.

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These excerpts are always extremely helpful and I am looking forward to reading many of the titles profiled here. Thank you.

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What a fantastic collection! I enjoy these Buzz Books so much as they give me a great pulse on what is coming in the next season. If this sampling is any indication it is going to be a great one.

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I am truly excited to have access to this book! There are so many wonderful books to read from existing best seller authors to the new up and coming authors! How do we choose? What better way to decide on new titles then to be able to read excerpts and/or plot descriptions.... also find out all the pertinent data for release dates, etc.......much can be determined by just a few sentences........fantastic!

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Like Potato Chips, But Better For You

These Buzz Books come out twice a year; there's a set for YA books and another set, including this volume, for adult fiction and non-fiction. I used to skip the Buzz Books because you always have the option of looking at Amazon "Look Inside" samples for the books that seem interesting.

But, the books in these collections are so far down the pipeline that most don't have sample options available yet. The only way to get an early look at them is to look here. And, often the samples in the Buzz Book are longer than the Amazon samples anyway. So, since it's a freebie and an easy download there's no risk.

In addition, the book opens with an introductory essay briefly reviewing what else of interest is on the horizon. It addresses literary fiction, debuts, commercial fiction, general non-fiction, and memoirs, which is a nice heads up. The actual excerpts are organized as Fiction, Debut Fiction, and Non-Fiction.

This time around the selection of fiction excerpts is heavy on domestic drama, thrillers, suspense, and all of those rich people in Brooklyn or the Upper West Side or the Lower East Side who are just so darn unhappy, which is, I guess, a fair sampling of current fiction trends and likely to please. All of the excerpts are well written, given what they are; the question is really more about what genres you prefer or think you are in the mood for.

For what it's worth I found a few books, (out of 40 excerpts), that definitely piqued my interest. Given the wide range of genres covered, that's a pretty good catch. There is a better than usual range of choices in this edition and there were many happy surprises, especially in Debut Fiction. I found books that I probably would never have otherwise picked out of a list. I was also pleasantly surprised by the non-fiction choices. Two in particular - Pamela Haag's gun business history "The Gunning of America" and Chuck Klosterman's "But What If We're Wrong" - struck me as especially interesting.

These are substantial books from main stream publishers. So, the easy-browsing angle, the appealing selection, the freebieness, and the early bird access all combine to make this a nice no-risk choice.

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This is a very useful volume of excerpts of up and coming. soon to be released books. It provides a reader the opportunity to sample books they may be interested in along with marking them to buy on the release dates. It is a great way for a reader to try new writers and for new writers to get their work out to an audience.

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These excerpts are so helpful in selecting titles for review, and they have brought to my attention a few titles I inadvertently overlooked on the NetGalley website. Thank you so much for providing these Buzz Books!

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I got a copy of Buzz Books 2016, an exclusive preview of the top 40 highest anticipated adult fiction, debut fiction and non-fiction from NetGalley

My top picks for adult fiction and debut fiction are below. These all sound like cracking reads.


BLURB: Late one winter afternoon in upstate New York, George Clare comes home to find his wife murdered and their three-year-old daughter alone--for how many hours?--in her room down the hall. He had recently, begrudgingly, taken a position at the private college nearby teaching art history, and moved his family into this tight-knit, impoverished town. And he is the immediate suspect--the question of his guilt echoing in a story shot through with secrets both personal and professional. While his parents rescue him from suspicion, a persistent cop is stymied at every turn in proving Clare a heartless murderer. The pall of death is ongoing, and relentless; behind one crime are others, and more than twenty years will pass before a hard kind of justice is finally served. At once a classic "who-dun-it" that morphs into a "why-and-how-dun-it," this is also a rich and complex portrait of a psychopath and a marriage, and an astute study of the various taints that can scar very different families, and even an entire community.

RELEASE DATE: March 8, 2016




BLURB: "In a life full of lies, he settled finally for the truth." No one in Mattingly ever believed Bobby Barnes would live to see old age. Drink would either rot Bobby from the inside out or dull his senses just enough to send his truck off the mountain on one of his nightly rides. Although Bobby believes such an end possible-and even likely-it doesn't stop him from taking his twin sons Matthew and Mark into the mountains one Saturday night. A sharp curve, blinding headlights, metal on metal, his sons' screams. Bobby's final thought as he sinks into blackness is a curious one-there will be stars. Yet it is not death that greets him beyond the veil. Instead, he returns to the day he has just lived and finds he is not alone in this strange new world. Six others are trapped there with him. Bobby soon discovers that rather than the place of peace he had been led to believe he was in, it's actually a place of secrets and hidden dangers. Along with three others, he seeks to escape, even as the world around him begins to crumble. The escape will lead some to greater life, others to endless death ...and Bobby Barnes to understand the deepest nature of love.

RELEASE DATE: June 9, 2016




BLURB: Eight years ago, Tess and Jake were considered a power couple of the New York publishing world--happy, in love, planning a family. Failed fertility treatments and a heartbreaking attempt at adoption have fractured their marriage and left Tess edgy and adrift. A visit to friends in rural Vermont throws Tess's world into further chaos when she sees a young, half-dressed child in the middle of the road, who then runs into the woods like a frightened deer.

The entire town begins searching for the little girl. But there are no sightings, no other witnesses, no reports of missing children. As local police and Jake point out, Tess's imagination has played her false before. And yet Tess is compelled to keep looking, not only to save the little girl she can't forget but to salvage her broken heart as well.

Blending her trademark lyrical prose with a superbly crafted and suspenseful narrative, Where I Lost Her is a gripping, haunting novel from a remarkable storyteller.

RELEASE DATE: 23 February, 2016




BLURB: The elite have everything: money, cars, private jets and beautiful families. David Whitehead and Ben Kipling are the top of the elite, both influential men with jobs in the media and finance, both travelling back to New York on a private jet after a vacation with their families, and both with secrets that could ruin their lives.

Invited on a whim by David's wife, Scott Burroughs, a middle-aged painter, finds himself on their plane - he needs to visit New York for a meeting that could spark a revival in his failed career.

But sixteen minutes into its journey the plane crashes into the sea, Scott and the Whiteheads' four-year-old son are the only survivors. With a little boy's life in his hands Scott begins to swim - an epic journey to the coast. In the rectifying hours, he cannot imagine how his life will be changed forever.

With the SEC, FBI and National Transportation Safety Board investigating what happened to the plane, and the lives of everyone on board - the Whiteheads, the Kiplings and the crew - it is not long before their secrets start to come into the light. It seems as though the crash might be more than a tragic accident...

RELEASE DATE: January 5, 2017




BLURB: No one knows exactly when it began or where it originated. A terrifying new plague is spreading like wildfire across the country, striking cities one by one: Boston, Detroit, Seattle. The doctors call it Draco Incendia Trychophyton. To everyone else it’s Dragonscale, a highly contagious, deadly spore that marks its hosts with beautiful black and gold marks across their bodies—before causing them to burst into flames. Millions are infected; blazes erupt everywhere. There is no antidote. No one is safe.

Harper Grayson, a compassionate, dedicated nurse as pragmatic as Mary Poppins, treated hundreds of infected patients before her hospital burned to the ground. Now she’s discovered the telltale gold-flecked marks on her skin. When the outbreak first began, she and her husband, Jakob, had made a pact: they would take matters into their own hands if they became infected. To Jakob’s dismay, Harper wants to live—at least until the fetus she is carrying comes to term. At the hospital, she witnessed infected mothers give birth to healthy babies and believes hers will be fine too. . . if she can live long enough to deliver the child.

Convinced that his do-gooding wife has made him sick, Jakob becomes unhinged, and eventually abandons her as their placid New England community collapses in terror. The chaos gives rise to ruthless Cremation Squads—armed, self-appointed posses roaming the streets and woods to exterminate those who they believe carry the spore. But Harper isn’t as alone as she fears: a mysterious and compelling stranger she briefly met at the hospital, a man in a dirty yellow fire fighter’s jacket, carrying a hooked iron bar, straddles the abyss between insanity and death. Known as The Fireman, he strolls the ruins of New Hampshire, a madman afflicted with Dragonscale who has learned to control the fire within himself, using it as a shield to protect the hunted . . . and as a weapon to avenge the wronged.

In the desperate season to come, as the world burns out of control, Harper must learn the Fireman’s secrets before her life—and that of her unborn child—goes up in smoke.

RELEASE DATE: June 7, 2016




BLURB: In the small, affluent town of Fairview, Connecticut, everything seems picture perfect.

Until one night when young Jenny Kramer is attacked at a local party. In the hours immediately after, she is given a controversial drug to medically erase her memory of the violent assault. But, in the weeks and months that follow, as she heals from her physical wounds, and with no factual recall of the attack, Jenny struggles with her raging emotional memory. Her father, Tom, becomes obsessed with his inability to find her attacker and seek justice while her mother, Charlotte, prefers to pretend this horrific event did not touch her perfect country club world.

As they seek help for their daughter, the fault lines within their marriage and their close-knit community emerge from the shadows where they have been hidden for years, and the relentless quest to find the monster who invaded their town - or perhaps lives among them - drive this psychological thriller to a shocking and unexpected conclusion.

RELEASE DATE: July 2, 2016




BLURB: When Nora takes the train from London to visit her sister in the countryside, she expects to find her waiting at the station, or at home cooking dinner. But when she walks into Rachel’s familiar house, what she finds is entirely different: her sister has been the victim of a brutal murder.
Stunned and adrift, Nora finds she can’t return to her former life. An unsolved assault in the past has shaken her faith in the police, and she can’t trust them to find her sister’s killer. Haunted by the murder and the secrets that surround it, Nora is under the harrow: distressed and in danger. As Nora’s fear turns to obsession, she becomes as unrecognizable as the sister her investigation uncovers.

RELEASE DATE: June 14, 2016




BLURB: Sixty-nine-year-old Arthur Pepper lives a simple life. He gets out of bed at precisely 7:30 a.m., just as he did when his wife, Miriam, was alive. He dresses in the same gray slacks and mustard sweater-vest, waters his fern, Frederica, and heads out to his garden.

But on the one-year anniversary of Miriam's death, something changes. Sorting through Miriam's possessions, Arthur finds an exquisite gold charm bracelet he's never seen before. What follows is a surprising and unforgettable odyssey that takes Arthur from London to Paris and as far as India in an epic quest to find out the truth about his wife's secret life before they met—a journey that leads him to find hope, healing and self-discovery in the most unexpected places.

RELEASE DATE: May 3, 2016




BLURB: Kitty Hayward and her mother are ready to experience the spectacles of Coney Island s newest attraction, the Dreamland amusement park. But when Kitty s mother vanishes from their hotel, she finds herself penniless, alone, and far from her native England. The last people she expects to help are the cast of characters at Magruder s Curiosity Cabinet, a museum of oddities. From con men to strongmen, from flea wranglers to lion tamers, Kitty s new friends quickly adopt her and vow to help find the missing Mrs. Hayward. But even these unusual inhabitants may not be a match for the insidious sickness that begins to spread through Coney Island...or the panic that turns Dreamland into a nightmare. With shades of Water For Elephants and The Museum of Extraordinary Things, Magruder s Curiosity Cabinet sweeps readers into a mesmerizing world where nothing is as it seems, and where normal is the exception to the rule.

RELEASE DATE: June 1, 2016



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Always recommend this for anyone who wants to have an idea of what's coming down the 'book pipeline', so to speak! It's a great way to get an idea of what you want to read as well, and offers a 'feel' for the tone and the style of writing.

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A handy and informative guide with samplers of upcoming books. The selection is eclectic and ranges from (debut) fiction to noteworthy nonfiction, from literary to (historical) events. I already have my favorites marked and cannot wait for them to be released!

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Great edition of new books coming out! I have requested so many of them. Love it!

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This series remains a thorough and endlessly helpful source for discovering upcoming offerings from publishers. As a book blogger and reviewer, I've come to rely on Buzz Books as a tool for planing reviews and posts throughout the year.

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I always look forward to the release of this book. It is a fantastic introduction to new authors and brings books to my attention that I may have overlooked. Highly recommended!!

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A fabulous collection of stories! My list of books to read has just gotten ridiculously long!

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These book buzz samplers are SO BAD for my TBR! As usual there are a ton of exciting titles highlighted here. A few I'm looking forward to include: Robin Wasserman's GIRLS ON FIRE, Joe Hill's THE FIREMAN (of course!), and Elizabeth Brundage's ALL THINGS CEASE TO APPEAR as well as debuts UNDER THE HARROW by Flynn Berry and LAST CALL AT THE NIGHTSHADE LOUNGE by Paul Krueger.

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I adore this collection! It provides summaries/excerpts and gives you the opportunity to discover authors and their works. Truly worth reading.

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Awesome selection of upcoming fiction to be looking out for! Still working my way through all the samples but am enjoying it.

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This is a book of excerpts of a variety of books that will be released in the Spring & Summer of 2016. It is divided into three parts, fiction by already known authors, debut fiction and nonfiction. I especially liked the debut fiction section because I like getting to read books by new authors, there is something special about an authors first book. You can get this book for free on

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I always look forward to the new Buzz Books editions - sneak peeks of upcoming literary delights with links to the Netgalley request. Thanks!

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Thanks for the heads up on what books are coming out. I have a huge list of books that I can't wait to read and review now. The info in Buzz Books publications is very helpful. Thank you!

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I always love reading these free editions of Buzz Books. It's a great way to plan ahead for future reading, recommend reading and generating interest in all the good works coming down the line. Thank you for offering Buzz Books!

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I always make a point of reading the Buzz Books issues and it never disappoints. I find so many great books that may have otherwise passed me by. Keep up the amazing work!

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This is a terrific wrap up of up coming books and authors for Spring and Summer 2016! I have enjoyed the insights shared with other readers and look forward to so many of the books featured in this collection of excerpts.

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It’s shaping up to be an outstanding spring and summer for reading! There are a wealth of exciting new books coming out, with titles sure to appeal to all tastes. Well-established authors such as Tracy Chevalier, Chris Cleave, Louise Erdrich, Nathaniel Philbrick, and Chuck Klosterman all have books that are sure to receive lots of positive buzz. Debuts by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney, L.S. Hilton, Flynn Berry, Danny Johnson, and Alice Adams look especially enticing. Lots of great books to read and recommend!

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Another compilation that will completely entice you! This spring/summer promises some awesome books by both celebrated authors as well as new debut writers. I marked sixteen books as must reads!!! Can't wait. Thank you Buzz Books!!!

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I look forward to these compilations. There is no question that they help me plan my review choices. I am deeply appreciative!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher/editor for providing a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Great excerpts of upcoming books! I was pleased to find that at least 25% of the books included were ones I definitely want to read. Others were ones that might not be my cup of tea, but they were books I could see recommending to others who would enjoy them, providing me with a great reader's advisory tool as a librarian.

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An overwhelming collection of Adult Lit to hit the shelves this season. The selection of works is a fair variety with many I look forward to reading - far too many to mention. There are almost too many works featured, but in a way I'm glad of that. I don't read enough Adult Lit so I'm happy to be suddenly thrust into this world. The breakdown of categories is also very welcomed to novices like myself to make sure there's a taste of everything. Thank you for the collection.

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Certainly a collection of titles that have piqued my interest and have given me several titles to put on my wishlist to read and review. Thank you for this!

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There are some absolutely fantastic books due out in spring/summer this year - I have added a few to my wish list already - some excellent sequels and follow ups from some of my favourite authors - I can't wait to get my hands on them!

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As usual, the Buzz Books for adults didn't disappoint. I love love LOVE that I get to read snippets of the new books coming out so I can gauge what will work in the store and with what customers. Et hem, and also pick out a few things that I'm going to want to grab for myself. Not going to lie, I've found a LOT of books that I want to read myself.

Though I have to say, the running theme for adult books this coming season is SAD and DEPRESSING and ANGRY. The YA titles seem to be a bit on the more hopeful side and honestly, somewhat better written. Of course, that Buzz Books only had 20 offerings, while this one had twice that amount.

This had a good spread of new fiction, debut authors and new non-fiction. I seemed to gravitate to the non-fiction more than the fiction, but there were a few debuts that got my attention.

As always, five stars and a hearty recommendation to all who want a quick peek at what's coming so time isn't wasted on buying a book you won't like and missing out on one or more that you would.

My thanks to NetGalley and Publishers Lunch BUZZ BOOKS for an eARC copy to read and review. Thanks to you, my TBR just grew. ;)

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Book Buzz is always a welcome edition to my reading! I love having a sample of some of the best books to be coming our way from the publishing world!

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This was my first time seeing a Buzz Books Book, and I have to say it is fantastic! An excellent overview of upcoming titles from the publishers at the forefront of the industry. I found a number of reads to look forward to!

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This book is fantastic! IIt informs or reminds you of the upcoming books to be published in the next months, gives you some extracts to know if you will like them and enables you to feel more at ease among new published books.
A must for those who love books and a big help for netgalley users.

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I love having a "sneak peak" with the new seasons & new books that are coming out. So many to add to my "must read" list! Thank you for providing these excerpts.

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So many good books coming out! Can't wait to read them.

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This is less of a book review than a TBR list, of the book excerpts that made me sorry they were so short:
Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge made me squeal out loud because it's monster-fantasy that starts at a pub quiz. Too perfect! I want it!
I'm also interested in a bunch of historical fiction Jazz Moon by Joe Okokwo looks great Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave:
The Last Road Home by Danny Johnson And for that matter, nonfiction: Indestructible, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind, The Bridge Ladies...
Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye because I love the idea of Jane Eyre, rock star.
Modern Lovers by Emma Straub looks good, in a similar rock vein.
Not sure about the Decent Proposal by Kemper Donovan, though I like the setup.
Gift ideas: will be getting my aunt Glory Over Everything and The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper for her book club, and Brighton & Before the Fall for Dad the mystery lover, Sport of Kings for my Uncle the Dick Francis fan

So many great little tastes. Now to grab them as full galleys! Hooray!

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I love the idea of being able to check out new to me authors without having to devote All my time to a whole book. This is a great way to find new authors! I just found three!!

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Great guide! So many great books discovered.

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I adore these seasonal previews, and this one was no exception. I find them particularly great when it comes to the previews of the debut works, where I have less information to go on regarding the authors. Thanks to this particular edition, I'm now really looking forward to the new Joe Hill, and Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney's The Nest, among others.

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It's great how I can look through the books without having to commit to them! Makes it easier to pick books to review :)

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Excellent resource for books that may normally pass you by. I have 2 must reads plus at least another 4 or 5 that look really interesting. Well worth the download.

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Thank you for continuing to offer this. It's a useful tool for librarians.

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This is a gift that goes beyond simply a list of new books to be published!

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Really very excellent collection, and a dozen more added to my wishlist and pre-orders. Maestra by Hilton in particular, Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge by Krueger, Jazz Moon by Joe Okokwo and All Things Cease to Appear by Elizabeth Brundage are also added. Longer reviews to come once I've read the full versions of these books!

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I love this format from various publishers promoting their new releases. It gives you a tasty overview of 40 widely varied titles. These are arranged by fiction/non-fiction but also sub categories with new authors and established writers. What I also love is the fact that they are early enough that you can look for the titles on Netgalley to read the book. Grab this book. And a big thank you to the publishers who participate.

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Still tired from staying up late last night finishing your latest book? Then the Buzz Books 2016: Spring/Summer guide can help you organize your sleeping/reading/work schedule for the next several months! More books!?! With Louise Erdrich a personal favorite, among so many other wonderful choices, I'm reading this cover to cover.

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Fantastic selection, can't wait to read the full novels!!

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These collections are just amazing; thank you so much for the opportunity to get a sneak peek into upcoming releases!

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What a great thing! I found a couple books I want to read that I would of passed on!

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What a great collection of forthcoming novels! I'm very excited to read many of them. Thank you Publishers Lunch for also including excerpts to give potential readers and reviewers a sense of the author's writing style - especially if they are new authors.

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Some books in here there is a buzz about (pun intended) and who doesn't enjoy sneak peaks into forthcoming novels?
One I have on my to read shelf is All Things Cease To Appear, so I was delighted about that excerpt.
Another is At the Edge of the Orchard some I was lucky to read early via netgalley like Everyone Brave is Forgiven. Being a Louise Erdrich fan I was happy to get a sample of La Rose, which is also on my to read shelf. I had already been lucky enough to have T. Greenwood's latest Where I Lost Her, but more and more excerpts aren't as easy to find so I always look forward to Buzz Books samplers.

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The Buzz Books are always a great resource for new releases. This particular outing is dedicated to Spring/Summer 2016. One thing I like about it, is at the beginning they have a very large listing of new book releases. The fiction is broken out into several different categories so we can easily identify debut authors and long time favorites. 40 of these books are selected for preview in this guide. Each book features the cover and a summary, along with an excerpt. With so many new releases, this is an excellent way to narrow down your reading list and find your next great read.

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OMG. This is like setting a kid loose in a candy store! SO MANY APPEALING TITLES. If I'm approved for a fraction I will have my work cut out for me. {Please do approve]!

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Always love reading BuzzBooks to find great upcoming reads! 5 stars per usual. :)

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love getting just a taste of what to read - really helps when I have to cull the book stack of new arcs.

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An incredible source of inspiration and knowledge. Beautifully edited. As always, a priceless document.

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I look forward to each edition of Buzz Books: 2016 Spring/Summer is no exception. So where to begin?
First I start with the Publishing Preview section. this will tell me what's in queue even if a sample isn't included in this edition of Buzz Books. Stewart O'Nan's "City of Secrets' is the title I'm most anticipating. I'm also curious about Charlotte Rogan's 'Now and Again,' having read her first book. I will be on the look out for the new books by Chris Cleave, Megan Abbott, Helen Simonson and Siddartha Mukherjee, to name a few.

Then I peruse the samples. I read excerpts from the new works by my favorite authors first and then try out some debut authors as well. By now I have a pretty good list of what I'm going after when the release dates arrive.

Finally, I like to go back to Buzz Books six months later . . . after I've heard author interviews and read some of the new books. I like to compare my impressions with the marketing description. Inevitably I discover a title I missed on my initial pass through Buzz Books.

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Awesome review of upcoming books! Thanks for letting us see this catalogue

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Great Selections!

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These books are great for checking out the latest books!

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This was a fantastic way to see what new books are coming out this Spring and Summer. Book covers with synopsis and even a short excerpt of each book. This edition is chock full of so many great new reads. Hold on to your hats because there is some great fiction on the horizon.

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I found this guide super helpful. I have eclectic tastes in my reading material so Netgallery can be a bit hard to navigate and find things to read. The excerpts were generous enough that I was able to get a good idea about the authors' styles.

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I loved the variety in this collection. It opened my eyes to many new authors and books that I otherwise might have overlooked. I am especially looking forward to reading: Jane Steele, The Nest, At The Edge of the Orchard, Maestra, and Modern Lovers. It was an easy read, and the books were presented in a appealing fashion with generous excerpts. The best way to bulk up your TBR list!

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A nice selection of upcoming books. Looking forward to quite of few of the books that are highlighted here.

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This is a fantastic way to showcase new and upcoming titles and I would urge anyone interested in Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction to check this book out! While these aren't genres I typically read (and so would never have looked up myself), I am now on the look out for a couple books after I read their excerpts.

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Buzz Books are one of my favorite ways to discover new authors! Even though not every sample may appeal to you, you know that there's going to be something in there that you'll probably love! Here are a few stories that caught my eye:

The Choices We Make by Karma Brown isn't my normal type of read, but the excerpt really grabbed me and I want to find out what happens next! It's about two life-long friends, Kate and Hannah. Kate offers to be a surrogate for Hannah, who is unable to have a child of her own. Then tragedy strikes and their lives may never be the same. Wowza!

Another story outside my usual type of read is There Will Be Stars by Bill Coffey. The twist that caught my interest is that the main character doesn't die in a horrible accident, but rather finds himself returning to the beginning of his last day. Sounds a little like the movie Groundhog Day. Curious to see what happens next and find out the story behind the others trapped with him!

While it's been years since I last read Jane Eyre, I remember that I didn't really care for it. I think that I'd like the retelling in Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye much more. In this version, Jane is a spunky, heroic serial killer. I like her already!

Sometimes Fate seems to step in and make things right or give you a second chance. At least, that's the vibe I got from If I Forget You by Christopher Greene. Two ex-lovers have a chance meeting on the street 21 years after being driven apart. The sampler left me wanting to know more! Why were they driven apart? Are they now happy or still thinking about what might have been?

Joe Hill's The Fireman has the interesting premise of a worldwide pandemic that causes spontaneous combustion. There is no antidote and it's highly contagious, so you can imagine the panic. While I've never read Joe Hill before, the sample shows his incredible talent and left me wanting more!

Remember the movie Sliding Doors? The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett reminds me a little of that, as it's different versions of life. Taking a left turn instead of a right. Chance encounters. Different strands of spaghetti strings. Full of possibilities and what might have beens, I found it fascinating!

While not every story was for me, I added several to my wishlist!

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This is the first time I've downloaded a "Buzz Books" edition. WOW....just Wow!! First off, this was HUGE. It was a copious amount of reading. But read I did. It was somewhat overwhelming. SO many good books coming up, SO many debut authors I'm looking forward to reading. I have written down all the books that I'm going to be on the look-out for, those that I'm going to purchase. Some of my favourite authors have upcoming books and to take a peak at what their novel is about was wonderful. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get an "inside" look at what's coming this Spring/Summer. I'm spreading the news.

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Although I have more than enough books to keep me busy for quite awhile, I love when Buzz Books comes out with a new book.

This one is the 2016 Spring/Summer edition which gives excerpts from the top 40 new titles for this season. They include fiction, debut fiction and non-fiction.

Seeing the cover of the books, the synopsis, and being able to read an excerpt of the book gives you a good idea if this is the book for you. I found a couple (okay, more than a couple!) to add to my "to be read" list.

All readers will enjoy this book!

* I was provided a copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Another fantastic sneak peek. Look forward to these so much...

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These are my Go To for staying in the loop!

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I always always look forward to Buzz Books. Often I find books I have overlooked or usually wouldn't consider but after reading an excerpt really intrigues me. Loads of these books are available on netgalley which makes for such easy access. And if not you get a taste of upcoming books. Invaluable !

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Fantastic books, has given me a long list of summer reads!!!

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Buzz Books is a fantastic publication. I'm stocking up on titles for summer reading!

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I just love this sampler! I'm adding so many great reads to my reading list. Thank you!

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Ah, how I look forward to Buzz Books previews. Here we have 40 titles - debuts, fiction and non-fic - with a summary of each, first chapters and all if the publication info you may need. There are some real corkers included this time!

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Really great excerpts in here! Added a lot to my to-read list.

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A fantastic sampler of the most exciting upcoming book launches.
The excerpts cover a wide range of styles and genres but quite honestly, there's not a single dull note in there. For me, particular highlights include Chris Cleave's and Joe Hill's new novels plus I've added a good 20 others to my TBR list.
The excerpts are short enough to get through very quickly but long enough to give a good introduction to the book itself.
Highly recommended :)

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I'm always on the hunt for our next read for my book club, as the sole curator this kind of guide comes in very helpful

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So many great books coming out, especially in my favorite genres of Mystery, Thriller and Suspense. I've earmarked several titles to look for, after reading the samples, and cannot wait to read them.

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These Buzz Books come out twice a year; there's a set for YA books and another set, including this volume, for adult fiction and non-fiction.
Since it's a freebie and an easy download there's no risk, so just hop on up and click the buy button. You just might find a book you want to read.
I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

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