Cover Image: Cluelessly Yours

Cluelessly Yours

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This was my first time reading anything by Max Monroe, and the 3rd book in the It's a funny story series. You can totally read these out of order, but I'd suggest to read in order of possible.

Such a fun read and was interesting how the POV switch for part 2 and 3. I was a bit confused on the beginning with the timeline jump. I always struggle with keeping track of timelines on audio books, so no fault to the author.

Naration was done by Sabastian York and Elizabeth Lousie. Elizabeth was the primary narator for this, and she really pulled me in. Sabastian York always does such a great job, and I was really looking forward to when he started reading. Great performance by both. Definitely recommend this to contemporary romance lovers.

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Sammy Baker is a divorced, single mom trying to find her way again. With two boys and an absent ex-husband, she’s got the world on her shoulders and Legos under her feet. Amid the chaos lives the dream of, one day, finding love again. Though, she didn’t think that would land her smack-dab in the middle of two men.

Will Sammy choose the successful businessman who doesn’t hesitate to tell her he’s interested? Or will she go for the eligible bachelor doctor with a constant influx of women vying for his attention?

OK this story was adorable - the perfect heart warming story when you are in the mood for a fantastic rom com. It had the perfect amount of emotion, humor, and spice. You just know who Sammy belongs with and it was such an enjoyable journey watching her get there. My jaw dropped during the scene in the hospital - it was fun listening to all that play out! And I’ll just say her kids may be difficult, but boy are they hilarious.

I started this one on audio and listened to it almost non stop until the end. The first story that I’ve read by this author duo and it won’t be the last! Already downloaded the other books in this series from #KindleUnlimited

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of Cluelessly Yours. It was great.

Sammy is a divorced mother of two young boys who are loving, funny, and in to everything. After the divorce she moves the boys to New York to take advantage of her sisters and brother-in-law's offer to help and a place to live.

Not really ready to date she accepts an invitation to dinner with one of the diners at the restaurant she runs. She is also attracted to the doctor friend of her sister.

Who wil.she pick? Will her boys survive New York, then again will.New York survive her boys?

I enjoyed everything about this book. Sammy has been hit with all the things that befall single mothers today, and she handles it like a pro. I love a book with strong female characters, cute kids who make me laugh, supportive partners, and a bad guy who gets what's coming to him.

#Netgalley #RomCom #HEA #Audiobook #CluelesslyYours #MaxMonroe #Narrators #SebastianYorkAndElizabethLouise
#SingleMom #LoveStory #NosySister #ReadyForLove #PrecociousBoys #Doctor #MaxMonroeLLC

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This was definitely my favorite of the series! I loved the unique premise and I really wasn't sure what was going to happen. I loved that the characters were "older", and that he fell first. I'm not a huge love triangle fan but thats okay. I could have used more of the present day, and I could have used more of the MMCs POV overall, but as a whole I really enjoyed this!

The narrators were great and seemed perfectly cast to me.

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A lovely later in life romance with a mom of two boys who finds herself in a sort of a love triangle when she was barely starting to date again. Set in NYC, this one is delightful with its doggy playdates and mom's night outs and shenanigans.
Narrated dual style by Elizabeth Louise (who was new to me and a wonderful new find) and Sebastian York and they show the chemistry between the characters.
Though third in a series, it can definitely be enjoyed as a standalone!
I will most certainly look for more from Max Monroe!

Thank you< NetGalley and the authors for the audiobook!

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This was a beautiful second chance romance with lots of humor and twists! I gave this a 5/5 star rating on Goodreads too!

I loved the main characters and the short lived love triangle had a shocking twist! Thank goodness for Noah!!

And as a mom, I felt the kids were a hilarious perspective to share. Kids truly say the darndest things!

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After seeing so many great reviews, I was so excited to listen to the audiobook for Cluelessly Yours by Max Monroe. The story centers around Sammy and her struggles as a single Mom hoping for love. It was an emotional story that brought the laughs, and all the heartwarming feels too. While love triangles are one of my least favorite tropes, I put my feelings aside so I could just enjoy the story, and found it entertaining.

I would definitely recommend the audio format!

-single Mom
-love triangle
-friends to lovers

*many thanks to the author and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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I immediately fell in love with the characters...the protagonists, the kids, and of course, the dogs! This is a book of assumptions, especially the case with Sammy; she assumes too much concerning Noah and his women. Finding herself in a love triangle, Sammy must decide...and you, reader, are you Team Noah or Team Gavin. This book is a light, fun read that will have you cheering the whole way.

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Firstly thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to listen to this audiobook. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it made me laugh, gasp and even a little anxious at one point! Loved how the ending tied into the story. I have read many of Max Monroe books and although a little predictable at times they are fabulous. This is the first of their audio books that I have listened to and I really enjoyed it, couldn’t stop at one point! The narrators were fab and believable. Highly recommend,

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This story was so cute, fun, and a quick read. I loved the narrators (I am a fan of male and female narrators when applicable).

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Cluelessly Yours is a great story - funny, emotional, romantic, with a couple of plot twists I didn't see coming. Noah is just so sweet and genuine, and I liked that aspects around pregnancy, kids, family were portrayed realistically. Great story, and I can't wait to read the next in the series!

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4.5 stars
Narrators: Elizabeth Louise and Sebastian York
This is my first Max Monroe book and I adored it. I was hooked from the first page as readers meet Sammy Bakwr under unusual circumstances, and it was from that moment I was intrigued on how her story would pan out!
Sammy Baker, a single mom to two boys, Seth and Grant, living and working in NYC. There are shenanigans with her two boys that will make you laugh and also maybe relate to as Sammy navigates her busy life. Thankfully her sister Brooke and Brooke’s fiancé, Chase are nearby and play a big part in Sammy’s life, including introducing Sammy to the delectable Dr Noah Phillips.
There are mishaps with the boys and accidental meetings with Noah who seems to always have a gorgeous woman nearby. And then there is Gavin, a guy Sammy meets through her work as general manager of a top NYC restaurant. Gavin is keen and interested in Sammy, funny and attractive too. Which direction will Sammy take?
This book will leave you guessing a few times, but is told with humour and wit and a story that keeps you engaged the whole time. I really enjoyed it and the narrators added that extra element!
Thanks to Netgalley and the authors for the copy of this book I received. This is my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and and the author for and ARC of the book.

This book attracted me in so many ways; the cover, the description and the fact that there's an older fmc. And the book did not disappoint! It was funny and cute. The romance was sweet and it was overall a highly enjoyable romcom that I’d recommend to anyone on the look for a good time.

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This story is centered around Sammy and her road to love. It starts off with a bang that will get resolved later in the book, but first we must go back a month in time to read about Sammy and her two love interests, Noah and Gavin.

Even if you don’t like love triangles, I would recommend giving this book a try, because the two men don’t really overlap that much and Sammy is in no way malicious or two timing anyone or whatever usually happens with love triangles. (It is really more a ‘pursued by two men’ type of situation, as the publisher put with their tropes.) And you will be rewarded with a swoon worthy book boyfriend, I promise! <3

Sammy, a single mom of two and sister to Brook (from a previous book in the series), is our main character. While I can understand her struggles as a single mum, her POV was a bit annoying at times. She really cares for her children and is probably a loving person, but because her life is so busy she can hardly do anything apart from working and taking care of her children, she comes off as being a bit self-centered (more like centered on her own family), thinking that the universe is out to get her. She is not very aware of things going on outside her family, so she comes off as a bit naïve when it comes to the other sex. One of the men she is dating shows clear signs of being disingenuous <spoiler> (being overly eager, telling her how good they are together when he doesn’t actually know her, calling her babe after the two date, not actually listening to what she is saying, not stepping back when she asks him to and then getting upset that she is “leading her on”) </spoiler> that she only catches very late in the game and makes herself feel guilty about. She also frequently experiences mum guilt, when she shouldn’t have to, which was also frustrating to read about. One of her love interests tells her that it just means that she is a good mum, and I would not agree with that statement. You don’t have to experience mum guilt to be a good mum. It is natural (and healthy) that you cannot be there at every point in time of your child’s life. Sammy’s self-esteem is a bit down after her failed marriage, so she tries to be super involved with her sons’ lives, so I think her mum guilt is stemming from that. She stands in so little for herself that she even tries to leave a bar at which she just ordered an expensive class of wine, just so that she is “not in the way” when one of her love interests spots someone they know at that bar.

Thankfully, Brook is there to be a great champion to Sammy and her happiness. She is a bit over eager when it comes to one of the men and becoming slightly too involved with Sammy’s love life, but she does a great job helping Sammy realize her own feelings. She is also the voice of reason, when Sammy absorbs some of societies toxic male believes and tries to blame herself for a situation in which she absolutely did nothing wrong. I really enjoyed this involved but nontoxic take on sisterhood and female friendship.

I read a review where someone said Sammy’s kids did not add too much to the story and while I understand that they were a bit annoying at times, I think they added a lot to the story, actually. Because without them, we would never see our book boyfriend be so great with kids, and we wouldn’t even get to see most of his swoon worthy behavior.

This book is a standalone romance and can be read and enjoyed without having read any other of Max Monroe's books. If you have read some of their other books, I believe there are some Easter eggs. I haven’t read any other books from the “It’s a funny story” series, but obviously one of the books is centered on Brook. And Noah’s hospital is featured in all the “the doctor is in” books.
I would love to have a table of crossovers between the books, actually. Can anyone make that happen? Noah works at the same hospital as Scott Shepherd (Dr. ER) but have we met Noah, Kendall, or Dale before? It has been some time since I read those books, so I honestly don't remember. If someone knows, please leave a comment.

There was one thing that did not make sense to me, and it contains a huge spoiler, so only read along if you’ve read the book or want to be spoiled. <spoiler> Why would Ashley say that she is Noah's girlfriend to stay with him in the hospital? Clearly Sammy’s relatives were around and could have kept her in the loop and even if she wanted to stay close by, she could have told Brook and then Sammy as soon as she woke up, why she was there, instead of keeping it to herself and keeping Brook and Sammy in distress about the situation, which was clearly not helping their conditions. And why did Dale have to be so shitty? Kendall is clearly a great catch. Maybe the next book will be about her? </spoiler>

If you listen to the audiobook, there is a warning that this is a laugh out loud kind of book. I found some scenes involving the kids to be funny, but I definitely did not laugh out loud, so this warning was a bit over eager in my eyes and made me expect way too much. There’s a lot of dialogue that I believe comes across much better in the audiobook format, so I would still recommend listening to the audiobook, but I wouldn’t take the warning to not listen to it with other people around too seriously. Elizabeth Louise and Sebastian York did a great job, as usual. (Although maybe Sebastian York wasn’t the best fit for the character, because we get to hear the character talk in Elizabeth’s voiceover first, and he has a much softer voice there. So, it would have made sense to me to continue with a softer voice.)

I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to read a swoon worthy nontoxic love story, with an amazing book boyfriend. Please don’t be put off by the love triangle and don’t be intimidated by the amount of books by Max Monroe. You can start with any of them and will have a great time! And if you listen to the audiobooks, you will probably get to read more of the in a short amount of time 😊

Thank you to NetGalley and Max Monroe for gifting me this ALC of the audiobook to review.

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Love triangles are my jam. And the way that Max Monroe wrote this was perfection. You get a little taste of mystery and wait for the whole book to see what it means. And with so much predictability, I appreciate that this story really surprised me.
Sammy and Noah have a great friendship and chemistry. I loved their journey. The way Noah loved her boys was everything.
I listened to this on audio and Elizabeth Louise absolutely nailed the Seth and Grant. They just had me cracking up.
This book totally lived up to my expectations.

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Literally flew through this audiobook! It was soooo perfect! Absolutely loved every single bit of it, there are no words to describe everything I felt while listening to this audiobook and the ending….. couldn’t have asked for a better one!

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This was my first Max Monroe book, but I will definitely be reading more! Sammy's story was such a fun read. Afterbl her divorce Sammy and her 2 small troublemakers move to NYC. Where her sister a famous author tries to set her up on a date.... She isn't ready to date but finds herself in a love triangle. 💗 This book was hilarious and heartwarming a definite read!

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"Cluelessly Yours" by Max Monroe took me by surprise in the best possible way. Initially skeptical due to the characters' age range (forties with children), I found myself drawn into their world despite my reservations. Their maturity added depth to the narrative, offering insights and perspectives I hadn't anticipated.

The book boasts a remarkably fluid writing style, though it occasionally stumbles in pacing. However, the initial chapter is a masterstroke, casting doubt on every character and their decisions, thus enhancing the story's intrigue.

One of the book's standout features is its narrators. Their voices are distinct and compelling, making it easy to become emotionally invested in their journeys. The unexpected shift in perspective midway through the book was a delightful surprise, adding layers to the storytelling.

Overall, "Cluelessly Yours" is a captivating read that defies expectations. Despite its characters being older and more experienced than myself, I found myself thoroughly engrossed in their lives and dilemmas. It's a testament to the author's skill that they can craft such relatable and compelling narratives across different demographics.

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I recently listened to the audiobook 'Cluelessly Yours' by Max Monroe, narrated by Sebastian York and Elizabeth Louise. As someone who had never read a book by Max Monroe before, I was immediately drawn to the author's smooth and effortless writing style. I found Sammy to be a relatable and delightful character and I just loved her banter with her sister.

The book starts with Sammy waking up in a hospital bed after an accident. From there, the story takes us back in time a few weeks earlier to Sammy's life in New York City. Sammy, a 41-year-old divorced mother, has recently moved to the city with her two young sons to be closer to her sister Brooke. She doesn't think she deserves happiness again until two men come into her life: Dr Noah Phillips, the perfect man, and Gavin, the perfect businessman. But which one will be perfect for Sammy?

I loved the connection between Sammy and Noah, and the narrators did an excellent job of bringing the book to life. Both Sebastian York and Elizabeth Louise did a fantastic job with the different voices and characters. I was pleasantly surprised when Elizabeth's voice turned into Sebastian's, as I had forgotten that it was a dual narration. I have listened to Sebastian's audiobooks before and find his voice to be both engaging and soothing. Elizabeth Louise was also impressive in her portrayal of the characters, and I particularly enjoyed her voice for Sammy's sons, Seth and Grant. Overall, I highly recommend this audiobook.

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Not sure how I feel about the small clip from the past then going back to the future to see how they got to that point. That was a first for me, otherwise I really enjoyed this one. I loved how the kids were in it quite a bit as she is a single mom. I did read this out of order so I do know that you can read this as a stand alone or out of order if you wanted to. Definitely makes me want to go back and pick up the rest of the series. I would recommend this book.

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