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High Society

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𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘚𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺 is a psychological thriller that revolves around Dr. Holly Danvers, a psychiatrist with a traumatic past and a controversial present. The novel begins with Holly using groundbreaking psychedelic therapy to treat addiction, a method that is both innovative and risky. The plot thickens when her clients - an heiress, an attorney, a psychologist, a fashion designer, a rock star, a CEO and an opioid crisis activist - begin to relapse and die, turning Holly’s world upside down. The narrative is gripping, with twists and turns that explore the complexities of trauma.

Holly Danvers is a well-crafted protagonist whose personal journey is as compelling as her professional one. Her character is fleshed out through her interactions with her grandfather, Walter, estranged husband and mentor, Dr. Aaron Laing, and her patients. The supporting characters each add depth to the story and present Holly with challenges that test her resolve and ethics.

Daniel Kalla’s writing is sharp and engaging. His background as an ER physician lends authenticity to the research aspects of the book, while his skillful prose ensures that the narrative flows smoothly. The dialogue is realistic, and the descriptions are vivid, immersing the reader in the world he has created.

Kalla employs flashbacks and unreliable narration to build suspense and keep the reader questioning what is real. The pacing is brisk, with short chapters that maintain momentum. The structure is well-organized, allowing for a clear progression of the plot.

𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘚𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺 invites reflection on the ethical implications of cutting-edge addiction treatment. If you’re a fan of medical thrillers and interested in the human mind’s mysteries, 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘚𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺 is a book that you should not miss.

Thank you, Simon & Schuster Canada, for the #gifted print copy and to @Netgalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for the ARC.

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Holly is a psychiatrist specializing in psychedelic therapy to treat addictions. Holly forms a therapy group, relying on unconventional and unproven methods. However, soon after starting the program, Holly's patients begin to die. Is the therapy the problem? Or is something else going on? Holly must determine the answer in order to save her practice.

The first half of the book is a bit slow - it relies way too much on the therapy sessions. I found myself skimming parts. It really picks up after the halfway point, though. I was leaning towards of 3 star rating, but the latter half of the book changed my mind. The author also does a great job tackling deep ethical issues.

The author does a great job with character development. Nonetheless, I didn't really care for any of the characters. I did not guess "whodunit" so that was a big win for me!

If you liked Nine Perfect Strangers, then this one will definitely be up your alley! This has more of a mystery element, so I greatly preferred it over Nine Perfect Strangers.

Thank you Simon & Schuster Canada | Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Holly barely survived a traumatic car accident that killed her father when she was 16. Her grandfather took her to the jungles of Peru, where she took an ayahuasca treatment (a plant-based psychedelic) to emotionally recover. Now, twenty years later, Holly is one of the most sought after psychiatrists who is determined to use her expertise in psychedelics to treat patients suffering from addictions. She embarks upon an unproven new protocol that delivers miraculous results. Holly's world is quickly turned upside down when one of her clients goes public with his recovery and another overdoses after accusing Holly of improprieties. With her career on the line, Holly reaches out to her mentor, (and estranged husband) Dr Aaron Laing, for comfort and advice. It soon becomes clear that it is up to Holly alone to figure out what's going on with her clients.

HIGH SOCIETY is a story that I very much enjoyed. It is told primarily in Holly's POV with some short chapters in other characters' POVs. I loved Holly's narrative, while some of her choices crossed a line, I was still thrilled to see her growth and how she worked through some of her own realizations. This is the third book I've read by Kalla and I absolutely love his writing style and that he uses his own medical knowledge and expertise to write about 'hot' topics.

I really liked that this story takes a closer look at mental health, addictions, and how past traumas can continually influence our choices. I thought it was really interesting to learn about psychedelic treatments in conjunction with talk therapy (both one-on-one and in a group) as it is not something I had any knowledge of coming into this story.

HIGH SOCIETY is a highly interesting read with short, pithy chapters that make you want to keep reading. There are several twists that serve to shift the focus as well as up the ante, leaving me with no clue how all the pieces of this story would come together. I was truly surprised by how the story came to the end, in the best way. The ending was really well done, tying up many of the loose ends.

<i>I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher, Simon & Schuster Canada, of this advanced digital copy for the opportunity to read this novel in exchange for an honest review! All opinions shared are my own.</i>

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Thank you Netgalley, Simon &Schuster Canada and Daniel Kalla
I have read a few of Daniel Kalla's novels and he never disappoints.
A well-researched novel about psychedelic therapy and its aftermath on different people.
I could not put this novel down and will continue to read from this great author.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own

As someone who is interested in the subject of hallucinations to aid or cure mental illnesses I was very excited to read this book. Sadly as someone with cognitive issues, I did not know what was going on in most of the book. The book had mystery and was entertaining when I understood and I highly suggest you try it for yourself.

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Daniel Kalla is one of my auto-buy authors, and his latest book, High Society, does not disappoint. Kalla brings his emergency medicine background into play with each book, and this one in particular appealed to me.

The topic of using psychedelics to treat numerous mental health conditions has been a hot-button topic in the mental health world for several years. I have worked with clients who have undergone ketamine treatment with amazing results for treatment of depression, anxiety, and traumatic responses. To have this topic be the focus of High Society made it the easiest NetGalley request ever.

Kalla has brought his ability to look at all sides of the coin to this story. The topic of medical ethics is prevalent in this story, and very realistic to the questions that occur on a daily basis in health care. His characters are believable and morally gray, my personal favorite. Overall, I think Kalla has another hit on his hands. Releasing on May 28, I won't hesitate to recommend this book.

Many thanks to Simon and Schuster Canada and NetGalley for providing a free eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the chance to read this novel. As a fan of the author, I eagerly tucked into the story. Each of Daniel Kalla's books is unique, and this one is, too! What a cast of characters! Without spoilers, I read along, thinking I had known who did it, but nope, I was wrong. I have a feeling readers will agree with me that it is gripping. Thank you.

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Clear your schedule! Beautifully written, well researched, short, page turner chapters. Don’t plan on reading a bit at a time -this is a one day/one sitting read! I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough, despite finding the storyline of High Society to be disturbing. Once again, Daniel Kalla doesn’t disappoint.
Thank You to NetGalley, Simon & Schuster Canada, and Daniel Kalla for the opportunity to devour this ARC

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Publication Date: May 28, 2024

Once again Daniel Kalla keeps me up till 3am reading!
So many twists and turns with some really messed up people.
Holly Danvers is a renowned psychiatrist who has had success treating people with varying addictions using psychedelics (think LSD). These additions are far reaching, gambling, alcohol, drugs, sex you name it it's here. Holly treats these patients one on one but she also does group therapy. The group has dubbed themselves "the tribe" and just like the show the group finds themselves in a survivor type situation when people start dying. Is it the treatment or something more sinister behind these deaths?
What the group doesn't know is that their psychiatrist also dabbles with the psychedelics herself.
High Society (great title considering the subject matter) is a twisty, page turning read.

As usual, a highly recommended read from one of my favourite authors!

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This book is insane!! I had seen a few other arc reviews and knew I had to read it, and I was not disappointed!

Thanks to @netgalley for my arc!

High Society is about a psychiatrist who uses psychedelics to treat a group of patients with various addictions. She begins using dual therapy; two psychedelics at once. There seem to be positive results, with one exception. Soon after, the deaths begin.

The psychiatrist, Holly, is determined that something more sinister is at play, while she is being accused herself of being unethical with her clients.

I was in such a reading slump this month, and I think this book just got me out of it!


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Book review
High Society by Daniel Kalla

Tropes and Triggers
Use of psychedelics in addictions therapy
Medical research
Unhealed traumas
Gambling, narcotics, alcoholism, sex addict
Childhood trauma shrouded in mystery
Death of a parent

✅ Has the reader questioning What is memory vs a “ drug induced trip” ?, can you trust your memories and your sense under the influence of drugs?
✅ For me- the storyline of this book Felt too similar to others (Nine Perfect Strangers)
✅ Storyline and pacing were both fluid, easy reading
✅ The Tribe provided a consistently unreliable perspective of the events unfolding making it difficult for the reader to predict where the story was leading
✅ unpredictable ending with have readers on the edge of their seats

Holly- Dr whose ambitions blur the lines of professionalism
Aaron- estranged husband , Dr, against use of drugs in therapy, desperate to get back together with his wife
The Tribe- each one a wealthy privileged addict (in some context) looking for a way to break the cycle of addiction

A solid read with the medical expertise and insight I can always expect from Daniel Kalla’s writing

Thanks to @netgalley and For my digital ARC in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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This book follows Holly a psychiatrist whom is treating patients with psychedelic drugs. All of her clients have their issues and are struggling with addictions. Holly wants to bring the use of psychedelics into the light and show its effectiveness.

But then things start to go south…

This book is a psychological thriller at its finest, I throughly enjoyed it and not really knowing who to trust. It felt like going down the best kinda rabbit hole.

I’m not sure Holly was an overly likeable character and her motivations were hard to get behind at times, but I enjoyed this book nonetheless.

Gifted copy provided by Simon & Schuster Canada.

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Holly Danvers is a psychiatrist specializing in the use of hallucinogenic drugs during addiction therapy. She is a the survivor of a childhood car crash that took the life of her father after which she was traumatized and an ayahuasca treatment helped her recover. Dr. Danvers is currently leading a group session where psychedelic infusions are the focus of therapy. The participants in this group have varying addictions and don't always get along. At first things are going well, but then one by one her patients begin falling victim to their addictions. Is the therapy to blame or is something more sinister happening?

I enjoyed this twisty ride through High Society, but Holly Danvers was not my favorite character of Kalla's. She was kind of hard to get behind. Actually I felt the same about all the characters - they were all pretty toxic. But maybe that was the point? While this is certainly a good book,and one that tackles a timely subject (like all of Kalla's books) I can't say it's my favorite.
3.5 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster Canada for an advanced copy of High Society in exchange for this honest review.

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Holly Danvers is a sought after psychiatrist determined to use psychedelics to treat patients from addictions, ignoring the risks she embarks upon an unproven new protocol. But when one of her celebrity client goes public accusing Holly of improprieties she reaches out to her estranged husband, Dr. Aaron Laing, for advice and comfort. Inevitably it is up to Holly to figure out why her clients are relapsing and dying.

By focussing on hot topics, Daniel Kalla once again demonstrates his ability to deliver a timely and scary look into addictions and the use of psychedelics therapy. Substance abuse comes in all forms: opioids, fentanyl, cocaine, ayahuasca, hallucinogens, alcohol, sex, nicotine, abuse of prescription medicines, gambling, etc. People under their spell are from all corners: rich, poor, celebrity, lawyer, doctors, artist, influencers, etc. In this story Holly has an elite group of wealthy patients that call themselves “The Tribe” all are seeking an end to their addictions. Holly treats them with the use of psychedelics through IV then wiping their memories with other drugs.

Three months into treatment, Dr. Danvers’ therapy group of seven clients start to crumble when the first of them is found dead and then another one and one goes missing.....No one trust each other....what is happening and who is killing them?.....

Being a fan of this author and have read all his previous books I know from the get-go that most of them will have a difficult subject. This latest story examines ethical issues and the benefits of group therapy. Being a Doctor, Mr. Kalla knows what he is talking about and expresses himself with words the mainstream public can understand. Although I like the subject matter I was not fully invested in this drama. It was somewhat slow and seemed to revert too much on the therapy sessions. The drama gives a boost to the plot, murders or suicides never fails to do so. I like that part so I kept flipping the page to see if I was right guessing the whodunit...I failed.

I am always looking forward to be immersed into one of Daniel Kalla’s thriller and I will continue in the future. Mr. Kalla is an excellent storyteller and his subject matter all taken from his experiences and from the daily news....

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☠️ T O X I C T H U R S D A Y ☠️ featuring “High Society” by Daniel Kalla!


Dr. Holly Danvers has become a pioneer in using psychedelics to treat her patients who are suffering from numerous addictions. When she was a teenager, she lost her father in a car accident and she spent some time in Peru where she received psychedelic treatments to help recover from her loss.

Now as an adult, she has become a sought out psychiatrist with an A-list group of celebrity patients. One group of patients have dubbed themselves “The Tribe” and is a toxic bunch whose wealth and addictions range from super elite to rock bottom. When one patient has a bad trip and accuses Dr. Danvers of misconduct, all hell begins to break loose. Holly is scared she will lose her license, especially as more than one patient ends up dead or missing!

This book was WILD, toxic, dark and downright trippy! I found it fascinating and I literally could not put it down! This is my first book by this author and now I need to read his backlist for more!

Thank you kindly to @danielkallawrites @simonschusterca @netgalley for my advanced copy in exchange for my honest review! This book releases on May 28, 2024!

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I'm sorry. I DNF this one. Wasn't a fan of the writing or the premise. Very cool that the author is a Canadian doctor though. Good for him.

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“Nothing in the world could justify me using a therapeutic agent to roofie my own clients. But I did it anyway.”

I know that a Daniel Kalla book will (1) introduce me to a world I know nothing about, (2) stimulate my intellectual curiosity, (3) confront me with complex moral and/or ethical issues, (4) give me space to question the limits of humans’ decision-making abilities and (5) foster empathy. I’m always confident that I have a masterpiece in my hands when I hold a Kalla book. This is my 8th book. I’ve never been disappointed.

Kalla’s book examines ethical issues within medicine and looks at the benefits of ‘tribe’ mentality on clients’ well-being.

I was educated in the advances of psychedelic therapy which has surged in popularity in recent years. Kalla was able to show me that although these drugs are on the cusp of entering mainstream psychiatry and have enormous value, clinicians need to be mindful of the risks, even in a controlled environment and under supervision.

Kalla’s main character, Dr Holly Danvers, is a diehard psychedelic practitioner and advocate who is committed to harnessing the therapeutic powers of psychedelics. Her therapy group of seven clients is a hodgepodge of high-functioning, long-term addicts who have been caught up in the trappings of success, yet remain dependent on what Dr. Holly Danvers can provide. Readers soon realize that (1) although this self-proclaimed ‘tribe’ of professionals, artists, and influencers are united in their suffering from major traumas and hold many secrets, they are not the average drug users; they’re all successful, despite their crippling addiction and (2) that putting them together creates a very combustible environment.

Three months into treatment consisting of a weekly potent intravenous dose of the psychedelic agent ketamine, followed by individual and then group therapy, the tribe of sex, gambling, opioid and alcohol addicts have made genuine progress.

Until the day one of them is found dead.

And the tribe starts crumbling.

And the trust they’ve shared becomes virtually non-existent.

And then, like the “cast of some cheap Agatha Christie knockoff” the tribe members start dying.

“What a sorry lot we are. We can’t live without her. But no guarantees we’ll live at all if we stick with her.”

For a rock star, a CEO, a ‘woke’ activist, a fashion designer, a lawyer, a socialite, and a colleague in psychiatry, the psychedelics may not be the panacea they’d hoped for; the struggle appears insurmountable and their damaged souls appear irreparable. They begin to question if they are still a tribe.

For a therapist engaged in innovative and unproven therapy, perhaps the results she hoped for and the ethics she was willing to sidestep, aren’t worth the risks. She begins to question if the end justifies the means. As she is forced to examine her marriage, she queries if she’s been blind to what’s been happening right under her eyes, what else could she have gotten wrong? How has she lost insight into herself?

Why are the members of the ‘tribe’ dying off? Is someone killing them? Is it tribe related?

What an education! I’ll be able to throw kitty flipping, MDMA, and dysphoric reactions (to name a few) into my dinner table conversations this weekend.

This superb novel about risking ethics and the desperate things we’ll do to get results and kick a habit needs to be on your reading list immediately!

I was gifted this copy by Simon & Schuster Canada and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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This is a Thriller with an Important message !

This toxic thriller takes us on a trip through the the world of psychedelic therapy to treat addictions with a lot of deaths along the way.

High Society is a page turner crime mystery that grazes the topic of the global epidemic around substance abuse and that addictions come in all forms. I loved how the author was able use a current topic that is not discussed enough and was able to turn it into a deadly thriller with so much realism.

With out giving too much away the main character Holly is psychiatrist who is using her expertise in the psychedelics to help treat her patients to block and end their addictions .

Holly has an elite group of wealthy patients that call themselves "The Tribe" who's wealth backgrounds vary from famous musicians , lavish careers , or born into money.

"The Tribe" is a toxic bunch I tell yah and they have all kinds of crazy addictions . When one of the group members makes an accusation against Dr. Holly Danvers , well things start to get twisty and someone's life is cut short followed by many more deaths!!

I have to say the author did an excellent job as I dashed through this story so quickly and just when I thought I had the suspect figured out Daniel threw in another red herring to keep me digging for more, as the author completely conned me on this one !

Although at times the story seemed a bit far fetched with the use of "Psychedelic's" through IV to treat addiction, it totally worked for the story , and after reading the story I did some research and sure enough there are some studies and trials being done showing it can help and reduce addictions .

This book really had me thinking a lot , only if this really could be a new age break through to help those that need it !

The only thing I did not like in the book , was I did have problems relating to the character at times she out right annoyed me , but it was so slight that it did not stop me from devouring this twisted page turner .

I really think fans of True Crime and Harlan Coben movies will be "Addicted" to this read and YES pun intended !
** Trigger warnings to Addictions , Trauma , Drug Abuse and sexual abuse **

Thank you Netgalley , Simon & Schuster Canada and Daniel Kalla for this Digital ARC!!

Respectfully Another Read by Angie

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I always eagerly await new medical thrillers by Daniel Kalla. I know I will be immersed in suspenseful writing and thoughtful medical dilemmas.

In High Society, Dr. Holly Danvers is following in her grandfather’s footsteps in the possible uses for psychedelics in psychiatry. She has gathered a group of clients who struggle with various addictions and are open to ketamine therapy. Dr. Danvers takes some liberties and suggests the group try mixing ketamine with MDMA to strengthen their sobriety. It appears to work but then one member of the group overdoses on her drug of choice leading the therapist to wonder if the therapy had any role in her death. With one patient gone the doctor can attribute the occurrence to coincidence but when a second patient dies…

High Society has some suspicious characters and like in a locked room mystery, everyone has some bad intentions. The pacing was solid and most of the characters were vivid. I never got a clear sense for a couple of them and was unsure if it was the author’s intent to have them float to the background. This one has a bit of action in the ending and a fulfilling twist.

Thank you to @netgalley and @simonschusterca for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinions. High Society publishes May 28, 2024. Check it out!

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The characters in this book were not the easiest to feel sympathy for., hence the 4/5 stars. Saying that, it deserves a 5/5 for making me dislike some of them so fiercely.

Dr. Holly Danvers is a product of her family business. Her grandfather started treating patients with psychedelic drugs and she feels obligated to continue the practice and even to expand the scope. Her private clients are well know celebrities and well off people except for Elaine. The fall-out from Elaine's 'bad trip' sets the basis for this novel about the drug dependent social circles Holly deals with. After multiple deaths of her patients Holly re-evaluates her life and her career.

This was not a book I would have finished if not for my promise to Simon & Schuster and Net Galley..

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