Cover Image: Spells to Forget Us

Spells to Forget Us

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Member Reviews

I liked this one even more than How to Succeed in Witchcraft! I like that it sort of drops us in the middle of the second loop, it was a unique way to start off the book. I also like how they did remember what happened whenever they started dating again, it added a bit of humor. The loops themselves were a little confusing and it’s not really explained why Aoife suddenly gets access to her magic, but I liked the way the plot went and them both finding purpose in their own lives and how to stand up for what they needed. Aoife’s social influencer parents were infuriating and I wish we got a deeper sense of that relationship changing in the epilogue

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"Spells to Forget Us" by Aislinn Brophy casts a spellbinding tale of love, memory, and defying fate. It weaves together the seemingly disparate worlds of a powerful witch, Luna, and a social media influencer, Aoife. Both yearning for freedom from their predetermined paths, they find solace – and a touch of magic – in each other.

The crux of the story lies in a unique spell: a memory wipe upon every break-up. This intriguing concept sets the stage for a captivating loop. Aoife and Luna keep falling for each other, only to have their past erased, leaving them with a nagging sense of familiarity and a yearning for something more.

The novel excels in its portrayal of the characters. Luna grapples with the weight of expectation and her fiery temper, while Aoife desires a life less dictated by online personas. Their individual journeys for self-discovery are just as compelling as their undeniable connection.

The narrative is fast-paced, keeping you invested as the cycle of love and amnesia unfolds. The inclusion of magical creatures and the Boston witchy setting adds a touch of whimsy and world-building. However, some readers might find the resolution a bit underwhelming compared to the exciting build-up.

Overall, "Spells to Forget Us" is a delightful read for fans of YA fantasy and LGBTQ+ romance. It's a story about defying destiny, the power of love, and the bittersweet ache of forgotten memories.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc!

GUYYSSS I want the sequel NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! This book format was different from many young adult books I read. This experience has been lovely and sad. I will give a better review closer to the book's release date. But anticipate this book!

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This was so cute! I really loved the characters and the relationship that developed between them, along with the world building and magic system that the author developed!

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Thank you author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book!!

This book had me on the edge of my seat. There’s several very good twists that I read it in one sitting. I was super hyped about it for like 80% and the last part was a little lackluster for me though. I did like how the magic worked and how magical creatures just casually exist cause I think it’s just funny.

I also felt so attached to their relationship! There’s a point where one of them says they just wanted to be in her skin and I thought that was the most homo thing to say. I loved it.

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"Spells to Forget Us" was very interesting in concept, but not fully executed well. The things that worked for me: the chemistry and development of the relationship between Luna and Aoife, the fact that the main characters were out and didn't have a whole coming out situation, and the magical world building was fascinating and for the most part, easy to follow. Things that did not work for me: the "woe is me" mixed-race character, the self-deprecation and super low self-esteem of another character, and the random subplot that was messy and didn't add much to the story. The book was extremely promising in the beginning, but the plot got lost in the end and some things needed to be tightened up. Overall, 3.75 stars.

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I was/and still am super excited for this book! I actually screamed when I saw i got approved. What first lead me to this book was it's absolutely gorgeous cover. Then the description had me hooked. I love good star crossed lovers novel and this was just perfect. I can't wait till it's out in the world

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I really enjoyed the young adult element and thought the fantasy element worked well in this story. The characters were everything that I was hoping for and enjoyed from the overall romance element to this. Aislinn Brophy does a great job in writing this and leaving me wanting more.

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Spells to Forget Us created a vivid environment of a veiled world between those magical creatures and those mundane. The backstory for how Luna Gold’s family came to their seat on the council was a great way to get the black power representation into the plot. A lot of the Gold family background is multi-layered, showing arranged marriages, having a place depending on your amount of magic, self worth, and generational wealth.

Aoife and Luna’s meet cute is well, adorable, every time. Their relationship is complicated yet bound by their desire to seek out happiness outside of their burdens within their respective families.

Where this fell short for me, was in the last quarter. I would have liked to see the relationship with Aoife and Luna round off to give this a real HEA.

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I was sooo excited to read this book! LGBT representation, main characters were people of color, and there was magic. What was there not to love!

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Spells to Forget Us by Aislinn Brophy is the sapphic magical love story that teenage me was always searching for. A witch and a mundane, who are complete opposites, fall head over heels for each other...multiple times. The story also takes a very real look at how social media influencers children could be affected by their actions, which is something I've always wondered and am glad that it was discussed in a young adult book. The two love interests are complete opposites, and I loved how sweet they were with each other. If I found out my girlfriend was one of the most powerful witches in the city, best believe I am asking questions and not running away in fear. Brophy did such a great job with her world building, there were times I wanted to hop in the book myself. However, because the world building was so great, I do wish we went deeper into the world and got more from the story.

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I loved Aislinn's first book, How to Succeed in Witchcraft, so of course I was already in when I saw that she had another witchy book! The concept of this is 10/10, and I love a good story about fate, but the twists took me OUT and really elevated the book for me. I was in love with Luna and Aoife and how Luna's family legacy came into play. I have never rooted for two people to be together more!

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I loved it! I was so wrapped up in this story until 3 a.m. It flowed good, had me ready to jump into the story at some moments, 1000% I'd have the same reaction like Aoife! Lol I loved the character development between the two and the plot twists had me so shocked. I'd totally reread this book! Thank you penguin teen for the arc.

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