Cover Image: Romancing on Jeju

Romancing on Jeju

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The style, in which this book was written, hasn't resonated with me. I liked the general idea of the main plot, with three friends and their reasons for coming to Jeju. However, there were too many subplots for the length of this book. Reading this book felt like jumping from one character to another, from one subplot to another. Therefore, I couldn't fully focus on it all and be captivated by it.
One thing I enjoyed, was how each friend had a different perspective on life and love. Their conversations about those topics were interesting to read.

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Before I start, thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this lovely DRC!

Going on a trip to Jeju with your two friends because you’re searching for a man you met a few years ago and still have some lingering feelings… I can’t say I wouldn’t do it or at least think about it, lmao

I went into this book with an open mind; I had never read from this author before (since I don’t speak Korean), and the premise intrigued me. To say I liked ‘Romancing on Jeju’ would be an understatement!

We follow three women in their thirties who embark on a trip to Jeju, in search of a guy nicknamed ‘Honeyman’, with little information about him, a seemingly impossible task when I first read it. As the story progresses, we slowly move from a romance type story to mystery elements entering the story. We meet new people and also cross paths with some familiar faces.

I had a great time reading this book: I couldn’t help but smile at the cute fluffy moments, had a giant question mark floating above my head as I tried to figure out 1, who Honeyman was, 2, why certain other characters were also on Jeju, and more things I can’t discuss without spoiling, so you’ll have to find out yourself ;). There were also moments where I just couldn’t stop reading and had to know what was unfolding

All three main characters were very likable; they were at the same time distinct and unique. Their friendship was also beautiful, and their conversations were insightful because each person brought a different opinion into the discussion that someone may not have considered before. I can’t even say I had a favorite because of how much I was rooting for everyone in general, but also in their own story.

That also brings me to the ending of this book; I felt it was very satisfactory! I find it hard to describe without spoiling, but it felt like a very natural conclusion, especially when it came to the smaller story lines of everyone’s personal story. If this were a Kdrama or TV show I would most definitely be invested.

I have to commend the translator for their work, as the book reads very nicely and naturally to me, if that makes sense. Since the original novel was in Korean, I was also curious to see how its translation would play out, and it was great! There were the occasional terms with not an exact translation, but I did not feel like it greatly affected my reading experience. Perhaps a small footnote giving a short description of the Korean word in question would have been nice, but I did not feel like I missed a great ton just because of a few words. However, since I have very little knowledge of the Korean language I may not be the best judge of this aspect of the book. It is just how I experienced it

There were times where certain events appeared to happen quite quickly after one another which left me a little confused / having to re-read. On the other hand, at the start I was not as invested because I felt like not much was happening (yet), but as time went on I really warmed up to all of the characters and became more interested (my annotations became increasingly expressive too, lolol). The book also indirectly made me rethink some things which is always refreshing. I could see how maybe those expecting a full on romance may not enjoy this as much, but i love mystery so I had a great time.

Overall, ‘Romancing on Jeju’ was a lovely reading experience, especially for those going in with an open mind, and even just writing out this review feels enjoyable. I would definitely be interested in reading any more work by this author! And again props to the translator

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I was a little disappointed in this book. Instead of the beautiful, laid-back rom-com I was expecting, this felt more like a KDrama with a lot of twists and turns (Cringe). Towards the end, it kind of went crazy.

The story is narrated from several points of view, including some flashbacks, so there was some suspense. The build-up to the inevitable conclusion, though, seemed forced. It was difficult to empathize with the characters because they were so generic.

Although I didn't enjoy this book as much as I had anticipated, you could enjoy it if you enjoy romance novels that are turned into thrillers.

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This was a great book. I connected with the characters. I felt engrossed with the plot. I would read another book by this author.

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Three friends embark on a journey to search for a man one of them came across years before and had a fleeting butterflies in the stomach moment with.

Don't let the cheery cover fool you. This book is less romance and more mystery. There is a stalker following one of the women. He's a dangerous man. Lurking beside her. His identity is unknown, but his presence throughout the novel is heavily felt.

The bond of friendship is strong in this novel. That's one of the good points in the story. How the friends continue to grow together.

Honestly, I was expecting a romcom. And instead got a kind of serious book. I think that may have affected my feelings towards this novel.

Rating: 3/5

* ARC courtesy of NetGalley *

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I didn’t expect some darker themes to arise, but I embraced it coming into play amidst the stories of friendship and romance. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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I had such high hopes for this book. Anything based in South Korean and I'm in!!

There are romantic elements which the cover kind of suggests, it is more of a mystery. I did want a Kdrama feel however I thought it was a little forced in places. Characters were relatable. It was a good read just not what I was expecting.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this eArc in exchange for an honest review.

In Romancing on Jeju, Romi, a romance-loving illustrator, impulsively goes on a mission to find a stranger she can't forget. She's joined by her two best buds, Hadam and Chakyung, who have their own reasons for tagging along. Hadam wants to film the adventure for her filmmaking dreams, while Chakyung hopes to sort out her life. The trip starts off chill but gets wild with mix-ups and a mystery stalker. As they deal with the chaos, they question what they're really after. Will they figure it out? Romancing on Jeju is all about friendship, love, and finding yourself on a crazy journey.

Romancing on Jeju isn't your typical lovey-dovey tale, it's got some serious darkness to it. Even though it's supposed to be all about romance, there's way more going on beneath the surface. But hey, I still had a blast reading it! There's this mystery vibe that keeps you hooked, and the characters are super relatable. It's not just about finding love; it's about friendship, figuring yourself out, and dealing with life's curveballs. Plus, it's set in Korea, which adds a cool vibe. Even if you're not big on romance, this book is worth checking out. It's easy to get into, and the writing is nice considering it was translated from Korean. Overall, it's a fun read that's way deeper than it first seems.

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Romancing on Jeju is a book you really can't judge by its cover. The cover title and illustration made me expect a lighthearted romance, and rather you get an ensemble cast of occasionally kooky characters on an adventure that, yes, involves romance but also business, leisure, and murder. There's a lot going on in this book that made it challenging for me personally to get into. The friend groups don't really seem like friends- there just wasn't the warmth I was expecting- and the mixed timelines never gave me enough time to get comfortable. I never found myself rooting (or even booing!) for anyone, and frequently this book got passed over for others when I reached for something to read.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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A goofy ensemble cast, akin to modern kdrama romcoms, a surprise murder mystery element, and reinventing and rediscovering yourself plot line, I think this book is for you!

While I enjoy all the elements I listed above, this book didn’t work for me. And that’s okay, because it was still a cute book!

I think the weakest part here is the translation choice. I think culturally some pivotal elements got lost, and it made the writing feel clunky. While I think this book intends to be character driven, instead we get the shells of characters who I KNOW would be relatable if it weren’t for the issues with translation.

A fun and funky time, would love to read from this author again!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc!

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"The typhoon that had inundated the island wasn’t merely raging outside. At that moment, the storm was brewing in several people’s hearts. And where that storm was headed was different for all of them."

Romancing on Jeju is Paige Aniyah Morris's translation of 서칭 포 허니맨 by 박현주 (Park Hyun-Joo).

The Korean title is a phonetic rendition of the English 'Searching for Honeyman', and would have been a better title - if less enticing probably more accurate, since while there is romance here, the novel is as much a mystery novel, set on the wonderful island of Jeju.

It opens with three friends, young women, chatting, Hadam, a documentary maker, Romi and Chakyung. Padam is telling the others that she had quit her job, and that co-workers had assumed it was related to a man she was friendly to and who'd then annouced her was getting married. Chakyung comments that people often mistake kindness for something more causing Romi to blurt out rather randomly:

"“That’s why I almost moved to Jeju Island to become a beekeeper,” said Romi.
One of Romi’s quirks was tossing out comments without any context whatsoever."

When she explains - it relates to a man she met on a business trip to the island, but who then subsequently ghosted her - the three come up with a sponteneous plan:

“Let’s go to Jeju. To find that man, the beekeeper. Romi, you want to know what happened to him after the last time you saw him, don’t you? And, Chakyung, your company’s been looking for an eco-friendly project to build a campaign around, right? This could be a documentary, a marketing campaign, and a search for a long-lost love, all in one.”

They arrive on Jeju in search of 'honeyman', as they denote him, and get to know various colourful characters from the local beekeeping community, each also finding some potential romantic interest, as well as soaking up the beauty of the island:

"“The view is gorgeous,” Romi said. “I’ve been to Jeju so many times, but I had no idea there were views this stunning.” Hadam agreed. “Seriously. When people think of an island, they might picture only the ocean, but the mountains here are so beautiful.” They drove underneath a sign that announced they were entering Seogwipo."

But events take a more dramatic, and rather tangled, turn as they learn of a fatal car accident, which may not have been an accident; one of the three is pursued by an obsessed, and potentially dangerous stalker; the island is struck by a typhoon; and they stumble across an international bee-smuggling conspiracy.

"Romance lies to us. The countless love stories of our generation deceive us. They cover our eyes and turn us away from the obvious truth, passing off relationships that would require endless compromise to maintain in real life as love. Romance has the same bitter taste as betrayal—a false belief from the start. This was the painful truth the three of them had discovered on this trip to find love.

로맨스가 우리에게 거짓말을 한다. 우리 시대의 수많은 로맨스 스토리가 우리를 속인다. 눈을 가려 뻔한 사실을 외면하게 하고, 현실에서는 수많은 타협을 거쳐야 유지되는 관계를 사랑으로 치장한다. 로맨스는 배신의 쓰라림을 안기지만, 애초에 거짓된 믿음이었다. 로맨스를 찾아온 여행에서 세 사람이 발견한 괴로운 진실이었다.

“What is this, a self-reflection session: Jeju Island edition?” Chakyung said with a slightly bitter smile."

Rather wonderfully as the novel reaches its dramatic climax, a group of off-duty haenyeo leap into action to save the day:

"The crowd headed toward the sea was not the same group of suntanned grannies she had first encountered earlier that day. These women were professionals whose bodies had been trained and cultivated in the ocean over the course of decades; they had memorized the depths and shallows of these waters, their dangers and reprieves."

And the atmospheric re-creation of Jeju is for me the novel's strongest point. Not a novel I'd typically read were it not translated from Korean but very enjoyable.

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As a bookworm, "Romancing on Jeju" by Hyun-Joo Park took me on a journey filled with friendship, romance, and a touch of intrigue. The vivid descriptions of Jeju Island transported me to its breathtaking landscapes, making me feel like I was right there alongside Romi and her friends.

While the premise of the story was promising, I found myself longing for more depth in the characters and their relationships. Romi, Hadam, and Chakyung each had intriguing backstories, but I wished for further exploration to truly connect with them on a deeper level.

The romantic elements were sweet and charming, adding a touch of whimsy to the narrative. However, I felt that the romance sometimes overshadowed the other aspects of the story, leaving me wanting more development in the mystery and danger hinted at in the synopsis.

Overall, "Romancing on Jeju" offered a pleasant escape into the world of friendship and self-discovery, but fell slightly short of my expectations in terms of character depth and plot complexity. Nonetheless, fans of romance and atmospheric settings may still find enjoyment in this novel.

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Overall, I was a bit letdown by this book. I was hoping for a nice, relaxing rom-com, but this felt more like a KDrama with a bunch of plot twists. It went a bit off the rails at the end.

The book is told in multiple POVs, with some flashbacks, so there was a bit of intrigue. However, the build up to the inevitable end felt forced. The characters were generic, making it hard to really connect with them.

Ultimately, I didn't like this book as much as I thought I would, but if you're into a romance turned thriller, this may be for you.

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Though Romancing on Jeju provides an initially interesting premise, it failed to actually engage me enough. I couldn’t get into the writing style at all, it felt super monotone and lackluster. In turn, I couldn’t connect to the characters either, and couldn’t find myself caring enough about them or the story to actually finish this book.

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Unfortunately I had to DNF this book. I just couldn't get into the story and I couldn't connect with the characters

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Unfortunately, this wasn't for me and it was a DNF. I try to diversify my reading and support and read Asian authors so I wish I liked this book more. It didn't feel like the title accurately reflected what the story would ultimately be about (the little portion I got through).

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Crossing for early access to the novel!

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Romancing on Jeju follows three friends, Romi, Hadam, and Chakyung, on their quest for love and adventure on Jeju Island. Their project: Finding the stranger Romi met three years ago and is romantically interested in while shooting Hadam's first documentary. 🐝

While the description of the book hinted at some sort of mystery twist, I didn't expect that twist to be so dark and was pleasantly surprised. It gave the characters more depth in that they weren't just looking for a romantic relationship, but that they had to learn and discover more about who they are individually and collectively.

The only thing that didn't quite do it for me was, ironically, the romance. I went into this book, thinking I'd get a cute story about finding love on Jeju, and in the end I was more interested in finding out how the mystery develops. The pacing in the beginning was a little slower compared to the latter parts of the book, which is why I had trouble following at first (my squirrel brain!), but by the middle I was hooked, though sadly not on the chemistry of the pairings but more so on what was going on around them.

Overall this is a great story to read if you want mystery and friendship with a splash of romance!

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc!

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Did I read the blurb in diagonal and not realize that this was going to turn into a murder mystery half way through the book? Yes, I did.
I liked it though, because I really didn’t see it coming. I was all ready for friends and romance and vacation, but it turned into a k-drama.

I enjoyed the book, I enjoyed the twist and turns, and I liked Chakyung and Soo-eon’s romance the most, they were just the cutest to me. I got happy anytime it was their parts.

I think my issue with the story is that I was looking for close friends and this trio did not feel like a close knit unit. There was a certain distance between them, and when Hadam goes on a sanctimonious sermon to Chakyung because of her fiance, it ticked me off. The three women felt more like close acquaintances than close friends. And I think I would have loved to see their friendship develop more.

But all in all it was a pleasant read, and I definitely got surprised at many turns!

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Unfortunately I did not like this one. I couldn't connect with the characters and found myself skimming waiting for something in the plot to catch my attention. I DNF'd but I also don't want to make it a one star rating. It just wasn't meant for me.

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I loved the vives of the book and the friendship between the characters and it was way more deep that what I expected. However I felt like the romance part was a bit lacking for me and I didn't connect that much with it. Still it was a fun read and I really enjoyed it!

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