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1001 Ways to Be Kind

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Member Reviews

1001 Ways to Be Kind is a quick read, but an inspiring one nonetheless. I liked that these acts of kindness were separated into different sections: some didn't apply to me, so it allowed me to move on to the next chapter easily. I think it's a good gift to give to someone you love, or simply a book to keep next to you on your nightstand to benefit from its positive vibes.

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Thank you Netgalley and Familius Publishing Company for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

All I can say is that this book is something I'd have to purchase myself as this could be a wonderful reminder to myself and all the people I live or work with, that there are thousands of ways we can show kindness.

This book is literally targeted at everyone.
Kindness towards yourself? Check!
Kindness towards your community? Check!
Kindness towards the environment? Check!
Kindness in your workplace? Check!

Whatever situation you can think of that you'd like to practice kindness in? This book has it!
This is such a bundle of joy to read. I look forward to reading more books like this.

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A great resource with tons of examples on how to be kinder everyday. Buying this for my home library!

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. A book with 1001 ways to be kind. I've seen books exactly like this one and didn't read anything new here.

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1001 ways to be kind was simply lovely. It’s divided into categories and provides many ideas on how to be kind. It was a quick read, but I will definitely come back to some pages. It inspired me to think more about my actions and try to be more thoughtful.
You’re only as pretty as you treat people.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Familius for this advanced reader's copy. This was an adorable and fast read. So many simple and easy ways to show and spread kindness throughout your day. Gives numerous suggestions for multiple categories, depending on what you may be looking for: just daily kindness, holidays, parents, kids, etc. Some of these I do on a daily or weekly basis without even thinking about it so it's wonderful to know I am spreading kindness.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for giving me this eARC to review.

This was quite a nice read! I requested this book as I thought that it would be good to try and incorporate more kindness into my life and at first I found it a bit daunting as 1001 ways is a lot but the layout of the book is nice due to the bullet points, gentle pops of colour and how it was split into sections. There were a lot of ways to be kind that I already do but it was nice to see what else I could do and the section for the being kind to yourself was great as I feel like a lot of us forget to be kind to ourselves.

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Simple yet poignant, and full of ideas of different ways to spread and share kindness. Definitely something we can use more of in the world. Very much appreciated the opportunity to read and review this ARC. Thanks to NetGalley, Dallas Woodburn, and the publisher! I’ll reference these ideas in the future to engage in more kind acts.

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I loved this, it was a quick read with so many helpful ways to just be kind. You can read every section, or pick a specific section based on who you want to be kind to. I definitely made note on a couple new ways to be kind to others and myself. As my favorite human says “Treat People With Kindness”

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I loved the idea and concept behind this book, but I didn’t like how few images there were compared to the text on the page.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Was a nice little book with different ways you can be kind to yourself, your family, friends, community and strangers etc. Was really cute I think, would be a nice book to have almost a little bit everywhere, certainly in ones home but also e.g. in cafes etc. Its a nice little book to just skim through from time to time to find ways to bring a bit more light to the world.

A small minus from the fact that the formatting came out a bit odd on kindle. Best would probably be as a printed book but alas.

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Everyday I thrive to do something to be kind or makes someone's day better so these ideas will be fantastic for me.

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1,001 Ways to be Kind is an absolute gem, feel-good book. I’m a sucker for these types of books, yet often feel like many are hollow and unattainable without deep pockets and plenty of time on your hands. Every single 1,001 ideas listed here are doable. Many even brightened my mood just thinking about doing them!

I appreciated that the ideas were broken up into numerous subsections of kindness (eg Everyday, Holiday, Self, Neighborhood, New Parents, Grief, Animals, etc).

On a personal note, doing small kindnesses enhances your life in sometimes greater ways than the beneficiary. Two examples from my life:
1. I held the door for an older (than me) couple at the UPS Store last week, and the beaming smiles and thanks they gave me still make me happy as I recall them.
2. My dog and I met a lovely woman in the pet store just after he graduated from his training class. We were shopping for food after class. When I went to pay, the cashier handed us a stuffed lamb toy, and told us that the woman had bought it for my dog as a graduation gift. My dog loves that lamb, yet I think I like it even more simply because of the kind sentiment attached. We’ll almost certainly never see her again, and she could have just gone on with her day. Instead, she chose to leave us with a lasting kindness. Small acts matter, and they are the ones that linger. I love this book.

I appreciate the ARC that NetGalley and Familius provided me upon request. I will be buying a hard copy upon release to keep around, and maybe even a second for my car to keep my mind focused on creating ways to leave the world a little better.

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So sweet? This truly does target so many different aspects of life, celebrational seasons, day to day life and well as different groups of people (including yourself) and numerous ways to display kindness:') such a short,easy yet important read

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Great job on this book. I really liked it. I would highly recommend. Great tips! Kindness Is free. Grateful to have come across this title.

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This was a very cute book! I used it as a plate cleaner when I was feeling down, and now plan to try to get a physical copy to keep on hand to lead through for similar reasons. This would be a great stocking stuffer or a gift for a child! I would probably also gift this to a coworker or bring it to you a Yankee swap, as I can't imagine anyone not wanting it read this at least once.

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I got a digital galley copy of this book. I liked the simplicity of the book. Just a list of 1001 ways to be kind. No explanations needed. The sheer amount of ways that we can be kind (to ourselves and to others) is staggering. This only goes on to show that it is simple to be kind. It is just a matter of us deciding to be so.

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This was quite the lovely read! I enjoyed the list of kind acts - I would love to get a copy to keep in my office for my team to get inspiration from! Everyone should read this at least once when they want to do something for someone else.

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I've always loved the idea of doing random acts of kindness, but this is a book about being deliberately kind in every area of your life. There are several sections, including kids, holidays, a grieving friend, etc. Each section has helpful suggestions on things you can do to be kind.
The great thing about acts of kindness is that they can be small or big, and that they're just about letting other people know they're seen and important. Anyone using this book will be able to come up with other great ways to spread kindness. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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A cute, quick, uplifting read! It would be a good gift item. Very vanilla but uplifting and enjoyable

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