Cover Image: How to Help a Hungry Werewolf

How to Help a Hungry Werewolf

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I thought this was cute, and requested based on the cover and description. At times I felt it was a little too YA for me. Cute concept, easy fun read.

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I wanted to like this book based on the description alone but unfortunately I just couldn't get past what I consider some huge issues. The biggest issues I had concerned the bullying and fat shaming the MMC laid onto the FMC. I'm all about a redemption arc but how the MMC acted in the beginning was just too much.

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Who doesn’t enjoy a good warewolf romance? I enjoyed the plus size inclusivity but some points felt a bit like fat shaming. But overall I enjoyed the story including a MC of a larger size. Plus size individuals are rarely represented and so it was amazing to read.

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I have tried on several occasions to get into this book and for some reason I just can't seem to keep myself reading it. I will say that the cover is wonderful and I am sure this will appeal to many readers but I'm not one of them, sadly. I typically love these types of stories and I had hoped this one would be love as well but I have to DNF for now.

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I adored this book. Note that the author addresses fat shaming and other trigger warnings at the beginning of the book in a note to readers. I am fat, and was fat growing up so I empathize with Cass (the FMC) and it all works into the full story. However, please be aware and be mindful of your comfort level.

Seth (the MMC) is the classic golden retriever and has such a genuine and gentle soul. Cass is definitely a black cat trying to just get by. These childhood best friends turned to enemies turned to lovers are on a fantastical journey (that does include a great deal of spice in the middle) and trying to reconnect. Thankfully we get to join them on this zany, funny, and ultimately heartwarming ride. Hold on because this story is truly worth making it to the end.

Overall rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (5/5)
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ (4/5)

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Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the arc of this book. all opinions are my own.

I will post my full review once SMP address the insensitive comments of their employee.

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While this book wasn’t personally my style I can still appreciate some of the good things. I think the book was a touch long for my taste and while I knew about the fat shaming going into the book, I still wasn’t a fan. I don’t mind a bully romance but I do think that fat shaming is off limits for me personally. That said, if you’re accustomed to this author or that type of bully then you may not take issue. If you take books too seriously then this isn’t for you. If you don’t mind a silly and fun book with werewolf smut and an overly forgiving plus size FMC that’s comfortable with herself despite her bully, then you may enjoy this.

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First off I want to say that I LOVE a plus size MC! Thank you Charlotte Stein for presenting that as a main theme in this book.

I love the series title "Sanctuary for Supernatural Creatures." That alone sucks me in. There was quite a bit of bullying in the story but yet the female mc rose above that and learned how to speak up not only for herself but against the bullies. I also enjoyed reading how a ruined high school relationship rolled around again and was able to be healed.

The part that didn't pull me in was the constant sex references, the graphic bedroom (or any room) scenes, and excessive foul language. However, I'm going to say that I've never read this author before and in looking at reviews I think if I would've read a previous book then I may have known that this is her style of writing. For that reason, I don't want to be too negative because obviously there's a fan group for this type of writing. I'm just not part of that group.

Thank you to NetGalley, Charlotte Stein and St. Martin's Griffin for allowing me this e-arc version in exchange for my opinion.

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Cassie and Seth were a blast to read about, Seth's awkwardness was so charming and cute and Cassies badassery as a witch was addictive to read. I absolutely loved "When Grumpy Met Sunshine" and this tops it to the next level. I'm officially a Charlotte Stein stan after this best friends to enemies to lovers whirlwind of a book I fell in love with this world so easily and I already need more of this world and more of these characters PLEASE

This is a silly fun little romance and I absolutely loved it + loved how Seth tried to makeup for his shitty teenage behavior

Thank you so much SMP for the e-arc all opinions are my own

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Did not finish, did not like the fatphobia in this novel. I can't enjoy a book that has a MMC who has been fatphobic to the FMC.

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Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for this ARC ebook.

The cover and the sounded right to my alley; however I had to DNF this one at 40%. I tried to power through it but ultimately I kept falling asleep and forgetting where I left off.

I think this book had potential, but it was very repetitive. Especially in the use of “my mortal enemy”… didn’t love the fat shaming at the very start of the book.

This was not my cup of tea, unfortunately.

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Absolutely hilarious and a little bit cringey. It’s got that “on the edge of your seat, is it finally going to happen??” feel. You should know going into this book that it’s a paranormal romance set in the real world that ends with a HEA. Look at the triggers at the beginning, too, though. Fat shaming happens, and I think there is a growth through the book, but there’s a TW for a reason.

- Witch and Werewolf
- Slow burn and tension!
- 3/5 🌶️

Cassie and Seth were totally worth it for me! I loved their story.

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Fat phobia and fat shaming is not a plot line! This trend of FMC's ending up with their high schooly bullys is incredibly frustrating. With that being said the werewolf spice was very fun and I enjoyed the paranormal aspects of this book but I am not sure he deserved her even if he did apologize.

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I tried to read this for more than a month but ultimately threw in the towel at 55%. My biggest issue? Stein’s prose is breathless in a way that doesn’t work for me. Sentences are fragments and/or begin with conjunctions. Taking a page at random, 14 of 22 sentences begin with the words but, and, because, yes, like, how, or even. The book is also very, very pop culture referential, which is not my favorite thing - many TV shows or pop culture about the paranormal are referenced, often elliptically, and it felt dizzying, particularly since I’m not familiar with all of the media mentioned.

Lastly, and this is a personal thing, I’m not a big fan of bully romance, although I leave space for an excellent grovel. In this one? The hero seems vaguely apologetic and understanding of the fact that the heroine hates him… which is enough for her to forgive him by the time we’re a third of the way into the book. The bullying - and particularly the hero’s betrayal of their childhood friendship - is presented as incredibly traumatic for the heroine, determining the pattern of her life going forward and causing massive changes to her ability to trust, so the fact that she’s over it as soon as he seems vaguely sorry about it (sans anything even resembling grovel) just makes her seem like a doormat. To me it felt sad, not romantic.

I couldn’t connect with the characters and the narrative voice really wasn’t working for me, so ultimately this just wasn’t my thing. I think readers who enjoy bully romance and like pop-culture-y, sparky romcoms will probably love this - unfortunately I’m not that reader.

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Good story. Good background given. Definitely slow burn. I would have liked Seth's perspective, but I like those kind of books. Fun read.

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Overall this book was adorable. I did have some issues with it but still enjoyed reading it. I think it had some pacing issues, both main characters read much younger than they were, and the word “withering” was used WAY too many times. However, I still thought it was cute. I would’ve loved to get to see the town and meet some other supernaturals. Hopefully future books get into that more. I really liked the build up of the relationship between Seth and Cassie. Pod the cutest and I wanted more of him. I would recommend this book and I look forward to reading more from Charlotte Stein.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in return for my honest review.

I had a hard time connecting.. the banter was hilarious.. I wish Cassie hadn't got so traumatized as a kid... it truly effected the way she perceived herself as an adult.

Enemies to lovers
Bully redemption
Rekindled friendships
Wishes, wolves and everything in between.

I give this book 3 stars since I didn't feel pulled in and connected to these characters. But the plot, story and magic were so good

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This was an enjoyable, cozy spooky read! The world building had interesting elements though somewhat confusing. The spice was off the charts. I would enjoy revisiting this world. I would rate this book 3.5 stars overall!

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I was so excited to begin this book. The description sounded like it would be right up my alley with a Gilmore Girls vibe, plus size representation, and paranormal romance. However, I could only make it half way through the book before I decided it wasn't for me. I couldn't connect with the FMC. I just wanted someone who was proud of her body and felt confident in her own skin regardless what people said to her in the past. The story just felt like it was going at a slow pace and the author was dragging things out. I read 48% of the book before DNF. However, I think other people would enjoy it, but it just wasn't for me at this time. Cool concept for a book but it fell short for me.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for letting me have an arc of this book for my honest review.

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Cozy werewolf/magic romcom - keeps things light, a bit of spice, a fun racoon "familiar", facing bullies from the past, and discovering what is truly important round out the journey. Fun for the weekend or vacation.

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