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How to Help a Hungry Werewolf

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I really wanted to like this book but fat shaming is never ok especially at this time in this world like why was that even necessary. Ive read a few paranormal romance books and plenty of them are able to make a good love story without putting people down. Idk I hope that this gets a bit of editing before it gets published but who knows.

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The banter!!! Charlotte Stein's dialogue makes me wheeze with laughter!

Cassie and Seth go from childhood best friends to enemies to lovers in such a satisfying way. Seth wasn't what I was expecting at all when I read the synopsis because he actually has giant golden retriever energy. I loved Cassie's magic and her raccoon familiar. The spice was giving too!

As for the bullying aspect, I thought Stein handled it in a sensitive way and made Seth's actions pretty understandable for a dumb kid. Get through the rough first flashback, and that part of the plot gets a lot better.

Add me to the Charlotte Stein fanclub!

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The flashbacks and incredibly mean mmc characters need to stop. The writing was good but if someone called me what the mmc called her in the first chapter I would not give them a second chance. DNF instant turn off 😭 sad because I was really intrigued by the premise of the book

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Took me a little bit to get into but it was good! I struggled with the characters a little because they didn’t feel like they had a lot of depth in the beginning but as the story went on I felt like I fell into their story more and more. It was an enjoyable read!

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This book adds quirkiness to the normally darker in tone paranormal romance genre. I enjoyed that a lot.

I'm sure fans who want a quick shifter read would enjoy this!

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Normally, I really enjoy paranormal romances, so I totally expected to love this one. But sadly, that wasn't the case. It was one of those books where I knew it was bad the entire time, but I physically couldn't put it down. I didn't hate reading it, but I definitely see its many flaws.

I think the most glaring flaw was the absolute lack of chemistry between Cassandra and Seth. It felt like they spent the entire book trying to fuck, instead of actually forming any sort of real relationship. We're told they used to be the bestest of friends, but nothing about this made me believe it. They felt like fuckbuddies, and that was it.

And I think the worst part about that was that the smut wasn't even good. There was so much cringy dirty talk. It wasn't hot. It was just mildly uncomfortable to read. It got to the point where I had read 400 pages of this with no idea what I had read. There wasn't a plot, there weren't side characters, there wasn't that much sex. There was just a ton of nothingness.

So no, I don't think I'd recommend this one. It felt like a train wreck I couldn't look away from, which isn't something I'd wish on anyone.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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How to help a hungry werewolf by charlotte stein arc review. I was able to read this book through NetGalley thank you. I had a blast reading this paranormal romance, it’s cute and funny story. It has many different elements to the story. The main tropes are friends to enemies to friends again to lovers basically it complicated ha ha as all the best stories are. We got a groveling hero and magic too. So our main character is Casandra who went back home after a long time again to come clean her grandma house after she passed away. She has been back home since her ex best friend Seth broke her heart by becoming friends with her bully’s in high school. So what happened naturally next he shows up at her grandma look for something he need to help with his problem. Which at first she what to turn him away because how dare he. Until she realize the real reason he hanging around is that he a werewolf 🐺 and her grandmother is a witch she her potion to help with his control of his wolf. So then strike a deal he get the potion if he help make sense of learning to a witch and her grandmother spells. Sound like a plan until they more time they spend together the more old feeling start to come to the surface and they realize there might be that there time together that just a deal. Can they handle these growing emotions or will just end in heartbreak again we shall see. This was a fun exciting and cute paranormal romance it was fast paced and I enjoyed reading this book. I love the humor in this book as well as the twist and turn. Definitely recommend you check it. this books come out October 1,2024.

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The story is about Cassie and Seth, best friends in their childhood. Unfortunately, they had a falling out during that time. Several years later, Cassie returns to her hometown after her grandmother passes away. During her visit, she reunites with Seth, but things are not the same as they used to be. Seth has undergone some magical transformation that has changed him both physically and emotionally. Cassie discovers that she too has magical powers, and together, they decide to help each other. As they spend more time together, they develop feelings for one another, and they start revealing their deepest truths to each other. The book felt like Red Riding Hood meets Carrie. The book was enthralling and kept me hooked. It took me a day to finish the book. I loved the banter between Seth and Cassie. Despite being adults and Cassie seeing Seth as her mortal enemy, they still had funny banters and reminisced on their childhood. I was also inspired by Cassie's character development; she was able to overcome her fears and come to terms with her past. And lastly, I will never forget the spice which was tastefully done. However, it was toward the end, which was perfect because I enjoyed every moment of the book and did not let go of my iPad the whole day. I can't wait for the next Charlotte Stein book.

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I have some pretty mixed feelings about this book. It started off really slow and it was an EXTREMELY slow burn romance (which I’m really not a fan of), but once conflict was introduced, the pace picked up a bit, but I still couldn’t really get into as much as I was hoping I would. At times it just felt like a chapter was filler and didn’t really need to be there to make the story move forward. I will say that the spicy scenes were hot and well written and for all intents and purposes, the world building was done well, I just feel like there was too much describing done that it just felt like a heavy dump of information. I found the title to be cute and the premise of the book sounded interesting enough, but I feel like the execution fell a bit short. This book would be good for you if you like detailed world building, an interesting magic system, werewolves, raccoon familiars, sentient microwaves, and slow burn paranormal romances.

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Nobody writes a grovel like Charlotte Stein!
Cassie and Seth grew up as the best of friends before they grew apart and he became her high school bully along with his new friend group. Ultimately, Seth humiliates Cassie in a stunt that traumatizes her into finishing her diploma through homeschooling. Nearly ten years later, Cassie returns to town upon inheriting her grandmother's house after her death. She and Seth cross paths again and supernatural shenanigans ensue.
This was a fun, slow burn romance during which Seth and Cassie find their way back to one another. Stein is able to redeem the hero in a way only she can. For millennials, if Halloweentown had a romance story, this would be it. Perfect for fall or Halloween reading.

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Bedknobs and Broomsticks + Sizzling werewolfy-ness + Best friends turned enemies=Yum

Hoo boy, I loved this book! The prologue starts off with a bang! Cassie and Seth were best friends until the school bullies tricked Seth into playing a prank on Cassie in front of their entire high school. Cassie is devastated and eventually moves away. Years later, we’re talking a decade and then some, Cassie returns to her hometown after her grandmother’s death. Her grandmother left her house to Cassie and Cassie is cleaning it out while she decides if she wants to sell it or not. The very first page of Chapter One shows Seth seeing Cassie again for the first time and she is not happy about it. I adore when books don’t make you wait for the hero and heroine to have their first meeting (or in this case, re-meeting) and Charlotte Stein does not disappoint. Seth is having a bit of a problem and needs something from Cassie’s grandmother’s house to help him, but he is very tight-lipped about it and Cassie doesn’t trust him farther than she can throw him. He decides to search the house in the middle of the night, scaring the bejeezus out of Cassie who is now even more suspicious. All hell breaks loose when Seth’s body begins to fold over in pain and he growl-insists that Cassie lock him in the basement, away from her. Well my friends, it turns out that Seth is a werewolf, Cassie’s grandmother was a witch, and Cassie may very well be a witch even more powerful than her grandmother! Seth makes a deal with Cassie to teach her about witchy supernatural things if she agrees to make him a potion to help control his werewolfy-ness. As a reader, we could see that Seth just desperately wants his friend back, deal or no deal, but it was fun to watch Cassie come to the same conclusion.

I loved this story for the plot but I also loved how much the hero and heroine were together. Seth and Cassie are together in just about every chapter and it’s gratifying to see their friendship re-blossom. The “misunderstanding” in the prologue that broke their friendship completely made sense to me. This wasn’t one of those, “why are they making such a big deal out of this tiny misunderstanding? It’s not that big of a deal,” problems. You legitimately get why Cassie was so upset, but as a reader, you also know that Seth wouldn’t have done what she thinks he did to break their friendship, so it keeps you curious. The characters were so well written and absolutely believable. Cassie is a plus size girlie and that comes into play with the “misunderstanding,” but she is fairly confident, and the author doesn’t bash us over the head with Cassie’s insecurities about her body too much (I completely hate when authors write the heroine as someone who shames their body over and over). I really appreciated reading a realistic heroine who had some insecurities but kept going on with her life. It’s very refreshing.

Seth is a loveable cinnamon roll of a werewolf that I will sum up with six words: Twenty seven year old werewolf virgin. Enough said. Actually, I’ll say a little more. There was so much longing and pining and then heat heat heat.

Will I be buying a physical copy of this book for my small bookshelf to read and reread? Heck yes I will!
Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to have early access to this in exchange for an honest review!!
okay so, I love supernatural fics as much as the next person but it’s hard to get past certain aspects of this book imo. Another simple Saturday read, not amazing but not terrible. Theres cute scenes but the male MC bullies the female MC so bad??? I don't think that was necessary., and I guess he makes up for it but again it felt unnecessary/very fatfobic.

I’’m giving this 2 stars

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How to Help a Hungry Werewolf: A Novel by Charlotte Stein
US pub date - 10/1/24

The MFC is bullied in high school, her bullies included our MMC. His current behavior shows remorse and regret and that is one of the main reasons I was able to continue reading this story (*I personally felt that the FMC should have required more than what she got to fully forgive, but that’s me). To be honest, if I’d been aware of the bullying aspect I wouldn’t have wanted to read it in the first place - this definitely affected my enjoyment.

Though you’ll definitely need to employ your suspension of disbelief for this, the story overall is a fun read.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Griffin and NetGalley for the DRC

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I still like Charlotte Stein's writing a lot but I find her to be kind of hit or miss as an author, and this one was unfortunately a miss. Like her last St. Martin's title, HOW TO HELP A HUNGRY WEREWOLF needed to be more rigorously edited for a better balance of dialogue and pacing--something that's always been an issue and a big part of why her stuff has tended to be hit or miss for me--but I also went in expecting a funny sex romp with werewolves, and this was too cutesy/twee in a way that I simply dislike too much to overcome any general issues with the style or structure. This isn't entirely on Stein or this book, because I actually hate most of the cozy fantasy and romance the market is saturated with right now for so many reasons, but she's always been a little different so I took a chance. For what it's worth I do think a lot of readers who enjoy cozy shifter paranormal romance and like banter and a high heat level will enjoy this, and the cover is appealing enough to get them to pick it up, so I hope this book will do well enough that she gets another trad pub deal; maybe the next one will hit better for me.

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This was the coziest romance I've read in so long. I loved everything about it; the adorable town, the awkward interactions between the MC's and the banter.. oh the banter. It was adorably awkward and so relatable, despite the fact that you know, it's about werewolves and witches and everything else do fantastical, you wish it were all real. The spicy scenes are SO spicy and the build up is maddening and so we'll written. I loved this and I cannot stop talking about it. October can hurry up please!

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I enjoyed this far more than I anticipated! While there were some cringy moments, and the back and forth of the characters hiding their feelings was almost to the point of tedious, I really could not put this book down.

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This review is my opinion and my opinion only. It’s really 3.5 stars. This is my first book by Charlotte Stein, and it won’t be my last.
This story is about Cassie who was bullied in high school. She got her heart broke in high school from her supposed best friend Seth. Seth and the three bullies pulled a mean trick on Cassie during the talent show.
Cassie moved away only to return 10 years after her grandmother passed away and left her the house. All of the sudden, Seth keeps coming over. Cassie even found him breaking in. Why? You need to read the book to find out.
I enjoyed the story. This was a fast read for me. I will read another book by Charlotte Stein.

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♡𝐞𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰♡
3 🌟
𝑰𝒇 𝒋𝒖𝒅𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒚 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏. 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝑴𝑬! I love this cover. This story would be great to read around fall | October because it gives you the cozy october vibes. I was a little confused on the town if paranormal | supernatural was a known thing in the town, but at 30% of the book, that question was answered. I wish it was known at the very beginning because i was looking at the FML sideways, lol. DNF @56%, I really tried to finish this book, but it's just wasn't keeping my attention. I think the premise around the storyline is good, and I feel the author wants to shine a light on a heavy topic, but I just don't know. I rated 3 stars for what I already read and the cover art. I will definitely attempt to read this later on and hope to be able to finish it. Maybe I'm just not in the mood for this type of book at the moment.
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 :
•paranormal | supernatural
•plus-sized female lead
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 :
•fat-shaming (fatphobia)
♡𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 Oct.1♡
Thank you, Netgalley, and St. Martin Press for the (eArc). -eBook for my honest review.

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3.5 stars

This book is a blend of monsters, former friends turning to foes, and a heartwarming journey back to friendship and love.

As Cassandra Camberwell returns to her hometown to settle her grandmother's affairs, she's thrust into a world she never knew existed. Seth Brubaker, a figure from her past, reemerges with a startling revelation—he's a werewolf, and he believes Cassie holds the key to easing his suffering.

Stein's storytelling weaves a captivating tapestry of intrigue and emotion, drawing readers into a world where nothing is as it seems. The slow-burn romance between Cassie and Seth simmers with tension, while the mysteries lurking beneath the surface keep the pages turning.

Navigating the complexities of friendship, forgiveness, and self-discovery, Cassie and Seth's journey is both exhilarating and heart-wrenching. Yet, amidst the chaos, they find moments of connection and understanding that transcend the supernatural.

While the journey is not without its bumps—such as pacing issues and the exploration of sensitive themes—the overall experience is one of intrigue and enchantment. Readers will find themselves drawn into Hollow Brook's mystical embrace, rooting for Cassie and Seth as they confront their pasts and embrace their destinies.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Strange and disappointing. I’m not sure if I enjoyed this book or not. There were definitely parts that were cute and unique but the majority of it felt very awkward and forced. The characters did not act like they were 27. Both were supposed to be cute awkward quirky people but instead they just seemed ridiculous and childish. I’m all for characters who are quirky and ramble but these characters never seemed to shut up but also never said anything important. There were some scenes that were cute but nothing that truly made up for the characters. I don’t think I will be reading the rest of the series.

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