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The Girls on Floor 13

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Thanks to Storm & Netgalley for an ARC of this book.

This is the 3rd in the Detective Maria Miller series & my favourite of the series.
Two teenagers are found murdered in a hotel… then Maria discovers a newspaper article of identical murders decades earlier. Is this coincidence or is there something sinister about this haunted hotel?

There are some similarities to the first book in the series. The plot moves quickly making this a quick and easy read, but enjoyable. It doesn’t feel rushed. I like the setting of the hotel and the supernatural element that runs through this series.

I would recommend reading the previous books but this could be read as a standalone. There are some references to events in the previous books.

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This is a police procedural, murder mystery book with paranormal elements. The bodies of 2 teenagers are discovered in a rundown hotel which is popular for multiple deaths, murders and tragedies, and is rumoured to be haunted.

Detectives Marie and Frankie are investigating the case and have a history of prior supernatural cases. They believe the murderer works at the hotel but have no leads or evidence pointing at anyone.

This book is the third instalment in the Detective Miller series, but can be read as a standalone. However, there were references to the previous books which had me lost.

Overall, it was an interesting read with lots of surprises. Some parts were so creepy and gave me goosebumps. The book kept me guessing if it was a supernatural entity or just a crazy murderer.

This book will have you racing through the pages and sleeping with the lights on. I would recommend this book if you like a crime fiction with a paranormal twist.

Thank you so much Helen Phifer, Storm Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC copy!

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Mystery, paranormal suspense, police work, and friendship all wrapped up in one.
The NYPD detectives Miller and Conroy have their work cutout for them when 2 teenage girls are murdered and feet removed in the Parker Hotel. This hotel has become synonymous over the past fifty years with death, murder, and tragedy. With one survivor from the 70's to aid the detectives in the, all too personal now, investigation, Marie Miller and Frankie Conroy work the case. Exhausting leads, bodies, and shadow spirits take their toll, but the the team works together to solve this paranormal mystery.
#TheGirlsonFloor13 #NetGalley

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The Girls on Floor 13 is a story based around Detective Maria Miller and is the 3rd in a series. I was sent this book from NetGalley as an advance readers copy and feel as though I was missing some information having only started reading the 3rd installment. When the book references the previous cases or Maria's relationships, I'm lost. This book also read like a young adult book but I did not see anything in the descriptions stating that it is in the young adult category.

Overall, the story is interesting - mysterious deaths are happening on the 13th Floor of the Parker Hotel and Maria and her partner are assigned to investigate. Not knowing this series at all, it was fun to speculate whether it was supernatural powers at work, or just gruesome murders done by a maniac.

I have to give this 3 stars because overall, the writing just wasn't my style. In addition to it sounding young adult, the dialogue at times (many times) was very unbelievable. Entire conversations were unrealistic and I found myself thinking "Do I know anyone that would say these things out loud?" It did not feel natural. In the end, I had to really struggle through the book. Perhaps a younger audience with a love for supernatural stories would enjoy it more than I did though!

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Do you know I'd never been into the supernatural genre until I picked up a Helen Phifer book and whilst I wouldn't say I now look out for that category, I am obsessed with this series.

Detective Maria Miller and her partner Frankie Conroy are called out to a run down New York City hotel. A hotel that is plagued with urban myths and rumours of spirits, eerie goings on and The Blue Lady.

Up on Floor 13, in room 1303, Maria and Frankie are faced with the bodies of two young teenage girls, laid out on the beds, feet missing. Dory & Michelle had told their parents they were having a sleepover, unbeknown to them that they'd travelled to NY on a ghost hunt.

Maria is sure that the killer must work at the hotel, but on questioning the staff is left with no leads, no clues and no evidence left at the scene. Had the girls been lured to the hotel? How did they get into the room?

Soon after another body turns up, could this all be connected to a double murder that happened at the hotel decades ago?

This is a tale that leaves goosebumps on your skin and an strange feeling in your belly. Totally unputdownable and addictive, I really hope this isn't the last!

Huge thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC.

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Rating: 4/5 Stars

The Girls on Floor 13 is the third installment in the Detective Miller series. I absolutely adore Maria and Frankie, they have such a good friendship and their banter is perfection. This time the team ends up at The Parker, a hotel in New York that has a haunting history. I love a good haunted hotel story, and this one was great.

Phifer has a way of bringing the perfect eerie paranormal element into her stories. There were definitely points where I was creeped out, and I was a huge fan of that. I loved how she was able to connect multiple different ghost stories into one. The Girls on Floor 13 is told in a dual timeline between the 1970’s and the present.

This has a pretty steady pace throughout. Just as the two previous stories, this is a multi-genre book. It’s a police procedural, murder mystery, paranormal and romance. I love how Phifer adds all of these different elements to this series.

The ending was great and I’m not sure whether or not Phifer plans for a fourth, though I truly hope she does. The Girls on Floor 13 released yesterday 5/31. Highly recommend this series to all of my paranormal fans! Huge thank you to NetGalley, Helen Phifer and Storm Publishing for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A good story about finding a murderer but it isn’t just that easy there are other things at play like Ghosts and demonic beings. I like how it ended as well and could see more stories to come with these characters.

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There’s always a bit of a risk with reading a book in a series without having read anything else, but I don’t think that unduly affected my experience here. I may have known a little more about the detective duo and their relationship, but enough is revealed to help piece things together.
The story begins in rather macabre fashion. A fire is discovered in a hotel that is renowned for unusual events taking place there. As this is dealt with, there is then the discovery of the bodies of two teenage girls whose feet have been removed.
Our detectives are called in to the scene (though it seems they’re acting out of their jurisdiction) and soon learn that the hotel has a chequered history. Known for numerous suicides and gruesome deaths, there’s also rumours of a woman in blue haunting the area - and if her body is seen, someone will die.
Before we know it, there’s strange dream attacks and exorcisms. It became hard to tell what was happening in what time frame, and exactly how things were unfolding. As long as you don’t like things neatly tied up, this might be the kind of story you’ll enjoy.
Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this.

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Ghost busting detectives take on a case of double murder and dismemberment of two minor children in an über haunted hotel room on the 13th floor. It requires the reader to leave common sense behind. For example, believing that one ghost of nearly a century cut off her hand with dressmaking shears before committing suicide. Still, the detective team are captivating, with a history of prior supernatural cases that resulted in trauma, yet driven to give the case their complete their investigation. A fun read with lots of action and surprises.

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The Girls on Floor 13 is book #3 of Helen Phifer’s Detective Maria Miller series. The series follows Maria's cases that she's assigned as part of the Strange Case Review team for the NYPD. In this installment, the bodies of two teenage girls are discovered in a hotel room on the 13th floor of The Parker Hotel in New York City. Maria and her partner, Frankie, are called to the scene. They discover that an identical double murder has happened in the same hotel room decades before. They investigate to see if they're linked and end up running into some creepy paranormal activity along the way.

I immediately was intrigued from the prologue. Two teen girls in Boston decide to sneak out and take a bus to NY to stay in a haunted hotel? Sign me up! But... as the story progressed, I found myself enjoying it less and less. To be fair, I haven't read the first two books in this series, which maybe would have made me enjoy it more, but I really didn't feel like I needed to read them to be able to understand what was going on at all. This can definitely be read as a standalone and things from the first 2 books are mentioned throughout the book to give some back story.

There were parts of the book that I liked. I liked the creepy story of the hotel's past and the nod to Elisa Lam and the Cecil Hotel. I thought that the killer's MO was really weird, but in a good way!

There were, however, several parts of the book that fell short for me. A lot of the dialogue felt unnecessary, like it was just added as a filler to take up space. Some of the dialogue also surprised me, like I wasn't expecting the character to say what they did. The dialogue between Maria and her boyfriend Harrison was cringy and kind of made me feel like he was giving off serial killer vibes. Covid was also mentioned several times in this book, and for me personally, I do not want Covid mentioned in any of my entertainment!! I'm over it!!! I found myself kind of bored at times. Some of the characters felt unnecessary. The different POVs were a little confusing at times too.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This is a great crime thriller with a supernatural twist.
Detective Maria Miller and her partner Frankie are called to a hotel where two teenagers have been found dead.
Maria gets a bad feeling about the place and when she sees a ghostly figure, she knows it’s a case they need to investigate.
There’s a dark energy at the hotel and soon Maria is having nightmares and becomes very ill. Father Anthony is able to help her, so she asks for his help to rid the hotel of the evil energy.
Things don’t quite go to plan and it’s clear that whatever is causing the deaths, isn’t done yet.
This is a great read.
Thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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🌟 OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
📜 PAGES: 250

When the bodies of these best friends are discovered in a rundown New York City hotel room, Detective Maria Miller is summoned to the scene. Supposedly miles away at a sleepover, the girls' presence in the hotel, especially on the reputedly haunted thirteenth floor, raises chilling questions. Sinister messages on their phones suggest they were lured there. Despite no DNA evidence, Maria suspects a hotel insider is the killer. As she investigates, a link emerges to a decades-old double murder. With a key suspect found dead and eerie discoveries in the room, Maria races to uncover its secrets before becoming the next victim.

Last month, I decided to take a break from reading ARCs. But as soon as the third installment of Detective Maria Miller was posted, I knew I had to sign up for it. I absolutely loved The House On West 10th Street, especially Her Lost Soul, which happens to be one of my top favorites. It’s just really, really good. I had been looking forward to this book.

✨ Anyway, The Girls On Floor 13 tells the story of multiple murders and suicides in a haunted hotel. It also features a mother who never stops waiting for her daughter to return, a friendship that's put to the test, deep grief, and a love that transcends death.

✨ It was creepy as hell. It was just terrifying; I had goosebumps all over. What drew me into Her Lost Soul was the abandoned asylum, but what scared me about The Girls On Floor 13 was the idea that the negative entity could possess and manipulate completely innocent people with no violent history. It could even invade your dreams and become your worst nightmare. The scenes weren’t as scary as I had expected, but the thought of it happening in real life totally creeped me out. As for the plot twist, I was a bit disappointed. Maybe I set my expectations too high.

✨ I also couldn't hold back the tears when one of my favorite characters died; it was just heartbreaking. Ughhh. I don’t want to spoil readers any further, but my heart aches so bad. I was also rooting for Maria and Frankie to finally get together in this series, but it seems like that ship has sailed. Harrison seems too good to be true for me, but I do think Maria deserves him since he'd been a really nice guy and genuinely cared for her. And I love that Frankie also found a new love interest. Overall, this has been an exhilarating, overwhelming, and enjoyable read for me. If you love horror, thrillers, and mysteries, you’ll surely enjoy this.


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Thank you Netgalley & Storm Publishing for an eARC ♥️♥️

In the eerie confines of the Parker Hotel, a chilling discovery is made - two girls brutally murdered on the infamous 13th floor. Detectives Maria and Frankie are summoned to the scene, thrust into a case that defies the norms of crime and investigation. As they delve deeper, they unravel a web of secrets and lies, where the living and the dead coexist in a dance of terror.

This gripping tale is a masterclass in suspense, weaving together crime, murder, drama, and the supernatural. Despite being part of a series, it stands alone with ease, leaving me eager for more. The characters are multidimensional and complex, the storyline expertly crafted to keep you on the edge of your seat. The writing is impeccable, painting a vivid picture of a world where the unknown lurks around every corner.

I devoured this book in one sitting, unable to resist the allure of its dark and twisted world. If you're a fan of crime fiction with a paranormal twist, this is a must-read. But be warned - once you enter the world of the Parker Hotel, there's no turning back. The ghosts of the 13th floor will haunt you long after the final page is turned.

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Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinion are completely my own.

I have not read the prior books in the series yet, but I will. I love a thriller and this is my first supernatural mystery I believe, but it won't be my last. Great book that is sustable for YA who like a little spooky with their mysteries.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I read the first book in this series and I loved it! So I quickly requested this book and I liked it. I didn't even know it was the third in the series. I missed the request for the second book.
In this book, Maria and Frankie are already getting burnt out because of the supernatural stress. They are even talking about quitting, but I hope not. They still have more crimes to solve!
This book gripped me from beginning to the end. I liked how Maria turned all stones in searching for the culprit and the hotel's history. I liked, but I was not satisfied with the ending. I wanted to know what the Dark entity was obsessed with foot and homework it came to be associated with the hospital. The culprit was caught and I didn't feel any closure. That's the only thing I would have added. The history of the ghost. I liked the blue lady ghost too. Her character was explained in the ending.
This author made like this genre, something I thought would never happen. I definitely recommend her

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A creepy, haunted hotel called the Parker is a place full of death. Maria and Frankie take a case in which two young girls are muttered and feet cut off in room 1303. As they investigate the case, chilling events happen. Definitely a great book and my first by this author. I will be reading more.

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The Girls on Floor 13
An utterly addictive crime thriller with a shocking twist (Detective Maria Miller)
by Helen Phifer
Pub DateMay 30 2024
Storm Publishing
General Fiction \(Adult\)| Mystery & Thrillers| True Crime

Storm Publishing and Netgalley provided me with a copy of The Girls on Floor 13 for review:

The girls seem to be sleep side by side in twin beds, except that their pale skin is ice cold, and their closed eyes will never open again...

Detective Maria Miller is called to the crime scene when two teenage girls' bodies are discovered in a rundown New York City hotel room. The best friends were supposed to be at a sleepover miles away in the suburbs. What were the girls doing on the thirteenth floor without a check-in record and with the room closed off to guests?

A sinister message on their phones suggests the girls were lured to the hotel based on the hotel's reputation for hauntings. Since the killer left no DNA behind, Maria is unable to trace their identity. However, Maria believes the murderer works at the hotel. What other way could they have accessed the room and known it was empty?

Maria races to interview staff before another body turns up when the hotel manager shares an old newspaper article about an identical double murder decades ago. Is there a connection between the two cases? The discovery in the hotel room of a key suspect after he was found dead in his home sends shivers down Maria's spine. Will she be able to uncover the secrets of the room on the thirteenth floor before she becomes its next victim?

I give The Girls on Floor 13 five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I enjoyed the book for the most part! I was unaware that it was the third book in a series, but I thought that it read perfectly fine as a standalone. There was enough context for previous events that everything made sense to me as I read it. I thought that the mystery was set up pretty well, and I was curious about what was going to happen. I was not a fan of the POVs not being labelled, as it would sometimes take me a while to understand who was speaking in each chapter. I also thought that the ending was very rushed. When I got to the part of the book where it started wrapping up, I definitely thought that there was going to be another 75 pages or so more than there was. But overall, it was a nice, easy to read paranormal mystery/thriller that I enjoyed my time with.

Thank you to Storm Publishing, NetGalley, and Helen Phifer for a copy of the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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"The Girls on Floor 13" by Helen Phifer is a chilling and captivating thriller that keeps readers engrossed from beginning to end. Phifer's ability to create an eerie atmosphere and build suspense is masterful, making this book a standout in the genre. The story follows a gripping plot with well-crafted twists and turns that keep readers guessing. The setting, a seemingly ordinary building with a dark secret, adds an extra layer of tension and intrigue. Phifer does an excellent job of slowly unraveling the mystery, ensuring that the suspense remains high throughout the novel. The characters are well-developed, particularly the protagonist, who is both relatable and complex. Her journey through the maze of secrets and danger on Floor 13 is compelling, and readers will find themselves rooting for her at every turn. The supporting characters add depth to the story, each bringing their own unique contributions to the unfolding drama. Phifer's writing style is engaging and descriptive, allowing readers to visualize the scenes vividly and feel the underlying tension. While the pacing is generally well-balanced, there are moments where the story could benefit from a faster tempo to heighten the sense of urgency. One of the strengths of the book is its ability to blend elements of psychological thriller and horror, creating a unique reading experience that keeps the adrenaline pumping. However, some readers might find certain plot points a bit predictable, though this does not detract significantly from the overall enjoyment of the story. In summary, "The Girls on Floor 13" is a thrilling and atmospheric read that showcases Helen Phifer's talent for crafting suspenseful and eerie narratives. With its well-drawn characters, engaging plot, and chilling setting, it is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers and horror. Despite a few minor drawbacks, it delivers a satisfying and gripping experience that will leave readers eager for more.

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"The Girls on Floor 13" by Helen Phifer is a gripping and atmospheric thriller that keeps readers engaged with its dark and suspenseful narrative. While the book has many strengths, there are also a few elements that prevent it from reaching its full potential, resulting in a solid 4-star rating.

One of the standout features of this novel is Phifer's ability to create an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. From the very first page, the setting of the old, dilapidated hotel where Floor 13 is located is vividly described, drawing readers into a world filled with mystery and dread. Phifer excels at building tension and maintaining a sense of foreboding throughout the story.

The protagonist, Detective Maria Miller, is a well-developed character with a strong presence. Her determination and resourcefulness make her a compelling lead, and her personal struggles add depth to her character. Phifer does a commendable job of balancing Maria's professional challenges with her personal life, making her relatable and human.

The plot of "The Girls on Floor 13" is intriguing and full of twists. The mystery surrounding the disappearances of several girls is skillfully unraveled, keeping readers guessing until the end. Phifer's pacing is generally good, with enough action and suspense to maintain interest. However, there are moments where the story feels a bit slow, and some scenes could have been tightened to improve the overall flow.

One area where the book falls short is in the development of secondary characters. While Maria is well fleshed out, other characters, including some of the victims, feel somewhat one-dimensional. This lack of depth makes it harder to connect with them and lessens the emotional impact of their stories.

Additionally, the resolution of the mystery, while satisfying in some respects, feels a bit rushed. The final revelations come quickly, and certain plot points could have been explored more thoroughly to provide a more comprehensive conclusion. Despite these issues, the ending does tie up the main storyline and leaves room for future installments in the series.

Phifer's writing style is engaging and descriptive, making it easy to visualize the scenes and characters. Her attention to detail in the setting and atmosphere adds to the overall immersive experience. The dialogue is generally well-written, though there are instances where it feels a bit forced or unnatural.

In conclusion, "The Girls on Floor 13" is a compelling thriller with a strong lead character and an atmospheric setting. Helen Phifer's talent for creating suspense and tension is evident throughout the book. While there are areas that could be improved, such as the development of secondary characters and pacing, the novel remains an enjoyable and gripping read. Fans of dark, suspenseful mysteries will find much to appreciate in "The Girls on Floor 13." My thoughts are mine and mine alone. *Sidenote: This was read out of order, and reading the first two of the series could change my review rating; I will go back and read Detective Maria Miller #1 and Detective Maria Miller #2.

Thank you NetGalley and Helen Phifer for the ARC read.

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