Cover Image: Inferno's Heir

Inferno's Heir

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Rating: 3.5/5

This has a little bit of everything I want in a story: political intrigue, sibling rivalry, heists, found family, romance, banter, plot twists, and betrayal. The pacing was a bit choppy in the beginning, but the storyline began to gain momentum towards the middle and stayed steady until reaching the climax at the end. Some of the writing was a bit juvenile, but it is YA and not too distracting.

Teia is a refreshing character as she’s morally gray and willing to what it takes to get what she wants. When the story reached its climax, I was actually shocked by her decisions since it seemed like she was changing, but I’m excited to see how the story progress in the next book

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book. I immediately fell in love with the female main character, Teia. This fantasy book was an easy read and once I started, I could not put it down. This book has politics, found family, morally grey compelling character and unlikely alliances. This book has twists and turns that are very unexpected. This book sucks you in and you do not want it to end. I look forward to reading the next book in this series. Thank you to Kevin Norman for promoting this book and putting it on my radar.

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Inferno's Heir combines elemental magic, heists, political intrigue, and found family into a very fun fantasy adventure. The main character, Teia, possesses the fire magic of her kingdom combined with the water magic of her mother's line. Her sadistic half-brother is set to take the throne after the death of their father and Teia seeks to avoid being forced into a politically motivated marriage. She, with the help of a renowned thief, decides to locate and gain the trust of a notorious rebel and becomes drawn into her opposition movement. Throughout the story we are introduced to a host of characters ranging from a poisoner to an opposing leader with questionable motives. There are hints of a romance but this takes a back seat to magic, blackmail, and daring rescue attempts.

Wang's writing is easy to follow and she does an excellent job of developing her character's personalities. Although this is a YA book, she does not shy away from emphasizing Prince Jura's cruelty but without it feeling gratuitous. My main critique is that the final 10% of the book moved extremely quickly and it felt as though the climax was glossed over. After the wonderful descriptions of previous conflicts and plot twists I would have liked to have seen Wang spend more time with the events leading up to the end of this book and I think this would have helped the reader to better understand where Teia's character is at the end of the story. It seems as though this book is the first of a series so I hope to continue Teia's story in the future!

3.5 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC

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I am loving this novel so far! I have heard amazing things about it and the cover illustrations are beautiful as well. I can’t wait to give my final review/thoughts 🤩

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I went into this book with low expectations since this is the authors debut novel and also a fantasy book, I was surprised in a very good way! This fantasy will sweep you to a castle with a horrific prince and her half sister who just does not wants to be left alone, also a rebel group that wants to bring the monarchy down. Teia wants to infiltrate this group and bring them in front of the prince to have a say in her future, but will she be able to do that when she gets to know these people?

The found family in this group is so adorable!!! The relationship of the fmc and her love interest is so cute and their sarcastic banter is just what I love seeing.
The plans within the rebel group are very much impossible to get through with but they still do, but it’s a fantasy book so who really cares😂
It kills me how fantasy books keep hurting you so much at the end of the books. I’m so curious about the next book!!

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This novel was so much fun to read. A four and a half rounded up! The characters were alive and vibrant. The setting was fun and unique and I could see what was happening on each page and it was a fun fantasy story to disappear into. The book has great YA vibes, and I feel like fans of Six of Crows and Faebound would also love this. The writing was easy to follow and get lost in. I found myself turning the page easily and consistently. The characters and setting were a blast to dive into and the magic was fun to learn about. I look forward to learning where the rest of the story goes and where our characters end up. Learning more about the magic system will be much fun as well. I am hoping for another in this world.

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This was a hard one for me to review. It's a fast paced fantasy book and I really flew through the pages. I loved the wordbuilding and mostly the pace. I have to confess I skipped some of the political rants/explanations. I didn't like Teia. I did like her when she was bantering with a certain boy. And I love a found family. The prison breaks where very fun too. And that cover! It's why I had to read this one. And I'm really happy that I got the chance to read it!

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ngl it was the cover that got me first. i only skimmed the blurb before starting but the inferno's heir turned out to be a pretty easy and enjoyable fantasy read. it was fast paced but somehow lost my interest in a few parts; my mind would drift to space and come back down after a particularly striking passage or turn of events and so i'd have to read a few past paragraphs again... there was hardly any romance thankfully! the main chars were giving me sapphic vibes but to my slight disappointment, it was all just my own delusion!
anyway! the plot really picked toward the end and I'd happily read teia and the dawnbreakers' next adventures!

thanks netgalley, bindery books, and tiffany wang!

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This book was absolutely mesmerizing—I was drawn in from the very first page and couldn't put it down until the end! It's a riveting heist tale where a disillusioned princess allies with a band of rebels to topple her half-brother. What seems like a straightforward plot quickly becomes a labyrinth of twists as hidden truths are gradually uncovered. The characters are wonderfully complex, each with their own murky morals and conflicting motives, making alliances tentative at best. Teia, the protagonist, shines as a compelling anti-hero, with her character evolving in fascinating ways. The magic system, particularly Teia's dual control over fire and water, added an extra layer of intrigue as she deftly wielded her powers to accomplish her aims. All in all, this book was an enthralling adventure from start to finish.

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I had a very tough time with this book. I feel like everything was surface level. I needed more explanation and further description about a lot of things.

For example, Kyra was supposed to be this big scary fire wielder who wasn’t from the Royal family — a commoner who shouldn’t have the ability. However, I feel like she was barely in the book at all?! She was mentioned to be the face of the rebellion, but was hardly involved at all. She also got duped a few times, which left me confused on the beginning description of her.

Another thing I needed more about was the political breakdown of the world. I’m not sure if I missed something, but everything felt incredibly disconnected to me.

Teia was an absolutely horrendous MC for me to follow. She jumped right into the rebellion because she didn’t agree with or like her half-brother, Jura, who was taking the throne. The rebel group hardly put up a fight to let her join, which was incredibly suspicious to me (and led me to question everything, which then led me to guessing the “twist” much earlier than anticipated). After all the work to get to the end, there was so much jumping around that I was annoyed with how she got to the throne (also the death of her half brother being incredibly underwhelming after the violence and torture that took place with him throughout the book???).

Lastly, I felt as if there were some ‘jumps’ where info wasn’t explained enough. This happened frequently enough that it made me question everything I was reading.

Mostly, my rating was for the lackluster MC, the overemphasis on Kyra in the beginning for her to be such a minimal part of the book, and the lack of explanation on many aspects of the book.

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I have heard AMAZING things about this novel - from its early draft iterations to now, with this ARC - and so far I am enjoying it immensely. I can't wait to share my final thoughts again here, on GR, and on my blog, but for now I will say that this book has and continues to exceed my expectations! Thank you to NG and the publisher for this opportunity - I'm so excited and grateful to see such diversity amongst AAPI authors in terms of genres, substance, and overall quality in writing, and am proud to be a member of this community myself.

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This book wasn't for me. I wasn't immersed in the story. It felt like I was watching it from afar, and not experiencing it. Some of it was entertaining. The main character was flawed and layered. It would have done better with multiple PoVs.

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PAGE ONE! 10 out of 5
I am so picky about books, Im honestly trying to be better about the patience I have before deciding to not finish a read.
I never, not one time, even contemplated on not finishing this. Tiffany Wang has a writing style that i am unable to describe, but from the very first page, I was invested.
Found family, adventure, relatable characters..this is one of those books you recommend to EVERYONE, and I have!
Im so sorry the mass f the world must wait until the Fall!
Once finished, readers will definitely find themselves longing for something that can even remotely scratch the itch that Infernos Heir leaves behind.
Tiffany, I am so incredibly grateful you allowed me to read this delicious story! Bravo!

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There is something about books that strip reality away from you while you are falling into their world and this is one of them.

Tiffany Wang’s Inferno’s heir is a brilliant work of the craft and for those who love the books filled with; politics, cunning MC, a dash of magic,lores, heists and brilliant world building this is a book for you.

The plot twist in this book had me rereading the pages and had me utterly upset when I had come to the end because there are so many questions I want answered ! Not only is the MC have bendable morals but she has reasons for doing everything she does and is willing to risk it all.

Inferno’s heir is brimming with lines that would send the characters burning with rage -“if you can’t govern them, you might as well entertain.”
Is one of my personal favourites.
This book was something I saw late in 2023 and was everything and more then I could imagine. One of the top tier reads of the year so far.

Thank you to Tiffany wang, Kevin Norman, the bindery team and NetGalley for the amazing early read.

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First of all, this book’s cover is EVERYTHING!!

It took me a while to finish this book even though it certainly has a bunch of things that I enjoy like found family, slow burn (no pun intended), politics, and of course some elements wielding..

I really liked Tiffany’s description of Erisia and the rest of the settings where this story takes place, it made me feel transported, it was so easy to picture everything thanks to her writing.

Unfortunately, I do feel that the book was quite slow at the beginning and then 3/4 into it the pace suddenly changed and everything happened so fast almost without an explanation. I hope we get to see more of this characters in the future!

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This was fantastic, I was hooked from the first page until the very end! This is a heist (!!!) story where a disenchanted princess joins a group of rebels to take down her half-brother. It sounds straightforward but there were so many plot twists as the truth is slowly revealed. I love how every single character had ambiguous morals; everyone had their own motives and they weren't necessarily on each other's sides. Teia was an excellent protagonist — she was definitely a bit of an anti-hero, and I love the way her character progressed. The magic was also very cool. Teia can control both fire and water and I enjoyed seeing how she used it to achieve her goals. All in all, this was a super captivating read.

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this was a fun book! i really enjoyed it and the cover is stunning! teia is an interesting character and i love her development throughout the story

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The PDF isn't great on the kindle. I will be back once the ePub is available. Good luck to Tiffany Wang and Kevin Norman!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bindery Books for the ARC.

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Magic. Heists. Found Family.
Some of my favorite things.
Add in the fact that our FMC is a Morally Grey, Political Genius with both Fire and Water Magic flowing in her veins and I was sold.

Tiffany Wang’s world building is exquisite and our side characters are fully fleshed out and you care about them.

The story and the twists kept me engaged and wanting more. And I honestly cannot wait for the sequel (I said that out loud to my partner when I finished). Cannot wait to get my Hardcopy in October!

Thank you Kevin T. Norman and NetGalley for the eARC.

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