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Until Our Time Comes

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Adia's dream has finally come true! She is a trainer at the famous Janów Podlaski stables in Poland, where they breed the best Arabian horses in the world. Her mother gave her life in WWI to save some of the horses at the stables. With WWII fast approaching, Adia feels it is her mission to do the same. With the help of the mysterious Bret Conway, who stood her up in the past, Adia will do anything to keep the horses of Janow Podlaski and her young orphaned apprentice safe. Life seems uncertain With invasions by the Russians and Germans and then the eventual German occupation. When Germany takes over the stables, the new commander agrees to keep Adia on to care for the horses, even when they eventually move the best stallions to Czechoslovakia. Can Bret and Adia find a place and time to see where their growing feelings for each other are heading, or will war destroy that, too?

This book is perfect for any lover of historical fiction! I learned so much from this novel about the German desire to build a master race of horses and just about life in occupied Poland. This book had me longing to know what would happen next. Who could be trusted? Would the horses survive? Would Adia be caught as a spy? Would Bret ever confess his true identity? I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and history.

Disclaimer: I received a free, advanced reader copy of this novel. However, the thoughts and opinions on this novel are solely my own.

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I had a love/hate relationship with Until Our Times Comes the entire time I was reading it. The premise and subject matter was incredibly interesting, but the execution was...lacking. It's a novel with a promising premise and a rich historical background, but it struggles with character development, pacing, and narrative style. The author’s knowledge of horses and the initial setup are commendable, but the execution of the characters’ arcs and their interactions need more depth and authenticity. The book isn’t bad, but it falls short of being genuinely good.

The novel is set against the backdrop of World War II, with the famous Janów Podlaski stables in Poland as a focal point. This setting provides a rich, historical tapestry that I will admit Miller successfully taps into. The looming threat of the German invasion in 1939 sets a tense and compelling stage for the narrative to begin with, and though you have no idea what life was like prior to this threat, the author conveys a tense looming of what’s to come—of what our cast of characters is about to face.

This deserves to be more than a glorified love story, which is what it ended up as. Until Our Time Comes frequently resorts to telling rather than showing, which can distance readers from the characters’ experiences. This approach makes the emotional payoffs feel unearned. Additionally, the pacing suffers, particularly when Adia and Bret are together. Their interactions often drag the narrative down, whereas they flourish and actually manage to become interesting when they're apart. The novel spends too much time on aspects that don't require extensive elaboration while glossing over parts that do. Key moments that could have benefited from more detail and development are rushed, while less critical parts receive undue focus.

There is also a struggle with character development; Adia is presented as a strong and independent protagonist, but her actions often come off as reckless and impulsive rather than genuinely strong. She regrets her decisions, and that’s fine, but at some point, you have to lie in the bed you’ve made and move forward. Her feeling sorry for herself doesn’t change the circumstances she’s under. In my opinion, a strong character is one that recognizes their mistakes and moves forward anyway, something Adia fails to do on multiple occasions. I will admit, there is a lot of growth in her character in the last two parts of the story, but we don’t get to see that development. We’re only shown the aftermath of it. Additionally, the romance between Adia and Bret feels rushed and lacks depth. Their connection seems based on brief interactions and lacks the development needed to make their relationship believable, which is super important to a love story. The concept of instant love feels out of place in a narrative that demands more nuance.

Miller’s knowledge of horses and the rich historical setting provide a solid foundation, but the execution of the characters’ arcs and their interactions needs more depth and authenticity. This novel isn’t bad, but it struggles to live up to its promising beginning, making it an uneven read.

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Wygoda, Poland 1939

Oh my goodness! This book has it all. The setting, the characters, the horses, and we can’t forget the Germans invading it all!

I felt as if I was reading a movie with something similar to The English Patient and it doesn’t matter if you read or just watched the movie. And the equally achingly slow-burning love between Adia and Bret.

Bret Conway working as British intelligence under the guise of a reporter, first meets Adia Kensington when he’s supposed to meet her on the first date he never shows up which doesn’t impress her much. Adia is working at Janow Podlaski as a horse trainer where they breed the best Arabian horses. Adia wants to bring stallion, Lubor into the United States but the Germans invade first.

Until Our Time Comes kept my attention and felt like a movie as I read it. The characters in this book especially Ewan were exceptional..

My gratitude to Netgalley and Revell. All opinions are honest and mine.

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This is a read full of suspenseful moments.
While most WWII reads are about saving people’s lives, this story is focused on horses. I am not a horse person, at all, but was still very much intrigued by the story line. Pure bred lines of horses were valued by the Nazis. Just like with the Aryan race, breeding horses were a part of Hitler’s plan.
The main characters are very strong and willing to give their all to protect both people and horses.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Nicole Miller, NetGalley, Revell for this #gifted book!*
Title: Until Our Time Comes
Author: Nicole M. Miller
Genre: Christian Historical Fiction
Synopsis: “One day, the stars would align. And then it would be their time. Days, weeks, months, or years. Whatever it be.” When American horse trainer Aida Kensington finds herself in Poland raising Arabian horses, WW2 is the last thing on her mind. But when the Germans invade, her whole world falls apart, and she has one mission: to save her beloved horses from falling into their hands. But her mind begins to sway when she meets British Major Bret Conway, whom she knows as a reporter. There’s just something about him that intrigues her and draws her in. Torn between saving the horses and deciphering these new feelings, Adia and Bret battle the hardships of war and the unknown of a future together that tests their faith in humanity and their God.

Analysis: When I first heard of this book, I was a little unsure, but my millennial self was drawn in from the nostalgia of all those horse books I read in middle school. Nicole takes you on an adventure in WW2 Poland that is based on an amazing true story of saving horses from German hands. The characters are strong and courageous and are learning to choose between the things they love most. I absolutely loved both the independence and the willingness to take a chance on love that is depicted throughout the novel. I especially loved Bret because of his old-fashioned romance and the way he looked out for Adia. Nicole Miller’s debut novel is one that will have you reminiscing on your dreams and falling in love all over again.

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*I was given an ARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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World War II novel with an unusual perspective of the world of pure-breed horses. The lives of a Polish-American horse trainer and breeder and a British spy collide when they try to save the horses from invading forces. Interesting story and I appreciated the historical notes in the back.

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Wow! I'm not sure how to express my thoughts on this one.
I enjoyed this book, seeing as how I learned much from it.
Events I never knew happened until this author brought it to life for us. The way she described the events and places was so realistic that made me feel like I was there!
Adia and Bret are two characters that will never let you go. The dangers they faced were sometimes so scary that they made my heart pound in places.
I'm still thinking about them. They were definitely charismatic characters.
I found myself rooting for them throughout this novel.
And the horses! The most amazing horses! Arabians are the most beautiful horses in the world, in my opinion. They're my favorite breed.
This book has a little in it for everyone to enjoy. I didn't want this novel to end.
5 stars for a well written and deserved story.
I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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{Thank you to @netgalley and @revellfiction for my gifted e-copy in exchange for an honest review.}

I love horses and WW2 history, especially little known history. After reading the synopsis, I knew this book would be right up my alley!

Until Our Time Comes is set in 1939 at the Janów Podlaski stables in Wygoda, Poland, where Arabian horses of the highest quality in the world were (and still are) bred. This book with its beautiful characters tells an incredible story based on real historical events that took place during World War II, when Germany and Russia invaded Poland and threatened these horses.

I loved Adia and Bret and how their story came together. The story is obviously very well researched, and I really appreciated how the author worked a clean romance into the story but that the romance didn’t take over the story either–a really good balance.

This is a Christian historical fiction with light faith content.

Wonderful debut novel! Highly recommend!

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It has a slow start for me, really hard time feeling for the mc. The history of Poland during the war is what intrigued me most. A part of history I know little about.
I want to thank netgalley for the ARC. This is my honest take on the story.

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An epic WWII story set in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Full of history, adventure and a romance.

An impressive debut novel, with main characters who face many dangerous situations and put their lives on the line throughout the war years. Adia's courageous mission to save the unique horses, and help vulnerable children as well, is inspirational.
There are tense moments lending some suspense to the story and perilous times as they endure the war years. It made me appreciate the bravery and sacrifice of people caught in the conflict between Germany and Russia. The author lends her firsthand knowledge of horses to make the story feel authentic. A few brief mentions of faith added hope.

Fans of inspirational WWII stories with a little clean romance may enjoy this book. 4.5 stars

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I enjoyed this read, filled with danger, and yet, we see compassion, and sometimes from people you really don't expect it from.

The characters here live in the mine of the author, and we get to become friends and companions in our minds, and this takes place as the evil that was penetrating Europe at this horrible time in history. We journey to save the beautiful horses of Poland, Arabians, and the danger that is everywhere, and whom to trust.

Times were so full of danger, and the senseless lost of life, but this is a story of survival, or the want to keep the beautiful horses alive.

The author gives us danger, in many forms, and a scamp of a little boy, or should I say pick pocket, that we watch grow up, along with some very sweet romance.

This read did become a page turner me, as the years of the war and events happen, I wanted answers and to see whom survives!

I received this book through LibraryThing and the Publisher Revell, and was not required to give a positive review.

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WWII books are often hard to read due to the atrocities that took place. I'm more interested in the characters than the horses but it was a very interesting story line. Adia cares very much about the horses but also has a tender spot for the children that come her way. It felt like the characters took a ton of risks that made me as a reader anxious for them.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Absolutely fantastic read! One of my favorite reads so far this year. I highly recommend! I love how the author doesn’t just skip over the victims of war but touches on the horrors they witnessed. This story is a beautiful tale of horses, war, and a chance at love in such a heartbreaking time. A must read for everyone! I would absolutely recommend this book to any friends and family.

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I was immediately pulled into this story, and it quickly became one of my favourites from WWII. Until Our Times Comes covers six years, but there is never a dull moment. Bret is charming, noble, and wants to fight for peace in the most effective way. Adia is feisty, stubborn, and feels closest to her mother when working with the famous Janow Podlaski horses in Poland. The invading forces bring Bret and Adia together, but I loved that their relationship never consumed the story. I would say that the faith element in this book is light, but you see Bret and Adia both have their faith in humankind, love and God put to the test. Rich in history and depth, this beautiful story will leave you wanting more!

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Until Our Time Comes is a story about a special bred of horses in Poland in WWII but also about a horse trainer named Adia and an intelligence officer named Bret. Their story is intertwined throughout the war and mainly centers on how they can save the horses from Russian and German troops. I liked the story, but I never felt really connected to the characters. Maybe because I do not have the same deep love for horses? They just didn't come alive for me the way some do. I would have rated 3.5 if it were an option but rounded up to 4 because it was really an interesting aspect of WWII that I have never heard before. I received a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

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Bret Conway did not know catching a thief would lead to saving a woman and the nation of Polands' prize Arabian stallions and mares during World War 2!

Bret chases the 6 year old to a leather stall where he saw the boy hiding behind Adia Kensington, an American horse trainer. The boy, Ewan surrenders the watch, a family heirloom to Bret and Adia and Bret, a correspondent for the Daily Express in London agree to meet for dinner the following night.

The date never happens, as Bret and Charles, a lifelong friend and Bret's brother - in- law are involved in an accident and shootout that night!

It is September of 1939, Adia and Ewan are working at the most famous Arabian stables in Poland, Janow Podlaski, and the Nazis are coming!

Adia, Ewan, Bret (who shows up right before the Nazi invasion)and their team of horse trainers try to escape to the Russian border but the Soviets burn down the farm and kill the family they were going to shelter with, so they return to Janow.

But they all become separated on the way home and Bret and Adia run from patrols avoiding death many times.

They finally reach the stables and find Russians...

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Until our Time Comes is a debut offering by the author Nicole M. Miller. This book explores a little known story of the giant horse rescue in middle of Poland during WW2. The lead character is Adia who is of Polish descent, but is an American horse trainer. One of the best in the world. She works on a farm that produces the best Arabian horses in the world and she will do whatever it takes to make sure they will survive. Even risk her own life.

Bret Conway is our other main character. He's in Poland on a mission--but he's also an experienced horseman, having ridden in the Olympics and placing. He falls for Adia at first glance, but his job as a spy causes things to go awry at their first date and he doesn't make it--being hospitalized for severe injuries. When they cross paths again she hasn't forgiven him...but she needs him to make sure she can move the horses. So she reluctantly joins forces with him to get the job done.

But they face obstacle after obstacle over the years. Yes. This book takes place over the YEARS of the war for nothing is simple in this story. hence the title works perfectly. We see Adia continuing to do WHATEVER it takes. And trusting God to help. We see Bret determined to one day BE with Adia and does WHATEVER IT TAKES to get back to her in Poland.

The story had some unusual choppy parts that interrupted the flow. And at times, the long time gaps were confusing. But overall it was a good topic on a story I didn't know anything about.

4 stars.

*I received a complimentary copy of the ARC from the publishers and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are 100% my own.

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Horses and World War II Poland? I've never heard of that combination in a novel before, and the cover sold me--so lovely! American horse trainer Adia is living in Poland to work at a famous stable for Arabians when the Germans invade. She wants to get back to the US with a priceless horse, but that doesn't go so well. Then there's the undercover agent posing as a news reporter who is roped into helping Adia try to rescue several hundred horses. This isn't going to go well.

A big draw to me was that this is based on a true story--that and the horses. But this also made it harder when it felt unrealistic; did Adia really not have the sense to see that you can't put human lives at risk just to save horses? She also did a few things with the horses that made me wonder if the author wasn't as experienced with them to realize you wouldn't really do those things--or what was going on exactly?

But if you're willing to somewhat suspend judgment and just enjoy a fun story set in an interesting place and time, perhaps more like a movie than real life, this is a fun read.

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This book is a must read for WWII fiction readers. "Until Our Time Comes" by Nicole M. Miller is a powerful story of the Polish horses of Janow, Poland starting in the month the Germans invaded Poland - September 1939 and ending right after the end of WWII. There are accounts on how the Germans and Russians treated the Polish people during the war as well as details on how the Arabian horses of Poland were saved by brave individuals. The main characters are fictional, but the horses are based on the real life events.

This one is incredibly personal to me since one of my grandfathers was from Poland turned 4 the month Poland was invaded by the Germans, His family was one of the people caught in the cross hairs of the war and their farm was destroyed during the war leaving them nowhere to go. There are farms in this book that this happens to and it's just so devastating to read about but still something for people to be aware of as well.

The story between the two main characters, Adia and Bret was also an incredible love story spanning years apart. The other characters in the book are also well developed, especially the young orphan Ewan who adds a bit of comic relief and also some frustration during the book.

Nicole M. Miller is a debut author for this book and I'd definitely recommend this one. I have it on pre-order to add to my shelves and look forward to re-reading it in the near future. I hope to see her write more books! This is also a book I couldn't put down or stop thinking about while reading it and even after it ended.

Thank you to NetGalley and Revell Ficiton for the opportunity to read this ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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"Until Our Time Comes" is set in 1939 in Poland. While the story is set in a real place, the author admitted that she changed the timing of actual events and added fictional ones, so this is only loosely based on historical events. Unfortunately, the story didn't seem realistic in several ways. Adia's supposed to be a respected horse trainer, but she lets a colt get away with misbehavior in the one training scene in the story and later encouraged a full-grown stallion to nip her. A nip is a bite, and a trainer would never encourage a horse (and especially a stallion) to bite her! Also, Adia is so obsessed with these horses that she repeatedly put her life and other people's lives in danger over them. Rather than someone telling her, "Humans are more important that any horse" they just accept this obsession.

Adia also kept thinking her plans would work out exactly as she envisioned. She was depressed when they didn't but that never stopped her from charging ahead with whatever she thought best since Bret or another man who cared for her would always save her. I know some people are impulsive, but she just seemed oblivious to reality most of the time. Even Bret went from being deeply unwilling to shoot to kill even to save a friend from the enemy, then suddenly he's freely joining in combat and comfortable with killing the enemy. Only a brief 'he changed his mind' explanation was given.

I also had a hard time with the 'romance.' Adia initially refused to even allow Bret to explain why he missed their date and accused him of lying to her. But once Bret brought back her missing, favorite horse and the small child she felt responsible for, she decided she loved this man who repeatedly saved her life and her beloved horses. I guess Bret liked being her savior because they hardly spent time together, she rarely listened to his good advice, and he knew he came in at third place in her affections once she finally decided she loved him.

At the end, there's a brief thought that everything ended up working out exactly as needed for a good end, so God must have been behind it all. There was no sex or bad language.

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