Cover Image: Castle Swimmer: Volume 1

Castle Swimmer: Volume 1

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I really love the Castle Swimmer characters and story. I remember reading about this far on Webtoon back in the day, but stopped using that website a few years back. It's great to see the story coming out into the wider world now. The story of two young characters trying their best to be true to themselves while serving their communities and following their destinies is compelling and cute, and a little sad too. There are no easy "right" answers for these two young mermen. If they follow their hearts, people will be hurt or even die. If they follow their destinies, fewer people might die, but they risk losing themselves. It's a beautifully drawn story that tells a very relatable tale of the struggle to be who you want to be and balancing that with who you feel you need to be.

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I love the art style and all the different types of mermaids. This is a great opening to a story filled with new adventures, but plot wise it’s a little basic. I can’t wait to see Kappa and Siren’s relationship progress.

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It took me a while to get through this graphic novel solely because each page held so many artistic details and I didn’t want to miss any of them! All of the characters - like Siren, Kappa, the Queen, and Selkie - were so likeable and their connections to each other felt nicely fleshed out. The facial expressions were also used expertly to create little comedic moments that had me laughing. The conversation loops about the Beacon’s fate and creating an escape plan did feel a bit overly drawn out by the end because they were repeated frequently, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the story and I’m looking forward to volume 2!

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First of all i want to thank netgalley for gifting me a copy of this book.

I gave it 4.5 stars. It was really cute and i can't wait for the second volume to come out.
It is classified as a young adult but it feels more like it's on the border of a middle grade and a young adult.

I loved the characters. They were all so cute and sweet. They all had their own personality and story to tell.

The plot was pretty interesting. Don't expect many plot twist though. It isn't a complicated plot. There is a theme about expectations. The main characters both experience high expectations from their social environment this takes a toll on the both of them. I really loved how Wendy talked about this theme.

World building:
I absolutely love the world in this graphic novel. The different species are interesting to read about. I think their could be a bit more about the different species. You see about 4 or 5 species in the whole novel but only one is explained. I do like all the different prophecies and the lore behind the big curse that is very prominent in this book.

The romance is not really their yet but it is developing. It's an LGBTQ romance which i really love. I also really love that nobody is giving special attention to the main character being queer. It is seen as normal in this story. I can't say enough that this needs to be done more. I love this. Why do we always need the coming out stories and the shocked people. They always make it look like the person is different.

It was mostly this and the story line that made it feel like a middle grade. It is written very well. I loved the dialogue and the way of expressing things.

The art was really cute and gorgeous. The colours are beautiful. The arts style made it feel like a YA because of all the scars and disabilities the people in this book experience because of the curse. Also the violence and the blood that is showing makes it feel more like a YA. The blood is very well drawn.

It is a lovely story that is on the border from middle grade to YA with gorgeous art en very cute characters.

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I love this story, I've been reading it for years and I'm very happy that they are finally going to release it physically, I'm angry that it hasn't been released sooner ahaha, it is such an amazing work, it deserves it! I don't want to give away any spoilers, but it's a beautiful story, the characters are lovely, and the art is 10/10.

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**Disclaimer: I recieved a free eARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was so cute.  I really enjoyed the world that the author created.  She id a good job at developing the main characters and the concept of the various prophecies.  However, I didn't want it to end.  I wanted it to continue forever.  The art was beautiful, and I liked seeing all the different species of mer.  It was really cool.  I can't wait for the next one.

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05/24/2024 || Castle Swimmer: Volume 1 by Wendy Martin || #CastleSwimmerVolume1 #NetGalley #Queer #MLM

Thank you NetGalley, Wendy Martin, and Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press | Ten Speed Graphic for making this e-ARC available!

Please note: This review may not be reproduced or quoted, in whole or in part, without explicit consent from the author and myself.

All of my thoughts are my own~

Full 5 Stars!!

Castle Swimmer follows the life of the golden scaled Kappa, the Beacon and chosen one to fulfill prophecies and solve the problems for all the creatures and life under the sea, and the prince of the Shark kingdom, Siren.

Kappa is quite literally bound to his destiny by the thread of glowing light that connects and brings him to each and every prophecy. As the latest thread tethers him to the Shark kingdom, where a curse tethers Siren to his destiny for his people, fate seems to bring them both together for more than just what is expected of them. Both of them desire and yearn for more and better, and after an unexpected friendship and romance blossoms between the two, they start to yearn that for one another (and possibly together).

There seems to be so much more tension growing in the Shark kingdom and I'm curious to find out how and what the other kingdoms will do, and how those characters will develop. I really loved how there was so much diversity in how some of the other kingdom folks looks and were presented, and I hope that there is more diversity and inclusion is show cased as the story progresses.

**Personal feelings: Ommmmmmggg!!! I was so bummed out when I got to the end because it ended- such an adorable but tense/sad graphic novel! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next for Kappa and Siren!!! Everyone kept using they and he for Kappa but I wasn't entirely sure if Kappa used both they and he or not. Also so much heavy Princess Mononoke and other Ghibli vibes for the win!!! Loved this I am sooooo buying a physical copy when it comes out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
In a world of sea creatures and underwater ocean kingdoms, young Kappa’s life is already predetermined as the golden Beacon. His destiny collides with multiple kingdoms, but for one in particular: the shark people. After he’s imprisoned in the shark realm, he meets Prince Siren, who’s destined to end the Beacon’s life. Complications arise, treachery begins, and a romance like no other opens for possibilities.
This graphic novel is stunning, and the different kingdoms that the author/illustrator creates are mesmerizing. Originally part of the app Webtoon, Castle Swimmer is a must-read hit. Stunning illustrations of underwater life mixes with the confusion of Siren and the hope of Kappa. I seriously wish the second volume was here. Time for Webtoon now!

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I absolutely LOVE Castle Swimmer and have been a fan since I discovered it on Webtoons. A great adventure/romance story between Kappa and Siren and it follows their adventure as Kappa aka the Beacon goes around and fulfills the prophecies of whomever they belong to. Eventually he's led to the Shark kingdom which is utterly suffering and Siren, the prince of the Shark Kingdom. The both of them eventually fall in love and both try to escape their destinies.

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Castle Swimmer is a beautiful tale about what it means to have a great prophecy placed on your shoulders, and not want it. The art in the book looks amazing, and it all flows together quite nicely. Despite the artwork being so cohesive, each character looks distinct and on that note, the facial expressions are so clear, that there is no doubt as to what the characters are feeling. As for the plot, it could have ended up very repetitive/episodic with Kappa going around and being the answer to everyone's prophecies, but instead, Martin chooses to have what would be his final one, happen early on in the story, and in doing so creates a cool and fun political dynamic that raises the stakes of the world. The interactions between the characters are compelling and feel quite honest, even as the characters have their agendas to fill.
The story is fun, and the idea of the chosen one who doesn't want to be the chosen one is still a relatively new avenue to explore, and Martin does it wonderfully. Adding in a Beacon of Phropecjy that doesn't want the job, but has no choice creates a dynamic between the characters that readers will wait eagerly to see the outcome of. Overall, the book is wonderful and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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“Castle Swimmer” is like a soothing underwater lullaby—a graphic novel that cradles you in its gentle waves. The art, oh, the art! It’s a watercolor dream, capturing the ethereal beauty of an ocean realm. The soft hues and intricate details make me feel like I’m floating alongside the characters.

This webtoon has been my “happy place” comfort read for years —a comforting escape from reality. The underwater world, with its castles and merpeople, feels both familiar and otherworldly. And now, the news of a traditional publishing run? My heart flutters like a school of fish caught in a sunbeam.

The characters—Kappa and Siren—are more than ink and pixels; they’re my precious cinnamon rolls who’ve kept me company. Kappa, burdened by prophecy, tugs at my heartstrings. Who wants to be the chosen one, anyway? And Siren, the shark prince, carries scars—both seen and unseen. His struggle between duty and desire really resonates.

And let’s talk about representation. No neon signs here—just quiet acceptance. The growing romance between Prince Siren and another male character? It’s a delicate dance, like seaweed swaying in the current. No fuss, no fanfare—just love blooming beneath the waves.

So, as the tides shift and “Castle Swimmer” embarks on its traditional publishing voyage, I’ll be there, cheering from the shore. May it find new readers, like seashells washed ashore, each one holding a piece of this enchanting tale.

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Amazing as a remember!!! I was so excited when I heard this was getting published! I read this years ago on webtoon and it was one of my favorite and I guess I can say it still is! The art is amazing, the thing that attracted me at first to the webtoon, the reluctant chosen one plot, the “enemies to lovers” all so well done. Love the story too, the funny dialogue and both MCs and side characters.

I got a little bit too emotional at one point and I’m honestly upset it’s not more ! But i guess I’ll just wait for the second volume to be published too because technically I do know what gonna happen. I’m very excited !!
Very happy to give this 5 stars!

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<i>I would like to thank NetGalley and Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.</i>

<b>Castle Swimmer Season 1 collects Episodes 1-19</b> of THIS SENSATIONAL WEBTOON COMIC that was seriously the most adorable thing I've read since Heartstopper!! The art is absolutely GORGEOUS, and the story itself was just soooo earnest and achy, and OFC Kappa and Siren were the most scrumptious cinnamon rolls in the whole wide world, and they had my heart in full meltdown from PAGE 1!! I loved every page of this! This comic had great pace and flow, and I'm just so impressed with Martin's compelling and heartfelt storytelling alongside such stunning artwork! This was absolutely fabulous and I CANNOT WAIT to devour the rest of this magnificent story! I LOVED THIS!!

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I am so excited to see this webtoon go to print. The story of these two merfolk is so fun to read. I can not wait to read the next volume!

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Castle Swimmer is a mlm queer romance comic following Merpeople based off of real life aquatic animals including: Sharks, Baracuda, Shrimp and more. This is going to be a physical publication of a webtoon, similar to how Lore Olympus got a physical release. I am a fan of the webtoon, having already recommended it to a bunch of friends without realising it was going to get a physical release until I spotted it on netgalley and I got so excited to be given the opportunity to read early. I actually ended up rereading the webtoon version to see if I could spot any differences. I cannot wait to get my grabby little hands on this upon release.

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I am so glad to see more queer webtoons in physical print! Castle Swimmer has a bit of a predictable start, so that is what is mostly in volume 1, but the journey these two characters will go on is beautiful and has so much depth that you will be swept up in it without even realizing! Martin did a great job warning readers when difficult content would be shown, so I hope the publisher maintains that level of attentiveness and care that is paid to the reader experience.

The character designs are so creative and interesting, and the world building gives us a lot to look forward to while not feeling too shallow at first!

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Castle Swimmer is an incredibly entertaining and beautifully written and drawn graphic novel. While the content is more of a middle grade/young adult, it was a really cute read for me as an adult. This would be a wonderful story to read together with your kids. Wendy Martin does an excellent job developing each character through their prose as well as detailed graphics – the facial expressions were so funny and really helped in further understanding the characters and story. I really appreciated the balance of plot and the young romance. I find the concept of the story very unique and while its considered “fantasy” the world building felt very well paced and natural. Similarly, the plot is in no means simple, however I never felt like I was getting lost in the story. Events unfolded in a clearly well planned way and the story flowed perfectly. I am looking forward to being able to have a physical copy of this beautiful graphic novel!

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Castle Swimmer was one of the first web comics I followed, and it’s been so fun to see it making its way from screen to physical book! Wendy’s artwork and character design is so creative and beautiful. She does a wonderful joy creating an underwater world that is interesting and full of mysteries.
Siren and Kappa are the most lovable characters, it’s hard not to fall in love with them and empathize with their struggles. While their personalities are very different, they have a similar sense of loneliness because they each have a burdensome task they alone are responsible for. They bond over the impossibility of the expectations that have been placed on each of them, and it is so lovely to see them support eachother through their personal growth as they move from allies, to friends, to something more. This is just the beginning of their story, and it only gets better from here.

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Oh my gosh, what a fantastic comic! I find myself craving more just from reading Volume 1 today. I love the unique art style and the new ideas you have about the creatures living underwater. Having the different subtypes was interesting to me. Plus, I love a couple of boys with similar life circumstances who also might be into each other. Only future volumes will tell!

My only very small note would be Kappa saying, "I think they're sexy" on page 134. I feel like it doesn't fit the tone of the comic. Maybe I'm crazy but I think using "cute" or "handsome" could be better.

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This is really cute and I'll be following the webtoon immediately
the illustrations are great, the boys are the sweetest and the villains are really funny
A plus all around

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