Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. I've never read anything by Blake before but I saw a lot of hype for this on social media and it definitely lived up to it. Delilah Green Doesn't Care is sexy, clever, and just tons of fun. Delilah and Claire were great together and as their own characters and the supporting cast was just as interesting. I experienced a myriad of emotions reading this and part of me wishes I could wipe it all from my mind and read it again for the first time. And don't even get me started on that gorgeous cover- the perfect match for a gorgeous story. I fell in love with Bright Falls and its citizens and can't wait to come back!

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In a really weird spot where I love queer romances and everything they represent but I hate the miscommunication trope with a passion. And unfortunately this book was 99% miscommunication. Cute story overall, once I got over the whole “JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER YOU IDIOTS” fit I threw

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I had a really fun time reading this book. The plot is original and unique, and the protagonist, Delilah, is funny, smart, and easy to relate to. I'm always hungry for new stories about queer women and found this one refreshing. This book is plot-based and moves along with a nice sense of pacing, but still has an emotional tenor to it. I definitely recommend this if you're looking for an easy but enthralling read.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this title. I have been reading more queer romance novels as a happy escape from the stressors of life & this was one of the best I've read in the genre. The characters and storylines were super relatable, and I'd have loved it even if there was no romantic element. That said, the sex scenes were HOT and this book totally left me wanting more.

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This isn't the type of book I normally go for (romance), but I fell in love with the cover and I'm always down for queer stories. It was so cute! I loved the sense of humor in the book and personalities of the characters. The family drama and dynamics were interesting, I loved the small town setting, and Delilah Green herself is pretty swoon-worthy.

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I really enjoyed it! I liked that the main characters were flawed people who made mistakes. They learned and grew, but had to realize that those mistakes would last forever. I appreciated that Delilah and Astrid's relationship was almost as important and Delilah and Claire.

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I will read anything by Ashley Herring Blake, and when I found out she was publishing an adult romance, I was so intrigued. Delilah Green Doesn't Care has less heavy trauma exploration than Blake's other titles (rightfully so, considering the genre switch). The characters have great chemistry, and the unresolved sexual and romantic tension between the two mains is delicious. The perfect choice for when you need a little happy queer love in your life.

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I don’t even know where to start. This book was just a delight from start to finish, romantic and steamy but also emphasizing friendship and family and messy relationships in such an authentic, heartfelt way. A perfect read to swoon over and maybe cry a little bit over too.

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Delilah Green Doesn't Care is witty, sweet, and strikes you right through the heart. It was equal parts yearning for romantic love and familial love, equal parts steamy romance and healing from lonely childhoods, this book ticked all of my boxes. Delilah Green was a relatable and charismatic main character, you loved her through all of her snark and vulnerability, and Claire Sutherland might be the woman of my dreams, I feel in love with these characters, I fell in love with this small town, and I found myself healing and growing right along side Delilah. This book is absolutely everything. Just everything.

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This was both very different from and still similar to the emotional young adult books I’ve read by this author in the past. As a romance novel, this was much lighter, funnier, and sexier, but the difficult and powerful family feelings were familiar. I loved Delilah and Claire and was rooting for them right away. Ruby, Iris, and Astrid were all awesome side characters as well. I especially appreciated Iris and the ways she interacted with Delilah. (No spoilers!)

The sex scenes were hot because of the intense sexual tension and build-up to them, even if the description of the sex itself was kind of so-so for me.

Overall, this was a fast and engrossing story with lots of lovable characters. I really didn’t want to put it down! A perfect summer weekend read!

I also CAN’T WAIT for the sequel that was previewed at the end of this book. I’m crossing my fingers that I can get that one as an ARC too so I don’t have to wait too long for it!

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This book is such a lovely read! While the primary romantic/sexual storyline provides just enough spice, there are so many other beautiful platonic relationships that develop and evolve as well. Delilah is real and relatable, and her journey tugs at the heartstrings. Highly recommend!

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Delilah Green Doesn’t Care follows Delilah as she goes back to her hometown to be the photographer for her step sister, Astrid’s, wedding. Delilah is miserable about having to go back to Bright Falls where she left right when she turned 18 to escape her stepmother and stepsister. When Delilah arrives the last she expects to find is her stepsister’s best friend hitting on her and yet the first person she hits it off with is no other than Claire, one third of Astrid’s best friend group. Throughout the book we follow Delilah and Claire explore their new relationship all while trying to deal with the craziness that is Astrid’s wedding (and also her super shitty fiancé).

Overall I loved this story! The book read like a fan fiction and I mean that in the BEST way. I didn’t want to put the book down, I felt like I already knew and loved the characters, and it left me feeling all warm and happy. I will say that the relationship is very insta-lovey, but in this case it was a deal breaker as it can often be for me. The book was funny, cute, and real all at once. I think this is the perfect book to pick up if you ever want a cute pick me up story or it could also act as a wonderful beach read! No matter what, this is a great book for anyone looking for a cute and sappy wlw romance!

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Thank you NetGalley for allowing me access to the eARC for this title!

I love Ashley Herring Blake. I tweeted recently that I find her books almost supernaturally readable, and it's true. I have not encountered one title by her so far that I haven't absolutely devoured. Obviously, some I seem to connect with more than others, but still, there hasn't been one yet I haven't absolutely loved, and that was before she dipped her toe into adult fiction with her latest title. Delilah Green Doesn't Care was everything I wanted from a queer rom-com. The characters were likeable (with the exception of the ones who weren't meant to be liked, and they were sufficiently vile), the stakes just high enough without dealing with subjects quite as dark as a few of her YA books (like Girl Made of Stars, decidedly a heavier book), and the romance was hot as hell.

The split protagonists were both wonderful in their own flawed, loveable way. Delilah the walking one-night-stand outsider who's realizing she's tired of being alone, and Claire, the caregiver with abandonment issues struggling with wanting something for herself. I couldn't tell which voice I was enjoying more, and finally gave up trying to choose, but they were both distinct and it was never unclear whose chapter was whose. The chemistry between the two was absolutely sizzling, and when they finally did get together it was some of the hottest I've ever read, right up there with Tell It To The Stars. Beyond that, though, they were just freaking adorable together, like their date to the roller rink, and I was very much in swoon territory around them. Naturally, their mixed signals were frustrating, and as with all such drama, you want to shake them and tell them to just say aloud what they're thinking, but of course it would be a much shorter book if that happened.

Plus, Claire runs a bookstore, and we book sellers gotta support one another. ;)

The supporting cast was fun. Iris is the loudmouth, filterless best friend I think we all really need, a little quick to judge perhaps, but meaning well. Astrid had wonderful layers, at first seeming to be exactly the aloof stepsister Delilah paints her to be before you start peeling back to get to her trauma and issues beneath. Ruby was just adorable, what more is there to say. She absolutely the type of character that Ashley would put in one of her Middle Grade books and she knows how to write characters that age (and now that I've said that, I kinda want a book with her her as the protagonist, she definitely gave me baby-queer vibes, and it could be fun to have the world of Bright Falls cover a couple generations of readers). Josh pleasantly surprised me, being both much more responsible, and much more aware, than he at first seemed. I was sure the trip he took at the end with Claire and Ruby was gonna be his confession of love, but it was the exact opposite, and it was perfect! And finally, I hated Isabel and Spencer, but I was supposed to, so it was successful.

Bright Falls seems like a quaint little town. I did find I had a bit of trouble trying to picture it, sizewise, besides being the type of town where the sidewalks roll up at 6pm. I guess besides a few spots like Claire's bookstore, the location didn't make a huge impression on me. This isn't really all that important, just something I noticed.

This book makes great use of examining the idea of communication, or what the lack of it can do to you life.

As usual, Ashley Blake decided she was gonna try writing something, and she just knocked it right out of the park. An enthusiastic 5 stars.

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I absolutely adored this book. The two main characters felt incredibly real and fleshed out. The required romcom drama didn't feel forced at all. It was so fun and sucked me in completely. Even the ending felt realistic and not the common unlikely romcom ending. I highly recommend this book for a fun, engrossing romance between two very hot queer women.

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Delilah Green is a delight! A recommended first purchase for collections where contemporary romance is popular.

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This book is a joy to read. Ashley Herring Blake, who usually writes for YA readers, hits it out of the park with her adult sapphic romance. Delilah Green is thirty and trying to make it as a photographer in NYC. She gets an offer of money she can't refuse to return to Bright Falls (gotta love the name), Oregon. She is to photograph two weeks of wedding festivities for her estranged sister Astrid. Once there she also meets up with Astrid's two best friends, Iris and Claire, who she delightfully refers to as "the coven". Delilah is there for the money and maybe to push a few buttons along the way.

Claire Sutherland didn't get to go off to college like her friends but runs her moms bookstore. She is a single mother raising her 11 year old daughter as best she can. She likes Delilah and genuinely tries to get to know her in a way none of the coven did when they were children.

I'm not going to give away plot lines but I was laughing one moment and then feeling tugs on my heart strings the next. The characters are complex and rich. There is a moment where Delilah asks "Have you ever wondered if you got it all wrong?". I think it is a thought everyone can relate to at one time or another. This is as much about romance and love as it is about sisters, caring and forgiveness. It is so much more than I expected.

The cover of this is perfect and hopefully will draw readers to give it a try. The title also fits the story in so many ways. I found Delilah Green does care and I care too. This is for romance and sapphic readers. I was thrilled to see that there will be more to the series with Astrid getting her story in 2023. The sample preview has me begging the publisher to put me on the waiting list. Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book! I like how it went into Delilah and Astrid's childhoods and how their perspectives about how things played out might have been a bit more skewed than they originally thought. Of course, I thought the relationship between Claire and Delilah was cute and I liked the way it tackled Claire's relationship with her daughter and ex.

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This was a fun and charming romance, with excellently written sex scenes and snappy dialogue. The secondary plot of Deliah's stepsister getting married occasionally felt rushed/shoe-horned in, which was my only complaint. (No spoilers, but there were moments when I thought the stakes were confusing - there was a lot of setup for a particular plotline that never went anywhere.) Overall, though, it was a quick but fun read. I'm always happy to have some mainstream wlw fiction to recommend to patrons, and this will be my go to for awhile.

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I don't think there's anything Ashley Herring Blake can't write. I have been a fan of her middle grade books and now she's written a perfect adult romance. When I first saw the cover of this book I had astronomically high hopes for it and somehow the book surpassed every one of them!
This book is so funny and sweet and incredibly sexy. I loved Delilah's and Claire's romance with its loaded history and small town complications. Having Delilah discover that what she thought of her history with her step sister and her best friends might not have been the full story was such a wonderful counterpoint to her discovering that maybe she could do this love thing after all.
Ashley Herring Blake can write anything she wants and it will be on my auto-buy list. I can't wait for more romance from her in the future, she's a truly gifted storyteller.

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