Member Reviews

The main character really annoyed me. It feels like she was meant to be written as this strong, bold female, but a female can be all those things without being disrespectful.
Thanks for providing me with this ARC Netgalley.

I was unsure how this book will turn out to be and that's why requested for the first five chapters of 'After Hours on Milagro Street' by Angelina M. Lopez, and boy! was I completely wrong. I was hooked from the 1st chapter itself. Fireworks goes off they moment Professor Jeremiah Post and Alejandra “Alex” Torres meet, so spare yourself the grief of having to wait for the actual action. Loved the characters and how the book's written, the humor, the back-and-forth between Jeremiah and Alex.
After reading the initial chapters, I promptly requested the whole book, I just have to know how this story ends. 'After Hours on Milagro Street' is an addictive adult romance with a Mexican twist.

Surprisingly, I think I might have liked this better without the sex scene at the beginning. I'm all for a woman who goes for what she wants, but the way Alex was written came off as extremely condescending and callous. A little too much of the cool, hard bartender vibe going on (coming from a former bartender), which yes, I get it - is totally a stereotype for a reason but I felt like that persona was almost her whole character.
Bums me out because the setting and the Mexican-American colonias of the 1900s and the conflict between the two main characters seem pretty interesting, but I really don't enjoy reading the perspective of a character who infantilizes and patronizes others, which is ironic because I think it's supposed to read as feminist empowerment?

The five chapters hooked me into the story. I can’t wait to follow up on the rest of the story. So far so good with interesting and fun characters.

this was sooo good and so hot!! i loved it thank you for letting me read a few pages!! I cant wait till the full book is in stores i will buy it!

One thing i have learned is that i need to stop applying for only previews! I need to know where this love story goes!
Although only a few chapters, I am definitely interested in finding out the story arc for these characters and seeing how things end for them.

This was interesting and a pretty good start to a story that peaks your interest. This was five chapters but it did have me wondering what the end result would be.
Thank you to NetGalley and the authoress and Publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I’m definitely left intrigued!

Phew - this is STEAMY from the START. I'm curious to see how the relationship evolves over the book. I'm not like...100% sold on Jeremiah yet (sorry!), but maybe the chapters to come will get me to change my mind. Also curious to see how the background characters / town develop over the course of the book. Should be a sweet and good escapist romance!!

I am liking this books far. It was getting interesting but since it was just a preview. I can't wait to read the whole book. Alex is kinda a bitch she doesn't respect her family history. And I like the professor. He seems like a giant teddy bear.

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina for the chance to read a preview of this book!
Things that got me to pre-order this book:
1. glasses-wearing nerdy beta professor hero
2. awkward but somehow still incredibly hot first encounter
The heroine has a LOT of hard edges that I'll need some more character development to ease into, but I was IN IT as soon as the hero appeared. I was a little worried that the first encounter was too aggressive and non-consensual, but that worry was eased both with verbal consent as well as the hero's POV later on. I'm SO EXCITED to read more and see how this thorny family drama works out...but mostly to get more chemistry between these two reluctant neighbors (especially because the hero already shows signs of pining and I am here for it).

Ohhh... I am very looking forward to read the all book. This is an apertiser to what is to come. I am a massive fan of this author so I will reserved the rest of my judgement until I read the all book.

I think the concept was good and I am curious about where it was going.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

I enjoyed the preview enough to want to read more, however there are certain words that get repetitive (which is not great when you’re only five chapters in).

I liked the premise. The setting and cultural backstory were nice, and the ghost aspect is fun, but this book isn't for me. The two main characters felt a bit flat, and I didn't enjoy how forcefully Alex came on to Jeremiah only a few minutes after meeting him. A woman knowing what she wants and initiating sex is awesome, but physically pushing him into a chair and climbing on top of him before he has given any indication that he is interested? No. If the gender roles were reversed, this would be a blatant red flag. Just because he's the guy doesn't make it okay. Consent is important for everyone.

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Press for this ARC!
I👏NEED👏MORE! It’s only chapters 1-5 and somehow it’s enough but it’s really not! It leaves you wanting more! Holy smokes, I am pulling for Alex, she is such a badass and a perfectly grey character starting out but yet once you read her POV you know she’s a sweetheart. The chemistry between her and Jeremiah is 🔥🌶, I can’t even use words to describe it. I was completely surprised yet very very happy that in the first couple chapters we get some good ol’ fashioned smut just right off the bat. Wham bam, thank you mam. Jeremiah I can already tell is going to be a lot of people’s fictional boyfriends because he’s currently mine. I love a big (physically and metaphorically) academic nerd who is shy and also shy in 🛌 and allows a woman to just take the reins. I don’t want to continue spoiling anything but the plot and also the dialogue are just 🤌 so good. I’m so invested in the outcome as well as dying to know more about the history of this little town and the Torres family. READ THIS BOOK, PLEASE! 🥰
Rating: 4.5 ⭐️

This preview story was a must. I was totally engaged in the story and need more of it. 5 chapters wasn’t enough.

I loved the wham bam thank you sir right upfront! The writing is crisp and lively. The main character is fierce and I can relate to her. In the preview, she was fully drawn out and I look forward to reading how she worked out her familial issues, I was not as drawn to the LI, but I would like to see if the author renders him more fully in the remainder of the book.

Definitely intrigued. I love a female main character that’s not goody-goody and is grey in a relatable and normal way. Jeremiah seems like a sweetheart. I’ll definitely be waiting for this book on release day!

This was so fun!!! I can't wait to read the rest of this book!!
Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’m really excited to read the full novel after this steamy teaser! Here’s to some real ghosts and lots more sexy times between these two.