Member Reviews

3.5 stars rounded up
Oooh what a perfect book to get ready for Halloween! This was a great easy read, with good action and some fun and spooky scenes. Release date is a little unfortunate though,

I had high hopes for this book - it seemed to be the perfect read for the approaching Halloween season.
But, it was much more a family drama than a work of suspense. And once scary things actually started happening, it felt like too little too late.
I was well-written and the drama was believable, but I just wish it had been that, and not sold as something scary.
And a January release? That seems so strange.

A fast-paced read set on Halloween night. Featuring trick-or-treating, parties, monsters, bonfires, and more this is the perfect perfect kind of book to get you in the mood for Halloween.

All Hallows is a book to be read around Halloween because it is just the kind of spooky you need to "get in the mood."
It is Halloween in 1984. The town is Coventry and the state is Massachusetts. Up and down the street families are experiencing crises and unraveling in their own ways.
Mixed in are 4 children in dated costumes whom no-one knows.
They beg for help but there is so much chaos taking place this Halloween they are basically invisible.
A monster is after them, the Cunning Man. An opening has appeared in a place there never was one and a tree has appeared.
This is a scary read and will hit the spot.
You might even sleep with the lights on.

Halloween in Coventry, Massachusetts is shaping up to be anything but normal. In amongst the trick or treaters, are four other children dressed in outdated costumes, children who are terrified of someone they call the Cunning Man. They beg to be hidden from him and implore the other children to hide as well, but as domestic rivalries divide the adults of Parmenter Road, the children are left to fend for themselves. Golden writes fun, creepy thrillers and this is no excpetion

A perfect “things that go bump in the night” horror novel set in a small town on Hallows Eve in 1984. As the local residents get ready for Halloween night 4 strange children blend in asking the other kids for help because they fear the monster who’s coming to get them. But not all the monsters are otherworldly but local parents, and the neighborhood children find themselves fighting on all fronts. A wonderful and descriptively scary page turner.