Member Reviews

a spicy, well-written dual timeline romance with witty dialogue and a fast paced plot. the characters kept finding their way back into each others lives throughout the book and each time they pulled on my heart a little more. i loved fourth wing so i was pleased to read another of rebecca's books - this was an enjoyable read.

I loved the dual timelines of this book, and the way it kept switching back and forth between when the characters first met and the present day. The romance was well-written, and pretty spicy. Rebecca Yarros has a knack for creating characters which readers can empathize with and really feel like they are experiencing the story right along side them. Loved the way the characters first met, and the way they kept finding each other again. Great story!

Mixed feelings about this one. It had really great dialogue and tension, and I enjoyed the plot line. Some of the military circumstances felt like propaganda which made me a bit uncomfortable considering the power dynamic of the United States over Middle East. I am not sure if it’s going to mow to most readers, but some people will definitely need big trigger warnings.

Ok so I haven't gotten on the Rebecca Yarros bandwagon until I read this book. I'm still recovering. Every word of this book tug at my heart strings. I felt like I was in pieces. And by the time I would pick them back up, my heart would break all over again. Fated mates is my all-time favorite trope. The dual POV and dual timelines were used so tastefully to tell Izzy and Nate's story. It was my first military romance and I was not disappointed one bit!
I have so many words but don't know how to put them down on paper. This one definitely left me speechless and with a Nate-size hole in my heart.
100/10 recommend!

I read this because I loved Fourth Wing, and I’m so glad I did. Rebecca Yarros delivers another incredible story, and I can’t wait to read her next book. Thanks for the ARC NetGalley!

After finishing Fourth Wing i was so excited to read more of Rebecca's work, however this just did not do it for me. I could not get into the story it was very band for me.

I requested this one because I read about the plane crash in the synopsis and thought, "that's my jam!" I inevitably did not continue reading after that, because the rest of the summary should have given me enough warning to stay clear. The whole thing in the end felt very white-saviour-ish that felt really uncomfortable in that Purple Hearts kind of way. It's like these authors who find fame thanks to Tiktok (urgh) feel like they have a carte blanche word document to write about whatever offensive thing they want with no consequences. Two stars for bingeability, even if it was highly unbelievable. Sorry Ms Yarros, I'll just stick to Fourth Wing from now on.

Reading this book felt like watching a movie! Nate and Izzy will always have my heart! It’s starts off really fast paced but then slows down a little. You do have to be a little patient during the slow parts. But it’s worth it.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️
I'll be honest I should have read the synopsis but reading Fourth Wing, I wanted to read whatever this author wrote.
One I can't stand second chance romance because most of the time they should've never gotten back together. Two selfish people make selfish decisions without thinking of the impact of their decisions. And Lastly using real-life war to make a “story interesting” while not thinking about the community it harms is f up.
Emotional cheating is still cheating, Both Izzy and Nate string people along even though they are in love with each other. They would break up with the people they were dating right before they met each other for vacation. Why not stay single? Or mess around?
The reason Izzy wanted to bring the troop home was your typical white woman's behavior. ME ME ME ME!!!! I don't think she even once thought about the affected and the amount of suffering in Afghanistan. She just had to get her once-a-year boo thing home.

I have to be honest and say I found the writing in this book disappointing. The story didn’t grip me or hold my interest. I found it offensive that the woman needed to be saved by the man.
I found the quality to be lacking and the characters not that interesting. Maybe because this author has churned out so many books recently. I think she is a better at fantasy.
Thanks to NetGalley and Montclair for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first read by Rebecca Yarros but, it certainly won't be my last! I was captivated by the story of Izzy and Nate literally crashing into love!

I feel like I've been hearing Rebecca Yarros' name non-stop at the moment, and while I'm not likely to be picking up Fourth Wing anytime soon, I was intrigued by the fact that she has also written tons of contemporary books too, so I thought I'd give this one a go. The army setting and the whole 'lost loves who have gone years without communicating' really reminded me of Elvis and Georgie from Our Girl, which is one of my favourite TV shows and so I loved that element! However, I did find this book to be quite a slow read for me, which is odd considering its short length and its action-packed plot, and I would've liked to see more from Izzy and Nate's romance in the present-day, instead of leaving it all until the very end, as I feel like so much time was spent on the two of them refusing to communicate with each other, or on every single one of their previous meetings without any resolution being met.

Rating 3.75/5 stars
Like most books I read, I went into this completely blind. I read Fourth Wing and loved it so I thought I would check out some of Yarros' other books. I definitely wasn't expecting a story that made me feel so many things.
As a second chance romance, it totally makes sense that there will be some heartache and issues to work through. I LOVED how the flashbacks were sprinkled throughout. Normally, I'm not a big fan of that, but it just worked so well in this story. Watching their relationship develop and then seeing how they navigated each other in the present was very interesting.
I also really enjoyed that there was some kind of pressing thing happening both in the past and present. I think that helped with the pacing which was perfect.
This book did take me awhile to get through, but only because some of the topics are heavier. I would check the content warning before reading.
Overall, this was a good read and I'm planning to work through Yarros' backlog!
Thank you to Netgalley and Montlake for providing an ARC! All thoughts and opinions are wholly my own.

An outstanding story!
I NEEDED this book! I have been in a reading slump for awhile and was already struggling to finish two other books when I came upon this one. I was instantly captivated!
I was whole heartedly intrigued after the unconventional way these two amazing characters met. I was immediately connected to each of them as they fought their way back to each other.
The intensity of their emotions and the connection they shared, kept me invested and made me not want to put this book down. Their story was incredible. I absolutely LOVED it!
I was so anxious to know how it would all work out and then that unexpected twist just gutted me. Tears! It made me want to go back and read it from the beginning with open eyes.
I adored Nate and Izzy. It was so SO good. I highly recommend!
-Review by Lys

This was my first time reading a book my Yarros since I read Fourth Wing, and I can safely say it didn’t disappoint. I loved this story so so much. It was a completely new setting from the books I’d normally read and I loved how it added to the plot.
I loved Izzy’s and Nate’s relationship. The will they won’t they aspect. And finding out their story through different tenses was brilliant. I just wanted to shake Nate and tell him to quit. Be with the woman you love. And he did, he finally bloody did.
I will definitely be reading other booked penned by Yarros. Even if they aren’t fantasy.

Excuse me while I just piece together my heart.
Military romances are not my go to but this! this has changed my mind entirely. Izzy and Nate meet by chance and one moment changes there life and sets the wheels in motion for their story. This was a dual pov dual timeline story and I loved the back and forth. We really get an understanding of how this couple came to be today by reading about their life before. It was a real lump in your throat read that had me hooked. I was so absorbed in the story I didn't want it to be over. Honestly i absolutely loved it. Im so glad i took a chance on Rebeccas romance books after reading and loving Fourth Wing i can see she is going to become an auto buy author for me. FYI This a story that some could find triggering so there are mentions of war, death and ptsd.

e connais la qualité des romances de Rebecca Yarros depuis longtemps et je suis habituée au grand 8 émotionnel que cette dernière fait vivre à ses lecteurs ... J'ai adoré ma lecture !!
En effet, même si cette histoire commence sur des chapeaux de roues avec un crash d'avion , étant phobique de cet événement , forcément j'ai un peu vécu difficilement ce passage ...Cet évènement sonne la rencontre de nos 2 héros . L'histoire de Nate et Izzy s'étale sur quelques années et malgré une attirance réciproque , les choses ne s'emboitent jamais vraiment pour que leur relation évolue....
On les retrouve quelques années plus tard dans un environnement hostile au sein de l'évacuation des force américaines de l'Afghanistan...
J'ai adoré la pression constante et la montée de la tension au fil des pages où le danger est partout, la plume fluide et imagée de l'autrice permet une immersion totale parfois même trop ...
Nate est un soldat d'élite qui maitrise tout ce qui l'entoure. Il a cette impression d'être à la hauteur qu'en exerçant son métier malgré les risques. J'ai adoré ce personnage droit et altruiste près à tout pour protéger la femme de sa vie même s'il faut l'éloigner de lui...
Izzy est une jeune femme entêtée , qui sait ce qu'elle veut et se donne les moyens d'y parvenir même si elle est une femme dans un milieu d'hommes. Elle a souvent baissé la tête pour plaire à ses parents mais son attachement à sa soeur et sa volonté d'être heureuse va l'amener à des extrêmes .
Leur duo est une évidence pourtant ....
Le dénouement est comme on l'attend et j'avoue que l'autrice m'a totalement laissé sans voix avec une révélation que je n'avais absolument pas vu venir ...
En bref :Une romance contemporaine géniale !!! J'ai adoré l'histoire de Nate et Izzy qui nous entraine dans des ascenseurs émotionnels tout au long du livre. J'ai frémi, souri, levé les yeux au ciel et même versé quelques larmes .... En gros j'ai adoré ! La plume de l'autrice nous embarque dans cet univers dangereux et captivant et nous laisse ébahi après avoir tourné la dernière page mais avec le sourire aux lèvres.

i absolutely adored fourth wing so when i saw this book slide into my netgalley shelf, i was very excited!
*please note that both of the previously mentioned books are INCREDIBLY different and to not go into ‘in the likely event’ expecting something similar to fourth wing, because you will be disappointed.*
i really enjoyed the concept of this book! i was rooting for these two to be together from page one. it’s kind of hard not to when they survived a plane crash together?? fate? destiny? soulmates? i think so.
this book is perfect for fans of:
- strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to friends to lovers
- i’d risk my life for you (and the country)
- we see each other once a year and i think about you everyday in between
i would have rated this book higher but i felt like i struggled to stay fully invested in the plot and the characters relationship. overall though i recommend it for readers looking for something unique and exciting!
"You even have the hot, broody reading vibe down. Very Jess Mariano of you."
"Jess who?" He blinked in confusion.
"Jess Mariano,"…"You know, from Gilmore Girls."
"Never seen it." He shook his head.
"Well, if you ever do, just remember that you're pretty much Jess, just …taller and hotter."
thank you to netgalley and montlake for an e-arc of this book!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I didn’t think I could love @rebeccayarros any more after reading FW, but here we are. This story was incredible, and the dual pov & dual timeline were a 12/10. I was kind of wary of it being a military romance (being a milso, it can get cringy), but it was so well written. Nate and Izzy will always be one of my favorite couples; to say I was completely enamored by their journey would be an understatement. I usually don’t get emotional reading, but I couldn’t help but tear up. It is truly a MUST READ and I don’t ✨love✨ the second chance trope…but maybe I do now. What magic does she put in her books?!
A huge thank you to the talented @rebeccayarros , @netgalley and Montlake ( @amazonpublishing ) for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

4,25/5 ⭐
Beautiful story about two fated lovers crossing paths throughout the years and unexpectedly meeting each other again in a time of war.
I’ll admit, the only reason I picked this book up was because it’s written by Rebecca Yarros and I enjoyed reading Fourth Wing earlier this summer (and a few friends of mine were very convincing in getting me to read this one too). However I was pleasantly surprised by In the Likely Event, because I did end up liking it, even though I was hesitant at first.
It's told in dual POV, with flashback chapters portraying the shared history of the two main characters. The timing and way these chapters are interspersed was perfect, the revelations coming at exactly the right time. Right from the start, you want to know what happened in New York in 2018, because it is regularly referred to and you feel that this really was a turning point in their history. It takes a while before you then finally discover how the hook was set, but it all just fits so well.
For the first hundred pages, I wasn't immediately convinced. Yes there were several amazing and super cute scenes in it, but overall I wasn't really feeling it yet. Once I read 20 more pages, however, I was sold. The way it is written is just really good, and by then the characters had convinced me as well. I started to sympathise strongly with them and hoped with them for a happy ending.
I read the last few chapters with a scared heart and in one go, but it was worth it. The twists at the end were also nicely done.
This book is definitely a recommendable read for romance readers who love instant attraction/love and fated lovers, a nicely developed story, learning to stand on your own two feet, the value and importance of possibilities, the large role family and friends can play (both for better and for worse) and fighting for the things you love.
Thank you Netgalley for this eARC.