Member Reviews

This one was a great quick queer read! I loved the main characters and can definitely relate to that lost feeling. I unfortunately wasn’t into the slow burn with this one and kept wanting something more to happen. It felt very hallmark but make it queer.

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This Day Changes Everything is so cute. I loved Abby and Leo. The idea of two teens meeting while their bands are participating in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was perfect. I was really invested in the story and it was just fun. I would absolutely read it again. This might be a fun Thanksgiving day tradition.

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“I think I want to be out, eventually, but mostly…I just want to exist.”

“You exist to me.”

QOTD: have you ever been to New York City?

AOTD: I have! I’ve been a few times and got to see all the sites, and two Broadway Shows 🤩

I absolutely loved this #yanovel by @edwardunderhill ❤️ I was a big fan of his first novel, so when I was saw he was writing a new #romance I knew I would be picking it up.

All I kept thinking while reading this one was that I felt that it was love letter to youth, to queerness, to New York, and to the power of friendship. I got lost in the whirlwind trip through NYC and the epic love story between Leo and Abby is not to be missed 😍 Add on the gorgeous coverart by @peaches.obviously and this this #book has it all!

Thank you to @netgalley for my #gifted copy to read and review.

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This was a pretty cute, mostly plot-less road trip romance that takes place with NYC as it's backdrop. I loved seeing both Abby's and Leo's journeys particularly with their queerness. I didn't love love this one as much as I loved the author's last book but it's a pretty solid read for teens! I think I just usually like a bit more plot with my books but this was a short and enjoyable read.

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"This Day Changes Everything" is an insanely cute YA romcom! Enjoyed it even more than I thought I would. Leo and Abby are in New York for their high schools' marching band marching in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade-- and when they both end up on the wrong subway train, they spend the day exploring around New York and figuring out that the universe might not work the way they expect it to, but sometimes it's even better.
I loved the writing in TDCE, it's sweet and fun to follow as the two leads make their way through the story.
The trans rep and sexuality questioning was well written and felt very realistic for sixteen year olds learning about themselves.
While it is a little too insta-lovey for my personal taste, that's how high schoolers can be and the whole overall tone of the story was hopeful and sweet.

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I will not be sharing my review until the Saint Martins Press boycott is over; the rating is a temporary marker.

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I loved this book! I absolutely adore the plot, the characters, the story, it was an amazing ride! I wouldn’t mind rereading it, and I’ll definitely be getting myself a copy! The cover art is amazing as well.

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4.5 / 5.0

A little ‘Ferris Bueller’ and a little ‘Nick & Nora’, but this was all good. It is beautifully written and the characters are fantastic.

It had some places where it was a little dry and the pacing felt off for me, but overall it is a good book. It has me interested in reading other books by the author.

Until Next Time,

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for access to this ARC for review.

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I really enjoyed This Day Changes Everything. I liked it much more than the authors first book. Both of the characters were really cute and I liked the story. The chaotic day in New York setting was fun. I’d recommend it!

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This is a beautiful queer rom-com where quirky and bad things happen along the way that ultimately change what you think will happen. I enjoyed the feeling lost and getting lost in NY parallel and the characters feel so real and developed. Highly recommend.

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This is beyond delayed, but this was an excellent read. I loved both of the main characters and their stories and how they end up together. I bought it for our collection, and it hasn't been back at the library since it hit the shelves.

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Book 4 for me for the 2024 Trans Rights Readathon. This year, I'll be making a donation to LGBT Youthline.

This was a very cute young adult book. It very much gives a Dash and Lily's Book of Dares and What If It's Us mashup of vibes. And honestly, I enjoyed this much more than either of those books. I'll definitely go back and try out the author's debut.

This Day Changes Everything has the signature young adult internal angst and unsubtlety paired with the magic (and required suspension of disbelief) of a holiday romcom and it ends up being a great balance.

I totally flew through this very quickly. While I really enjoyed this as an adult - teenage me would have been obsessed with this book (much like how Abby is obsessed with her favourite book.) The characters are so endearing - I just want to give them hugs TBH. I'm so glad they have each other (as well as old and new friends) to help them as they figure things about themselves in a setting that makes it easier than their home states. It also made me want to visit New York again and I don't care if that's cliché!

If you don't get to it sooner, I recommend reading this book around American Thanksgiving - it would be a very cute way to kick off a holiday reading period. Also, I ended up listening to the audiobook and it was very well narrated.

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4 stars

You can read all of my reviews at Nerd Girl Loves Books.

I really enjoyed author @edwardunderhill ‘s first book, Always the Almost and despite being decades away from high school and all the angst it entails, I still felt seen. I couldn’t put the book down and just sighed with a big smile on my face after I read it. So, when I saw that he had another book coming out, you know I was knocking down @wednesdaybooks door for an ARC copy of it – and boy, I was not disappointed!!

This Day Changes Everything is another wonderful book with teenage characters dealing with some very adult decisions about their future and how they will navigate it. Both MC are in marching band and set to play in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Abby is from the Midwest and has finally decided to confide in her best friend Kat that not only is she gay, but she’s in love with her. She’s counting on the Universe to give her an Epic Scene worthy of her own rom-com to do it. Leo is about to be outed to his extended traditional Southern family on national TV that he’s a trans boy. Plans are made. Plans are blown up. Hijinx ensue.

Abby and Leo take the wrong train to their next school tour of NYC. Despite being in separate bands some of the band’s itinerary match up. Things get off to a rocky start when Abby loses a book she planned to give Kat during her Epic Scene. They decide to blow off the school trips and go to places mentioned in the book to get something to symbolize her feelings for Kat instead. What starts off as an angry, distrustful, contemptuous relationship as they venture from one tourist attraction to the next, eventually melts into awareness, curiosity, friendship, flirting, warm fuzzies and love.

The teasing banter and quips between the two MCs is a delight to read and takes me back to the days when I could let the snarky comments fly without having to censor myself and be polite and diplomatic. I also enjoyed seeing Leo unthaw a bit and let his personality shine. His walls were big and strong and not easily broken, but Abby was able to make a tiny crack, that eventually got bigger and broke through. Leo was a typical closed off sullen teenager and Abby was a typical narcissistic teenager acting like the world revolves around her. Leo gives her a wake-up call that startles and angers Abby, but she finally gets it.

One of my favorite scenes in the book is when they accidentally stumble into an LGBTQIA young persons group holding a meeting at the famous Strand bookstore. They are immediately accepted into the group. Abby and Leo are shocked to find other teenagers like them that are so open, free, and comfortable with their sexuality. It’s not a big deal to those in the group, or anyone they encounter, and it opens Abby and Leo’s eyes to the fact that there is a great big world out there and it is possible to escape that tight box they’ve been squeezed into by their hometowns. It’s closer than they think, and there are places they can go and be themselves, be accepted, and have friends who care about them. There’s a whole community out there for them. They just have to reach out and take it.

The insta-love at the end was step too far for me, but considering we’re talking about teenagers here, I forgive it. I have to remember – what teenager hasn’t had one encounter with a special boy or girl and felt so wonderful they told all their friends that the person is the “love of their life”. It happens.

You need to read this book, and the previous book Always the Almost. Seriously. Now, go do it!

I was provided a complimentary e-copy of this book from NetGalley and Wednesday Books. All opinions are my own.

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I am participating in the St. Martin's Press boycott. I will not be publicly reviewing this title until St. Martin's Press addresses reader concerns.

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I’m a huge fan of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, I was in high school marching band, and I’ve loved every trip I’ve made to NYC. The question isn’t why would I request this book from NetGalley – why wouldn’t I?

Believing herself to be in love with her best friend, Abby is questioning her sexuality. She’s also unsure if her friend Kat is gay but plans to make a romantic, carefully planned proclamation of her love while they’re in NYC. Although Leo’s immediate family is supportive, his conservative, extended family is unaware he’s a trans boy, but they’ll find out when his interview with a local TV station is televised during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. When Abby and Leo hop on the wrong subway train and become separated from their groups, their whirlwind adventure begins.

If you’re a fan of the grumpy/sunshine trope, this novel is for you. Leo is full of doom and gloom, but Abby is a romantic at heart and believes in signs from the Universe. After losing her Epic Gift for Kat, Leo agrees to help Abby replace it, which requires trips to tourist attractions throughout the city. As Leo and Abby get to know each other over the course of the day, he develops feelings for Abby and regrets helping her with Kat. Abby begins to question if she’s really in love with Kat after all.

Representation is outstanding, and I loved how Abby and Leo are surrounded by supportive friends. Their bonds are strong, and their humorous banter and attempts to cover for Abby and Leo during their absences put a big smile on my face many times. The scene at the library is one of my favorites and shows that it’s natural to have questions, and labels aren’t required for happiness.

I enjoyed this novel from cover to cover (and what a beautiful cover it is!), and read it in two sittings. Recommended for fans of the grumpy/sunshine trope, the thrill of first love, and whimsical adventures.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This story reminded me so much of my fave, Dash & Lily, while still being a completely unique story in it's own right. With the two main characters both being Queer teens, this felt like a modern update of that story, even stopping by one of Dash & Lily's favourite bookstores.

This has all the chaotic fun I want from a contemporary romance, where the bigger focus was on finding the locations in Abby's favourite book so she could get gifts for Kat, making the romance feel like it was progressing naturally.

I really loved the characters, and discussions about what makes people Queer and who can use that label felt so authentic. The moment Abby and Kat finally talked was uplifting and honest, and Kat has a way of just stating facts that I immediately loved, she's a character I'd love to see in a future story.

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This was ok, but I fear it was just basic. I don’t know why I wasn’t as pulled into it as the last one. I think it was the things they did, but I’m not sure. I just can’t honestly say this was super fun for it to be told in one day.

Ok so I guess my biggest gripe about this is the fact that it was told over one day, but they didn’t actually do anything fun? I THINK the fact that it mentioned Ferris Bueller was the undoing for me. I am old enough to know what that movie is and how fun it was. And this was not fun. It was sad and they were mad at each other a lot of the time. Granted they are teens so I’m sure they were surly, but this makes me all the more mad that they decided after one day they’d do long distance when grown people can’t come to this decision lol

The characters were ok. I wish I was less on edge throughout this whole book. I didn’t want either one of them to be hurt. They were both just sort of finding themselves and finding themselves as queers and it just didn’t seem like they had made it to the happy bits yet. But I also related a bit too much to Abby. She was really into like this book and I just kept thinking, “is this how I sound when I’m waxing poetic about a book?” lol But we definitely differed in some ways too. Because she put too much faith in the universe. I believe in the universe, but I’m also a believer that I have to do the work in order for the universe to recognize me. And I just felt like she was far too old to not have heard that before. That lady could seriously not be the first person to tell you that lol And then there’s Leo. I felt for him because his family were all assholes, but I also didn’t think that gave him reason to be mean to Abby. And then for him to fall first felt a little out of left field because he was the one being mean to her? lol Idk enemies to lovers is not my favorite genre. I really don’t get the “I’m mean because I like you” bit lol

As someone who is not Queer or trans, I will not comment on the rep. The author is trans tho, so I’m assuming it’s based off of some of their experiences. I do know that not every person who is trans is a monolith, so please understand when I say I enjoyed listening to Leo’s monologue and I had big feelings about his family because I felt for him so much. The rep will not be accurate for everyone, but I did enjoy what i did read.

I think this was ok for what it was, but it was so sad that I spent most of my time listening on edge. I think it would have made a more enjoyable read for me if they did something fun or funny that made them or the book stand out. There was none of that in this and I ended up not liking anyone, the main characters included. Also, can I read a romance where they are actually together for more than 10 seconds please? Lordt I get the angst of the slow burn, but just once can I get a romance book where we see them together for at least 50 pages? I’m begging at this point.

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I really enjoyed Edward Underhill's debut novel, so when I saw he had a second one coming out, I jumped at the chance to get an advanced copy. And while I read it in a day or so (hoping it would get better and honestly sort of intrigued by the plot)... it just didn't give me the same feeling of warmth that Always the Almost did.

Abby and Leo both made me so mad throughout the whole book. Their chemistry wasn't really believable and the insta-love trope is super cringey. I tried seeing it through a young adult's eyes since this book is written for a teenager. However, I still believe that as a 16 year old, I would have found most of this story way too unbelievable to truly enjoy it.

I was also so stressed about them potentially getting caught or lost in the city without a working cellphone, so mostly I was just riddled with anxiety throughout this book rather than falling in love with the characters and their relationship.

With all that being said, I still gave this story 3 stars because it was a super quick read and easy to get through without putting down. Underhill's writing is captivating, even if these characters were not. There's great representation in this story, and the best part revolves around Leo's family finally standing up for him against his extended family. I also would have loved more interactions with the side characters - they were my favorite parts.

Still worth I read, but I'd recommend Underhill's first novel before picking this one up.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for the advanced copy of one of my most anticipated reads of 2024! I absolutely loved Edward Underhill's debut novel, Always the Almost, and when I got the notification that this one was up to read and review, I jumped on it! As I expected, this book delivered everything I wanted. My favorite romance trope is represented (Grumpy + Sunshine), we get a coming of age (and queerness!) story from two different sides of the spectrum, and a cozy autumn setting that makes you feel ready to fall (see what I did there?) in love.

We meet Abby and Leo as they settle in for what may be the most important day of their lives. Abby has decided to come out to her best friend while also professing her love with a special gift, and she's on the edge of her seat with glee. Leo is about to have to come to terms with being outed to his entire family as trans, so he's less than thrilled. The two cross paths on a subway meant to take them to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade that winds up spitting them out in Manhattan. They group up to navigate their way back to where they're supposed to be while also exploring each other and finding out that this day will change everything-- just not the way they expected.

I absolutely loved the contrast between Abby and Leo's journeys, and how they came together. I understand down to my core how scary it is to be queer in a small town, and how sometimes getting lost makes you feel found for the first time. The Universe is a funny thing, and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. In this narrative, that feels truer than true. You can look forward to something, like Abby, and it not be the right thing for you. You can dread something, like Leo, and it be exactly what you need. And sometimes? You can do all of these things with someone else by your side and be the luckiest human on earth. I recommend this book to anyone feeling bogged down by life. It will help you remember that good things are on the way, even if it's not how you anticipated it.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ePub of this book!

I really enjoyed this book. I felt it easy to connect to the characters, and I felt they were well written. This is my first book from this author, and likely not my last.

Abby believes in The Universe and Leo definitely does not. They get swept away on a journey together when spontaneously meeting in New York for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade as part of their high school band.

Abby desperately wants to tell her bestie that she's in love with her, and Leo wants desperately for his family to accept him as transgender.

All at once, because of a missed train, we begin our adventure. Leo helps Abby find the right way to tell her friend, and while they travel to find souvenirs, they learn all about each other and begin a special friendship that neither expected.

I found this book interesting... it handled the emotions and realities of different lives and perspectives wonderfully and it made it easy to connect to their struggles. I did find the romance aspect a bit predictable - but sometimes that's also just what you want in a book; so I did not mind that part at all.

I liked that even though the subject matter held some depth, the story managed to also stay lighthearted in its approach and kept it relatable.

Highly recommend!

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