Member Reviews

I’m choosing to DNF this one because of other reviews. I didn’t realize there was going to be sexual violence, something I try to avoid in books when possible. The writing also wasn’t really clicking for me. Other people have liked this, so maybe it’s just not for me.

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Unfortunately this was a dnf for me. I knew going into this that it would be violent. What book isn't when it comes to war. The hard part for me was reading about the violence done towards a boy, in particular. Violence against children is definitely a no-go. I don't think I would be able to continue it if the violence is in any way like that.

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2.5 stars
I DNF'd this book about 20% in. Based on the descriptions of the book, it should be right up my alley: big, epic fantasy, set in an alternate India. Excellent! Unfortunately, I found it boring: I couldn't connect with any of the multitude of characters and there didn't seem to be much of a plot, certainly not one that intrigued me. The dialogues were all snide--and not in a good way. I'm used to conflicts between good and evil. Here, at least in the first 20%, we didn't have good or evil, just obnoxious.

I upped the rating from 2.5 to 3 stars because the author did a lot of world building. Also because I feel guilty for not finishing it--maybe the book would have eventually improved if I had continued, but life is too short (I've already spent 5 days on it). It just isn't my cup of tea.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free e-ARC of this book.

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My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I tried, I really tried to read this book till the end. I have been trying to finish this book for a month now, and I just can't. It's not bad; it just isn't for me. The writing is good, and the characters are interesting. Maybe if I try in the future, I will enjoy it more.

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Sons of Darkness is a dark re-imagining of the Mahabharata. I had mixed feelings about the book. I like the idea of retellings of Asian classics and many of the story elements that come alongside it. But I didn't like some of the author's descriptions, especially of women.

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Thank you to Bloomsbury and Head of Zeus for providing me a digital copy of Gourav Mohanty’s “Sons of Darkness.” I’ve been doing really well this year alone with reading fantasy books by South Asian authors this year and this is actually the first one written by a man. “Sons of Darkness” is retelling of the “Mahabharata” epic with a twist - think Game of Thrones. I’ve never read the “Mahabharata” so it was all new to me as I was immersed into the stories of this world.

Let’s start of talking about the characters - there are A LOT! Most of my notes were mostly me complaining how many characters there were and how hard it was to remember who was who - reading on a kindle does make it harder to track this. At some point I realized I should’ve made a murder board of sorts but only to keep track of all the characters. I won’t share too much on individual characters but the one that I will talk about is Karma and in this house…we support him!

This is a very hefty story (over 600 pages) and reading it on the kindle was a challenge. I struggled to get into the story but once I hit about 40%, or around the marriage contest, the story really started to pick up for me. While I haven’t read all the Game of Thrones books, I have seen the show and for readers who have some context, there are definitely some parts that will make you think of GoT. Mohanty even thanks George R. R. Martin at the end for the inspiration! I do think the pace of the story slowed down near the end and it go confusing with the introduction of random new characters during the battle - it didn’t add much to the story for me.

Once I finished, I found out that there’s a sequel!! I guess I will be reaching for it when it comes out because like I said, we’re Karna supporters here. Overall, this was a great fantasy epic to read and for those looking to diversify their reads, check out “Sons of Darkness” by Gourav Mohanty!

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"The House of the Dragon meets Succession in an epic reimagining of The Mahabharata.

Some Ballads are inked in blood.

Bled dry by violent confrontations with the Magadhan Empire, the Mathuran Republic simmers on the brink of oblivion. Senator Krishna and his third wife Satyabhama have put their plans in motion, both within and beyond the Republic's blood-soaked borders, to protect it from total annihilation.

But they are soon to discover that neither gold nor alliances last forever - and that they are not the only players on the board.

Mati, Pirate-Princess of Kalinga, has decided to mend her ways and become a good wife. But old habits die hard, especially when one habitually uses murder to settle old scores.

Brooding and beautiful Karna hopes to bury his brutal past, but finds that destiny is a miser when it comes to granting second chances.

Hero-turned-torturer Shakuni limps through a path of daggers. Meanwhile, his foes and woes multiply, leaving little time for vengeance.

Their lives are about to become yet more difficult, as a cast of sinister queens, naive kings, pious assassins and ravenous priests are converging where the Son of Darkness is prophesied to rise...even as forgotten Gods prepare to play their hand."

I want that cover on my wall as art.

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Great story and well developed characters! What an epic fantasy that pulls you in directly from the cover art.

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DNF. I think I would have liked the book if it was tones back a little. I was really overwhelmed and had trouble connecting tot he characters since there was a ton of flashbacks and such. I couldn’t bring myself to finish unfortunately. I think if the book was cut down a bit and separated I could have.

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An epic story inspired by Indian Culture this was one book that was hard to put down. I loved how it enveloped me while reading the story. I cared about the characters as soon as I started reading and the world building was so beautifully done that I reread pages just so I could really grasp what I was reading. The characters were amazing and I loved reading about their lives. I can not wait for more from this author.

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I want to thank the publisher Bloomsbury USA and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

For those that are fans of George RR Martin, Steven Erikson and Joe Abercrombie, you will find a lot of enjoyment within these pages. And those who do not like complicated well imagined worlds- especially found in the works of Steven Erikson and Malazan- you will likely not enjoy this novel, become frustrated, and possibly never finish it. As a fan of the three authors mentioned above and especially my love-hate relationship with Malazan, this book was frustrating at times, which can be attributed to my lack of a good foundation in Indian culture and Hindu mythology, but by the end after I started to understand the world I had been thrown into, I truly enjoyed the many hours spent reading this novel and see a promising future for this author.

Sons of Darkness is a reimagining of The Mahābhārata, an ancient Sanskrit epic poem, into a world that has hints of GOT, Malazan, and First Law. For those with better knowledge of the author’s inspiration from this epic poem, they will find familiar characters like Karna and Krishna that have been reworked.

As with many large sweeping fantasy novels, the plot is complex, so it is difficult to explain the plot in a few sentences. The best way to explain it there has been a decade long war between the Magadhan empire and Mathura. Krishna, leader of Mathura, is under siege by the Magadhans. The Emperor Jarasandth’s daughter has died, so he has declared an armistice for one year while he is in morning. During this time, there is also going to be a swayamvar, a contest where the winner will win the hand of a much-coveted princess, a large dowry, and more military backing to possibly tip the scales in this long war.

It was great to see in these pages the number of strong fighting women that are introduced. Krishna, while the leader of Mathura, is overshadowed by his third wife, Satyabhama, who is heroic and leads her all-women personal squad known as the Silver Wolves “a military wing of social rejects”. The Silver Wolves are as brave and heroic as any of the male gladiators within these pages.

The action sequences are lengthy and masterfully written with many POVs switching back and forth, especially as one needs after investing several hours reading a book. The payoff is well worth it. For me, this is where the novel truly took off and I couldn’t stop reading it.

My only criticism is at times the author may have been too extreme in some of his descriptions. There are not many, but the sex scenes are very explicit and pornographic, to be honest. Some readers may be turned off by this. As I get older, my personal preference is I like the sex to be left to our imagination. Also, while I like a good bloody battle with plenty of severed heads a flying, some readers may find some of the depictions of violence, especially when it comes to torture within these pages difficult to get through. I give the author credit as I have a high tolerance for scenes of violence, but at times some of the scenes depicted in this book gave me a queasy, uncomfortable feeling.

Also, minor, but the use of the F-word, at times seemed like the author was trying too hard to be modern. But to me, it was out of place especially during actions scenes with some of the character’s battle cries as it took away some of my enjoyment with being cliche.

This book is certainly geared for those that like dark fantasy as mentioned. There is some dark humor for those that are fans of First Law that does lighten the tone at times. Some will become frustrated with not having a clear understanding of what is going on as we are introduced to more and more characters. And finally, others may be disgusted with some of the ghastly scenes within this book. But if you like this dark fantasy genre, as I do, and invest the time to understand this world, you will find a great adventure, with great set action scenes, strong women, and a desire to read more from this author after you have read the last page.

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I'm blown away by the incredible writing and unique world in this book. You love and hate so many of the characters and you'll never guess the plot twists. This book kept me on my toes the entire time

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I was deeply interested in the concepts of this book - and I enjoyed it for the most part but was not as captivated as others I have read recently. It might be recency bias on my part.

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This review was made possible via an ARC through NetGalley.

Sons of Darkness by Gourav Mohanty is a dark epic fantasy based on Indian folklore and weaving something new while keeping a lot of cultural touchstones. Familiar characters are given new motivations and new dynamics while also keeping parts of the original ideas.

I enjoyed the rich worldbuilding and the variety of viewpoints in the world. Nala was my personal favorite POV and I loved to see more and more of their story unfold.

What stopped me from loving it was the depictions of harm done to children, but I, personally am sensitive to that. There was nothing I felt was graphic or truly excessive that would turn off most readers as long as they are aware of the expectations of grimdark; I just have some days where I can handle it better than others.

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This is a pretty long political grimdark fantasy. Some of the writing choices were a little weird just with the language used. In the same vein as game of thrones

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One word : EPIC.
It was such a good choice that publisher finally picked up this independent publishing novel.

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Thanks so much for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

First of all, the cover is to die for. Literally gorgeous and one of the best I’ve seen recently. The artwork is absolutely stunning and definitely one that jumps off the shelf.

This book is quite long, it’s definitely an investment if your time to read it. However, it’s intriguing and driven enough to keep you interested and drawn into the world. The world-building is especially strong in this work, as others in the genre sometimes go too far to the point of being redundant or too little to the point of being confusing. This book found a sweet spot where you are immersed but also understanding what’s happening.

If you like more politically based fantasies, this is a good one for you. It’s reminiscent of Game of Thrones with each character facing individual struggles and stories. The multiple POVs allow for extra exploration into this and different perspectives on issues.

Overall, this book is incredibly well written. It might not be for people just trying out the fantasy genre due to its length and dynamics, but for a seasoned fantasy reader it’s definitely an ideal mix of the things that make fantasies so epic.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book early!

I want to start off by saying that I absolutely loved this book; it is the perfect new political fantasy that can fill the Game of Thrones holes in our hearts (and in my opinion is even better because it's not a medieval European inspired world).

Even as someone who has never read the Mahabharata, the Hindu epic, I thought this was an incredible book that draws you into its world inspired by ancient India and introduces its complex characters in a style wholly reminiscent of an epic classic. It's definitely a doorstopper of a book but please don't let that be a barrier to you, because after all aren't all epic fantasy series (see: ASOIAF and Wheel of Time)? This book is clearly only the first installment of what is sure to be a series of immense scale and complexity traversing worlds and thousands of years. While I might have wished more of the daeva storyline was included, I understand that this book was dedicated to introducing us to the complex world and the cast of characters who, after the devastating climax, will soon face something even worse. It just means I'm more excited for the next installment.

As with any epic fantasy series, be prepared for the far-ranging locations and cast of characters that, at times, may be difficult to keep track of (I did like how each part focussed on only a few characters at a time, but then I did have to remember what happened in previous parts when characters were reintroduced). In addition, while compelling in its political machinations in its own right, this book is very clearly just the overture preparing us for a much more intricate storyline. And it is one that I honestly cannot wait for.

If you are a lover of intricate political fantasy and characters who are neither good or bad, but every shade of morally grey, do yourselves a favour a pick this one up.

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There are no surprises in this book. If you like Game of Thrones and modern high fantasy, you'll probably like this. Highly recommend to fans of the genre. I liked it but wasn't overwhelmed by any particular opinions.

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First and foremost, I would like to say how much I loved Satyabhama's character. Seriously, she was the highlight of this book for me. The Silver Wolves, too. Alright, on another note, I absolutely enjoyed this book. The prose, the political intrigue, and the grimdark quality certainly molds this story into something really entertaining to read. There's a lot of interesting narrative techniques, too, and the rate at which (as well as how) information is unveiled makes way for a lot of clever and fun revelations. While I was reading, each chapter played out like a high-budget fantasy TV show reminiscent of Game of Thrones. If political machinations interest you, I would definitely recommend reading this.

Also, Mohanty's character work is definitely to be applauded. Most, if not all, perspectives were interesting to follow, and I can't wait to see how the sequel plays out. At first, getting really engrossed with the story took a bit, especially after being separated from Muchuk Und so quickly. The prologue was so strong, and it really caught my attention. After that, it was definitely a little slow-moving as we were introduced to the central characters, however, it was still really enjoyable. In the end, things certainly picked up speed, and everything wove together in the Battle of Mathura. Incredible war sequences. Incredible everything. I would be remiss, also, not to mention Satyabhama's duel. It was so good. Though, I did want a little more from Mati's character. She seeps into the background towards the end, and I was expecting more from her arc considering she is mentioned in the synopsis.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC!

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