Member Reviews

Sadly I didn't love this one. It starts off with two people meeting on a Mexican vacation and later striking up a fake relationship back IRL. Sort of an opposites attract situation with lots of toxic family drama, a reality baking show contest and a cat cafe. Good on audio but I was disappointed that this one didn't deliver the same kind of humor I've come to expect in her novels. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!
Steam level: closed door/fade to black

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.
This is my fifth title by this author and I really enjoy her writing. It's fast-paced, fun, full of banter, and hot. I enjoyed the frenemies-to-lovers and fake dating tropes, and they seemed to go decently well together. Charity and Will weren't my favorite couple, but I appreciated how they each had hang ups to overcome throughout the book, giving them some depth.
I don't know that I necessarily believe Will's fears were addressed deeply enough to warrant his proposing to Charity, and it was hard to tell what the timeline was between them getting together, him getting the ring, and them getting engaged. It seemed a little fast, which there isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, but given Will's history it just seems completely out of character.
Also, the baking competition storyline seemed so out of place. I definitely think we could've found a different storyline for Charity or just eliminated it altogether. It just felt kinda slapped together for being something that was a major plot point.
Overall, it was an enjoyable read with good pacing. I'd give it 3.5 stars and recommend it to friends looking for a quick, romantic read filled with cute cats.

This book was lackluster and I really tried to like it. More of a chore than a joy to read. This is my second book by this author that didn’t work for me so probably done reading their books for a bit.

I love a cat cafe. So, to read a book where the main character OWNS one? Yes.
Charity and Ben have two best friends who are in love. So in love that when they got back together, they realized they wanted to spend time with family and not go on a trip to Mexico. Charity and Ben went together, but not together? Get it? No? Well, Charity knows what kind of guy Ben is, and she is NOT interested.
But when you've got parents who want you married with kids that "not interested" becomes a favor. They pretend to be a couple to get their respective families off their backs.
It's filled with fun, cats, and growth. Charity really wants her place to grow, and Ben wants more from work than he's been getting. And the families! Charity really has it with that crowd.
I really enjoyed it. Charity was a woman who wasn't afraid of going for what she wanted. And cats! The best thing to having one is reading a book where people love them.

This is the first book I have read by Codi Gary. I will be going back and reading A Cat Cafe Christmas. I really enjoyed this fun sweet romance. This is an easy read with well written characters and of course CATS!! If you love cats and fake dating romcom's then this book is for you. I would recommend this book.
Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

They’re dating best friends, and wind up on vacation together … but spend it apart. When they get home, they somehow wind up agreeing to fake date to convince her parents not to set her up with a string of terrible men, and for him to convince his boss he can take on a new role.
The confirmed singletons might like the fake dating thing a little too much - and the newly adopted rescue kittens don’t hurt either!
Another enjoyable read from Codi Hall Gary. You know you’re in for a fun time when you pick up one of her books!
I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central), and this is my honest feedback.

I gave this book 2.5 stars (rounding up) because I just felt like the plot was all over the place. I constantly kept asking "what tf is going on?" as I read. I also wasn't a fan of the characters and felt their flaws overshadowed the actual romance, and plus they just didn't come off as likeable especially the MMC. Furthermore, I was also confused on their ages because it felt very high school, once I realized the FMC was in her thirties I was so confused and just felt like she didn't have any real maturity which made the novel feel more YA than anything.

I absolutely loved the cat cafe, cats and cat recipes and themes throughout this book. All were cute, clever and added a little something to the story. This is a closed door romance but you get a decent amount of heat and chemistry between Will and Charity. For the most part, I enjoyed the interwoven friends, family and career story lines. The H is afraid to commit to marriage because he grew up with his parents being financially irresponsible and fears having a spouse that creates financial insecurity due to bad choices with career, budgets, etc. This is a really big fear for him but it sort of magically falls away when he realizes he’s in love. The h’s parents are horrible and non supportive of her but when their marital woes come to a head they somehow suddenly realize they were bad parents and each become supportive of the h. This was also a little too easily resolved. On the whole I enjoyed this book. It was a light, fun read with a HEA. It was nice to introduce relatable parenting woes and commitment phobia rooted in a childhood trauma of sorts. I totally understand this wasn’t the book to flesh those out so I accept the magic of story telling and the way those conflicts were resolved so we can all get an easy HEA. If you’re a cat fan, at all, you must read this book!

There is so much I want to unpack with this story but can't because I'll give too much away. Sometimes it's so hard to keep on the right line of a review. So, I will talk about what I can without give away the spoilers.
I really enjoyed Will and Charity. They are both nice people full of baggage from their childhoods. I'm not sure which one is worse with it. But even with their issues they are both likable people. You will want to know more about them.
Will is the sweetest and out of the two the nicest but his issues from his parent's lack of responsibility toward money is a huge one. He doesn't mind falling in love and having a long-lasting relationship but there is no way he wants marriage. I kind of get his feelings but he's gone so far onto the other side that he's unable to see past his fears and see the good his parents shared. This one issue has him locked in.
Now Charity wants marriage and all that comes with it, but she wants to be careful who she gets with. She has terrible taste in guys so won't date players. It really bugged me that she couldn't see Will for who he was. She kept thinking badly of him and it took a bit for her to believe that he wasn't one of those players.
A big part of this story is with them fighting the feelings they have for each other and with will worrying about his mom and Charity dealing with her HORRIBLE family. I didn't like them at all. Now them I have so much to say about put will hold that back for you to read it for yourselves.
I know some of what I said makes the story sound so-so, but it isn't. You want your characters to have flaws. Don't we all? As people they are both so good. They just needed help with the couple part. I do wish the ending wasn't as rushed. But I am happy they found their HEA.

I'm not sure how I feel about this book, except it had every trope I dislike. I'm not a fan of a family not liking their own child and letting her know it, fake dating to keep said family off Charity's back, more drama, then presto...everything is OK. I also thought the whole book was way too busy.
I don't enjoy the MC's being unkind to each other, then making a joke to make the unkindness seem 'not so bad'. Who wants to put up with that? I like a well developed story and, for me, this was not. A lot of loose ends and some of the characters had a chapter or two of involvement, then, POOF...they disappeared.
The Cat Café and the cats were adorable. I was really hoping for some recipes for the food descriptions that began each chapter. When I finished the book...I kept scrolling to see if I was missing something! After so much familial angst, having the recipes would have 'sweetened' the book!!

Cute, fast read. Fake dating trope with reality TV, crazy family, and cats, while they are also chasing their dreams. And they are figuring out that their dreams aren't always what they thought they were. I always love a good HEA.

I’ve been shipping Charity and Will since Cat Cafe, and was so excited to see them get their own book. Now, before I go any further with this review I need to say: Both Charity AND Will need to go therapy for their intense mommy/daddy issues. There is not one single solitary redeeming factor of Charity’s family. Them suddenly deciding to support her at the very end despite treating her like shit in this book and the last? Wild. Will’s issues however, seemed complete unfounded to me. You don’t want to get married solely because you’re wildly in love until your father’s death parents were financially irresponsible? Ok.
Anyway, on to the romance. Right from the jump, Charity just could’ve, idk, ASKED Will why he told Ben he didn’t have a thing for her instead of immediately jumping down his throat and acting like a 15 year old giving him the silent treatment for weeks. And then to hide everything that happened in Mexico from your best friend?! Now, the fake dating portion was really cute because you could tell Will wanted to be her for real boyfriend and was just giving her space to figure it out on her own, but Charity continually entertaining that random man Chris while she was supposed to be “dating” Will? Didn’t love it. Why would you go to the same exact bar WITH WILL that you knew Chris would be at and then sit right with him and be shocked when Will didn’t want to be there with you to watch this man fawn all over you? Charity redeemed herself to me prior to that when finally standing up to her family, however, you don’t ever have a convo with your siblings about their lives at all? You all just depend on your asshole parents to relay mostly inaccurate information about all of you to each other? Ok, cool. THEN Charity gets mad that Will isn’t pumped that she could have been pregnant? Girl you have been mean to him pretty much this entire book and coerced him into a fake relationship with you, you also can barely pay your bills. BFFR.
Things I could have done without: The cooking competition? I felt like it was just a way to put some distance between Charity and Will and the issue with Dayton was so overblown. They spent all this time discussing WHY Charity should do this competition and then about 10 pages of her actually doing it. Charity’s mother fat shaming Kara. What did Kara even have to do with this?! Will outing his sister to his mom. Your sister told you something in confidence and you snitch on her to turn the heat off yourself? Again, THERAPY.
All in all, I think Charity and Will are a happy for now couple, because without truly addressing their root issues with themselves and each other, they’ll come back to rear their ugly heads down the line.
I did enjoy reading this book, not as much as Cat Cafe, but there were too many “are you being serious” moments for me to look over.
Thank you to Forever and Netgally for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

I loved A Cat Cafe Christmas. So, I was really excited to see there was a second book coming out. Sadly, Finding Mr. purrfect just didn’t live up to my expectations. Both books can be read as stand-alones, but Finding Mr. Purrfect will make a lot more sense if you read the first book.
This book took me almost a month to finish. I just kept loosing interest in the story. I didn’t find Charity or Will particularly likable. I also didn’t really see them together as a couple. It felt really forced. The plot also seemed very chaotic with lots of subplots and characters. It all just seemed like a lot.
Sadly, the only things I really loved about this book were the cover and the cats. I still love Cody Gari and recommend checking out A Cat Cafe Christmas!

A Cat Café romance!
Charity Simmons was busy running her cat café Meow and Furever with her best friend and business partner Kara but money was tight so she was hoping to be a contestant for Bake That baking show would make the difference they needed. Charity was tired of all the dates set up by her family so she asked Will Schwartz if he would pretend to date her until she could get her parents off her back.
Will Schwartz was happily playing the field since he never intended to get married but he agreed to fake date Charity but that the rest of the story for you to read since Charity thought Will was a playboy.
I think reading the first book A Cat Café Christmas would give more background to the story but you can enjoy Charity and Will try to fake their way through dating,
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is a sequel to a Cat Cafe Christmas that isn't billed as such for some reason, much to my annoyance. It picks up immediately after the events of that book and the first five or so chapters refenernce the events of that book a lot.
Once we got away from that and deleting like I was missing a lot from not having reread a Cat Cafe Christmas, I started to enjoy this more. It's a very easy read, but nothing special. It's a very forgettable book and the things that did stand out weren't great.
The reality show plotline was completely unnecessary, it was alluded to throughout then when we got there it was over in like two chapters.
Then there was his sister. I see what the author was trying to do but having Will out his sister to their mom was not okay and no one acted like that was the big deal it was. Also with that, she read to me as aro but either the author doesn't know about aromantics so didn't include that or this was bad ace rep that conflated the two.

I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand it hit me in the feels. On the other hand, I thought the two protagonists were too willing to give into their values based on their desire not to be alone. It might just be me...
I adored Christmas at the Cat Cafe, which is the sister book to this one, you should read that first, it's not necessary to enjoy it but things will make more sense. I was so excited when I got this book and realized it was the "sequel" but unfortunately I just did not like this book as much. Perhaps it was the horror of Charity's family that rankled me. I also wish more attention had been given to the reality show.
This was a very cute story in terms of kitties and romance. I would definitely not be adverse to another book with the couples to see their progress.
My thanks to Netgalley and Forever publishing for this ARC.

The journey of Charity and Will has a few hiccups which had me rooting for them to make it. Interesting side stories of each of their relationships with their respective families and overall outlook on life. The reoccurring mentions of cats/kittens and baking also add interest to the plot. A cute rom-com that features a fake dating trope.

not as good as the first book but still an enjoyable read and a good version of the fate dating trope

Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever and NetGalley provided an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed here are solely my own.
I wish I could say this book lived up to the promise of the delightful cover, but I can’t. The main characters weren’t interesting and had less than zero chemistry. I finally DNF’d before I got to the 20% mark

Finding Mr. Purrfect is a fun, easy and (mostly) relaxing read. I was slightly annoyed by the stubbornness of the main characters but that’s what also made me want to keep reading. The story was cute, and so were the chapter titles and descriptions. I only wish the the cats played a bigger part of the story. I really hope that the author continues to write about the Meow and Furever cafe!