Member Reviews

I like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this really fun debut!

The summary is pretty apt: guy is a merc, but dabbles in magic that allows him to drift into another realm where creatures like to hide. He is young (twenties?), pretty, uncultured to an extent, and solitary. He is the type of guy who has acquaintances over friends. Sometimes his mouth talks before his brain can think. Overall, a good guy... just cheeky.

He meets our female lead, who is about to give birth. Torn between delivering her to the Palace (because she is an offered concubine to the current ruler) and continuing on his quest to take down a big bad he has his eye on he says the famed 'why not both', and decides to deliver her on the quest to get rid of this big bad.

Problem is, things don't go the way you expect. Detours, love, and people after him because sorcerers / magic wielders are a no-no.

I really, really enjoyed my time here. I liked the people, I liked the main character and his way of viewing the world and his life. I liked the plot. However, I wanted more world building. More depth to the characters - their backstories and other things going on through the kingdom and what could be setting up for Book 2 (I assume there is a book two?).

If you like shows like Mysterious Lotus Casebook, The Blood of Youth, with shades of The Witcher, Aladdin, then you're gonna have fun with this!

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The Last Phi Hunter set up a very unique world based on Thai folklore, shared through the lenses of the two main characters Ex and Arinya. Ex is a demon/ ghost hunter who is on a mission to kill a legendary monster Sha-Ala to gain his badge and increase his ranking in the Hunters Order. Arinya enters his path by way of saving his life (while also heavily pregnant by the way! I’m not a fan of the pregnancy trope so i was nervous about that going in, but it didn’t bother me much. i loved the witty banter between these two and Ex’s internal monologue had me dying of laughter. the atmosphere and world building with the many spirits and monsters was so fascinating as well. i was pleasantly surprised by what the author managed to accomplish with this debut.

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This is by far my favorite book of 2024! Salinee Goldenberg is an incredibly talented author! This book had everything you need want! Demons, loveable characters, a villan, forbidden love and adventure.

I loved that the demons are basted on demons from various folklore and of course I had to google each one. As I read I could picture the whole story in my mind and this only happens in truly exceptional books!

I hope you write more Salinee!

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I received an ARC of this book from the publisher for free.

Fuck, I love being Thai. This book is all the beautiful wonderful and frankly annoying parts about being Thai. The little low magics that we all deny doing, the stories that our parents tell us to scare us shitless, the best fruit ever — mangkut, and the royal family who I will say nothing about in fear of lese majeste.

This book was a joyful rumpus read about Hunter Ex, a young Phi Hunter, and perhaps the last of his kind, as he tries to become not just a phi hunter, but a true demon slayer. Along the path he meets a krasue — Narissa, who’s trying to become a human with the help of the deva Indrajit, and a consort to the crown prince — Aryina., who’s trying to give birth without her daughter being killed. Basically if you read the Witcher and went ‘you know I think this could stand to be Thai’ then this is the book for you.

Things I thought the author did incredibly well were:

1) <b>Plot juggling</b> Salinee does a fantastic job of layering a number of characters and disconnected plotlines on top of one another and never making any of them feel bland or dejected or even unimportant. Instead each is given enough time and energy, all while adding something in to the main plot despite them not inherently being connected to it.

2) <b>The tone</b> The book is the right amount of light-hearted, fast-paced, and tense to make you want to continue reading. It’s completely irreverent and funny, but at the same time it manages to discuss the idea of progress and legacy and industrialization with such a caring tone that I was honestly blown away by. Salinee clearly has thoughts about whether ‘progress’ is actually progress, or if it’s just a facade that abusive men have taken on to allow them to consume even more in their never-ending quest for power.

3) <b>Characterization</b> While I think some of the characterization could’ve used some work, as the characters could’ve stood to all be fleshed out a bit more, I really liked all the characters. They were all flawed but funny and distinct, and I understood where they were coming from, and their fears. Every single one of them was a delight to read, even the ones I hated.

4) <b>Did I mention it’s Thai?</b> Literally just that. I’m Thai, this book is Thai, the author’s Thai. Do you know how often I get to read a book with a Thai main character? The answer’s never, this is the first book I’ve ever read with a Thai MC. Let alone a whole cast of Thai characters! I’m very excited. This was very exiciting.

If there is one eensy weensy problem I had with this book, it’s that just a single book doesn’t feel like enough. The Last Phi Hunter suggests at a wider cosmology of Devas and phi and a mystery beyond that of the novel, yet it stops short of fully expanding upon it, leaving the story feeling unfinished. The epilogue certainly doesn’t help with that sensation either. This isn’t enough to actually deduct from the rating, but the lack of a planned second book does leave it feeling ultimately unfinished.

TLDR; Thai people are awesome, Thai mythology is awesome. The idea of Salinee Goldenberg is awesome. You should read this book because it’s awesome.

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Rating: 4 stars

I’m so glad I was accepted to read the arc of this book as I hadn’t seen a lot of advertisement for it and I’d have been unlikely ever picked it up otherwise. I just had the best time with it. It was such a fun read and rich with Thai mythology. I loved the Thai setting so much that I began googling to see what other Thai fantasy books I could read and discovered there is basically none out there other than this (translated into English anyways). So that itself makes this book already unique.

I first requested this book as from the summary it said the secondary main character, Arinya, was heavily pregnant. I was interested in reading a story about a character dealing with a pregnancy and potentially motherhood. Just incase this is what anyone else thinks they’re about to read; I want to say this is not what the story is about at all. Was I disappointed by that? No, as the actual direction and focus of the story was still very enjoyable. Though it definitely could have focused a little more on Arinya dealing with this.

I found this book had a very similar feel to Avatar The Last Airbender/Korra. There is of course the Southeast Asian setting but actually that’s not what makes them similar. It was more the humour as well as spirits/spirit world playing a big part of the story that makes it so. The humour came from both actions of the characters as well as Ex’s voice in the writing. I found myself laughing a good few times. He was a very flawed main character but I liked that about him. He perhaps could have used a little character development though his loyalty and good heart still had me loving him by the end. I especially loved the spirit and phi descriptions (phi are basically spirits with a demonic essence to them). I ended up googling about some of the specific phi mentioned and the descriptions were similar to the folklore with added flair. The author did a great job at managing to captivate how they’d look, move and even feel in real life.

I didn’t think much of the romance when going in and was pleasantly surprised with a forbidden romance story. It was a little insta love but also a slow burn. There were some very sweet scenes that will stay with me. Both characters themselves were great too which helped you like them as a couple.

A little to do with the romance, but there were a few very sexual nature scenes that weren’t “spicy” which I felt were a little unneeded making this book more adult when it didn’t need to be. One involving the main characters but also another which was basically assault. Gives this book a content warning which I want to make people aware of. (It isn’t too bad if anyone’s worried! It is not of a sexual nature at least which makes it readable.) It really didn’t need to have happened in that way though in my opinion.

In this book there is one main POV with the character Ex, a secondary POV with quite a few chapters, and then some others that come in for just a chapter. I’m between feeling if it was unneeded or should have been kept in because it did work. I did like seeing the main character from another perceptive and it was good to know the secondary POV character already when they came into the plot. It just felt their POV wasn’t in it enough to make it feel totally natural. They were an interesting and likeable character at least. The few other POVs I don’t think were needed either. All the extra POVs actually made some scenes less dramatic and intense.

The writing with the voice of the character laced through it was a lot of fun. I wouldn’t call the writing exceptional but still very good and definitely enough to hold my attention. There were a few contradictions popping up especially early on. It makes me worried that anyone who would picks up the book in a store and reads the first few chapters to decide whether to buy the book or not will be put off by it. (I actually went to check if they were still there in the physical book since I read an arc version and they were). were). So please don’t judge this book by the first few chapters.

I’d probably give the early third of this book a 3 star rating before it becomes a 4-4.5 star in the middle, and maybe a 3.5-4 star at the end since some things went on a bit too long then. This book is the author’s debut which normally means there’s always going to be some flaws. I feel I have to warn people about them so they aren’t disappointed when reading the book. However, I truly think the author did an amazing job still and want to congratulate them on writing such an enjoyable story. It will be one I’ll be recommending to others for sure and I hope to buy a copy of this book myself one day.

Overall I loved this book. It was fun and refreshing. I know I’ll miss the characters and the world. If there’s another book set in the same world I’ll most definitely pick it up. And even if there’s not I’ll be reading the author’s other books for sure. Critically I’d say this book is 3.75 stars total being just shy of 4 stars due to some of the flaws. My enjoyment rating was definitely at least 4 stars though. Maybe 4.25 stars for myself.

Thank you to NetGalley, Angry Robot and the author for granting me an Advance Reader Copy. All opinions are honest and my own.

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There's not a lot of fantasy novel inspired by Thai mythology. This is the first I read and it's a very entertaining and fascinating story.
Great world building, well developed characters, excellent storytelling.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Set in a world populated by ghosts and demons, the main character Ex is a member of an ancient order that aims to protect the world from demons. His target? Shar-Ala, a demon of legend who hunters before him have failed to eradicate. On his way to hunt the demon, he meets a woman who helps him greatly - and also makes his quest a bit more complicated.
This book had an interesting premise, with a magic system that had elements of shamanism and the spirit world. Ex, Arinya and Narissa are determined in reaching their goals despite the obstacles they face, and watching them grow as characters throughout the story is extremely satisfying. The descriptions of the places they travel through are especially vivid, so the reader gets an excellent view of how the story progresses.
Things that I didn't enjoy, though, were the pacing and Ex's character, the latter being something that rather grew on me throughout the book because Ex initially comes across as rather selfish, careless and rather disdainful, but he does change with time. The pacing of this book felt rather slow and it took me a while to read this as the plot was relatively straightforward - personally, as a reader, I would have enjoyed plot points that helped me root for the characters or deepen the story more. However, if you are looking for a book with a soft magic system, a slow-burn romance, and a happy ending, The Last Phi Hunter could be one to pick up.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC.

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When it comes to dark fantasy, ‘The Last Phi Hunter’ set itself apart with compelling narrative that delves deep into the themes of identity, loneliness, and forbidden love, all while navigating the shadowy realms populated by Thai demons and spirits. The protagonist, Ex, embarks on a journey that is as much about slaying ghosts and seeking glory as it is about confronting his own sense of self and isolation. His quest for fame takes an unexpected detour with the encounter of Arinya, a muay-boran champion with secrets of her own, and a belly full of life, demanding his protection through a ghost-ridden forest. The tender yet forbidden romance was wonderful and only emphasized the flawless ability of Goldenberg to inject humor and warmth into a world that otherwise is ensconced in darkness, offering some levity amidst peril.

However, beyond the thrilling encounters and mystical allure, I was enraptured by the exploration of Thai demon folklore. While the book may wobble slightly in the development of its characters—Ex’s arc feeling somewhat disjointed and Arinya’s depth not fully explored—the overall world building, lore, and character interactions far outshined any trivial complaints I might have had.

‘The Last Phi Hunter’ is an exquisite ode to Thai heritage, a testament to the strength found in companionship, and a celebration of the light that humor can bring to the darkest of places.

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Thanks for including me in the tour for Salinee Goldenburg's (@gosalgo) "The Last Phi Hunter" @angryrobotbooks!

Hunting spirits, ghosts and demons is a rough job. Especially when the kingdom you live in doesn't really care for the Phi (pronounced Fee) Hunters and their brand of magic. Gets even more awkward when you are the youngest member of the guild and trying to make a name for yourself. Enter Ex, tired of hunting small fry he has spent years trying to find a demon with a name, Shar-Ala. With his skills, some stubborn horses, and a hound that seems too mocking, what could go wrong? Apparently a lot, because Ex's path crosses with a heavily pregnant woman named Arinya who saves him from a beating. She just needs him to escorts her through the spirit filled forest...who all want to eat the unborn child.

Might have also snuck the audio, Narrated by David Lee Huynh because I wanted to check my pronunciation and the idea that a certain character came off the way they did in my head. Very happy.

Reasons to read:
-I didn't know the myths behind any of the creatures in the story and not knowing means I can be surprised
-All three of the protagonists are great
-Great ending
-Comeuppance, love to see it
-An organization that has plans

-Maybe don't eat when some of the spirits are doing their thing

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The Last Phi Hunter – Salinee Goldenberg

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher – Angry Robot Books.

Salinee Goldenberg is an author who lives in Washington DC. When Salinee is not writing she is producing videos for Minecraft and has a love for painting.

Ex is an ambitious phi hunter, determined to achieve what no other phi hunter has done – hunt down the mythical Shar-Ala – the greatest demon of illusions and nightmares.

Yet just as he is about to achieve his goal, Ex crosses paths with Arinya in a small provincial village. But Arinya isn't any simple-minded maiden, she is a Muay-boran champion who is heavily pregnant.

Arinya is trying to escape the father of her unborn child and it has fallen to Ex to keep her safe.

Which is easier said than done while he is still trying to hunt down Shar-Ala and keep them both safe from all the monsters and humans alike they encounter on their journey through a spirit filled forest, where the spirits hunger after Arinya’s unborn child.

All the while Ex is desperately trying to achieve his goals and not fall in love with Arinya.

“The Last Phi Hunter” is a fantasy novel incorporate some Thai folk lores which makes it a very unique debut novel. It did take me a while to get into the story – was about halfway through the book before it was able to really become engaged in it. It was interesting and really different to read a story like this as it was unlike any fantasy book I had read before. I feel Salinee is a good writer and as she writes more and her career progresses, which I’m sure it will. Sometimes it felt as though there was an overload of information and at other times barely enough. Also, the interactions between the two main characters definitely needed a lot of work but my opinion of that could have been affected by the fact I did not like Ex at all.

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This book was one of my most anticipated reads for 2024 and I was so excited when I was approved for the arc. I had very high expectations of this book due to its unique premise.

The world building of this book did not disappoint. I enjoyed learning about the history of this fantasy land, and the use of myths to connect the characters to the landscapes. I think the author did a great job of using both character dialogue and exploration to help readers understand the context of the novel.

Personally, the character dialogue and the climatic points of the plot fell flat for me. The way the character’s spoke often felt scripted, as if the story was made to be adapted into a movie. It lacked emotional depth that would have made me care about the characters more. There was a lot of build up for certain moments in the book that I felt were resolved quite quickly without much effort from the titular characters.

Thank you for the publisher and Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Phi Hunter Ex is a lone wolf on his path to becoming a demon slayer. One day, his journey is interrupted when his is enlisted by a pregnant woman on the run seeking the help of a witch. The Last Phi Hunter is based on Thai history and mythology and weaves a magical tale of ghost and demon slaying throughout the Suyoram Kingdom with the charming muay-boran champion, and consort of the prince, Arinya. Together, Arinya and Ex embark on a fantastic and dangerous journey to slay the elusive demon of nightmares, Shar-Ala, and protect Arinya's unborn child. Through the book they travel through Suyoram encountering interesting and perilous characters, and danger lurks around every corner.

The Last Phi Hunter absolutely blew me away and is an absolute DELIGHT of a debut novel by Salinee Goldenberg. The story was well paced, the world was fascinating and interesting and Goldenberg really brought the various spirit realms and nature of Suyoram to life. Throughout the book we are slowly given deeper insight into Arinya and Ex and some of their companions and have a front row seat to Ex's development as he comes to better know himself and what he truly wants. The book features themes of colonialism, environmental degradation, and the affects of losing traditional knowledge and trades. I can not recommend this debut enough. Thank you to Angry Robot for a digital ARC of The Last Phi Hunter.

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3 out of 5 Star

It was the worst thing in the world but it could have been way better than it actually was. Also hated the the way Phi was pronounced in the audiobook.

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📣📖 Pub Week Review: The Last Phi Hunter by Salinee Goldenberg 📖📣 🐲💎🐊👑

I had the fortune of combo-reading an e-ARC and an advanced copy of the audiobook via Netgalley, thanks to Angry Robot Books and Dreamscape Media. All thoughts in this review are my own.

The Last Phi Hunter is a fast-paced, action-packed fantasy novel rooted in Thai mythology. Our main character, Ex, is a hunter who can transcend to a spirit realm to pursue the phi, a sort of demon. Ex has special abilities as a hunter trained by the guild, and he is focused on tracking and taking down a legendary demon, which would elevate him to a master demon hunter. He is accompanied by The Hound, a large wolf-like creature. He encounters Arinya, the royal consort to the prince, on the run from trouble, as she hires him to escort her. The two encounter Narissa, a phi who is working to reform herself and become human. Hijinks, adventure, comraderie, magic, and even romance ensue.

💙 What I enjoyed 💛

🐲 The world-building and being immersed in Thai mythology. I have never read a fantasy novel with Thai mythology and the creatures and landscapes and imagery were captivating.
💎 The main character Ex is a fun character and his personality and motivations are well-developed.
🐲 The casual and lil bit snarky narrative style was engaging, entertaining, and worked well for the tone of the book.
💎 The ending is satisfying and I would read more if this becomes a series.
🐲 The audiobook narrator David Lee Huynh's performance is excellent! His voice is deep and clear and brings the vivid imagery to life.
💎 The cover art! TBH, it's what inspired me to request the book in the first place.

Other thoughts:
🐊 Arinya's character was not as well developed and I struggled to get a solid grasp of her personality and motivations.
🐊 I would not have minded more chapters from The Hound's perspective! He was a beloved character.
🐊 It takes a little time to build at first, but then by the last third it is hard to put down.

Highly recommend for fantasy readers looking for something fun and to explore a different realm.

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I absolutely adored the world we discovered in this book. The Thai-inspired landscape and unique blends of folklore and mythology were entirely captivating. I wanted to devour every tiny piece of this world, I wanted to constantly know more.

I loved Ex's character and I also loved learning about the phi hunters and their rituals, and all the intricacies of their world. It's such an intriguing story and the world is constantly pulling you in. I always longed to discover even more of it.
I preferred the first half of this book because of this. It was much more focused on these aspects, on the spiritual world and the phi, although I still enjoyed the more political second half.

I liked Arinya, but never fully connected to her, I would've loved to see more of her thoughts and her deeper character. However, there were many other characters I came to care for; Ex was always interesting, even when—or, especially when—he'd get himself caught up in all kinds of trouble; Narissa was an incredible addition that I wish we'd gotten to see more of, her story was so fascinating; the small glimpses we got of side characters like the Hound or the Masters of Ex's guild instantly added depth and heart to the story.

It's such a spell-binding world we get to jump into and discover here, and Goldenberg's writing is utterly absorbing. I'm now desperate to find more stories with Thai-inspired worlds or that delve into its mythology and folklore, if you have any recs please let me know!

Thank you Netgalley and Angry Robot for an e-arc.

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TLDR: Would recommend to people who enjoy easy romantasies. Great pacing but I had mixed feelings about every other aspect. Could've been 4-stars with some changes here and there.

The Last Phi Hunter is a fantasy debut inspired by Thai folklore. Ex spends his life slaying Phi and he's determined to hunt Shar-Ala, demon of nightmares. He meets Arinya, a pregnant muay-boran champion who needs his help escorting her through the forest.

There was constant movement in the plot and fantastic cliffhangers. I got through it incredibly fast and had an overall fun time. It went straight into the story with clear goals from the outset.

On Netgalley, this was listed only under Sci-Fi & Fantasy and the book is marketed as Adult. However, it would go between a more YA-style with words like wanna, kinda, shitty and mid-piss (this was very jarring and I hated it), but at other times, have more complex passages.

Similarly, the characters and dialogue felt quite inconsistent. There was fun banter but also so much angst. Ex is meant to be 24-years old but acted quite immature and had poor excuses for bad decisions.

In terms of the romance, the instalove made it difficult for me to feel root for the characters and the few sentences worth of sexual scenes felt entirely unnecessary.

The worldbuilding was a mixed bag as well. Goldenberg painted the scene well overall. However, it sometimes felt like there were too many aspects for a short standalone, some not adding to the story at all. Other parts felt repetitive.

Despite the criticisms, I did think every aspect had it's pros. If you're looking for an easy-going, entertaining and quick romantasy standalone, I'd recommend checking this one out!

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4.5 stars rounded up.

Call me a new fan!

I'm more critical when it comes to my favorite genre (fantasy), but a couple of my friends liked this, so I came in excited to read it.

And boy, I had fun! Definitely read this if you love playing RPGs, especially something along the lines of The Witcher.

There was a great mix of comedy and lightheartedness, along with much more serious and darker moments. The author really excelled in balancing the two and I applaud her for that. I think it's a difficult balancing act, and more often than not, I haven't seen this work out in previous books I've read.

I absolutely loved the Thai-inspired setting and how the author incorporated her heritage into an action fantasy story. When it comes to this specific fantasy subgenre, I'm more used to typical Western settings, so to have something different (yet with similar underlying themes of heroism and sacrifice) was such a breath of fresh air.

I loved the MCs, Ex and Narissa. I also loved the Hound. The author definitely excels at writing flawed characters you can root for.

I think the novel would've been better with an additional POV from Arinya, the love interest. Her background (a concubine who used to be a muay-boran boxer) sounded really cool, so seeing the whole story with her POV would be even cooler. Instead, she didn't really feel as well-rounded as she could be.

Also, the final boss battle seemed way too easy and I wanted more oomph. But everything else that led up to it was pretty cool, especially for action-adventure RPG lovers like myself.

But despite my complaints, I still had a lot of fun!

This is one of those novels where I wish there was a special edition because I'd love to see illustrations of the characters and the setting.

Anyway, I can't wait to read more from Salinee Goldenberg!

Thank you to Angry Robot and NetGalley for this arc.

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For me, The Last Phi Hunter is the Thai version of The Witcher, but done significantly better. (I am a Witcher book hater but Witcher concept lover) The Last Phi (that's pronounced "fee") Hunter follows Ex, who is a (shocker!) hunter of Phis, which are essentially demonous monsters. He is looking to kill the lengendary Sharala when he comes across Arinya, a pregnant woman who needs his help. Their fates become tied, and he must complete her mission to complete his.

I compare this to the Witcher because (shocker) he kills monsters for money. A lot of people hype the Witcher for being funny, and this really hits that mark well. I laughed out loud quite a few times, which I don't normally do when reading. Also, because this is written by a woman, the women are not written in a gross way! I thoroughly enjoyed Arinya and when Ex began lusting over her it was written in a way that wasn't disgusting to me as a woman!!! Gotta love that.

For some reason I read this thinking it was the beginning of a series, and my biggest disappointment is learning it is a standalone. I really loved this world and the characters. I know very little about Thai mythology, but this got me so interested in it. The creatures were so interesting, and the magic felt so unique. I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Thank you to Angry Robot and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Angry Robot for providing an ARC via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

Buzzwords: hunter, monsters, thai folklore, runaway prince’s consort, ambition, intriguing magic worldbuilding, animal companion (it’s complicated).

4.5 🌟

This was a glorious debut fantasy book. It was one of those stories that felt comforting in “this is what fantasy should be” yet excitingly unique. It starts with a relatively simple premise of a hunter escorting a mysterious, pregnant lady to a witch. The story expands from there in both ways you would expect and ways that caught you pleasantly by surprise.
Two main factors carried the story for me; the main character and the worldbuilding surrounding the magic.

Ex, the main character, the so-called last Phi Hunter. He began training as a hunter from a young age and in a country where the hunter’s magic is no longer revered, he is the last to be trained. He is an ambitious hunter who seeks glory and fame in the guild. He was interesting to follow for many reasons. Even though in some ways, he wasn’t the character you would expect to follow for this story, he completely made it.
Ex was successfully likeable because he was subtly funny, ambitious, a daring hunter, charmingly open and clueless to emotion and… of course, a poor planner (which was endearing even if it is perhaps an unwise choice). From page one, he was a character I wanted to follow because of who he was. He added a lighthearted tone through his narration which fitted into the story naturally, but neither took away from the dangerous journey of monsters, necromancers and men.
The secondary characters were equally as entertaining. A strong-minded, capable “princess on a mission”, a kooky witch, a few wise teachers, animal companions who loved Ex’s smaller misfortunes and a monster seeking redemption. Each character affected Ex and his journey by bringing out different sides of him. This made for a more fulfilling reading experience as it ensured this was more than just a hunter striving to complete a task. He had humanity and complicated relationships. Looking at his personal history, meaningful relationships and the complexities of the hunt-and-kill path he had chosen created a book that stood out from the rest.

The second key part for me was the worldbuilding surrounding the magic. It is safe to say, many fantasy books feature magic (I'm a perceptive soul). Their developments involve a social divide, a method to access the magic, a limitation and some rules linking to history. What I loved about this book was how it didn’t feel like it was trying to tick off a checklist of how to develop a magic system. Instead, this book strove to create a world, a purpose, and a journey through the magic. The author was excited and eager to explore the magic system, going that step further to create a unique book.
From the trials of what it takes to be a hunter, how society reacts to magic, the different types of magic users (and what they use magic for), using magic to create a different method of hunting monsters with multiple layers and the inclusion of Thai folklore. It was so intriguing. It was refreshing to see how the intimate details of magic were brought to life. Even if other books have more expansive worldbuilding, this book has left a far more memorable impression.
It was wonderfully well-considered. The type of consideration borne from passion. I would be excitedly happy to read another ten books set in this world!

The plot had highs and lulls, some intentional for the natural ebbs and flows. Other times it drifted to feeling like it had no overarching purpose, but another addition would always be added a page later to create the next step for the plot. There is technically nothing wrong with this, but it could have flowed more smoothly. Especially as in the lulls, I felt like it was turning towards a more conventional plot but then it had something in its back pocket and my giddy excitement returned.
The romance was nothing extraordinary due to its insta-love nature, but thankfully I was just excited to see the characters on the page because it was ✨them✨. I fell in love with these charming characters just as quickly (so how can I blame them). In some ways, it was refreshing for the plot not to be bogged down by romantic suspense (will they, won’t they), instead it focused on developing a capable, enticing plot.

Whilst I have listed a few tiny wrinkles in the book, I can't or don't care about them because it was such an enjoyable experience reading this book. Lovable characters, a pinch of humour, a captivating plot, unique magic and thoughtful worldbuilding on an intimate level. It is an adventure plot with so many exciting fantasy aspects. Of course, I loved it.

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Okay So I loved this it was super cute and fun. Ex and Arinya are adorable together. I loved how dedicate to his goal Ex was and that he didn’t immediately run off to help Arinya. I also liked Arinya was a total baddie herself, she had no shame and her bringing Ex into and abandoning him in town had me laughing out loud. I liked that she went for what she wanted and didn’t care what anyone said. I also like how quickly Ex accepting his mistakes and trying to fix them. He was really relatable and fun and i really liked him play. Overall it’s a fun quick story about a fund little demon quest with a side of romance and evil princes.

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