Member Reviews

If anyone asked me to provide a one-sentence blurb or review of The Last Phi Hunter that they could print, I would present this: "surprising, captivating, lyrical, smooth weird bollocks (affectionate)".

The Last Phi Hunter was intriguing and swept me in a direction I did not foresee when I started. It was a delightful surprise - something an avid speculative fiction reader craves.

Salinee Goldenberg's lyrical prose enhances her lush worldbuilding, vibrant locations and characters. This combination makes the plot of the book and the exploration of family, identity and love in all forms she takes the readers on a beautiful smooth and delightful experience into the unexpected.

If you're searching for something different and unexpected on your speculative fiction reading journey; something that will surprise you but is also lush and imaginative and beautifully written check out The Last Phi Hunter.

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Thank you, Net Galley and Angry Robot, for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

If you had told me this was the authors first book after reading it, I wouldn't have believed it. WOW! I love almost everything about this book. The characters are fun. The dialog isn't overdone, and the setting is amazing. I absolutely love the uniqueness of the magic system. What I didn't like is how it almost felt in the middle as if the author lost the plot and had to work back into it. That or she got to the point too fast and had to keep going. In the middle, I found myself pretty bored and not really connecting as I had been the first part of the story. The author in my opinion often rushed parts that should have been more fleshed out such as the ending climax yet spent unnecessary time explaining the same things such as the feeling of being in the Everpresent over and over. All of that is why I gave it 3 stars instead of my original 4. That being said, I loved the way she wrapped up the story. After the epilog, I'm extremely curious about book two and even more interested in watching the author grow also.

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Title: The last Phi hunter
Author: Salinee Goldenberg
Release date: 09/04/2024
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“Ambitious Phi Hunter and perpetual lone wolf, Ex, finds his road to glory interrupted when a heavily pregnant runaway enlists his help to escape through the ghost-infested forest…”

I’m fairly new to fantasy so it still takes me a while to wrap my head around all the concepts but once I managed that, I loved this book! You can’t help but fall in love with the main character’s & I hope there will be a sequel to this (which I will absolutely purchase!). I feel like there’s still so much to cover in this world & I’m left wanting more!!

If you like fantasy and forbidden romance then give this book a go! 💝

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The Last Phi Hunter is a story filled with adventure, love, and Taino mythology that I could not get enough of.

The Last Phi Hunter is one of my all-time favorite reads. It was as entertaining and stunning as I’d hoped! I loved the characters, narration, and rich incorporation of the fascinating Taino mythology. It was beautifully paced and lovingly funny. I cannot wait to read more by Salinee Goldenberg!

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC!

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3.5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Angry Robot for providing me this ARC

This was a fun and overall good debut read. The premise feels a bit like the Witcher in that our main character travels and gets rid of creepy human eating creatures, and this profession is dying. I’d say that’s where the similarities end though

Ex as a main character is overall a fun character. He reads a bit young at times given that he’s meant to be 24. But I’d read something else from his POV happily.

Arinya was a bit confusing? I’m not totally sure I understood what her plan was.

The pacing was overall solid, as was the writing itself. I was surprised at how quickly a particular plot beat was wrapped up, since it had seemed important to the main character.

The world was interesting, definitely loosely based on Hinduism and Indian society in some aspects. I like the phi as spirits that used to be human and are now roaming around in death as terrible things. I’m not sure I totally understood the difference between the new and old magic rift that is center to the plot

I’m actually not sure if this is a standalone? I don’t see a series mentioned, but I would definitely read more within this world

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"The Last Phi Hunter" has a very interesting world and magic system coupled with some pretty descriptive writing. I loved the descriptions of the different phi and the way the world looks when viewed beyond the gaze of most normal humans. The main character, Ex, is an endearingly pathetic man (think along the lines of a shonen anime protagonist; stuff just keeps happening to him and he ends up making a mess of things sometimes, but you still can't help but root for him) with an awkward charm that keeps the book from straying further into a potentially grimdark territory.

There is a romance that is pretty central to the plot, I suppose. However, that's where the book is the weakest, in my opinion. The chemistry between Ex and Arinya was almost there, but it was hampered by the fact that Arinya as a character is very... flimsy. She felt, weirdly, like wish fulfillment for Ex--which didn't seem like the author's intent. I needed more from her as a character to buy into her relationship with Ex and also root for her as an individual. I feel like this book could've greatly benefitted from alternating POV's between Ex and Arinya. This book does have multi-POV (though the bulk of the story is told via Ex's POV), but those POVs felt largely unnecessary and didn't really add anything to the story. For as much of a role as Arinya plays in the story, you'd think she'd get the chance to tell her side of things or even have better characterization, but she didn't and I was left wanting by the end.

I don't know if this is a series or not, but if it isn't, then the ending was too rushed to be truly satisfying for my liking.

Overall, this wasn't bad, but unfortunately, one of the central conceits of the book--the romance between the main character and the woman he's trusted to guard--really didn't work for me. Other people will likely feel differently, so if the synopsis interests you at all, feel free to give it a try. I do think the writing is pretty strong and would recommend it based on that alone.

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DNF at 55% (rating it a two stars, because that's what i assume this book would have gotten from me if i had continued reading).

i was so so excited for this one, and the beginning was intriguing enough, but sadly, this one just deteriorated. for me as time went on. the characterization felt underdeveloped and a bit too convenient to the plot. the pacing confused me, and i really don't understand where the plot is meant to go from here (and i still had half the book left to go!). the lore really interested me, but for some reason i just wasn't able to grasp how it truly worked.

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The characters' internal journey of the story was amazing to follow. I got very emotionally attached to Ex that by the end of the book I was super proud of him. I did enjoy all of the characters, they felt very distinctive from one another and still created a good dynamic. I also liked the juxtaposition of the hunters and Phis, to see both sides. Though I thought that was going to create a change within the hunters, but It seemed they didn’t even know about Narissa. Also, I liked that throughout the story there were important friendships that made everything much more meaningful.

Also a bit confused because it’s called the last phi hunter but at the end I understood that they had new recruits so….

Loved the magic system. It was very different from what I have read so far. Sometimes the magic system tends to feel very fairytale like which is not a bad thing but since this story had so much lore, the magic here felt very real and possible. I also liked that there was a physical change when entering the everpresent. It made everything more visual which I appreciated.
I loved the explanations of the ritual the hunters went through. I especially found it interesting that Ex didn’t feel pain.

There is an uncomfortable moment where a Phi is looking for the baby. Can’t find it but she smells her, so proceeds to investigate. I understand but yikes.

I did get a lot confused with the whole soul catching thing. I assumed that while the soul was in a specific vessel, the body still existed in the physical world, but there was no body. I’m still wondering where it goes.

I would’ve liked a map to follow the story in a better way, and to be able to see where they were while they traveled.

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I love this book so much that I finished it in 3 hours. Need I say more?

I will.

The Last Phi Hunter follows Ex, a monster (Phi) hunter on the quest to obtain the title of Something Slayer (sorry guys I have shit memory), which can only be achieved by defeating an ancient demon. He is on his way to a witch for her aid when a pregnant woman named Arinya saves him from a rough beating. She manages to convince him to escort her to meet the witch (by showing him a hefty pouch of money). The story unravels as Arinya's secrets do, thrusting Ex into the middle of a conspiracy that forces him to not only consider his feelings for his latest companian, but motivations behind his journey as a hunter.

The writing was incredibely well-done, as was the world-building which unveiled a unique magic system. There is a hiearchy to the spirits that roam their world, eventually graduating to demons, based on karmic energy. Themes of reincarnation and restorartion are weaved throughout, and intertwine with the characters' identities in such a beautiful way (I nearly cried).

The pacing was, to me, was perfect. Especially in the relationship between Arinya and Ex, which nearly made me tear out my hair at times but genuinely made me so happy for most of the time. There are also glimpses of friendship between Ex and side-characters that I found especially sweet to read about. I'll admit here though that I would have liked a bit more on Arinya, especialy a chapter in her POV. It would have added to the format that splits the chapters between Ex and the occasional insight of a side character that eventually becomes significant.

This book had it's moments: the epic ones, the funny ones, the emotional ones... and I ate every single one of them up. I could not reccomend this book more. I only wish that it were longer, because there was so much material to work with, and I wasn't ready to part with Ex and Arinya just yet.

This is an amazing debut from Goldenburg, and I am ecstatic to see what more she will share with us in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for providing me with an eArc copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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3.5 stars. This was a pretty fun time. I enjoyed the characters and liked the world building. Overall, a good time.

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I'd like to thank the author, publisher and Netgalley for a copy of this work for my honest review. The Last Phi Hunter is a witcher re-imagined fantasy novel based on Thai mythology. Ex is a monster hunter who is working on collecting his last badge and gain the respect of his fellow phi hunters. After being "saved" by a pregnant woman, he agrees to escort her through a dangerous forest. She is on her way to a witch for mysterious reasons which he finds out later on and he gets pulled into protecting her and her unborn child. .

I enjoy learning about different cultures' folklore and mythology so this was right up my alley. I also like the Witcher so i also enjoyed that aspect of the tale. At times it felt overloaded with description and side quests. It dragged in some areas for me as well, and I couldn't really see where we were going with the story. But I still enjoyed the story. She was older than him, which was a refreshing change as well. All in all, I would recommend it to people who like the Witcher series and enjoy stories based on mythology from other cultures.

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"The Last Phi Hunter" by Salinee Goldenberg is an enthralling journey into Thai folklore, set in the mystical Soyoram Kingdom. The protagonist is Ex, a phi Hunter renowned for slaying ghosts and demons. He finds his hint for the legendary demon Shar-Ala interrupted by Arinya, a pregnant woman seeking protection. As they traverse a forest filled with supernatural dangers, their unlikely alliance deepens, blending suspense and heartwarming moments.

Goldenberg's storytelling is rich in detail, crafting a vivid world full of magic and menace. The dynamic between Ex and Arinya is compelling, their evolving relationship adding depth to the narrative. Goldenberg's blend of humor and darkness keeps the reader engaged, though some descriptions could be more concise. With its memorable characters, immersive setting, and thrilling storyline, it's a must-read for those who crave an adventures.

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DNF @ 40%. This is a tough one because there were parts of this book I enjoyed. The magic system and world building were both done brilliantly & I really loved learning about the different types of Phi/magic throughout.

However, for an adult SFF the character read more towards the YA age range for me. It was also explicit in a way that made no sense to the story and just really distracted me from the plot. Horny young men, a women who performs sexual acts as a kind of thank you. It just didn't seem to fit into the story at all, and was a little weird considering how young the characters felt, even if they were described as adults.

I think the writing style, which itself was more of a YA style was what let it down because there were some parts of the book that I felt were meant to be menacing but they didn't really read that way because of the tone of the writing.

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The Last Phi Hunter by Salinee Goldenberg is absolutely stunning! I was almost put off with the comparison to the Witcher (I have not read the books and couldn't get past the first half hour of the tv show) but Thai folklore? I am there! I am so glad I took a punt with this incredible book as Salinee Goldenberg is an outstanding storyteller

The key aspect about this book for me, was the multiple POV's. The nuances, the ambience, the worldbuilding and character development, it was so on point. It's easy to be suspicious of a book that is written with technical perfection, but there is so much heart and soul in this narrative that I will be re-reading over and over

A beautiful book and I look forward to seeing a lot more from this author

Thank you to Netgalley, Angry Robot and the amazing author Salinee Goldenberg for this incredible ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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Review: A tale built like a wondrous tapestry, intricate in detail and expansive in color.

The characters literally jump off the page and into your mind-hole where they fluoresce into burgeoning life-like creations. It is a rare author that combines multiple facets into an integrated whole - utilize the movement of the story line action to introduce, embolden and grow the characters, and create expansive world building that is easy to visualize. Yeah it is formulaic yet hard to execute. Better have a dam good idea of what you want to build before hand.

I am like one of those blue heelers in the review game. I bite hard and quick if you turn your back. This year I have been blessed with some of the best writers newly encountered. Add Salinee to that short list.

Rating: 4.9/5

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I wish I could give this book more stars! It's witty and action-packed, with just a dash of romance. Dripping with Thai folklore, this novel embodies the best things about fantasy, that it can bring traditional tales to a wider audience and make them jump off page. Wow, this is a stunning debut!

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This charming Thai folktale inspired novel is packed full of love and joy that hit me in the feels while that perfect balance of dark and light is found within the pages of this book.

Ex, one of our main characters here is a demon and ghost hunter, and perhaps the last of the Phi order recruits. On a mission, he finds Arinya, who travels with him and is quite pregnant. Though initially only getting her through the forest, developments force her travel further with Ex and eventually love begins to blossom. The romance was not all that strong in this novel but the action and world building was strong.

I do feel like this book could have benefited from a slower pace. I feel like much got lost in the grey as a result and some aspects such as the romance was weaker as a result. The author did great with the demons and action scenes and I feel like that is where this book really shined.

Thank you to Salinee Goldenberg, Angry Robot and Netgalley for the eARC!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Angry Robot for providing this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

God this was such a wild ride!!

Shaping up to be a strong contender for my favourite read of 2024, The Last Phi Hunter was an absolutely phenomenal book!

I highly recommend checking this out once it is released, you won't regret it!


Here are a few of my favourite quotes from The Last Phi Hunter:

"Maybe phi hunters mirrored their prey with their powers and spirit magic, but Ex had to believe he was still human in every other way. Even if others vehemently disagreed."

"Despite the overcast day, it felt as if the sun had come out, shining between all the other stars in the soothing night."

"when Ex held their first child in his arms, love swelled in his chest, a love that he’d never imagined. Familiar, all encompassing, as if he recognized her very soul."

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Thank you NetGalley and Angry Robot for providing me with this ARC.

“The Last Phi Hunter” is a Thai folklore inspired tale, full of charm, spiced with love, joy and some darkness. In this beautifully written story we meet Ex, a demon and ghost hunter, who might be the last one of Phi Order recruits. During his quest to kill Shar-Ala, a demon of nightmares, he encounters Arinya, a heavily pregnant woman who saves his life and asks for protection against monsters during her journey through forest. Eventually, the circumstances forced them to travel further along together, into her safety and Ex is really trying to protect her from the ghosts, demons and necromancers, while also protecting himself from falling in love with her.
I really enjoy reading this book, as the writing of Salinee Goldenberg is impeccable: humorous, charming but also building a dark and vivid world full of monsters. The characters are very well written, they are vibrant, full of life and really relatable. We are rooting for them to fall in love, to survive the difficulties and to have their happy ending. They grow with the storyline progression, their choices making sense and being natural. The story pace was good too, we had a chance to get introduced to the characters, the world building and the plot in an organic way and it progressed logically and in alignment with the characters’ personalities.
My only complaint is that some descriptions are a bit long and seem unnecessary. Though maybe some editing would help.
All in all it’s a solid work, with good storytelling and likeable characters. 4/5

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Thank you to NetGalley and Angry Robot for the ARC of this book!

This Thai inspired dark fantasy centers around Ex who is a lone wolf Phi Hunter who slays ghosts and demons in the Soyoram Kingdom. His hunt for the legendary demon of nightmares, Shar-Ala is interrupted when a heavily pregnant Arinya asks for his help. Ex agrees to help her and escort her home, and that's where the adventure starts. Now they must get through the forest that's filled with demons, spirits, crown guards, sorcerers, and necromancers, all while Ex attempts to not fall in love with Arinya. I loved the lore and world building surrounding the Phi and demons, especially how phi come into being. I did not expect to love a spirit wolf so much either. If you like the monster hunting aspect of The Witcher series, you should check this out.

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