Member Reviews

I so wanted to love this creepy book, considering how bonkers the cover is, but I just can't get on board with a surreal horror novel when so much happens in dreams. There were unfortunate plot holes, twists that didn't make sense, and lots of frustrating story beats. I needed some better character development and stronger writing, unfortunately. As much as I want to recommend this unique take on a serial killer story for October, this just isn't the one.

Because who doesn’t love a delicious story about the delicacy of eating eyeballs? Not really a ‘horror’ feel to the story but definitely one that would suit perfectly well alongside The Eyes of My Mother in story. As a first time read from the author, I will enjoy awaiting her next release.

Best horror book of the year! This is binge-able with all the repulsion and feels. Highly recommend.

This was a very unique read and the ending was perfect. The cover is beautiful. I will be recommending and look forward to future works from the author.

What a delightfully disturbing read! I found the plot a bit shaky at first but there's a twist near the end that ties everything together nicely; I give it an extra star for that. The plot felt a bit shaky before that twist.
I also appreciate the ending, most things are resolve and yet the ending is still open, giving the reader something to ponder.

Thank you NetGalley and Erewhon Books for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!
It feels maybe a little wild to say this was fun—because it was, though there are plenty of repulsive parts, especially concerning how white men treat Asian women—but I had a lot of fun reading this. Ji-won’s descent into unhinged behavior felt almost like a natural progression and I thought the pacing was breakneck but made a lot of sense and served the story well.
I thought the horror aspects of this were unsettling and compelling, and while this absolutely requires some suspension of disbelief, I liked the blend of horror (eating human eyes) with the horrors of being the eldest daughter and a Korean American woman in the US. The men were terrible, yes, but also felt realistic in the worst way possible. There were some parts that felt a little predictable, and other parts that really caught me off guard (that ending, wow!), but ultimately this was a captivating horror novel I struggled to put down with a very satisfying ending. I’ll definitely keep an eye on what else Kim has to write!

The Eyes Are the Best Part is not a thriller but rather a horror novel with gruesome details as the main character, a sympathetic young Korean woman, Ji-won acts out her darkest fantasies. The novel is well written but uncomfortable to read. This is not for readers that want to root for a heroine with a resolved ending but rather for those that enjoy diving in to the unspoken underbelly of humanity.
Ji-won’s life is in turmoil. Her father has left them, her mother is inconsolable and her sister is a ball of anxiety. When her mother offers fish eyes for dinner as a way to turn their misfortunes with good luck, it awakens something inside of Ji-won that fixates on the gelatinous, clear blue eyes. Can Ji-won put their life back in order and fight her inner demons?

I was so excited to read an arc of this book! I truly enjoyed this and it had everything I love in a horror. The dream sequences really tripped me out and this definitely got me in the spooky mood.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
I’m a little backlogged on my ARC’s but working diligently to get caught up. I really liked the unique style of this book! I can honestly say it felt different than most things I’ve read and the story kept me intrigued throughout. Some parts were quite disturbing if you’re squeamish, but I don’t have any triggers so I enjoyed it. I would recommend to anyone who likes complicated family oriented horror stories!

As a horror lover, this book was delicious! I found the body horror, the sense of dread, and just the overall vibe of this book immaculate. I will admit that it took me a little long to get into, which is why I didn't give it a full five stars, but I think for being a debut, this was absolutely wonderful. I would be so happy to read more from this author!

The Eyes are the Best Part is a dark and disturbing page turner. The story was brutal and the characters richly developed. The story flows through the narrator Ji-Won dealing with dysfunctional family issues, misogyny and cultural stereotypes while descending into psychopathy. I enjoyed a fresh take on this type of tale and found this story compelling
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the ARC!

my very first ARC, so thank you immensely to the publisher!
this book treads a fine line between fun body horror and feeling physically sick for me - which I suppose is a good thing if that's what you're into. i found myself having to put the book away at times feeling nauseous, but i'm sensitive about these things (yet still like to challenge myself).
The Eyes are the Best Part follows Ji-won, an 18-year-old unhinged girlie who has fair reason to be unhinged because, besides horror, this is a book about grief, misogyny, cultural differences, relationships with friends and family, and fetishization of asian women. it tackles really interesting subjects while progressively becoming more stranger, more upsetting, and yes, more unhinged. the book is quite fast-paced and keeps you on your toes, but i would've added an extra star had i not been able to guess quite easily where the plot was going, and had the characters been more layered and (particularly in the case of George and Geoffrey) not been so cliché.

I really enjoyed this book. It kept me guessing and wondering what was real and what was all in Ji-won's head.

amazing, showstopping, phenomenal. no notes. such a good book with a good balance of character/relationship development, suspense, and horror. if you love women's wrongs, this is the book for you.

I literally just closed this book and there is so much I could go on and on about this one but all I can say ATM is ALL THE FREAKING STARS. HANDS DOWN MY FAVORITE BOOK I HAVE READ ALL YEAR SO FAR.
If you choose to pick this one up please do with much research and consideration. The plot is thick with female rage, disgusting male characters, unsettling descriptive scenes not for the squeamish, lots of eyeballs and some familial traumas that just down right broke me.
Told in a inner thought process type style of writing (much like one of my other favorites Maeve Fly) about a korean girl driven to initially start to loose her shit by the pressures of family members actions, school, and friendships. Watching our main characters morals slip away slowly bringing forth a hard to grasp and mentally unhealthy obsession. It really does hold a deep and dark perspective you just have to be willing to look below the surface to see it.
It's a slow burn for sure but trust me you won't even notice with the way it just sucks you in with the mesmerizing easy to consume writing style. And the short chapters are just an added bonus that make you feel like you are flying right through it. I for one struggled to sit it down.
I just loved it so much and I hope you enjoy it too 🖤
A huge thank you to @monikakimauthor @kensingtonbooks and @netgalley for the advanced copy of this devastatingly beautiful debut

The novel brazenly dives into the grotesque, turning the reader's stomach this way and that. Ji-Won, not JW, will not put up with your male gaze. You wanna reduce Asian women into obedient little dolls who will wash your clothes, cook your meal, and tolerate your infantilizing b.s., do so at your own risk. Don't be surprised if there aren't many Ji-Won's out there ready to savor the briny tang of your eyeballs.
Reader, we are not supposed to cheer for the villain, but in this book, I did. You will too.
There is mastery in the way Monika Kim tackles "yellow fever", fetishism, sexism, poverty, patriarchy, and so much more. No character overtly states these themes are addressed, because Ji-Won, our hero/villain, is too busy killing and describing the taste of eyeballs, the texture, and the pop between the teeth. Yes, reader. You will squirm, and then keep reading.
Body horror is my new favorite genre.

It's been a while since a book got under my skin and made me recoil in disgust (and I mean that in a good way!). The Eyes Are the Best Part was exactly what I needed. The writing was compelling, the descriptions had me gasping, and I wanted MORE. SO glad I picked this one up.

This was a really quick, fast paced read and I had a lot of fun with it. Well fun is the wrong word when I was disgusted and enraged for the majority of this book. This book explores many important topics such as sexism, fetization of asian women, racism, the struggles of an immigrant family and family breakdowns.
This book ignited so much rage within me. I was just as angry but less homicidal than our main character. There were so much important commentary within this book alongside a lot of violence. If you love unhinged women on a mission for revenge this one is for you!!

This is exactly the kind of horror I am most into - a character study with a literary bend that devolves into madness and gore in the last quarter. Absolutely loved and devoured this one.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

You had me at "feminist psychological horror," and "graphic feminine revenge horror." I am apprehensive w the horror genre that a book may not actually be that scary and not worth my time, etc., but I was actually suffering through some of these pages, like our girl Monika Kim needs HELP. It's also beautifully written and I killed it in one sitting -- but primarily , just a wonderful horror story, so well done.