Member Reviews

5 enthusiastic stars!! Lisa Regan does it again with the best Heroine ever… Josie Quinn. Josie and her gang feel like family by now we have become so involved in her life. This book was amazing. A fast paced rollercoaster that grabs you from the first page and hangs on tight to the very end. The characters are always so well done and the plot is wickedly suspenseful start to finish. This one is a real page turner that will keep you up way to late because you need to know how it ends.
This is an absolute must read.

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Let me start by staying that I have read and enjoyed every book in this series. The continuing characters who feel like family (even the sadness I felt when Finn was killed) and the stories that keep you turning the pages until the final confrontation. Detective Josie Quinn and her partner in life and work, Lt. Noah Fraley, have their work cut out for them in this latest case. I have to admit that this was one of the hardest stories to read as the case moved back and forth between their search for the killer to the unknown and unnamed persons who were involved. I think I would have liked to know the names of these people a bit sooner. All the while Josie is pursuing the case, she and Noah must deal with the stress and personal issue of their plans to adopt as her team is still missing Finn and unhappy with the detective who replaced him. A truly exciting ending as Josie is determined to find and save the child who she believes wrote the message “HELP”. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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Congrats Lisa Regan on Josie Quinn #20! You did it again with this book, it hooked me right from the start. I love the Denton police team, minus the new guy, he is so frustrating! The rest of the team, however, are a found family.

When Josie gets called to a routine a routine road traffic accident on her day off (thanks to Turner being lazy) she finds out it is anything but routine. A child drawing with the word “HELP” is found, then the one survivor disappears.

As the team continues to investigate more secrets and lies are revealed. The tension, suspense and danger make this book such a page turner. Lisa does such a great job at blending Josie’s work and personal life into these books! The Josie Quinn series is definitely one of my favorites!

Can’t wait to see what more Lisa has in store for Josie, Noah, and the rest of the team in future books!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC of this book!

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This is a detective series that I think is strengthened with the intense backstory and continuing storyline that goes on in the background. The characters are robust, and multifaceted and feel authentic. I always love the setting, and Regan does a good job of placing you at the scene. The story was a little convoluted this time, and pretty out there, but didn't take away from the book for me personally. I will always always pick up these up! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to provide my honest review.

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This book was AMAZING!! The mystery was well done, with great and interesting characters! I love Josie Quinn and I can’t wait for the next book!

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I have to start with congratulations on book 20 of the series. Now that they’ve finally found someone to fill the vacant spot on the team (I cannot write replace Mettner), I am not loving the team dynamic. But I am sure that is the point. I cannot see where I will ever love Turner like the rest, yet I am also sure there is more to his story that will unfold over time. But I do love his new nickname which seems apt since I cringed every time he said sweetheart. I didn’t need an audiobook to hear his condescension.

I also love that you never know who might pop up in the midst of the story. Luke and Blue showed up to help with a search. And this is why when I normally say all the books stand on their own, that I highly recommend reading the series in order. This surprise is explained in the book, but wouldn’t hold as much weight without having read the early books. The depth and growth of the characters is one of the pluses of the series.

I was such a fan of the last book being Josie centric in such a clever way, and this one felt a little less like a team effort due to more than just a shift in the team. That is one of my favorite things of this series. But don’t misunderstand, I liked this one. The case kept me guessing and I fell for everything I was supposed to so I wouldn’t arrive at the right answer before the big reveal. The tension and pacing were spot on to make me never want to put it down.

While I wasn’t loving the team dynamic, I did love the blend of Noah and Josie’s personal life and how it is progressing. The decisions they have made and the surprise at the end of the book makes me excited to see what happens next for them.

Is it too early to be watching for the next book?

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Book 2o! How are we hear? What an achievement! Thank you Lisa for writing this awesome series!

I am still behind on the series as I have still not read books 1 and 2 but I have followed Josie since book 3 and 17 books later I’m still here! I don't plan on going anywhere while this series is still going!

What a bang for book 20..this dark, twisted and extremely realistic storyline kept me hooked. When I wasn’t listening to it i was reading it, I kept flicking between the two medias so I can get the answers and be with the team. I was hooked and needed answers.

We have a host of characters in this book, but I didn't realise how twisted some people were, but seriously after so many books I shouldn't be surprised! The main ones here were despicable, the treatment of people just makes me incredibly sad. It opens with a bang with a shocking accident. One that leads to too many questions.

After I had read book 19, I didn't like Turner…this book cemented it. What a douche. I’m hoping eventually he will either endear himself or transfer out. He can’t behave in the way he does. He's always disappearing, palming cases off and too busy flirting in times of crisis, but I do sense some baggage which will need unpacking. I just want him to eat a bit of humble pie and try, rather than act the way he does.

Still fresh, still solid, still amazing. Josie is forever evolving and I love watching her. Her life is taking a different path and it's exciting!
A solid entry in to the series but a HUGE book 20

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Oh my goodness I was hooked from the beginning. A little different and a slow build but I was intrigued and couldn't wait for the author to put all the pieces together.
The new cop on their squad is such an inappropriate dude, I think he's there so we can all despise him.
As for the crime of murder, so many subtle clues to keep us guessing until the end.
I did not see that twist coming and I'm so glad I was clueless.
Exciting story and a wonderful glimpse into their lives outside of the daily horror they witness.
This one is not even out yet but I can't wait for the next story.

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A brilliantly written haunting story. This intense mystery is filled with complex characters, lots of twists and turns, murder and mayhem and will capture you on the very first page! I could not put this book down! The ending was unpredictable and this page turner is a must read!

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Lisa Regan never fails to shock me with her imagination - she brings us one incredible thriller after another.

Her Dying Wish is yet another roller coaster of emotions and adrenaline as Detective Josie Quinn and her team chases one more serial killer down through Denton and area and uncovers so many twists and turns I thought I had figured out and was proven wrong in my guesses over and over again… there is someone seriously sick on the loose and the team is finding a trail of bodies of pregnant women. Don’t read this one if that’s a potential trigger point! Otherwise, it’s incredible and every detective thriller lover needs to pick it up! Best if you’ve read previous books in the series for the continuing team storyline.

I think this is one of my tops among the 20 books in this series - most definitely! I’m glad the team and all the characters are back together again after being split up for book 19, though I understand why book 19 had to be what it was with Josie on a soul searching mission. Book 20 was a refreshing return to what we’re used to, though getting used to the “new” team after the painful thing that occurred in book 18 is still difficult (why, Lisa, why!! Has Katie forgiven you for her namesake?!). I love Josie and Noah’s personal family plot in this book!

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and Bookouture, and this is my honest feedback.

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I do not ever get tired of reading the Detective Josie mysteries.
Why did the driver of the car hit the upcoming truck? Why was the dead passenger stabbed? Why is she holding a folder piece of paper in her hand depicting a Child’s drawing with the words help. With clues but also misdirects. I think when it all comes together you will be surprised how it nicely fits but will in the meanwhile have pointed at the various suspicious characters as been the bad guy.
There is still no love lost between Josie and the latest member of the team. Actual her and Gretchen are keeping their tempers under control where the new guy is concerned, I was losing my patience more than once over his attitude. The story is # 20 in this series and can be read as a standalone. Once you read this book, I bet you will go looking for earlier ones. Suggest you read them in the publishing order to get a good sense for the character development and the relationships within the team.

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Her Dying Secret (Josie Quinn Book 20) by Lisa Regan
Pub date: May 14th
5 stars

The latest in a great series is finally here. I love the Josie Quinn series so much, it’s definitely my comfort mystery series. Quick reads, thrilling mysteries, and a cast of (mostly) highly likable and interesting characters, what more could you ask for?

Nothing is ever as simple as it seems in Denton, so when a routine car crash reveals a dead woman and another seriously injured from knife wounds it’s all hands on deck for Josie and crew, especially when a child’s drawing is found in their hands. Is a child in danger? The survivor has no recollection of events, and there’s no connection between her and the other woman. Something bigger is at play, but what? And can Josie keep it altogether while personal matters (of the good kind) play out at home? And what is up with her new coworker who can’t seem to do his
job right or get along with anyone? Only by reading the latest in a long series by Lisa Regan will you find out!

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for an ARC of this book!

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Another excellent book in the Josie Quinn series. Plenty of twists and turns and suspense to keep the reader engrossed and then can’t read the book quick enough. Although book 20 in the series it can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend you read the series from the beginning as all the books are so good. I highly recommend this book/series & author.

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Lisa Regan's Detective Josie Quinn is back in her twentieth story, and this one like those that have come before is a real cracker!!!

As Josie gets embroiled in a murder investigation. When her new colleague calls her to take over a road traffic accident. That is anything but.

As Mira Summers has crashed her car with a dead woman in the passenger seat. A 'Jane Doe' who is severely malnourished and has a weapon sticking out of her body.

And Josie wants answers.

Answers she'll stop at nothing to get.

But the case soon becomes even more bizarre and complicated. As the driver claims to have no idea who the passenger is or where she came from. Furthermore, Jane Doe is clutching a child's drawing with the word 'HELP' on the back.

Which makes Josie and husband Noah. Who are looking to adopt even more determined to get to the truth. Only there is a mountain of secrets to wade through first.

Not to mention a new detective. Who isn't exactly the team player Mett was.

And with plenty of twists and turns Her Dying Secret was a real page turner that proves Josie Quinn is here to stay and I for one am extremely happy about that!!

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an early copy of Her Dying Secret. 😊

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Did not see that coming! Page turner with feels. Josie and Noah are dealing with possible adoption issues on the home front and murder at work. We have the family at home and the family at work. We also have the "long standing relative no one likes" aka Turner, the newest member who is crass, insensitive and whose work ethics leave a lot to be desired. Gretchen is a hoot and calls things as she sees them. This is a twisted tale of love, abuse, and mental illness along with hope. I thing Lisa Regan is going to floor us even more with Turner and that we will be flabbergasted when we find out things all the while we love on Josie, Noah and the Denton PD. Many thanks to NetGalley, Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #HerDyingSecret #DectiveJosieQuinn #LisaRegan #Bookouture #NetGalley

(Also left on Facebook, X, Pinterest and Kobo)

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Detective Kyle Turner calls Josie to a routine traffic accident since he is "busy" and shorthanded at the moment. Even though it is Josie's day off she figures she'll be home in time for the in-home visit that is scheduled. As she arrives on the scene, she realizes this accident is anything but routine. Josie quickly pivots into crime scene mode, and we are off and running. The fast pace that this story takes keeps the reader engaged and keeps you guessing to the very end. With the cryptic note found in the victim's hand, Josie wonders is there a child in danger? Was she kidnapped? Was she in the car? Why does the driver not have any memory, and who is the woman in the passenger seat grotesquely thin and mortally wounded? In true Josie Quinn style, she will not stop until she has all the answers.
This is the 20th installment in this fantastic series of Josie Quinn and the gang. The bond that this group has is amazing to say the least. This is written as a standalone as all of this author's books are in the series but having read all 19 of the previous books I would say, read the others. They are so good! Lisa Regan has mastered the art of a great story. Her characters are real and relatable. You feel like they are your friends and family. Each book has a different whodunit, but the familiar characters are what keep you coming back.
I can't wait for the next book in the series, and I never want it to end. Thanks to Net galley, Bookouture, and Lisa Regan for the arc of this amazing book.

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When you read a Detective Josie Quinn book you know you are going to be drawn into the story from the very beginning and that there will be plenty of mystery, danger, suspense, and twists along the way until the murder(s) are solved. In addition, there is the continuing dynamics of the team getting into a rhythm with the newest team member, Detective Kyle Turner. He is something else and I can't help but wonder what his back story is because there has to be more than meets the eye. Otherwise, why would the Chief keep someone around who seems to go out of his way to antagonize everyone? You will definitely want to read this book.

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In the midst of preparing for an important visit from an adoption case manager, Josie discovers that her day is about to take an unpredictable turn. Her colleague, Gretchen, is tied up at a shooting incident, which forces Detective Turner to make an urgent call to Josie, requesting her presence at a grim motor vehicle accident scene. This accident, however, is far from ordinary—it involves a single fatality with a twist that beckons Josie into the depths of a chilling investigation. The driver of the Sedan, Mira Summers, miraculously survives but is found unconscious with disturbing defensive wounds, hinting at a sinister prelude that the crash itself could not account for. The scenario grows more macabre as the passenger, found dead, clutches a weapon protruding from her abdomen. This woman's sickly appearance coupled with the evidence of torture before her stabbing sends a multitude of questions.

As Josie delves deeper, she stumbles upon a piece of evidence that raises the stakes—a folded piece of paper in the deceased woman's grasp. It's a child's drawing, marked with a desperate cry for help scrawled on the back in crayon. This discovery propels Josie into a maze of questions, each more perplexing than the last. The apparently random accident now seems like a piece of a much larger, darker puzzle. Was this tragedy a brutal endpoint to a series of torturous events? And, most hauntingly, who is the child behind the poignant plea for help? The layers of mystery surrounding the crash scene keep piling up, and Josie realizes that the visit from the adoption case manager is no longer the only priority on her list.

Lisa Regan excels in creating deeply immersive narratives through her skillful use of rich, descriptive details that vividly capture the essence of her scenes. Her meticulous choice of details and her ability to seamlessly weave these elements into her writing demonstrate her mastery in crafting an engaging reading experience that brings her stories to life. However, her exquisite details do not end here. She also meticulously incorporates a wealth of specific details pertaining to various processes and tests involved in investigations. This detailed approach not only enriches her narrative with authenticity but also enhances the realism of the events depicted in her story. Through this method, this author successfully bridges the gap between fiction and reality, allowing readers to immerse themselves fully in the unfolding drama with a heightened sense of believability.

"Her Dying Secret" is a gripping novel that employs a dual-perspective narrative, intertwining the insights of Detective Josie Quinn, the protagonist, with an unidentified victim, adding layers of suspense and intrigue. This storytelling technique effectively engages readers, prompting them to piece together clues and question the roles of each character in the unfolding mystery. Some of the beloved main characters since "Vanishing Girls" return, their depth and complexity as compelling as ever, while the secondary characters are meticulously crafted, eliciting a range of emotions from empathy to disdain. Through well-written and well-developed character portrayals, the novel masterfully keeps readers guessing about everyone's true involvement in the investigation.

In her storytelling, Lisa Regan skillfully intertwines questions posed by the protagonist, Josie, mirroring those that readers might find themselves pondering as they delve into the role of armchair detectives. This narrative technique not only engages readers but also offers insight into Josie's analytical process, highlighting instances where certain investigative leads appear implausible or inconsistent with the unfolding mystery. Through this method, Regan effectively draws readers deeper into the investigative journey, fostering a connection between Josie’s thought processes and the audience's curiosity.

Over all, Her Dying Secret by Lisa Regan is a riveting narrative that captivates readers with its unforgettable characters, intricately twisting plot, and engaging storyline, enriched with descriptive and relevant details that paint a vivid picture of the investigative case. This book will keep readers in suspense and eager to turn every page as they are kept on the edge of their seats throughout the unfolding events. Lisa Regan masterfully concludes the story with a mind-blowing ending, skillfully tying up all the loose ends and answering lingering questions, leaving the reader satisfied and eagerly anticipating the next Detective Josie Quinn installment.

I received a free digital ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Another brilliant crime thriller in one of my favourite series.
Josie is called out to a road accident but when she gets there it’s clear the passenger had died before the collision, due to the sharp implement lodged in her stomach.
The driver is taken to hospital but is suffering from memory loss, so Josie is up against it.
With the discovery of a child’s drawing, Josie knows there’s a child involved somehow and is desperate to find them.
With a suspect identified, Josie and the team try and track him down but with others trying to protect him, he’s difficult to find.
This is a gripping crime thriller that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was really fast-paced and the character building was amazing. It was a gripping crime thriller with jaw-dropping twists.

I read this book in one sitting and just couldn’t put it down. I liked how the characters cared about each other - like this is not just a job but they are actual friends who know each other personally and support each other when needed.

I also loved how Detective Josie had her own personal life and the story showed how hard it can be to manage your work and home and also, how great it is to be supported by your partner, who in this case was her husband Lieutenant Noah.

Overall, it is an unputdownable, fast-paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

This was my first book by this author and I really enjoyed it. It is the twentieth book of the Detective Josie Quinn series, but can be read as a standalone. If you've never read a Josie Quinn book, then this is a good one to start with.

This book is perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, Robert Dugoni and Rachel Caine. I highly recommend it if you love police procedural thrillers.

Thank you so much Bookouture, Netgalley and Lisa Regan for this ARC copy!

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