Member Reviews

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This book was all sorts of crazy! The main character drove me insane I just wanted to shake her and tell her to grow up and stop with the chaos!! I'm glad she had a friend like Jenny!!

I'd definitely recommend this book to other people definitely an enjoyable read!

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I received an ARC from Netgalley for an honest review.

This book is so hilarious and I just love the main character! Florence voices some of the mom things that the rest of us are afraid to. Having a Neurodivergent child has it moments (mine is a 25 yr old female), especially for someone like her who has a useless ex who refuses to acknowledge the fact of it.
All of the things that happen in this book made it unputdownable! I couldn't wait to see what would happen next! I totally didn't see the ending coming. Give this one a go!

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I think the key in writing a book with an unlikeable protagonist is to give them a silver lining. Florence had none. I, too, hated her. The story wasn’t compelling because the main character wasn’t compelling.

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I started this book thinking, "I wouldn't want those mothers to like me anyway!" And then I started seeing why Florence wasn't liked - she's not very likable, at least at first.
This is the story of Florence Grimes, former girl band member and divorced mother of Dylan. She lives on regrets and dreams of reviving her past. If you look up "dumpster fire" in the dictionary, you might see a picture of Florence.
On a school field trip, her son's richest classmate goes missing. Dylan, who didn't get along with the boy, had been his partner for the trip, and Florence is worried he will be implicated in the disappearance. She decides she needs to solve the crime herself.
Teaming up with the newest mom at the school, Jenny, who is the exact opposite of who Florence is, they try to figure out where the kid is and who took him. Florence constantly did things that made me cringe and just laugh at the absurdity of the situations she found herself in. A cast of colorful side characters along the way makes the story even more entertaining. I didn't like her until the last few chapters of the book - she's one of those people who is so outlandishly ridiculous that you just can't help but eventually like her.
The story never seemed to drag, and I was always turning the page, wanting to see what happens next. If you're looking for a funny crime novel, you should read this one!

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As she is described in the book, Florence is a chaos muppet. When a young boy goes missing from her sons school, she fears her son may have been involved. What will a mother do to protect her child? Solve the mystery of course.

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I enjoyed this fast paced story. While it was hard to like some of the characters, I found myself rooting for them, and liking them better towards the end. There were a few twists that kept my interest. Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC copy.

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Florence kind of sucks. She's selfish, a petty thief, and a burden on her little sister. Her one abiding passion in life is her big-hearted son whose father pays for him to go to a snooty all-boys school in London. Every day during drop off she sees the other sleekly glossy mothers gossiping about her and all of the ways she falls short. When the richest boy in school, who has had violent altercations with her son in the past, goes missing, Florence assumes the worst and is prepared to do whatever she has to in order to protect her son. Florence can be counted on to do all of the wrong things for all of the right reasons. When she enlists the help of one of the uber-put-together mothers in her circle, she might just stand a chance of pulling it all off. This book is a fun ride about a person who doesn't live up to anyone's expectations, especially her own.

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The main character Florence was very funny if you ask me,yes there were a lot of times where you can tell why all the other mother’s hated her because she was way too childish that her own child had to set the record straight for her. I think the book would have been finished in the beginning if she really acted like a mother instead of how she was acting here. The child on the other hand, he had a lot of things packed up because of the bully that went missing and he just didn’t care really that he was gone because he was just like he disappeared. This book was funny to say the least but, it was a good read.

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The main character, Florence, is a former member of an American girl band. . Now, she is the single mom to Dylan, who attends a fancy boarding school in London. Florence is a hot mess, and by all estimations, a pretty terrible self-centered mother. She does, however, love her son. One of Dylan‘s classmates, Alfie, a class bully, goes missing on a school field trip. Florence begins to suspect that Dylan is behind Alfie‘s disappearance. The story has plenty of twists and turns, as Flo turns detective to try to solve a crime in order to save her own son. She's a pretty terrible detective as well, and pure chaos follows her everywhere. I didn’t guess the ending, so that's a plus. The minus is, I didn't really care about Florence or Dylan. . This is an easy read, but she was too unlikable for me to buy in to the story. I wouldn't read another offering with Florence, unless she cleans up her act!

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3.5 ⭐️ This is a fast paced thriller that was a quick read. I enjoyed the twists and turns and the outrageous main character. Florence “Flo” is a washed up former singer, single mom to Dylan. Dylan is a shy different child with no friends. When Alfie, a rich bully goes missing on a field trip, Flo suspects Dylan may be involved. What follows is a sometimes funny, sometimes ugly “investigation” with Flo’s one friend Jenny, to get to the bottom of the disappearance before Dylan is charged. Everyone is suspect.

I enjoyed the quirky Flo character and her gaggle of cohorts and their outlandish schemes to find what happened to Alfie. Some parts of the story were predictable, but the real kidnapper and motive was a surprise.

Thanks NetGalley and Penguin Group/GP Putnam Sons publishers for the eARC in exchange for my honest review

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Alphie disappears on a field trip with his posh school, and Florence is afraid that her son may have something to do with Alphie's disappearance.

At what lengths will Florence, already an outlier with the other moms and in a mess with her personal life, go to protect her son who may or may not be guilty of harming Alphie?

There are some books in which I can overlook the dislike I have for a main character. This is not one of those books. Florence had a few flaws too many, and I couldn't warm up to her enough to enjoy the story. I cared enough to finish the book to see what happened to Alphie, but felt like skimming here and there.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Florence, single mother to Dylan and dubious survivor of early aughts girl band, is chaotic and unlikeable. Objectively. When a rich heir at her son's school disappears on a field trip, Florence is a little nervous that her Dylan may have been involved.

I love a story with an unreliable and unlikable main character. I think it brings so much drama to a regular thriller! Florence is fun to watch and this one kept me guessing until the very end.

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I was excited to read All the Other Mothers Hate Me, the synopsis and title hooked me. The story did not disappoint and was super engaging after the first five chapters or so. Once I got into the mystery I was hooked. This book is a wonderful example of not having to like the character to enjoy the book. The MC made a lot of questionable decisions throughout and morally was beyond gray. It challenged me to think about her redemption and root for her.

The ending was so surprising and a little bonkers. It sort of felt like it came out of left field and I didn’t feel super connected to it.

If you enjoy characters with grit and who aren’t fully likable, this is for you!

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A decent suspense/thriller. There were a few subplots that all tie together in the end. The “protagonist” has few redeeming qualities imo but wasn’t so horrible I couldn’t finish the book.

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Florence is a mess, y'all, and it seems everything she touches becomes...messy. There's all kinds of reasons all the other mothers dislike her, but Florence doesn't really seem to want them to like her, preferring to accentuate her differences. Until she realizes that a friend would sure be handy.

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I usually enjoy books with unlikeable characters. Not this time. I thought the main character, Florence, took unlikeable to a whole new level. The more I read, the more I disliked her and her behavior. In fact, the entire book slowly was becoming more and more unpleasant and a chore to pick up. Therefore, I decided to DNF it at 25%.

My copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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I read this book in two days, so that’s really all you need to know. It’s chaotic, funny, and suspenseful.

While many reviewers seem to think Florence is insufferable, they could never make me hate her! She’s flawed just like the rest of us, and honestly just doing her best as a 31-year-old single mom. I’m not sure why she’s broke and sending her son to a private school, but I digress. The story was really easy to get swooped up in, and it gets more and more ridiculous with every turn (IYKYK). Basically, a boy goes missing at her son’s school, and Florence takes it upon herself to start investigating the case. She even ropes in one of the other moms, Jenny for sleuthing assistance.

I like to read books for pleasure, especially when I’m on vacation, so this one was just what I needed. It’s classified as a “thriller,” and it’s definitely page-turning, but it’s also just humorous and enjoyable in a lot of ways. Florence is just a hot mess but in the best way possible. I don’t want to read about perfect people all the time.

I guessed the ending about 70% through, and I was right. So I wish it had been a little less predictable but I think it was such a fun read either way. No parts of the book were repetitive and the writing itself was good.

Thank you to the team at NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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"All the Other Mothers Hate Me" by Sara Harman is about a mom who lives on balloons and royalty checks from her music career. The book got me from the mention of the song "Your So Vain" - I won't elaborate here so I don't spoil it because that is when I first started to like the main character Florence. While Florence may not be everyone's cup of tea, her charm was solidified for me when I discovered her love for Mariah Carey. The satire drew me in and didn't let me go.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a complimentary ARC in exchange for an honest review,

While this had a fun premise, the execution ended up falling flat for me. The main character ended up being very frustrating and annoying which by the end was clearly the point, but it made the entire story a slog to get through. I guess this one really wasn't for me.

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What a pleasant surprise!! I started out not sure I would like the book, Florence is not liked by the other mother's at her 10 year old son's school, and for good reason. She is not a very good person, she drinks, lies cheats, picks up random men, and expects the world to be handed to her because she was in a girl band before she got pregnant. But, as the book went along I just couldn't put it down.

Flo's son, Dylan, also doesn't have friends but when his classmate goes missing, Flo is afraid he might have had something to do with it. So Flo tries to find out what happened and with the help of a mother with new kids at the school, she starts sleuthing. I can honestly say there were twists I did not see coming which is always a joy! There's a lot going on and Flo seems to be at the center of all of it, even when she is in the dark as to what is happening.

As in any good fiction, the flawed character is redeemed in the end, but not too much. She is still Florence. Unlike most books that I rave about, this book had very few characters that I would ever want to meet in real life, but they seem to deserve each other. l I really enjoyed this book and couldn't wait to pick it up each time.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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