Member Reviews

Kara's had one tragedy after another and yet she keeps picking herself up and moving on. This time, though, the death of her father leaves her not only with a well of grief but overwhelmed by his legacy. He's left her a huge Victorian mansion to renovate. In his spirit, she decides it should be a retreat for artists and writers. This sort of thing is never easy but in many ways, remaking the house- and making it a home- is parallel to Kara remaking her life, again. She learns a lot from the community and while some relationships might not blossom the way the reader might want, there are others that are just terrific. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. An encouraging read about a strong woman. I'm hopeful there will be a third novel - I'd like to know what happens next.

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Grace Greene melts my heart again in this second book in the Wildflower heart series! Kara has to overcome the loss of her father and accepting she must move on. She finds herself in a difficult situtation when she must face the past she thought she left behind. Kara keeps pusing no matter the cost, even when she just wants to give up! In this beautifully written story of grief, loss, hope and friendship Grace has shown the true meaning of forgiveness and the weight that is removed once you can do just that! I loved this book so much I hope the series never ends! A must read book! Thank you Netgalley and Grace Greene for my ARC copy in exchange for my honest review!!!

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Having read Wildflower Heart which i very much enjoyed reading, i was so pleased to have had the opportunity to read Wildflower Hope. Another wonderful and well written story and one that it didn't want to have to turn the last page. Loved the descriptions of the house and gardens. As always, i am not going to write what the story is about as i prefer one to read the book for themselves, but i do highly recommend.

My thanks to Netgalley and the Publishers. This is my honest review, which i have voluntarily given.

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Kara Lange Hart is grieving. She is having a hard time putting one foot in front of the other. The old adage, "Don't make big decisions while grieving." Kara needs to decided whether she is going to convert Wildflower House into a artistic retreat or sell it. As she starts to make decisions, she is slowly seeing the possibilities. Anger is still a constant companion. along with the wall around her heart. Slowly as the house and the landscape take shape, Kara realizes she is changing also. She is not clinging to the past. She is open to the possibilities. It is saying you're sorry and giving and asking for forgiveness. It allows love to grow and flourish.

You are not in a hurry to read this book. You want to savor each page. It is beautifully written.

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I have become a huge Grace Greene fan. I could not wait to read this book after reading Wildflower Heart. I loved this story of Kara and how she was figuring out how to put the pieces of her life back together after suffering the loss of her dad, Henry. Kara is described as being resilient, by her dad (that is what he told her before he died). That she is! Kara has seen more than her fair share of loss and now being the owner of Wildflower House has its new stresses. This house was her dad’s vision, his retirement project, his dream...not hers. Does she want to be burdened with this big old house, with all the renovations/repairs that are needed. What will she do in this big house all alone? Does she need the isolation? This wasn’t her plan. It all changed when Henry died and left it all to Kara. An idea comes to her on what she sees as the purpose of Wildflower House, now she must do this on her own, without her dad. This book is a wonderful read. It is an example of perseverance, getting back up when life has slapped you down. I loved reading this book and seeing Kara’s strength, confidence and perseverance shine through.

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Wildflower Hope is the second book in Grace Greene’s Wildflower House series. This story segues into the weeks just following the unexpected death of main character Kara Lange Hart’s beloved father, Henry. Kara’s three decades have been fraught with loss. . .her mother, her husband, her unborn child, and now her father, who had kept her together through all that had happened in her life, was gone as well.

As was the plan Henry had for restoring Wildflower House. Now it was up to Kara to decide what to do next. The easiest thing to do would be to sell and go back to the city where she could return to the career she had before a drunk driver on a rainy night wiped out her plans for her future. Kara was still mending from that fateful accident and was now completely on her own.

Kara had a vision of opening the revamped house as a place where artists and craftsmen could meet to share ideas and classes, and, perhaps, to host events. When she shares this idea with Nicole Albers, close friend of her late father and Kara’s ally, Nicole tends to push Kara to move forward. But, instead, it is the landscaper, Will Mercer, who is able to lead Kara away from her darkness.

This is a wonderful sequel to the first novel in the series, Wildflower Heart, and will make the reader anxious for the next book in the series. Interesting characters and a lovely setting are at the heart of these stories. I have enjoyed this book and I do recommend it!

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Linda's Book Obsession Review's  "Wildflower Hope" by Grace Greene, Lake Union, September 24, 2019

Grace Greene, Author of "Wildflower Hope" has written the second book in "The Wildflower House Series". This can be read as a stand-alone. The Genres for this novel are Fiction and Women's Fiction with Romance.   This is an emotional, intriguing, and dramatic novel. I love the way the author vividly describes and writes about the renovations of the house, the landscape, the gardening, and the planning. The author describes her characters as complex and complicated.

Kara Hart has known tragedy and is starting to pull herself together after her father's death. She decides she wants to renovate the house as a retreat, and plans for parking and gardens for the land.  Kara is ambivalent at times and insecure and doubts that she can pull this off. She does have the support of people helping her if she will let them in.

I love the way the author discusses the importance of self-worth, second chances, new beginnings, and forgiveness.  The author also mentions the importance of family, friends, neighbors, love, and hope. I would recommend this entertaining story for those readers who enjoy women's fiction.

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Heartwarming story of loss,love and family.A home is reborn and the characters grow within it.Loved all the characters,flaws and all and the descriptions were so good I could visualize the house and grounds in my mind.

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Wildflower Hope is a really good read. I did have a hard time at first getting into it. After a quarter of the way through, I was hooked. I loved it! I give it four and a half stars.

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This is such a wonderful book.! It is about hope, dreams, and second chances. The phenomenal cast of characters will bring you joy as they help Kara along her emotional journey.
Many thanks to Lake Union Publishing and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really liked this book - I have not read the first book in the series, but will do so after reading this one as I would like to know more about Kara's life and what brought her to the Wildflower House. With that said, I wasn't lost because I hadn't read the first book - it gave enough background so I understood what was going on. My favorite aspect of the book was how the author really painted a picture of the Wildflower House and its property. It made me wish that this was a real place that I could actually go and visit! I do hope there will be another book in the series as I would love to follow the progression of the Wildflower House as Kara continues the renovations and starts to welcome guests.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for providing a copy for review.

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Wow! Grace Greene has outdone herself with the Wildflower House series. The characters are so well defined you want to be friends with Kara. She had me cheering all the way through the book, hoping Kara’s undertaking with Wildfire House will be a success. Don’t miss these books! I am definitely hoping there will be at least one more book in this series!! I received an advanced complimentary copy of this books. Opinions expressed in this book are completely my own

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"You can't choose where you're born, but you can choose where to grow."
Wildflower Hope is the second book in The Wildflower House series by Grace Greene. I did not read the first book but now will be reading it.
This is the story of Kara's journey through hope, forgiveness, grief, friendships and personal healing.
The descriptions of the house and grounds made me feel as if I was walking through them with Kara. I was totally captivated by each room and outside area.
This was a beautifully written story.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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Really enjoyed this book. It delves into Karas life following the death of her father, and the relationships with everyone around her, including herself.
Grace Green traverses what is an emotional and delicate time, well. Considering the story matter, it isn't heavy going, yet the lighter touch does not diminish all Kara is going through.
I found the way the book encapsulated the life changes immediately before her fathers death, and made the intensity of feelings a focus for Kara to hang onto; showed how grief messes with our minds and makes things bigger than they are.
Well known good advice is not to make big decisions when grieving, yet Kara does exactly that, all the while doubting and second guessing her own thoughts and actions.
Her back story comes out within the novel itself, not ready made and handed to the reader in the first three pages as is often the case in novels. That made the book all the more enjoyable, I felt I continued to get to know Kara as she discovered who she was now, and how she now viewed everything elsein light of her own grieving.
If you enjoy reading a story that develops throughout a novel, with likable, fallible people; I would highly recommend this book

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When I found out that <b>Wildflower Hope</b> was the second book in The Wildflower House series I, of course, had to grab a copy of <b>Wildflower Heart</b> to read first. I empathized with Kara Lange Hart and all that she suffered: the devastation caused by her mother leaving her at age 14, learning that her husband wanted a divorce on the night of their sixth anniversary followed by a car accident resulting in his death and the loss of their unborn child, as well as the severe injuries Kara suffered in the accident. Kara had been forced to sell her marital home, enter rehab for continued physical therapy, was living with her father in Richmond VA and then learned he sold his business and was relocating to a small town and rehabbing a house. Kara and her father hadn't been in the house very long when her father suddenly dies. Now she's stuck with this house in the countryside and unsure of what to do next. Just when it seems like her life might be getting back on even keel, her burgeoning love life takes an unexpected twist, an old friend reveals a secret that Kara can't deal with, a new friend seems to want more than Kara may be able to give, and Kara's plans for the future of the Wildflower House may be a bit more than she can cope with at this point in her life. Can she move forward with so much angst and uncertainty in her life or should she simply return to the tried and true routine job from her past?

I enjoyed reading <b>Wildflower Heart</b> and <b>Wildflower Hope</b>. As previously stated, I initially empathized with all that Kara Lange Hart had to deal with in her life. This was partially due to the fact that her father seemed to have been a somewhat reserved and emotionally isolated man when Kara was young and raised Kara to be the same type of person. Unfortunately, Kara in addition to being a reserved and emotionally isolated person is one that dealt with a world that is black-and-white without any shades of gray. At times, she could be hyper-judgmental about those closest to her and somewhat prejudiced in her opinions of how people should behave or react in situations and circumstances. She apparently did this with her husband and with her best friend. It wasn't done to harm anyone, but apparently more of a defense mechanism in order to keep herself safe from being let down. I liked Kara's spunk and the zeal she put forth in working on the Wildflower House, but there were times when I didn't particularly like her and I think times she didn't particularly like herself. In many regards, I think <b>Wildflower Hope</b> can be seen as a coming-of-age story as much as it is a story of self-awareness, self-realization, friendship, love (romantic and otherwise), and hope for the future. I'm glad I got the chance to read <b>Wildflower Hope</b> and am hoping there will be more to come about The Wildflower House and Kara Lange Hart in the future.

I received a digital review copy from the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Wildflower Hope is a wonderful story of family, friendship and forgiveness. This second book in the Wildflower series is full of hope. Hope for the future of Wildflower House and hope that Kara can find her true self. This book follows Wildflower Heart, and although the author did a wonderful job of catching the reader up to the first book, I do recommend reading them in order. I truly enjoyed this beautifully written book. I honestly felt as if Wildflower House was just down the road! I highly recommend Wildflower Hope. It will not disappoint! Five sparkly stars!

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Wildflower Hope was a pleasure to read it deals with struggles and issues we all have felt or dealt with in our lives. Kara’s father had purchased wildflower house and she had moved in with him to heal and have a new start in their relationship. Her father dies unexpectedly and she is lost but the one thing she is sure of is holding on to wildflower house. She learns with help that it’s okay to let go of the past and move on, don’t let doubt and fears create unnecessary problems. Trust your instincts and live in the moment. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did. The characters will not only touch your heart but stay with you.

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This is the second book in a series.I enjoyed both books.I only gave 3 stars because it seemed slow at times.I kept waiting for some action.Maybe I was just not in the right frame of mind to read it at this time.

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I was so pleased to be able to read the sequel to Wildflower Heart, as I had really enjoyed, it, warmed to the characters and the situations.

Kara Hart has much to grieve over, from the death of her husband, after a car accident, in which she suffered multiple injuries, and the loss of her best friend who she thought was in cahoots with her husband. This is followed by the death of her father.
She seeks solace in the form of medications that threaten to push her over the edge.
On top of dealing with life, Kara has muddled relationships building with Seth, the neighbour who is working away, and Will, the Landscape gardener who is helping her realise her dreams, and assisting her in making her own father's hopes materialise too.

Author Grace Greene has tackled some extremely tough situations with a beautiful delicacy, such as loss, grief and addictions. Her descriptions are wonderful too. I could picture the wildflower fields and all the different locations in the book, which always adds to my enjoyment of a book!

A beautifully told tale and I can't wait to find out what is next in the Wildflower series!
Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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In this sequel to Wildflower Heart, Kara struggles to move past her father's death and renovate the historic home he'd recently purchased into an artists' retreat. At the same time, she must decide whether she can let go of the guy who's just moved across the country for his job -- and let new love in. Kara is more likable in this book than in the first in the series.

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