Member Reviews

After seeing several youtube videos of this author sermons and the way that he broke things down, I was very interested in reading this book. And it did not disappoint me. If only we did have a manual on relationships..but at least this one comes very close!

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I really enjoyed reading it! Solid advice and a nice read. It also made me reflect on certain aspects of my life and my relationship. I recommend it.

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I went into this one with high hopes and was majorly let down. This was not written from a solid biblical view like advertised and was mediocre advice, at best. There was nothing in it that stood out to me or was a light bulb moment or any information that isn’t already common sense. The secular song quotes added in are ridiculous and add so much cringe to this book.

Thank you WaterBrook & Multnomah, and NetGalley for a copy in return for my honest review.

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Rating: 3.5 stars

After watching his Relationship Goals series on YouTube and finding it to be an excellent resource for learning about relationships, I was eager to get my hands on the book. While I appreciated the relatable and conversational tone, I found the book to be just okay. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't outstanding, either. While I appreciated the author's transparency about his relationship, I didn't come across any new revelation or concept that could help me have a better relationship, something I hadn't already heard.

I think the hype around the book is primarily due to the author's following, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. However, as a relationship book, it falls short of being extraordinary. So, would I recommend this book to others? Yes and no, it would ultimately depend on the person.

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This is a book on relationships like no other. I love how conversational and relatable it is. Michael Todd was not afraid to speak the truth and he did so in a graceful way. Relationship Goals is not just about marriage and dating, but it dealt with singlehood and d one's relationship with God. I particularly loved how it spoke about sexual purity and soul ties.

It's a book I'd recommended to anyone.

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I definitely went into this book looking for some biblical teachings. Unfortunately, it wasn't for me. The book, coupled with Michael Todd smearing saliva on a church member, has left me questioning his theology as a whole. Quoting the song lyrics was an attempt to look more relatable but I felt it was cringe-worthy and even cheesy. Overall, this book wasn't for me but I am in the minority.

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Do you ever look at pictures of happy couples and think you want that for yourself? This book will give you real life ideas for making that happen. It shares looks at what different relationships mean why having a God centered relationship is the best for all relationships. I would recommend this book for anyone that is looking for a good Godly relationship.

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Michael Todd's relationship goals is a memoir/advice book sharing ideas on how to pursue singleness, dating, and marriage.

I would argue it was one of the worst books I have ever read on dating and would never suggest this book to anyone.

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Relationship Goals
by Michael Todd
Pub Date: April 28, 2020
Waterbrook Press

I heard about this book on Hoda and Jenna. They highly recommended it. I hate to say that I do not agree with some of his points or see that it is biblically-based. With that being said, it is important for us to run to the scriptures in good times and in bad times. It is important to take God's word literally and accept it as truth and out of love and fear for God that we follow His word.
Todd did give some good advice. But I will not be recommending his book at this time.
It was a huge disappointment to me after hearing it so boldly recommended on TV.
Thanks to NetGalley and Waterbrook Press for the ARC.
3 star

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I first heard about Relationship Goals when Michael Todd's sermons were going viral, but it wasn't until recently that I took the time to watch them. Gleaning so much fruit from each teaching (especially Rip Up Your List), I was excited to see if there were any more nuggets of wisdom to be found in the book. However, after finishing it, I am torn about what to write.

Starting strong, I wholeheartedly connected with Michael's approach to singleness and loved what he wrote about us needing to find our purpose and secure our foundation in Christ before searching for a spouse. Too often, we want to find a partner before discovering who we are. If I've learned anything from watching my friends do this, those relationships rarely fill the void of contentment and identity we're all looking for!

"We live in a world that has more and more relationships and less and less love. More and more sex and less and less intimacy." ~ Michael Todd

Nevertheless, apart from a few great points about intentional dating, this is where my review takes a nosedive.

While Michael Todd's entire purpose of this book is about bringing God back into the center of our relationships, I was confused about why he began each chapter with quotes from secular songs (which were the opposite of relationship goals) and even praised Beyonce as Queen Bey in certain parts — it all seemed very pop culture. Then came his philosophy of sex and marriage, and I bristled.

For decades, purity culture has taught Christians to associate sex with shame. While I applaud Michael for not shying away from this topic, I was disappointed that he didn't include much detail about Jesus washing away our sins and making us pure and clean! The whole concept of soul ties, while scientifically proven, should never be used to disgrace those who have been sexually active before marriage — especially if they've turned their lives to Jesus or are victims of rape or abuse!

As for the marriage element, oh lord, where do I begin? I thought we were past the age where women are solely responsible for keeping the house while men are the ones to keep a roof over their heads? Apparently not, according to this book. During a section called "what men and women really need," co-written with Michael's wife Natalie, I was stunned at some of the advice given! After admitting that he was terrible with household chores, Natalie advised wives to praise their husbands' efforts when they are seen doing domestic tasks, suggesting that praise will encourage them to do more!! What?! Sure, we all need to encourage one another and appreciate the work our spouses do; but, manipulating our spouses with compliments so they'll feel good and want to do more housework is a tactic we use on children, not mature adults! And, lastly, the real icing on the cake was when the Todds explained how men have a higher sex drive than women, so wives should have sex with their husbands whenever they want; otherwise, their husbands will be tempted to turn to other avenues like porn or affairs!! I'm not making this up! How are either of these philosophies living by faith with Christ at the center?! If a man does chores, it is not a wife's responsibility to praise him and give him a gold star every time to make him feel good. If a man cheats, the shame should not fall on the wife. My word!!

*deep breath*

In conclusion, I do not think I can recommend this book. There were too many problems that could not be looked over. Nevertheless, I would suggest watching the Relationship Goals YouTube series — which is a more Biblically based and profound version of this book, in my opinion. My last word of advice: take caution when reading any relationship books and pray about concepts before applying them to your life!

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Cliche. Common sense. Flippant. And from both a theological and "kindness" standpoint... problematic in several ways.

As a Christian, I don't appreciate when a pastor writes a book that talks down to a group of people (in this, singles), writes as if he understands and is an expert on something he is not (he relates to singles but started dating his wife at age 15 and married in early 20s), or holds up marriage as the ideal to work toward/hope for.

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I wish there were books like these when I was coming up and entering the dating scene! I feel like this one would be a good read for the youth/young adults who are getting to know themselves and others when it comes to forming relationships. I like Mike Todd's conversational tone in this book and how so much of what he says is relatable. After a while, the book became harder and harder for me to finish. Perhaps as a married woman, I was hoping there would be more about marriage goals within these pages.

Overall, I think it would be refreshing for younger adults who are Christian and are learning to navigate through romantic relationships.

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I really enjoyed this book and based on where I am in my life it served as a reminder and confirmation for me. This book is great to have if you're single however it can also be helpful if you're in a dating or married relationship as I think we can all gain something relevant to us. It was an easy read and I would recommend reading the scriptures yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you to you based on where you are in your life. I would recommend this book to young people as it can be really helpful as you think about dating and possibly marriage.

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I just couldn’t get over the way Todd wrote. He was trying so hard to be relevant that it was cringey and uncool.

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This is a great book. Recommend to all married, engaged or single people. This book will really be a great edition and help in so many ways.

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Great book for those in the early stages of dating or looking to date and be married. I found some of the tips weren't completely helpful for those already in solid relationships. Having watched his sermon series, this does a great job of combining those videos in book form. I would have liked a bit more scripture.

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I listened to Pastor Michael Todd's Relationship Goals Reloaded series from Transformation Church and it has a lot of good morsels in it. This book had some overlap between the two but did find some usual information which can apply not just to dating relationships but all kinds of relationships we experience in lives. It read the way that he preaches too which was really cool because that is something I enjoy in non fiction books at times which I don't read a lot of. I could see this being helpful for a variety of people experiencing multiple seasons of life.

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I couldn't get into this book. Not well written. Sometimes those who have an auditory gift for healing cannot translate that same gift to paper. I wouldn't recommend it to those who need guidance.

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I liked how the author started off by sharing a few pictures from his childhood, it was a fun way of getting to know him. I appreciated that. I first saw Pastor Michael Todd on T.V. I was encouraged by what he shared. It was real and practical. He shared from his heart. It made me want to read this book.

The author shares that singleness may be the most important part of the relationship process. It is the best chance you have at being the best you. Whole and complete on your own before you get married. It is a way to take the time needed to understand yourself better, to learn about relationships and set goals. He talks about how that time we spend in self-work benefits all our relationships. It is easier to work on the ugly side of ourselves too. He agrees it’s tough at first, but no one can do the self-work for you. Everyone benefits when we continue to do self-work throughout our lives. We are all a work in progress.

I liked how he talked about loving your neighbor as yourself. He shares the fact that we can only love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. He says, “If you devalue yourself you will treat others that way too. You can only love yourself when you learn about how much God loves you. You are his masterpiece.”

I liked how he put this, “No matter your age or current situation, everyone is dealing with some type of relationship.” Isn’t that true.

He says, “The first goal is to have a relationship with God.” I liked that he talks about your aim, purpose, your target and goals for yourself and others we are in relationship with. Some relationships need to be worked on; others need to be cut loose.

This book is easy to read because of the contemporary writing style and the relatable examples. Todd’s zealousness for this topic shines through his words. He is transparent about his testimony and in sharing heart felt biblical principles. This book benefits everyone.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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Very well thought out and clear and concise information that lines up Biblically and it is to help you in your relationships and it give you something to ponder on and you can go to scripture and look for yourself to make sure it lines up with the Word of God.
Michael Todd is gifted in how he speaks and writes to make it clear understanding to anyone.

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