Member Reviews

This was humorous. I caught myself relating to this thought process fast more than I imagined.
Good entertainment

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The Lazy Genius Way is an entertaining read full of tips, smart ideas, a release of pressure, and some great personal stories. Adachi has a friendly likeable tone, and I have taken away some great ideas from this book as someone who is often far too ‘all or nothing’.

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I won’t lie— I requested this book specifically because my husband calls me a “lazy genius.” This book really resonated with me. I appreciated that the tone wasn’t authoritative or preachy, but rather encouraged the reader to use what works for them. It has helped me prioritize and say no to the things that aren’t important to me.

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The cover of the Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi was the first thing that drew me into the book, and the tag line was the second. “Embrace what matters, ditch what doesn’t, and get stuff done” is the perfect description of what you will learn from this book. Adachi speaks directly to the reader as she details her own struggles, how she tackled them, and imparts wisdom and lessons with realism and humor. This self-help book is unlike any other self-help book that I’ve read. It feels like getting advice from an old friend, without guilt or judgement. The advice that Adachi gives is realistic and allows people to be humans that make mistakes and take time to change their behaviors. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and learning from it. At a time where we all may be facing a lot of pressure this book is a breath of fresh air and a reminder that it is okay to take things step by step.
Thank you to the publisher WaterBrook & Multnomah and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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No other "self help" book has ever come close to having the impact on my life that The Lazy Genius Way has. I use the principles on a daily basis, and doing so allows me to feel like myself. The practical applications of the ideas in this book are endless. What a gift!

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I loved this book. It was like receiving a big sister pep talk with a healthy dose of practicality. My only wish was for more practical examples of applying the principles!

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I picked up The Lazy Genius Way because I was intrigued by the concept of "embracing what matters and ditching what doesn't." While the book did have some helpful tips and strategies for simplifying various aspects of my life, I ultimately found myself underwhelmed. I didn't always feel like the author was offering me anything particularly groundbreaking or new.

That being said, there were a few sections of the book that really resonated with me. I appreciated Adachi's emphasis on setting realistic priorities and learning to say "no" to things that aren't truly important. I also liked her emphasis on taking small, manageable steps towards achieving your goals, rather than trying to overhaul your entire life all at once.

Overall, I'd say that The Lazy Genius Way is a decent read for anyone looking to simplify their life and focus on what matters most. While it wasn't necessarily a game-changer for me personally, I can see how it might be helpful for others. If you're looking for a quick, easy read with some practical tips and a friendly, conversational tone, this could be a good choice.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This is a great book that helps you prioritize what matters & get rid of the rest! I loved the author’s tone and the recaps & small steps at the end of each chapter to help you apply the techniques to your life in a way you can make work.

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Kendra Adachi had given us such a freeing self-help book, it doesn’t tell you what to do, just to be intentional in what you choose to do. Her writing is encouraging, accessible, relatable, and fun to read! Highly recommend if you feel overwhelmed in life, and even if you feel like you have everything together, it’s a wonderful tool to have in your tool belt.

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One of the biggest takeaways that I took from reading The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi is to approach my creativity and productivity in small bites. I tend to be hyperfocused and dive deep and hard into my creative projects but then end up in burnout. So scheduling myself after batching the work is important to reinvigorate my creativity. This text was helpful in following through by working in small chunks. If a reader needs to structure themselves, not because they're lazy but because they need to approach completion in their own way and on their own time, this is the book that will help them.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Kendra is such a delight. I feel like she really gets it. Self help books really tend to be- this is what works for me and you should do it too. Kendra understands that its really up to each person to take the best and leave the rest. Figure out what is important to you and do that. Her tips are so easy to use and memorable. I just thought this book was so helpful.

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Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the eARC!

After reading manyyy self-help books, I've realised that they mostly say the same thing, but the way they say it is different. This isn't necessarily bad, this could very well mean that this particular version will connect to someone else. First of all, I have to say, I love the name of the book and that was the main reason why I requested it. This book did have some new ways of saying things, but overall, it wasn't exactly my cup of tea— sorry!

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A lot of similar messages to other self-help, productivity books just re-packaged in a simple, conversational manner. Kendra's writing is easy to relate to and her personal style makes her principles practical to apply to day-to-day life. I didn't find any of it life-changing but mostly confirmed things I've learned and read in other places. I can see how freeing it would be to read this without having any exposure to these ideas previously.

Thanks for an advance copy from NetGalley!

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A quick read and done concepts worth exploring. Somewhat geared towards moms (or many examples) but some good case studies at THD end that were more generic. Would need to buy the book because there are alot of ideas here that you just won't remember (I just finished it and csntvlistvtgemnout!).

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Lazy and Genius? I was sold from the title of this book. Thanks to NetGalley for the copy for the purpose of this review. I'm giving it 5 stars.

Easy to understand and super helpful tips for streamlining your life. Each chapter provided a lot of information to make sense of the "noise" in the day-to-day. I loved the ideas for making up your mind in regards to what's really important and what you can get rid of.

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I liked it and found it to be a motivating read in a season of packing and moving again. It had some overlap with Atomic Habits...maybe like the Christian-mommy-blogger version of atomic habits. The book is actionable and not overwhelming.

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A great go-to resource for when life burns you out. It's a laidback and fun read that could really help change your life.

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I rely don't like to leave negative reviews but this book really wasn't for me. I couldn't get gripped sorry

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Loved this! I love listening to her podcast & so it was only apparent I read this book. Many helpful tips & tricks on how to lazy genius your way with your life. Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for this ARC!

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I am a big fan! I need more practical ideas in my life and more reasonable goals. This book was easy to read and still helpful. Definitely recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and Kendra Adachi!

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