Member Reviews

It wasn't too provocative nor interesting as I thought it would.
More i knew from the internet, about him, or from the netflix show. I hoped for better reading experience.

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This was a good consolidated examination of what we knew about Epstein's life and criminal activities shortly after his death. The book definitely felt rushed, and I know the authors we're trying to write quickly to capitalize on the hubbub surrounding Epstein's death. The book brushed against the various conspiracies, examining against the facts to see if they hold water. I wouldn't consider it a definitive resource, but if you've ever wondered if Epstein's death might not be what we were told it was, this is worth reading.

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This is a good summary of the Jeffrey Epstein case beginning to finish. However, if you were well apprised of what was happening as the case unfolded, this book likely won't have any new information for you. Four stars for the research and display. If it had included newer information, it would have received five stars because it was excellently written.

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Very well researched book. Full of facts regarding how Jeffrey Epstein rose to the levels of wealth and status he did and how he was allowed to abuse his power and multiple women/children along the way. The writers laid out the details of his death in a factual and unbiased way, allowing the reader to make up their own mind about the circumstances surrounding his 'suicide'. Very interesting read.

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Wowza, what a hard book to read. If you are interested in Epstein and his suicide and possibly coverup, then I don’t think you will really get what you’re wanting. If you are instead wanting all the info on the case and what money and the power that comes with allows some to get away with, then grab a copy. It’s a hard read at times (most times), so if you have triggers definitely look away. It’s a very sad case, which really had some insight into Epstein and his wealthy friends and how they used, abused, and treated women. It’s definitely one in which you realize, if he was murdered and it covered up, he deserved it 1000%. Recommend you those who love true crime and want more info on Jeffrey Epstein and his heinous behavior.
Will make sure to tell other true crime fans about, as well as use my low Amazon reviewer number to review.

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Wowza, what a hard book to read. If you are interested in Epstein and his suicide and possibly coverup, then I don’t think you will really get what you’re wanting. If you are instead wanting all the info on the case and what money and the power that comes with allows some to get away with, then grab a copy. It’s a hard read at times (most times), so if you have triggers definitely look away. It’s a very sad case, which really had some insight into Epstein and his wealthy friends and how they used, abused, and treated women. It’s definitely one in which you realize, if he was murdered and it covered up, he deserved it 1000%. Recommend you those who love true crime and want more info on Jeffrey Epstein and his heinous behavior.
Will make sure to tell other true crime fans about, as well as use my low Amazon reviewer number to review.

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Interesting. I thought that this gave an overall good time line. I thought they did a really good job providing background as context for what actually happened. This was not covered in great detail on the news or other media outlets.
I feel like the plot thickens now that Maxwell has been arrested also. I will be interested to see what happens next. I thought it was really cool to read this in real time as the case is ongoing.

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After watching the Netflix documentary I was eager to read this book. The author didn’t disappoint. The book raised questions about the cause of death and those that may have been involved. It also confirms the power of those with money!

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A Convenient Death is a review of Epstein’s "alleged" suicide, interviewing many of Epstein’s associates, parsing court documents and filings, as well as detailing his connections to numerous high-profile individuals, all of whom had reason to fear whatever secrets Epstein could reveal under pressure~
Did someone say...."Clintons"? His influential and equally filthy rich 'pals'...I guess are now safe~
I really enjoyed this book~

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The Jeffrey Epstein saga of the past few years has been interesting to a “news junkie” such as myself. “A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein” written by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper, is a well-researched look at the life and recent death of this notorious man. The book reviews the facts, and the suppositions, surrounding Epstein’s death while in a prison cell awaiting trial. The authors also take us on a “magical mystery tour” of Epstein’s opulent lifestyle and many of his famous contacts. But was most interesting is the author’s argument that Epstein’s wealth was mainly due to his becoming a Rasputin-type figure in the life of the billionaire Leslie Wexner. For those watching the news each day much of the information was a review; for those others you will be fascinated, and perhaps a bit horrified, by this tale. Thanks to NetGalley for the joy of reading “A Convenient Death.”

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Thorough piece on the Epstein scandal with some new detail including the bombshell claim that Ghislaine Maxwell was having an affair with Bill Clinton. Here's the piece I wrote

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An interesting and fast read,but not really too much new information if you have read Filthy Rich by James Patterson. Did someone murder Jeffrey Epstein? Probably. He made a lot of enemies in his lifetime. He was nothing but a con artist throughout his life. He never learned after the sweet deal he got in his Florida conviction.

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An interesting look at the death of an evil man. If you have been following the news, this book will be a great summary of what happened and the theories at play. As I've been living in AU recently, I didn't know much about Epstein. This starts with a look at the circumstances surrounding his death and I was left wondering who he was. However, they delve into his background and life in the second section. I was also wondering where his money came from, as I read, and that question was addressed as well. So if you have been living under a rock, or in AU and avoiding US news, then this book will give a comprehensive overview of the man and the mystery surrounding his death. The writing could have been tighter but it was definitely interesting and a very quick read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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I didn’t see the Netflix docuseries, but I sure enjoyed this book. I only vaguely knew the major points of the Epstein story and this book was perfect for filling in the details of the story. It’s so well researched it filled me in perfectly on all the backstory I’ve wondered about. It tells about Epstein’s earlier years, how he got his start, what he does for a living, all of that. It also covers the juicy stuff that’s gotten him in trouble previously when he had to go to court and did a plea deal, and also the more current problems he was again facing that had him in the lockup that he never left.

I don’t know what you will think after reading it, but I don’t believe he committed suicide. I think his important friends weren’t willing to risk him talking. Or playing some blackmail games if the camera stories are true. It’s all moot now, of course…but so much speculating went on for a time. This is certainly a book of the times, and a good one to get your mind off the current Covid-19 stuff for a while. Advanced electronic review copy was provided by NetGalley, authors Alana Goodman & Daniel Halper, and the publisher.

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Well researched and racily written review and analysis of the events leading up to the death of Jeffrey Epstein.

The facts and evidence are all laid out clearly for the reader to allow him or her to make up their own mind about what actually happened.

Lots of interviews from friends and associates make this an interesting and topical read.

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Hmm this book was pretty much discussing a lot about what happened to the girls and whether Epstein killed himself or was murdered, either way I can't say I am to invested with a lot of the things he did but it was a interesting read and detailed look at what happened. Defo read if you are interested in this topic, but trigger warming too surrounding abuse as it discusses this a lot.

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I was expecting to read a book focused on the coverup of the jailhouse murder of a notorious inmate. What I found instead was more of a repetition of all the ways that Jeffery Epstein and his powerful friends misused girls, didn’t see it as wrong, and expected to get away with it. The further into the book I got, I found myself asking “ Why would I care whether this sexual predator was murdered or committed suicide?” Either way, it seems that teenage girls around the world are better off for having him gone.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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It seems like we have been inundated with so much information about Epstein and his sordid dealings / predatory lifestyle that another book might be superfluous except have we? When one looks at all of the disparate information we have been spoon fed (after careful selection of course) and all of the careful handling of the big names found by the FBI that are not and will not be public knowledge thanks to a corrupt system that values money over justice - we haven't been told anything of value or importance.

The names being bandied about publicly aren't unfamiliar for their depravity or predatory behaviour so to have them associated with Epstein isn't shocking. His death in custody? Even less shocking.

The glory of this book - the real glory of it - is how sharply all of the information is presented - and how critically. The authors are thorough with what they have and some of the information they provide is really new by way of conversations etc. I also really loved how they let the commentary from Cindy McCain stand for itself. Another standout piece? When they discuss all of the shenanigans surrounding his death in a supposedly secure jail. The behaviour of those in charge of this predator's continued safety behind bars (especially after one supposed failed suicide attempt) isn't just laughable; it makes the keystone kops look fantastic. These two authors do a fantastic job of basically saying what everyone is thinking.

This is an excellent read - I highly recommend it but be warned, it makes for some infuriating moments when it is laid out again and again and again how he got away with everything for so long.

Publisher: Please note that this review has appeared on good reads with a note that I received an ARC

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This was a very well written book. Unfortunately, whether Mr. Epstein was murdered or committed suicide is irrelevant. He's just another dead scum ball. Good riddance.

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A Convenient Death is an exhaustive and detailed investigation into the death (and life) of Jeffrey Epstein. The book does a thorough review of Epstein’s alleged suicide, interviewing many of Epstein’s associates, parsing court documents and filings, as well as detailing his connections to numerous high-profile individuals, all of whom had possible reason to fear whatever secrets Epstein may have known. Those “secrets” conveniently went to the grave with Epstein. The authors, although leaning slightly to the right, do a fairly balanced job of presenting the facts, and let the reader decide for themselves not just how Epstein died, but who, if anyone, may be complicit. Fascinating and intriguing read.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through @NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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