Member Reviews

I stumbled across Resilient on NetGalley and requested it since I have enjoyed other books by the author. However, this book ended up being more than just “another book by an author I enjoy”. Resilient is the book I NEEDED to read at this moment, and I had no idea. Eldredge puts his skills as a longtime Christian counselor to use to clearly articulate the way that world events of the past 5 years impact us personally on a psychological and spiritual level, as well as on a societal level. Reading this book has helped me better understand my own actions and longings, as well as those of others. Eldredge’s explanation of how today’s world circumstances fit what Jesus told us to expect in the end times is unlike any other explanation I’ve read before and makes crystal clear why resilience has eternal implications. I close the final pages of this book feeling the need to act yet also greatly comforted and hopeful for the future. I’ve already ordered a physical copy for myself and another to share. THIS IS A MUST READ FOR ALL CHRISTIANS.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book was amazing. Great biblical truths. Definitely left me with lots of meat to think about. This was the first book from this author I have read and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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This was a terrific read. It was packed with Biblicsl references and prayers to prayer along with that were very life-giving. It was inspiring to read and be refreshed after the pandemic and issues we all faced which the author addresses well. I especially enjoyed the 2nd half on the book, for me it seemed to flow better. I am glad I stcuck with it.

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By: John Eldredge

Non-Fiction,Christian, Self-Help

Favorite Quotes:

“Salvation is a process, not an event.”

“Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough” (Matthew 13:33 NLT). Yeast gets into the dough and slowly works its way through the entire batch. The promise is this: the goodness of Jesus will work its way through your entire being. Jesus is the yeast.”

“Remember—the battle right now is for the narrative; who gets to frame the story for you? Either it will be God, or someone else. If you are “alarmed,” something has drawn your attention away from the story of God. Let your fears, anxieties, anger, or rage alert you that you’ve been taken hostage; stop and get your bearings.”

Summary/ Review:
John Eldredge has quickly become one of my favorite authors. Although Resilient is not my favorite of his writings, it is a beautiful, refreshing read on how to build resilience by doing hard things in life, specifically Post-Covid. Through scriptures and prayers the author takes those who may be feeling drained or burned out, on a faith filled journey to which allows readers to remember that God should be at the center of our lives, every day.

Thank you to John Eldredge, Nelson Books, and NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

#alanahighbury #netgalley

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This book is written by John Eldredge during and following the COVID-19 debacle. It is a book written for those who are discouraged, and need to be encouraged. Eldredge writes an excellent book dealing with the thoughts we have in our heads and hearts as we struggle to establish a new normal in our life. Each chapter of the book begins with a story and ends with a time of reflection. As you go through the book you will be encouraged to spend time and contemplation and thoughtfulness about how you can be resilient and survive your new normal.

In chapter 9, John takes the time to allow us to write a prescription with Jesus. These steps we take to overcome our surroundings through a relationship with God. Resilient is an excellent book that I have enjoyed and will refer back to many times.

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John talks about why resiliency matters and how we build it, particularly post-pandemic but also in all of life's trials. He gives prayers at the end of each chapter to take what written and make it personal.

While it is not only pandemic focused, using all sorts of stories to demonstrate the need for resiliency, I do wonder how if the impact will be as meaningful as we get farther from that moment in history as it is heavily based off of that global experience. I found myself as I was reading thinking "I wish I would have been reading this in the throws of 2020/2021" when I was feeling what was being described then.

I think this book will be important for anyone going through personal trauma even outside of national/global issues and holds good content for all of us. However it was not my favorite of Eldredge's books.

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This book was fantastic. It discussed resilience, how the pandemic affected our mental/physical reserves, and how our "have it now" culture has attributed to a decline in resilience--all within the first few chapters! This book is great for those who feel worn out, burned out, and in need of a soul re-calibration. It encourages readers to focus on the story of Jesus and to make that the priority. A great book.

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I didn’t even realize how tired and empty my soul was until I read this book. I have been on a journey of healing my soul and this book came into my hands at the right time. Not only did it nourish my soul and highlight where it was fractured, it also gave me insight into how to surrender those broken places and lean into God.

I appreciated the practical application of Bible truths and I have put them into practice on a daily (almost daily) basis. As a result I have noticed healing and grace in my soul (and my life).

I highly recommend this book (even if you don’t think your soul is wounded).

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced edition. Review and opinions are entirely my own.

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This book is the kind that will have you reaching for your highlighter and page flags without a doubt. It's a compelling read with a natural flow that just makes sense. I've personally found myself revisiting numerous sections, almost like savoring the wisdom within. What truly resonates with me is the practical guidance it offers for nurturing a deeper relationship with Jesus.

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In Resilient, John Eldredge helps readers to bounce back to get their strength back after feeling weary and worn down. In the book, he explained the roles of camels and how they have incredible stamina and strength. They can carry their passengers across the hot desert lands. They can go without for long periods of time. But when they choose to die, they simple kneel and die. He compared this to how human also hide behind the Achilles heel. We are good at rising above calamity until one day we no longer can. We burn out and struggle to keep going on. We are still dealing with the effects of Covid-19 and how this is brought its own traumas. He shared how he worked with his staff during this and asked them how their wellbeing was going. They admitted to only living their lives in about 30 % of their normal strength. He asked readers what they would do if we went through another one how would we respond to it.

He explained how we need to have mental resilience and be prepared for the end of age. It is estimated that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled by the end of 2022 or a little after that. Scriptures declare that Jesus’ testimony will be preached in every nation. In 2015, it was estimated to have been about 1,400 groups without any Christians located there. All of this is supposed to be changed soon and God’s word will be shared soon all over the world. He shared how we as Christians need to be more concerned with reading scriptures and studying than watching social media. It is also so easy to get lure into watching the news daily and consuming ourselves with everything that is happening. He shared how we can keep the right perspective and focus on some key scriptures to help us in our journey. This included walking through the darkest valleys and knowing that God will protect us without any doubt.

I would recommend this awesome book about resilient and dealing with the emotional pain you are facing and choosing to rediscover joy again. I really enjoyed how he included two ways you can recover. The first way is reconnecting with our love and stating our devotion to Jesus again. The second is creating a space to let our soul breathe and let Jesus be at the center of our lives. I also liked how he shared that he designed an app named the pause app. This app goal is to help us to pause and refind resilience and get strength from Jesus in our day-to-day walk. This app is a great additional to this book and they do go together. I immensely was touched by the topic of how imperative it is for athletes to recover and how this is so important where we won’t injury ourselves. We can heal from our trauma by following this guide and pretend we are answering these questions to a therapist. I really believe this section was very powerful and it will assist us in dealing with our angry, fears, and hurts.

"I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”

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I read Resilient with a group of women doing this study. The book deals with life after the Covid-19 Pandemic and how to restore our soul and develop a closer relationship with God/Jesus. John Eldredge points out that just moving on and pretending all is okay, will not restore our soul, but put a band-aid on it. Using scripture, literature, and personal experience he shows us how others have either been successful or not based on their actions and decisions. This book will help you find the resilience you long for when the world has gone mad--and discover in Jesus himself the strength that prevails. Two lines in scripture that reverberate for me after reading this book are, "Fear Not" and "Do Not Worry" as we need to bring our fears and worries to God.

I liked the way this book was laid out. Each chapter has a lesson or step to restoring our souls and developing resilience, then gives practical application and prayer. The prayers are a beautiful part of this book which makes it more relatable. He refers often to the "Pause" app, which I did download. I am going to go through the 30 Days to Resilient (I have started and am enjoying it). If you are looking for a book to help you recover from all the losses, rushes and disappointments in life, I recommend you pick up John Eldredge's Resilient. There is also a study guide that you can use and Videos that make the book even more usable and relatable.

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Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Times
by John Eldredge
Pub Date 07 Jun 2022 |
Nelson Books, Thomas Nelson
Christian | Religion & Spirituality

Through Nelson Books and Netgalley, I am reviewing a copy of Resilient

There is an inherent longing in the human soul for joy, beauty, and all things that are good. However, in recent years, that craving for life has been severely diminished. You are invited to join New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge as he gives you the tools you need to follow Jesus' path of supernatural resilience so you can reclaim your joy, strengthen your heart, and thrive in spite of the storm.

There is a shortage of peace, happiness, and strength today due to the false promises of ease and comfort on the one hand, and the sheer trauma of global disease and disasters on the other. With Resilient, Eldredge reveals a path toward true recovery and resilience through the person of Jesus.

By incorporating wisdom from Scripture and Christian tradition, and illustrated throughout with compelling stories of grit and survival, Resilient will help you:

Recover from the trauma of COVID-19 Pandemic!

Take advantage of the river of life that God promises to his people

It takes time and intentionality to truly recover from spiritual and emotional trauma

Develop a plan to foster resilience in your daily activities

We are able to find deep wells of freedom and strength through Christ who lives within us

The ability to thrive requires a resilient soul. The purpose of this book is to help you discover the strength that prevails in Jesus himself when the world has gone

I give Resilient five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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As a fan of John Eldredge, Resilient was everything I was hoping it would be. The past few years have been so much for so many, and the world seems in disrepair, but there is hope for a brighter future. Don't lose heart and be encouraged.
This book is a must read for everyone. I read it to myself, I read it to my children out loud, I recommended it to all my friends and students.

Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of Resilient by John Eldredge

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John Eldredge has always been a giant in christian education. I have enjoyed many of his books in the past. I ended up listening to this one on audiobook. It was read by the author and he was able to ad lib in some places.

I really enjoyed this book. There were many eye opening views that I had never considered. I wish I had a book copy so I could underline so many things. I might have to buy the book soon.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book. All opinions are my own.

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This summer I was having some trouble with anxiety and found this book, Resilient, Restoring Your Weary Soul in these Turbulent Times by John Eldredge. I found it extremely helpful and encouraging during this stressful time. As a Christian, I needed a reminder of the difficulties during the time period of Covid and that it was ok to be stressed out. It drew me back to God's presence through Scripture, Christian traditions and practical experiences. If you like the book, there is also a Bible Study, video series and app that goes along with it. I really enjoyed the app and used if for a couple of months.

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This book was very, very timely. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was very challenged. The Word says in the last days there will be a great falling away, and the love of many will grow cold. I think we are seeing that in our post-pandemic world, and we as believers desperately need resilience to endure to the end. Where I usually hear a call to endure the great apostasy from fire and brimstone prophets or evangelists, it was a really different experience receiving that same message from an exhorter and counselor. I think I'll probably read it again soon.

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- This book. I have to confess that I am biased because I haven’t come across a book by John Eldredge yet that I haven’t been challenged, encouraged, and inspired by. The truths contained in these pages, are exactly what my soul needs. It is exactly what we need for this time. This was written for every heavy or broken heart. The drained, the weary, the hopeless. The ones who have lost the desire to move! The answer isn’t to push harder, pretend to be stronger, and ignore what is going on emotionally. This book gives the answers and I highly recommend it. I’d also recommend checking out the audiobook (read by the author and he adds even more nuggets) and also his Pause app, where he has 30 Days to Resilient to go through for free!

Huge Thank You to NetGalley for an opportunity to read this book!!

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Resilient is a call to trust in the sovereignty of God by placing our hope in truth. Similar to the man who builds his house on the rock of Christ, Resilient gives readers tools to help push away anxiety and fear, and rest in the person and work of Christ.

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Did the pandemic leave you feeling weary, uncertain or with a sense of loss? John Eldredge’s new book Resilient speaks to our cultures lack of devotion to the Lord and that we need to live for the Lord not our own pursuits. Our lives need to focus on eternity instead of the chaos/turmoil that surrounds us daily.
This is such a great book, aptly written for today’s times.
Thank you NetGallery for my ARC.

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What a powerful book! The whole world has faced challenges during these last two years leaving many people depleted. This book provides many helpful exercises focused on building back our resilience in different facets of our lives. I used many of the exercises in the book as I read and have purchased the book to read again and continue to practice what this book preaches. I'm stronger now emotionally, mentally, and spiritually because of reading!

Thank you NetGalley for providing this book for an honest review.

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